Saturday, January 26, 2013

Are You Dangerously Deficient in this Mineral?

Cancer Defeated Publications

If you're feeling run down, stiff or you just can't seem to get a good night's sleep, or if you find yourself tossing and turning with legs that ache…
It's NOT because you're getting older.
Instead -- there's a good chance you may be deficient in this mineral. This single mineral is responsible for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. And yet 68% of Americans are well below the recommended daily intake.
What is it?
It's Magnesium.
Just How Important Is This Mineral?
Without it, our brains would simply stop working.
Magnesium is a highly conducive metal… and our brain works because of electricity. Without magnesium, our nerve impulses (how our brain talks to our body) would stop transmitting.
BUT -- here's what the most important fact people don't know about magnesium and "aging"…
There's a "magnesium & calcium" balance in your body. And unfortunately, most people have an excess of calcium and a magnesium deficiency.
Magnesium Deficiency Can Lead to WEAKENING of Your Bones
Magnesium deficiency is one of the biggest reasons why our bones weaken, why we get heart problems and why our joints and muscles stiffen.
How does this happen?
You NEED Magnesium to Move the Calcium in Your Body
You see, one of magnesium's many jobs is to move calcium from tissue to your bones. This makes your bones (and teeth) strong. However, because nearly 7 out of 10 people are deficient in this all important mineral, a host of problems occur.
For one, when calcium is not moved… it starts to calcifies your muscles and joints. This is why you feel stiff.
Calcium can also get stuck on the lining of your arteries. This causes plaque. Plaque leads to high blood pressure, hardened vessels and heart problems.
Calcium inside cells will also make your cells harden. This prevents glucose from passing through. Glucose is the cell's food for creating ATP: your basic human body energy unit.
Calcium has also been known to get stuck in the bronchial tubes and cause asthma.
But worst of all…
Because calcium gets stuck everywhere in your body except your bones… you end up with weaker bones, which leads to osteoporosis and fractures.
So as you can see, magnesium is a very important mineral.
The Best Way To Get More Magnesium
Magnesium pills and powders have been all the rage in the past decade, but many forward-thinking health professionals now believe the best form of magnesium supplementation is through a topical spray that is 100% bio-available.
The researchers at Activation Products have produced an ultra-pure food/pharmaceutical grade topical magnesium in an easy to use, effective, and non-prescription form.
It's pharmaceutical grade and free of heavy metals, environmental toxins and contaminants.
It is the only magnesium I would recommend anyone take.
Cancer Defeated Publications

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