Sunday, March 24, 2013

Masteron + TRT‏

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Masteron as an Addition to Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)?

Masteron as an Addition to Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)?
Ask Bill Roberts - Q: I am 42-years old and currently on 100-milligrams of testosterone enanthate per week as part of a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) prescribed by my doctor. I plan on remaining on TRT indefinitely. But I’d like to have a little boost. I am currently 220-lbs but my goal is to return my physique to my younger days when I was a lean 245-lbs. Would adding Masteron help?

Sciroxx – Long-Arm of Steroid Law Enforcement Takes Interest

Sciroxx – Long-Arm of Steroid Law Enforcement Takes Interest
Two men involved in the domestic distribution of Sciroxx-brand anabolic steroids have pleaded guilty to importing bulk quantities of steroids and ancillary drugs, repackaging them in retail-size units with the Sciroxx label and shipping them to customers in the United States. But the big news is that the U.S. government has been asking their counterparts in Israel questions about Sciroxx. Is the long arm of law enforcement on the move?

Masteron vs Equipoise – Which is Better to Gain Muscle?

Masteron vs Equipoise – Which is Better to Gain Muscle?
 Is Masteron or Equipoise the better steroid to gain muscle? The answer depends on how it’s being looked at. Are you comparing it by effectiveness milligram per milligram? Or based on the cost of each compound? Or based on the side effect profile of each steroid? Will it be used alone or included in a stack with other steroids?

Drug Free Sport New Zealand Blames Bodybuilders for Steroids in Sports

Drug Free Sport New Zealand Blames Bodybuilders for Steroids in Sports
The use of anabolic steroids in competitive sports has been blamed on many things including the win-at-all-costs culture and the increasing commercialization of sports. But Drug Free Sport New Zealand believes the real culprits responsible for the rampant use of steroids in sports are bodybuilders! The NZ anti-doping chief claims bodybuilders are selling steroids to athletes who work out at the same commercial gyms.

Police Make Mistake: Anabolic Steroids Not Really Found at Oscar Pistorius Home

Police Make Mistake: Anabolic Steroids Not Really Found at Oscar Pistorius Home
Last week, we heard the news media speculate about "roid rage" causing Oscar Pistorius to kill his girlfriend. But it turns out police didn't even find steroids. They appear to have made an embarrassing mistake. Anabolic steroids were not really found. It appears to be an innocuous product called Testis compositum consisting of animal testicle extracts of homeopathic ingredients. Nonetheless, sports writers still so desperately want to believe steroids caused it!
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