Wednesday, November 28, 2012



BOWIE, Md. – Playing at home for the first time this season, Bowie State University used the home court advantage and breezed past Cheyney University 94-79. The win was the third straight for the Bulldogs and sets the BSU record at 3-4 overall.

The contest see-sawed back in forth the first ten minutes.  Trailing by one, 17-16, Cheyney’s Deshawn Curtis nailed back to back three-pointers to give the Wolves a five point advantage, their largest of the night.  With 6:18 to go in the half, Bowie State senior Byron Westmorland hit a three pointer turning a one point deficit into a two point lead that the Bulldogs would not relinquish.  Westmoreland scored a game high 35 points including seven three pointers.

The Bulldogs defense forced 10 Wolves turnovers in the first half and converted those miscues into 13 points and went into halftime with a slim 38-35 lead. Bowie State shot a chilly 39.4 percent from the field in the first half (13-of-33) compared to 42.9 percent (15-of-33) for Cheyney.

Senior Bryan Wilson drilled a 3-pointer for the Bulldogs’ first points of the second half and BSU senior Dameatric Scott followed with a fastbreak dunk on their very next possession.

The Bulldogs built the lead up to seven before Cheyney went on an 8-2 run to cut the lead to 53-52 after a Curtis lay-up with 15:24 to play.  The Bulldogs immediately responded with ten unanswered points to push the lead to double digits where it would stay for most of the second half. 

A Westmorland triple at the 6:01 mark of the second half gave the Bulldogs their largest lead of the night (78-60) and the Wolves would get no closer than 11 points (80-69) on a dunk by Brandon Norfleet.

Cheyney (1-1) was led by Curtis with a team-high 18 points. Norfleet with and Jayvon Beaty added 15 points each and Chris Burney chipped in 19 points to go along with a game-high 11 rebounds.

In addition to Westmorland’s output, Scott finished the night with a season-high 16 points on 7-of-10 shooting and added five rebounds, two assists and two steals. Wilson handed out a career-best seven assists to go along with 13 points on 5-of-6 shooting and added a season-best seven rebounds. Senior Najee White also scored in double figures, contributing a dozen points.

The Bulldogs return to action Wednesday (December 5) on the road at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown. Bowie State will close out the first semester with 7 pm road contest against the University of D.C. on Wednesday (December 12).  

Cure cancer with celery?

Celery Sports Awesome Brain Benefits,
And Shrinks Cancer Too

    Crunch, crunch...

    It's the proverbial low-cal snack… also the taken-for-granted turkey stuffing ingredient and predictable garnish in a Bloody Mary. But don't underestimate this little food gem.

    Not only is it a dieter's delight… It's also a potent cancer fighter. And this little-appreciated edible can help you remember important stuff, like where you parked your car at the airport, or your wedding anniversary. Read on to discover how much this humble food can do for yourhealth. I was shocked to learn about all the benefits. I always thought it was a bland filler.

Continued below. . .

Video: 10-Cent 'Tummy Tuck' Trims Masses of Belly Fat Without Surgery
    Have you seen the incredible video that explains one doctor's solution for melting away big slabs of belly fat?

    Apparently even overweight couch potatoes lost 26 square centimeters of belly fat -- without surgery or frightening drugs or even changing their eating habits one bit! This shocking new video has been sent to more than 1.3 million people already. If you haven't seen it yet, here's your chance. While it's still available, watch it for free here.

    And just wait until you hear what it does for free now.

    Most of us don't know much about celery, except that it has "practically no calories", is "mostly water", and is "stringy". But there's a lot more to it than that. . .
Induces cancer cell ceath and stops cancer growth…
    Celery has several compounds that make it a powerful cancer fighter.

    Both celery and one of its relatives, parsley, contain the cancer-fighting bioflavonoid calledapigenin, which has been studied in relation to breast and ovarian cancers.

    A new University of Missouri study found that apigenin shrank a type of breast cancer that's stimulated by progestin, a synthetic hormone often given to menopausal women.

    This study looked at certain mice implanted with a deadly, fast-growing human breast cancer… which were later treated with a progestin similar to those given to post-menopausal women. There was also a control group which did not get progestin.

    One part of the progestin group received apigenin, the others did not.

    The tumors shrank in the apigenin treated mice, and their breast cancer cell growth dropped to the levels of the control group (the ones with no progestin).

    The study co-author, Salman Hyder, noted that apigenin slowed the cancer in three ways:
  1. Inducing cell death
  2. Inhibiting cell proliferation
  3. Reducing expression of a gene associated with cancer growth.
    In other words, tumors grew in the mice not given apigenin. But with apigenin the tumors shrank, and weren't as large to begin with.

