Monday, January 28, 2013

Arnold Schwarzenegger Aide Sues Lance Armstrong Over Steroids‏

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Former Arnold Schwarzenegger Aide Sues Lance Armstrong for Steroid Deception

Schwarzenegger Aide Sues Lance Amrstrong Over Steroids
It’s difficult to believe Rob Stutzman is truly offended by Lance Armstrong’s deception about his use of testosterone and erythropoeitin (EPO). Stutzman has initiated a class-action lawsuit claiming he never would have purchased Armstrong’s book had he known the cyclist used steroids and PEDs. Of course, Stutzman didn’t seem to be bothered by his former boss’s use of steroids when he was the former deputy chief of staff for communications to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Even Former Crystal Meth User Andre Agassi Angered by Lance Armstrong’s Doping Deception

Crystal Meth User Andre Agassi Angry at Lance Armstrong
Andre Agassi was angered by Lance Armstrong’s lies about the use of performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs). Agassi told reporters at an Australian Open press conference that Armstrong’s deception was “unconscionable.” Agassi knows what it’s like to lie about drug use in order to protect his career. While Armstrong was battling testicular cancer, Agassi was getting high on crystal meth. Agassi lied to coverup a positive test for crystal meth and kept it a secret from the public for a decade.

Anabolic Steroids Are Incompatible with Jewish Law According to Rabbi Chaim Friedman

Steroids Incompatible with Jewish Law
Rabbi Chaim Friedman believes anabolic steroids are incompatible with Jewish law based on his assumption that steroids are harmful to the body. In a lecture entitled “Winning at all Costs: Steroids in Sport”, the South Florida Center for Jewish Ethics addressed the issue of performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) on the same day that Lance Armstrong admitted using testosterone and erythropoeitin (EPO) throughout his pro cycling career.

Boxer Przemyslaw Saleta Advocates Legalization of Steroids in Professional Sports

Polish boxer wants to legalize steroids in pro sports
AAS users are cheaters who use drugs to defy the limitations that nature has imposed. Unfathomable! But wait! How do we square this level of targeted indignation and hypocrisy with the fact that America has become a nation of performance enhancers ? Breast enhancement, sexual enhancement, cognitive enhancement are all about the American Dream of bigger boobs, better boners and brighter brains; bigger, better bodies, however, are simply not on the American agenda. Clearly some goals and methods for being all we can be are more accepted than others.

Lance Armstrong Tells the Truth About Drugs and the True Spirit of Sport

Lance Armstrong and Steroids
Lance Armstrong lied about doping. He finally admitted using erythropoeitin (EPO), testosterone and blood transfusions. Athletes dope. Always have. Always will. And they lie about it. This is practically a prerequisite for participation in elite sports. The far bigger lie is the one perpetuated by anti-doping crusaders, by sports journalists, by fans and by the general public. It s the notion that Armstrong s doping was an aberration, an exception, an oddity in the world of sports. It is the romanticized vision of sports competition free of doping.

Cheat This, Not That: Hypocrisy, Ethics and Performance Enhancement

Steroid Double Standard
AAS users are cheaters who use drugs to defy the limitations that nature has imposed. Unfathomable! But wait! How do we square this level of targeted indignation and hypocrisy with the fact that America has become a nation of performance enhancers ? Breast enhancement, sexual enhancement, cognitive enhancement are all about the American Dream of bigger boobs, better boners and brighter brains; bigger, better bodies, however, are simply not on the American agenda. Clearly some goals and methods for being all we can be are more accepted than others.
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