Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Did a Leading Cancer Doctor Really Admit This?

If you asked oncologists what they really think of cancer treatments, you’d be shocked.
According to one report, when a leading doctor at the Sloan‐Kettering Cancer Center found out that he had advanced‐stage cancer, he told his colleagues, “Do anything you want—but no chemotherapy!”
And he’s not alone. Another official reportedly refused to allow his mother to undergo “state‐of‐the‐art” therapy at his own hospital. What did he do? He sent her to Germany for “alternative” care.
But it’s not surprising when you consider the side effects of traditional treatment…hair loss, nausea, fatigue, cancer even!
So then why wouldn’t you hear more about a natural treatment? One that not only destroys cancer cells but leaves healthy ones untouched?
A study on people who received this treatment for cancer and other ailments noted that “the results have been spectacular; the only side effect is ‘chronic good health.’”
You read that correctly. Chronic good health was the only side effect. That’s a far cry from any of the conventional methods you’ll hear about.
Go HERE to find out all the details including how the mainstream almost killed one of the greatest cancer discoveries in history. Prepare to be outraged.
German Cancer Breakthrough

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