Monday, March 18, 2013

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US Sports Strength and Conditioning News18 March, 2013
Success in Fitness Starts with Renewing Your Mind
You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
Wayne Gretzky 

US Sports Strength and Conditioning Online Watch This Free Video To Learn How You Can:
*train with your personal strength and conditioning coach anytime 24/7
*view workouts on your mobile device
*print out the workouts
*watch exercise video demonstrations
*take your virtual trainer with you when you travel 
    Watch the free video here

Learn more about how the new US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning System works. Check out this demo video created by one of our trainers. Click Here To Watch

Special Events and Offers From US Sports Strength and Condtioning:
Intoducing the new Ultimate Fitness System! (Available live in the Washington D.C. Area and Online)
Get into your best shape with our new Ultimate Fitness Conditioning System forming now at our Alexandria (VA) Location (Alexandria Safe and Fit). An intense MMA Style blast to help you improve your overall strength, speed, agility, quickness, reaction, and muscle endurance. We will make your body literally repel excess body fat while you look and feel better all around. Classes meet twice a week at Alexandria Safe and Fit. All participants will also receive online strength workouts delivered to your inbox that you can take with you to your gym, fitness center, or in the comfort of your home to complete the cycle of fitness and get you into the type of shape that meets and exceeds your fitness goals. But wait there is more! You will also receive online nutritional counseling with our easy to follow software that plans your meals around your present habits, schedules, and resources. Ultimate fitness is the revolution so get on board now. Limited spots available. You can cancel for any reason at any time.
The Ultimate Fitness System may be the most fun and empowering way to get into your best shape. Take a look

Click Here to Watch the action from Alexandria Safe & Fit
 Click Here To Pre Register or call 571-501-5306 to schedule your free demo workout.
Not in the Washington D.C. Area, but want to become Ultimately Fit? Get Your "Ultimate Fitness System" complete online for only 66 cents per day! Click here to start working out with us today. 
Still time to get Fast before the start of Summer Training Camps and Combines:
Speed, Agility, & Quickness Workouts Available Online
Get quicker, faster, and more explosive with these easy to follow Speed, Agility, and Quickness (SAQ) workouts that can be done anywhere and with minimal equipment. Commit to 2 days per week. A great compliment to your strength training!
Workouts will include:
Fully customized exercises, sets, reps and weights.
Videos demonstrating proper technique for every exercise.
Routines utilizing equipment available to you home or gym! Only $10 one time fee

Click Here To Blow By The Competition This Season
US Sports Strength and Conditioning is part of the Family Of US Sports Networks.  US Sports Network. Watch Live NFL, NBA, MLB, NCAA, MMA and International Sports Live Online and FREE. Click Here To Watch
Existing or Former Clients Please read
Write a review of your experience either live in person or online of US Sports Strength and Conditioing or copy this link onto your browser:
This Week's Feature Exercise:#9 Lateral Over/Under with Cones
#9   Lateral Over/Under with Cones
Speed and Agility (cones, bag, hoops, box)
Dynamic Warmup
Exercise Description:
Lateral Over/Under with Cones
Dynamic Warmup
1)Stand directly behind a bar or hurdle that is 12-18” above the floor.
2)On the “go” signal, you will perform a forward step over the bar with the left foot, push off with the right foot, and land in an athletic stance 1 foot on the opposite side of the bar.
3)Immediately upon landing squat down into a crouched position and step to the right or left under another bar that is 36” or taller.
4)Return to the starting position and repeat with the opposite foot. Focus on quickness and fluid movement.
From our Friends @ (Summer is coming Whether you are ready or not!)
BSN Summer Shred 468x60

BSN Summer Shred 3 300x250 
Your complete fitness program is ready!
Step 1: choose (click on) your program goal:
General Fitness Workouts
General Fitness Programs are designed for overall health and the achievement of a leaner, stronger bo...
Strength and Power Workouts
The Strength and Power Programs were designed to maximize the body's ability to generate strength. T...
Get Lean Workouts
The Get Lean Programs were designed to have higher repetitions. This higher volume causes a greater ...
Sports Specific Workouts
The Sports Specific Programs are designed to give people an exercise program tailored to the demands ...
Home Based Workouts
The Home Workout Programs are great for those who wish to train in the privacy of their own home with...
Youth Strength Training
Youth Strength Training Programs are designed for overall health and the achievement of a leaner, str...
Custom Favorites!
These Custom Programs have been developed in response to special needs and requests. Some of the pr...
Women's Fitness
The Women's Fitness Programs are designed to bring about a toning and shaping effect to the body by u...
Body Building
The Body Building Programs were developed with the concepts and knowledge of cutting edge training pr...
Armed Forces PFT Programs
These Armed Forces PFT Programs will get you prepared for the PFT test. There are also running progr...
Track and Field
The Track and Field Programs will work the body to increase strength and power. These key elements a...
Custom General Fitness Programs
There are a wide variety of Custom Programs within this section There are Upper Body Only Programs, ...
Metabolism Booster Workouts
The Metabolism Booster Programs were designed to create an elevated caloric burning rate both during ...
Cardiovascular Workouts
These are "Cardio Only" Programs for those who want to focus exclusively on aerobic fitness. Just pe...
Back To The Basics Series
The Back To The Basics Series of Workout Pograms incorporate many different program goals. The major...
Cancer Defeated Publications
13 Tips For Your Best Body
You know that diet and exercise are important when it comes to creating your best body, but you may be overlooking other techniques for getting into the best shape.