    Also, blood vessels that feed cancer cells also had smaller diameters in apigenin-treated mice compared with untreated ones… resulting in restricted nutrient flow to tumors, potentially starving the cancer and limiting its ability to spread.

    They're still studying whether this holds true for humans as well as mice.

    Meanwhile another study, this one at Rutgers University, found other anti-cancer compounds in celery called acetylenics — which can actually stop tumor cells from growing. They suggest that drinking raw celery juice can prevent free radicals from harming your cells, which can stop cancer from developing in your stomach and colon.

    So promising, you'd think the pharmaceutical companies would be all over this. But it'll probably be hard to even get funding for more research, because they can't profit from a compound so easily extracted from a plant. But you can…
Boosts your white blood cells
    Celery contains another compound, a phytochemical known as coumarin. Studies on coumarins show they're effective for cancer prevention, and are capable of enhancing the immune activities of certain lines of white blood cells.

    In a study done at Tokyo Denki University, scientists examined 21 coumarins for their anti-proliferative activity towards these kinds of cancers:
  • Lung carcinoma
  • Melanin pigment producing mouse melanoma
  • Human T-cell leukemia
  • Human gastric cancer which had metastasized to the liver
    But celery bestows other benefits on you too…
It may be the best brain food in your fridge
    As you age, your brain tends to overreact to every slight provocation by spitting out clouds of inflammatory compounds linked to memory lapses, fuzzy thinking, and brain fatigue. Celery protects your brain from these problems by telling the hyperactive immune cells to settle down.

    This has implications for diseases like Alzheimer's and multiple sclerosis.1 Inflammation is a factor in cognitive and behavioral impairments associated with aging.

    A new study published in the Journal of Nutrition evaluated luteolin, a plant flavonoid known to squelch inflammatory responses outside the central nervous system.2

    This study showed that brain cells exposed to luteolin had a significantly lowered inflammatory response. Apparently luteolin shuts down production of interleuin-6 (IL-6), a key cytokine in the inflammatory pathway, by a staggering 90 percent! Said principal investigator Rodney Johnson, "This was just about as potent an inhibition as anything we had seen previously."3
Celery benefits in you in many other ways
    Who ever knew celery was so nutrient-dense and had so many health benefits — for cancer and so much more? Bet you never thought a watery "diet" food could offer so much.

    This long, thin, green vegetable is actually part of the carrot family, along with parsnip, fennel, and parsley.

    Celery's outer stalks, also called ribs, surround its tender, mildly flavored innermost ribs, the celery heart. It also has leaves which are often mistakenly discarded as "inedible". But nothing could be farther from the truth, as celery's leaves contain its highest concentration of nutrients.

    Folklore from many cultures considers it an aphrodisiac. There's not much scientific evidence of that. But never mind that, it's loaded with other benefits.

    Celery is chock full of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin K (good for blood and bones), vitamin C (an immune booster), amino acids, essential fatty acids, folate, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, zinc, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and E… plus more.

    It can impact you in these far-reaching ways4:
  1. Lowers blood pressure and tones your vascular system. Magnesium deficiency is known to affect your blood pressure. Celery is packed with magnesium, which can relax the muscle cells in your arterial walls. This dilates your arteries, allowing your blood more room to flow freely.
  2. Healthy flexible joints. Celery's anti-inflammatory attributes help reduce joint pain and swelling, which means it can help those suffering from arthritis, rheumatism, and gout. It also contains a diuretic that can help remove uric acid crystals from your joints.
  3. Asthma. Celery's high vitamin C levels can help alleviate asthmatic conditions.
  4. Colds/Flu. Vitamin C also helps prevent viral illnesses.
  5. Insomnia. Sleeplessness can wreak havoc on your health. For a good night's sleep, drink a glass of freshly-juiced celery with one tablespoon of honey before bedtime. This can help you relax into a restful sleep. Plus, its medicinal properties can work while you sleep.
  6. Kidney stones/gall stones. Celery juice can help by clearing the toxins that form these painful stones. Since celery juice is a diuretic, it can help with passing the stone. If you're prone to stones, a daily glass of celery juice can help keep them away.
  7. Possible remedy for migraines, based on celery's coumarin activity.
  8. Aids digestion and alleviates bowel problems.
  9. Lowers cholesterol.
  10. Rebuilds blood cells.
  11. Builds up your immune system.
  12. Regulates body temperature.
  13. Terrific anti-inflammatory.
  14. Supports liver as a potent detoxifier.
  15. May help protect women from urinary tract infections.
    To enjoy these benefits, juice a bunch of celery with a fresh orange for flavor, and drink this juice for 30 days. Or try it juiced with a tomato and add some fresh onion and garlic to increase its medicinal impact.

