Saturday, January 26, 2013

Speed the final frontier?

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Speed, Agility, and Quickness.
Increase in one area, and you have a better opportunity to improve in the other two. In today's sports (you name the sport) is it not crucial to be able to perform the different tasks at faster and faster speeds?

10 years ago noone would have guessed the at 6'5" sprinter would be the fastest that the world has ever seen, but because Usain Bolt believed from a very young age that with his God given talent and extremely hard work he could be the best, he is the best and could stay there for many years to come.
Maybe you have been told that it is impossible to increase your foot speed, agility, and quickness. Don't buy it! I encourage all of the athletes and fitness enthusiasts that I have the privilege to work with, to embrace what you don't know. You don't know how big you can be, your don't know how strong you can be, you don't and nobody around you knows how fast you can be until you are willing to work at it, eat like it, persist at it. Only God knows and that means there is no limit to what you can be on and off the field!
Okay no more preaching lets get to work. To help you be the fastest and most agile athlete you can be I have developed the US Sports Strength and Conditioning Speed Agility and Quickness program:
Get quicker, faster, and more explosive with these easy to follow Speed, Agility, and Quickness (SAQ) workouts that can be done anywhere and with minimal equipment. Commit to 2 days per week. A great compliment to your strength training!
Workouts will include:
Fully customized exercises, sets, and reps
Videos demonstrating proper technique for every exercise.
Routines utilizing equipment available to you home or gym!

Here is a sample:

Click to view exerciseTuck Jump and Sprint
1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, with arms at sides.
2. Jump up bringing knees up to chest.
3. Land on balls of feet and immediately go into a sprint for the recommended distance.
4. Remember to reduce ground contact time by landing soft on feet and springing into air.
Get the full program for only $10. Get Faster Today! Click Here To Order
P.S. Keep this quiet, but this workout is also one of the most explosive fat burning workouts that I have seen in almost 40 years as a strength coach.

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