Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Fighting Cancer?

Cancer Defeated Publications
Easy Health Options: Nature & Wellness Made Simple
FREE Email Medical Alert
This is
for anyone who suffers
from cancer or wants to avoid it!
—Michael Cutler M.D.
Editor, Easy Health Options®
Special Medical Briefing
Report Exposes...

The Body of Lies About Cancer Treatments
in America

Treating cancer is BIG business in America—$200 billion a year. But did you know that up to 98 percent of conventional cancer treatments FAIL miserably—and can actually make you sicker?

Even worse, the powers that be aresuppressing natural cancer cures that are helping tens of thousands of people get well and live cancer-free—with little or no dependence on drugs, surgery and chemotherapy... and for pennies on the dollar.

Enough is enough! You deserve to know the truth. Please read on...

In This FREE Email Medical Alert, Discover...
  • WHY nine out of 10 oncologists would refuse chemotherapy if they
    had cancer.
  • WHY mammograms harm 10 women for every one the procedure helps.
  • WHY Big Pharma resorts to outrageous lies to convince you that their so-called "cures" work.
  • WHY thousands of Americans are saying "NO THANK YOU" to the government's new scheme to censor natural cancer remedies.
  • The forbidden fruit extract that programs cancer cells to "self-destruct"...
  • The powerful natural "Pac-Man enzyme" that eats cancer cells alive...
  • The natural anti-cancer vitamin banned in the U.S., but still available to you...
  • The real life miracle of one woman's escape from terminal breast cancer!

Click Here for your copy.

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