Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Secret to Why Some People Age 10 Years and Still Look the Same

The Secret to Why Some People 
Age 10 Years and Still Look the Same
There is a little known '"Superfood" with the ability to reverse the effects of aging, make you feel and look younger and give you a steady stream of energy throughout the day...
It contains the secret to why some people can age, but not look older!
We all know—as we age our body simply doesn't heal as fast. Our immune system doesn't resist infection as well.  And our digestive system doesn't work as well anymore.  We get tired more easily, get sick more often and gain weight faster in places we didn't think possible!
As well, our skin doesn't maintain the moisture, elasticity and color it used to.
However—have you ever wondered how certain people can go from age 30 to 40 (or 40 to 50 even)... and not show any signs of aging at all?  These people are 10 years older, but they look and feel the same.  Their bodies are performing just as well a decade ago.
Why is that?  How is that possible? Do they have some secret anti-aging formula or a hidden "fountain of youth" in their backyard?
The simple truth about aging: cellular regeneration.
It's actually very easy to understand why some people age faster than others.
Aging is actually a very simple math equation.  We have daily wear and tear in our lives.  It can be physical, mental or even emotional stress.  When we put strain on our bodies, many of our cells get toxic, grow old or simply stop working.
When our cells finally die, new and better functioning cells replace them.
This is called "cellular regeneration".
Unfortunately, the process of replacing old cells with new cells requires a lot of energy.  Without energy, our cells die faster than we can make new ones.  But over time, our ability to make energy slows down. And when cells aren't replaced faster than they die off... we "age".
So the real secret of looking young, staying fit and shedding weight is energy?
Well, yes and no.
To be clear, it's your body's ability to create energy.   Here's what happens in the trillions of cells in your body...
Your cells are like factory assembly lines.  When you feed it enough oxygen, hydrogen, sugar (the good kind), good fats (like omega-3), vitamins, minerals and amino acids...
And in order for your cells to work optimally, you need to feed them properly.
Hopefully, you're already drinking tons of water and doing some exercise.  That takes care of oxygen and hydrogen.  For everything else, it's a matter of eating the right foods packed with the right nutrients.
Watching what you eat is harder than it sounds
A lot of the foods we get at the grocery stores today are full of toxic chemicals, additives and bad sugars like high-fructose corn syrup.
Recently, scientists have discovered a "Superfood" that's 100% raw, natural and organic.
No, it's not acai berries, chlorella, spirulina, goji, resveratrol or fish oil.
In fact, this Superfood is 100 times more potent and powerful than all those Superfoods combined.
How Powerful is this Superfood?
99% of all life on planet Earth depends on this one microscopic life source.
Without it, life would not exist.  (In fact, it's responsible for making up to 90% of our planet's oxygen... and it has nothing to do with trees).
And most importantly of all...
It has the power to "stimulate" your body to create trillions of healthy, new cells which is the secret to growing older without aging.
Click here to discover how this anti-aging "Superfood of the Future" hand-delivers the most important and essential nutrients and vitamins that will boost your energy levels and have you aging in reverse.

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