Sunday, November 25, 2012

Great news about resveratrol and cancer

Cancer Defeated Publications

Exciting New Findings about
Resveratrol and Cancer

    You've probably seen news blurbs about the health benefits of resveratrol, the nutrient found in red wine. Scientific studies show this powerful antioxidant can protect you from heart problems.

    But research also shows this heart helper can also stop cancer from forming—and even KILL a variety of existing cancer cells. Exciting new research indicates all of us should be taking it — read on for details.

Continued below. . .

If you're taking resveratrol, here's some important
news you need to know about
    You’ve probably heard how resveratrol is good for your heart and can slow aging. In fact, you may be taking a resveratrol supplement now, or thinking of taking one.

    Resveratrol is often hailed as the secret behind the "French paradox" —the fact that the French enjoy better heart health, despite their high-fat diets. And several new studies show resveratrol can do even more for your health.

    For example, it…
  • Boosts your memory and brainpower;
  • Maintains healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels;
  • Promotes healthy insulin sensitivity;
  • Supports healthy blood pressure and circulation;
  • Supports joint health; and
  • Promotes eye health.
    In spite of all these tremendous health benefits, you may be surprised to hear what I’ve been telling my patients and readers…

Find out more here

    According to the National Cancer Institute, resveratrol belongs to a group of plant compounds called polyphenols. You'll find high concentrations of resveratrol in red wine, grapes, raspberries, peanuts, and other plants.

    In fact, these and other plants produce resveratrol to protect themselves from fungus, infection and disease. And this same compound can help prevent cell damage and protect YOU from diseases too!

    Scientists have discovered that resveratrol has some unique antioxidant properties that help protect your cells from damaging free radicals.

    Free radicals are unstable oxygen molecules that steal parts from other cells to become more stable. Cells with stolen parts become damaged and unstable—which can make you vulnerable to diseases such as cancer.

    But research shows resveratrol has the power to stop cell damage, and thereby help prevent the formation of cancer cells.
Here's what the science says so far…
    According to a study published in the July 1st, 2008 issue of Cancer Prevention Research1, Doctors Ercole Cavalieri and Eleanor Rogen of the University of Nebraska Medical Center wanted to determine how resveratrol might affect the formation of cancer cells.

    The researchers tested a blend of resveratrol, the amino acid n-acetyl-l-cysteine (NAC), lipoic acid, and melatonin. They found that adding resveratrol greatly enhanced the body's natural protective mechanisms.

    What's more—the scientists said adding resveratrol to the formula greatly reduced the formation of breast cancer cells.

    And more studies are underway to see how resveratrol affects the initiation, promotion, and progression of cancer. In addition to killing breast cancer cells, studies have shown so far that resveratrol could be an effective way to:
  • Blast neuroblastoma
    Neuroblastoma is a disease of the nervous system — basically, the brain and spinal cord. It's the most common cancer among infants and toddlers. The standard treatments of radiation and chemotherapy are often ineffective and have serious side effects.
    According to study results published in Clinical Cancer Research2, researchers tested resveratrol on mouse models of human neuroblastoma and in lab cultures using human cells. They found that resveratrol inhibited the outgrowth of tumors by as much as 80%!
  • Eliminate eye cancer
    One animal study3 showed resveratrol administered by mouth and by injection caused eye cancer cells (uveal melanoma) to shrivel and die!
  • Pulverize prostate cancer cells
    Several studies have demonstrated that resveratrol might prevent or diminish prostate cancer severity. In one study that examined different types of prostate cancer cells4, resveratrol was the most potent of all polyphenols tested against advanced prostate cancer cells.
  • Save skin from melanoma cancer
    In a 2005 study5, researchers at the University of Wisconsin Department of Dermatology applied resveratrol to the skin of hairless mice prior to sun exposure. The mice treated with resveratrol experienced fewer skin tumors than mice that did not receive the treatment. Researchers also found that applying resveratrol to skin after exposure to ultraviolet rays also helped prevent skin tumors. (Hairless mice are a special species that's useful in certain kinds of studies.)
    Although laboratory tests show resveratrol might help prevent cardiovascular disease and cancer, don't rush to bet the farm that it's the ultimate cancer cure…

    Noted medical author Dr. Stephen Barrett, M.D. points out that the bulk of resveratrol research focuses on short-term effects. Plus, he notes that most studies are performed in labs on non-human models.

    Barrett expresses concern about the lack of information on how your body absorbs and processes resveratrol—or even about ways in which it may affect your liver.

    Plus, he said it's important to remember that the main dietary source of resveratrol is red wine. Because concentrations of the compound in wine vary widely—increasing red wine consumption to boost resveratrol intake could eventually cause liver damage and addiction.

    Because resveratrol supplements could also vary in quality, Barrett suggests occasionaluse of red wine—along with a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and veggies—could be a safe way to enjoy some of resveratrol's health benefits.

    My recommendation would be to take a good resveratrol supplement rather than drink the huge amounts of red wine needed to achieve a therapeutic effect.

    One of our trusted sponsors, Advanced Bionutritionals, offers a resveratrol supplement that you can order by clicking here. They’re an excellent company with high quality standards so you can order with confidence. Of course, they would NEVER tell you the findings about cancer and resveratrol that I’ve outlined in this article, because the law won’t permit them to do that.

    In our last issue we wrote about a simple new test for colon cancer (NOT a colonoscopy!) But most doctors don't know about it. If you missed this important news, you can scroll down and catch it now.

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