Thursday, February 7, 2013

Some Guidelines When Choosing a Gym

Join the Club
(PHYS, September 1999)  You've heard that the guys are hunks and the juice bar is happening. Great, but that's no way to choose a gym. If health and safety are your prime considerations and they should be  here are a few guidelines from Randy Delaney, director of personal fitness at World Gym in New York City:
Proper ventilation. The air should feel cool and smell fresh, not like sweaty bodies.
Good lighting. Incandescent bulbs are easier on the eyes than fluorescent.
Enough room. A crammed layout is not safe. Or fun.
Cleanliness. No stained mats or grubby bathrooms.
Well-maintained machines. You don't have to be a mechanic to tell if benches are torn, cables seem worn, or free weights are haphazardly scattered around.
A qualified staff. Employees should be certified by a nationally recognized organization like ACE (American Council on Exercise), ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) or AFAA (Aerobics and Fitness Association of America). They should be helpful and findable. One instructor can't monitor more than 30 people at once and the pool should always have at least one lifeguard. A new member should get a free orientation, but later on, it may be worth springing for a few sessions with a private trainer.
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