Turn the following 13 simple tips into habits and watch as your body transforms.

1) Eat a Smart Breakfast.
Most people load up on carbohydrates and simple sugars for breakfast. Cereal, pastries, smoothies and juice are all poor choices when it comes to starting your day off right. Center your breakfast around protein and healthy fat, and you'll have energy for hours. Try a protein shake, eggs, lean breakfast meat, or a handful of nuts.

2) Get More Sleep.
If you're not getting at least 8 hours of sleep each night then you could use more sleep. This is especially true if you've reached a plateau with weight loss. Give your body the 8 hours of sleep each night and make weight loss easier.

3) Just Do It.
If you're really ready to achieve your best body ever, then dig down deep and commit. As Woody Allen famously said, "80% of success is showing up." This is absolutely true when it comes to fitness. Show up to your workout. Even if you're tired. Even if you'd rather be doing something else. Just do it.

4) Plan Ahead.
Take one day each week to plan your healthy meals for the following week. You don't have to do all the shopping and cooking on that day, simply jot down what you plan to eat. This small act of planning ahead will keep you on track with healthy meals even when the week gets crazy busy.

5) Cut Out Gluten.
Many people don't realize that they have a certain level of sensitivity to gluten, which causes intestinal inflammation and bloating. Also, gluten-filled foods are typically high in carbohydrates, which contribute to weight gain. When you cut gluten-filled items from your diet don't fall into the trap of simply replacing those items with other high-carb items. Choose non-packaged, whole foods instead.

6) Believe In Yourself.
Do you believe that you have what it takes to transform your body? If you want to succeed in weight loss then you have to believe that it's possible. Give yourself a pep talk and dig down deep for the courage and discipline to apply these healthy changes to your life.

7) Eat Less Dairy.
Dairy products like cheese or cream add extra fat and calories to your meals. Pass on the dairy and you'll eliminate unnecessary calories, making weight loss quicker.

8) Sleep and Wake at the Same Time.
This tip sounds so simple, and yet it's a powerful way to increase your daily energy. Get your body on a schedule and watch how much more productive and energetic you become.

9) Include Veggies at Every Meal.
Most people aren't too crazy about vegetables, and probably eat less than they should. Make it a point to include a vegetable with each of your meals – even breakfast. The increase in fiber and other nutrients will give your body that extra boost that you're looking for.

10) Ditch Packaged Food.
Throw out those packaged foods! This is one of the easiest things you can do to achieve quicker weight loss results. Packaged foods contain chemicals and additives that will slow your fitness results.

11) Drink More Water.
Being hydrated is key when it comes to creating your best body. Drink water throughout your day and limit caffeinated beverages to once daily.

12) Forget Artificial Sweeteners.
Sure, these sweeteners don't contain calories, but they are known to increase your appetite and cravings for carbohydrates. In the quest for your best body, put down the diet soda and reach instead for some water.

13) Exercise With a Pro.
Are you exercising as efficiently as possible? Do you challenge your muscles enough during each workout? Are you keeping the routine new and fresh? These are all factors that will be taken care of for you when you work with a trained fitness professional. Working with a pro ensures that you make the most of your exercise time.

So there you have it, 13 tips that will take your results up a notch.

If you haven't joined one of my programs yet, now is a great time to start. Together we will get you focused on your goals with my results-driven method.

Call or email today to set up your first workout.

Good-Bye Excuses
It's time to kiss your list of excuses for not exercising goodbye.

Replace that list of excuses with a list of all the reasons that you want to exercise.

Here are just a few...
  • It will make you stronger
  • It will make you happier
  • It will make you sexier
  • It will make you healthier
  • It will make you confident
Easy Baked Meatballs
These meatballs are packed with protein and veggies, making it the perfect snack, breakfast, lunch or dinner. Make a quick batch on the weekend, and then enjoy throughout your week. Makes: 24 Meatballs

Here's what you need...
  • 2 lbs ground pork
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground fennel
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground sage
  • 1/4 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • dash of pepper
  • 2 teaspoons coconut oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 small onion, finely chopped
  • 2 celery stalks, finely chopped
  • 2 carrots, finely chopped
  • 1/4 cup pecans, finely chopped
  • 1/4 cup fresh parsley, finely chopped
  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.
  2. In a medium bowl combine the ground pork with all of the spices. Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty!
  3. Place a skillet over medium heat and warm the coconut oil. Add the garlic, onion, celery, carrots, pecans and parsley. Cook for about 3 minutes, until soft. Set the mixture aside to cool.
  4. Add the vegetable mixture into the ground pork and combine well. Use your hands to form golf ball sized meatballs.
  5. Place the meatballs in an oven-safe baking dish. Bake for 30 minutes, or until cooked all the way through.
Nutritional Analysis: 77 calories, 4g fat, 76mg sodium, 1g carbohydrate, .5g fiber, and 8g protein

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US Sports Strength and Conditioning Partners
Nathan Lewis
US Sports Strength and Conditioning
4105 Duke Street 
Alexandria, VA 22304
US Sports Strength and Conditioning

Phone: 571-501-5306
Web: US Sports Strength and Conditioning

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