Friday, December 28, 2012

The Great Heart Bypass Scam

Cancer Defeated Publications
Urgent Email Medical Alert
"BEFORE you have any treatment or take any drug for your heart, you must read this startling new medical expose."
—Michael Cutler M.D.
Editor, Easy Health Options®
M.D.'s Special Report Exposes

"The Great Heart Bypass Scam"

and other deadly deceptions of popular heart treatments

"Recent reports shockingly reveal that up to 85 percent of coronary bypasses are unnecessary, done on patients who likely WON'T benefit.

"Why such a scam? Because a coronary bypass graft costs over $60,000 a pop—and that's a quick way for a heart surgeon to get a new Lexus or new boat!

"But it's time you heard the truth about today's popular heart treatments—the truth you're not being told. PLUS discover new natural secrets for reversing heart disease such as...

  • The bypass-in-a-pill—sweeps dangerous plaque from your arteries without surgery, stents or risks.
  • Make yourself 500 percent LESS likely to have a heart attack—no doctor required.
  • The sugar cane cure for high cholesterol and high blood pressure—amazing results.
  • High triglycerides? This "plain jane" vegetable extract lowers your risk by 26 percent.
  • And many more new natural secrets for protecting and healing your heart!
Click Here for your copy.

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