Sunday, June 30, 2013

A cup of this a day keeps cancer away

Cancer Defeated Publications

Clobber Cancer with a Daily Cup of This...

    If you like the idea of warding off cancer with a simple cup of tea, I've got good news. New evidence shows chamomile tea contains a super powerful chemical that not only blocks the spread of cancer, but also shortens the life of a cancer cell.

    On top of that, chamomile can even make a cancer cell more susceptible to the effects of drug therapy, working in hand in hand with conventional treatment methods. Keep reading to find out how to easily incorporate this simple daily ritual into your cancer-fighting plan...

Continued below. . .

Foods You Should Never Mix
With These Popular Supplements!
Dear Nathan,

    There's something that you should know about the vitamins you're taking.

    What you could be mixing with your vitamins might actually be making you sick.

    Because vitamins aren't as strictly regulated as pharmaceutical drugs, a lot of times the labels don't warn you that you could be taking a harmful dose of vitamins simply by mixing them with other vitamins and nutrients found in every day foods.

    My name is Dr. David Juan and I've been a practicing medical doctor for over 30 years. When it comes to the dangerous interactions of foods, drugs and vitamins, I've got the qualifications to back up what I'm talking about.

    That's why they call me The Vitamin Doctor.

    And I want to warn you about the constant dangers resulting from vitamin, food and drug interactions that have already harmed others.

    To see the dangerous and hidden pitfalls of today's most popular supplements, watch this now.

The re-education of cancer cells
    The magic ingredient at work in chamomile tea is a chemical called apigenin. The apigenin compound is plentiful in the Mediterranean diet, which you may be familiar with. The compound is also commonly found in celery, parsley, and several other fruits and vegetables. Chamomile itself is a daisy-like flower, used often in German and Hungarian herbal remedies.

    In a recent study by scientists at Ohio State University, published in the journalProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, apigenins were found to be effective in teaching cancer cells "who's boss."

    I mean that in the literal sense. Apigenins appear to play a role in gene regulation, essentially reprogramming cancer cells so they act more like normal cells and die on schedule. This is key, because one of the reasons cancer cells can so quickly take over is their ability to prevent apoptosis -- regularly-scheduled cell death.

    Unlike healthy cells, which die off after a time, cancer cells are practically immortal. So in the worst cases, cancer cells grow stronger and accumulate over time.

    But, with apigenins in the picture, it appears that cancer cells experience normal cell death.
How chamomile switches from calming tea to killing machine
    One of the most striking discoveries in this body of research is that apigenins could potentially stop the spread of breast cancer. The latest research suggests apigenin binds to one of three types of proteins, each with a specific function. One of those proteins is called hnRNPA2. In a healthy hnRNPA2 protein, only one type of "splicing" takes place.

    But in cancer cells, two types of splicing take place. This abnormal splicing is a factor in about 80 percent of all cancers. Splicing is important because it prompts the production of mRNA, or messenger RNA, which then carries out instructions regarding gene activation.

    When apigenin connects with the hnRNPA2 protein in breast cancer cells, it changes the protein from two splices back to a single-splice setup. And with splicing back to normal, cells are able to die on schedule—or, at the very least, they become more vulnerable to the effects of chemotherapy drugs.

    The Ohio State researchers found that apigenin binds with at least 160 proteins in the human body. This is highly significant, given that most pharmaceutical-based drugs can only target one molecule. The theory now is that perhaps other "nutraceuticals" (nutrients with known health benefits) can also bind to and affect more than one protein at a time.

    The fact that apigenins can have relationships with so many specific proteins may be why they're able to reestablish a normal lifecycle in cancer cells. And now that scientists have gotten such valuable findings from exploring the effect of a natural compound on cancer cell research, it's fair to say more exploratory research regarding nutraceuticals is on its way.
The sooner you start, the greater the benefit

    If you read a newsletter like this, you know it's smart to eat healthy foods -- but mainstream medicine hangs back because there's often not enough research on how specific nutrients affect us. That's starting to change, and that's the reason understanding the role of apigenin is so significant. In a world where conventional scientists hate to recommend a medicinal substance without understanding the specific way it acts in the body, research like this brings them a step closer to supporting nutritional solutions to disease.

    What's more, apigenins' profound health effects aren't limited to cancer treatment. They also have known anti-inflammatory properties. Consumed on a regular basis, they can help combat other health issues like heart disease and high cholesterol.

    I'd caution you not to wait till science proves everything. Drink chamomile daily over the long term to reap the most health benefits. I should mention that chamomile has a reputation for being a sleep aid, so you may want to drink it at night. Taken first thing in the morning, it might slow you down.
Cancer Defeated Publications

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