Thursday, January 31, 2013

You Won't Find This Health Info Anywhere Else

Cancer Defeated Publications

Very rarely do I fully endorse a health book...
But today, I'm going to make an exception.
That's because I don’t often come across a health
book as monumental in its significance - and
as timely - as the one I'm about to introduce
to you.
It's a book that contains a compilation of
never-before-published alternative medicine
At first, I didn't believe the book would
really give me information that I hadn't already
seen elsewhere. Over the years, I've amassed quite a
library of health books myself - including
encyclopedias of so-called "health breakthroughs"
and "miracle cures"...
So I thought this book was just another
run-of-the-mill assortment of health remedies
and cures.
Boy was I wrong!
With every ailment or disease I looked up,
I found an astounding amount of in-depth,
eye-opening information. Usually the book
features not just one, but many scientifically
proven treatment options that are unknown to
or ignored by mainstream medicine.
For example: Did you know about...
==> A $200 in-home device that cures AIDS/HIV?
==> A Seven-Time Nobel Prize Nominee Cures Cancer
with 2 common household items?
==> An infra-red helmet that has a 90% success rate
in halting the progression of Alzheimer's Disease?
==> An extremely potent anti-inflammatory
breakthrough from mollusks that reduces swollen
arthritis joints by 79%?
==> An herb proven on 15,000 cardiac patients to
eliminate heart disease?
And that's just a few of the virtually unheard
of breakthroughs this book contains within its
And everything is spelled out in easy-to-
understand, layman's terms - not in technical
terminology that one would need a medical degree
to decipher.
The book even gives detailed information on: 
-How to find health practitioners that are
experienced in administering these breakthrough
-Where to find therapeutic substances to cure
various ailments.
-What dosages are required in order to achieve
the curative results that are presented.
And over 1,300 footnotes support the cited
material in the book.
So what's the title of this book?
Go here to find out and discover the life-saving
information for yourself, your family and your
loved ones:
Wishing You the Best of Health.
P.S. While I'm in no way recommending this book
replace a one-on-one relationship with your health
practitioner, there's no denying this book is a
must-have resource for familiarizing yourself with
all the effective treatment options that even your
doctor has probably never heard of.

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