Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Cure deadly breast cancer with oxygen!?

Cancer Defeated Publications

Cure One of TheDeadliest Breast Cancers
With Oxygen!?
A breast surgeon laughed at
this safe home treatment , until
it saved his wife’s life when no scalpel could...
It’s a remarkable story that most breast cancer surgeons would rather not hear....
While they’re telling women that breast removal surgery is a must to survive breast cancer, there’s one breast cancer surgeon who sings a different tune.
This doctor experienced a stunning change of heart after a double mastectomy—removal of both breasts—failed his own wife. Her cancer came back and they were told it was “hopeless.”
The treatment she agreed to next wasn’t chemotherapy or radiation (she’d already tried those, and they didn’t heal her cancer either!) but a treatment he never learned about in medical school...
What saved her life was an all-natural oxygen therapy available without a prescription and backed by six decades of research—including studies in major medical journals—and thousands of success stories.
To his amazement it actually worked...
Watch this free video to see the proof for one easy treatment that’s so safe you can use it at home for a fraction of the cost of surgery, chemotherapy or radiation. This breakthrough discovery is bringing countless women with breast cancer back from death’s door.
Breast Cancer Cover-Up

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