Sunday, August 18, 2013

Life-and-death danger for men on BPH drugs

Cancer Defeated Publications

Warning to Men on Drugs for Enlarged Prostate: They've been Linked to Cancer!

    Some of the latest news about some popular prostate drugs links them to cancer. If confirmed true, it's disastrous news indeed, because about half of all men in their sixties have enlarged prostate (BPH), and as many as 90 percent of men in their seventies and eighties suffer from it.

    American men are bombarded day and night with commercials urging us to take prescription drugs for BPH, and millions have heeded the call.

    Are we in the middle of a massive health catastrophe? Let's take a look. I also have somegood news about BPH and cancer, and you don't see much of that, so keep reading!

Continued below. . .

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    In June 2011, the Food and Drug Administration issued an official warning1 about an increased risk of high-grade prostate cancer linked to the drugs finasteride (Proscar) and dutasteride (Avodart).

    They even went on to update the Warnings and Precautions section of labels for this class of drugs known as 5-alpha reductase inhibitors (alpha blockers).

    Just so you're clear on some of the brand names, Avodart, Jalyn, and Proscar are approved to treat symptoms of prostate swelling — benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH.

    And small doses of another drug, Propecia, are approved to treat hair loss in men. Propecia and Proscar are both brand names for finasteride.

    Dunno about you… but I'd think twice before swallowing anything that's sporting the "may cause cancer" label! I think I'd rather go bald, or deal with the frequent urination caused by BPH.

    Now if you have a taste for irony, you'll love this: Just a few months before this announcement, the FDA put the kybosh on plans to market these drugs as ones that could help PREVENT prostate cancer!

    For a change, Big Pharma got a much-needed smackdown in December 2010.

    GlaxoSmithKline, maker of dutasteride (brand name Avodart), wanted to add language to the label indicating the drug's ability to reduce prostate cancer risk in men who:
  • Had a prior negative biopsy, and
  • Have an elevated PSA.
    Instead, the FDA Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee voted 17-0 that GlaxoSmithKline's dutasteride and Merck's finasteride should NOT be used to prevent prostate cancer. Why?

    They said the drugs had been linked to a higher incidence of high-grade tumors. At least now we'll be spared a barrage of commercials claiming these drugs are cancer answers.

    The FDA decided that any benefits seen in the reduction of less-risky tumors were outweighed by the development of more life-threatening cancers is some subjects.

    Despite the risks from these drugs, many men still take them when seeking relief from a swollen prostate. Here's why…
Are you battling a bulging prostate?
    Here are a few key facts to know about your prostate gland:
  • It's about the size of a walnut and located just under your bladder
  • It surrounds part of the urethra—the tube that carries urine from the bladder and out of the body
  • Thousands of prostate cells supply fluids that are part of semen
  • The prostate has two major growth spurts -- during puberty and in your young manhood
    A healthy, mature prostate should remain the size of a walnut. At most, a healthy prostate may grow to the size of a small plum.

    But if your prostate grows much bigger than that (as most do, the older you get), then you can experience serious discomfort and problems with urination.

    What's worse, an overgrown prostate can put the squeeze on nerves that help control your erections. This can make it difficult—if not impossible—to perform sexually.

    But here's a good question (and one I've often wondered about): Does BPH mean you're at greater risk of cancer? Not necessarily…
BPH doesn't mean cancer
    Keep in mind that the "B" in BPH stands for "benign." It means the growth is non-cancerous. Scientists have not been able to determine for sure whether prostate swelling is a precursor to prostate cancer.

    All the same, BPH symptoms can mimic those related to malignant abnormal cell growth, such as:
  • Slow or weak urine stream
  • Pushing or straining to begin passing urine
  • Blood in your urine caused by straining to void
    In time, these problems can cause your bladder to become more irritable… to contract even when it only has a small amount of urine… and give you more frequent and sudden urges to pee. No doubt you've seen those commercials with older men dashing for the nearest restroom all day long, or getting up several times a night to urinate.

    It's annoying. But it's not cancer.

    And here's more good news if you're experiencing any of these symptoms…
Dangerous drugs are NOT your only option!
    Prescriptions for BPH drugs can be expensive and may produce unwanted side effects such as headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and even sudden fainting. A large number of men also report a loss of sex drive, and some say it doesn't come back even after they stop taking the drug.

    We covered this simmering scandal in our Special Report Maximum Manhood. If I say so myself, every man over 40 should read this report. It not only covers the dangers of prescription BPH drugs, but it goes over all your natural treatment options.

    The report also covers testosterone supplements (natural AND prescription) in greater depth than any other publication you can find. It just so happens that getting your testosterone up may bring you relief from BPH and the never-ending trips to the bathroom.Click here to learn more.

    I would avoid taking BPH drugs. And in fact I DO avoid it. I'm in the midst of trying the most widely recommended natural solutions for BPH. No success so far, I have to tell you. But I do know they work for some men. They're worth a try. And meanwhile I'm going to keep looking for one that works for me.

    Maximum Manhood covers the natural BPH solutions in depth, but here are some of the best-known ones:
  1. Saw Palmetto— According to the American Family Physician Journal, many studies have proven saw palmetto remarkably effective at shrinking an enlarged prostate. No guarantees, but some men do have success with it.
  2. Selenium—Dr. Larry Clark of the University of Arizona headed a landmark 10-year study which showed selenium reduced abnormal cell growth in the prostate by a remarkable 63 percent.
  3. Nettleeliminates up to 86 percent of prostate symptoms! According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, Urtica dioica—or stinging nettle—has been called a natural finasteride for slowing prostate cell growth. I haven't tried this yet, but it's on my list.
  4. Pumpkin seedsreduce prostate-enlarging DHT! According to Preventionmagazine, the phytosterols in pumpkin seeds may help shrink the prostate. These seeds contain chemicals that prevent testosterone from changing into DHT. High levels of DHT are associated with an enlarged prostate.
    There are a number of high-quality supplements that contain some or all of these (and many other natural substances) to help keep your prostate growth in check.
Cancer Defeated Publications

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