    If you don't care for the taste of celery but want its benefits, load it up with organic nut butter spread. The celery will provide the crunch, but the nut butter taste will prevail.
Two important cautions…
    Celery is an amazing food with a plethora of nutrients straight from nature. You can hardly go wrong. Even if you're not on a "diet".

    And yet, here are two important cautions:

    First, lighten up on celery seeds during pregnancy. They contain volatile oils, flavonoids, coumarins, and linoleic acid which could cause uterine contractions... which you certainly don't want before the 39 or 40 week mark. This is a minor problem. I don't think you'll find seed in celery stalks.

    Secondly, celery is one of the "Dirty Dozen"... According to the latest report from the Environmental Working Group, conventional celery is one of the worst types of produce to purchase. Its soft, absorbent skin makes it especially prone to soak up and retain pesticides. Testing revealed residual traces from a staggering 67 pesticides in conventional celery. Would you like a little celery with your pesticides? Not me. I buy organic celery.

    Organic celery can be a terrific food to add to your daily anti-cancer eating plan. It's inexpensive, and you have to eat anyway, so bring some home today.

    Naturally, eating it raw will give you the most bang for your buck.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

How to dissolve dangerous artery plaque and unclog your arteries

Dr. Michael CutlerDr. Michael Cutler
Four little letters are saving John's life...
and I guarantee you've never heard about them from your heart surgeon!

Dear Friend,

24 hours ago, this white powder was PLAQUE blocking an artery...

...and exposing John to a serious blockage of blood flow to his heart and brain.

White PowderThe harmless-looking white powder you're looking at could have been a death sentence for John—and a catastrophe for his family.

Just hours ago, it was arterial plaque clogging his circulatory system, restricting blood flow to vital organs and setting the stage for a heart or brain disaster.

Left alone, it had the power to turn John—a living, breathing human being—into a fading memory... a mere statistic:
one of the 960,000 Americans who will be killed by a clogged artery this year

But John had a secret weapon...

And now, this once-savage killer is as harmless as a teaspoon of sugar.

John discovered an amino acid so safe that the United States Food and Drug Administration has approved it as an additive to baby food.

Almost immediately, it entered his bloodstream, seeking out, arresting and neutralizing the rogue calcium deposits that had super-glued this plaque to his artery walls.

Then, in an act of supreme irony, the very blood the plaque had once blocked quickly swept it to his kidneys, where it was unceremoniously evicted from John's body as a component of urine.

And then a miracle occurred for John...
Brain cells that controlled memory were rejuvenated!
Painful joints were soothed!
Eyes, ears, sexual organs returned to normal function!
Arms, hands, legs, feet once cold and numb, now warm!
Skin—once thin—smoothed and regained a youthful glow!
Heart—once in grave danger—was revitalized!
My Free Report reveals the four-letter miracle that's saving John's life... and could be saving yours! Click Here to claim it now and see for yourself!

Yours for healthy living,

Michael Cutler, M.D.
Editor, Easy Health Digest™

Monday, November 26, 2012


HAMPTON, Va. - Bowie State University senior Byron Westmorland was selected as the CIAA Player of the Week by the conference Sports Information Directors Association.

Westmorland probably played his best week in a Bulldogs uniform. Besides scoring a career-high 37 points at Augusta State, he averaged 29.3 points and 7.3 rebounds per game and was perfect from the free throw line. The Baltimore native scored 20 plus points in BSU's other two games of the week, recording 23 against Florida Memorial and 28 versus Virginia University of Lynchburg.

The Bulldogs make their home debut at 7 pm Tuesday (11/27) against the Wolves of Cheyney University in BSU's A.C. Jordan Arena.
Follow Bowie State basketball via



We hope everyone had an enjoyable and bountiful Thanksgiving. Below is a list of upcoming home/local athletic events we encourage you to support. Please be advised the BSU Student Affairs Office is partnering with the Student Government Association and the Department of Athletics to help raise funds and awareness for the victims of Hurricane Sandy and the relief efforts.  We have partnered with The American Red Cross to help receive donations from Students, Faculty, Staff, Alumni and the entire Bulldog nation.

We recognize many of our Bulldog Nation is from or have family in the heavily affected areas of New York and New Jersey.  To NY, NJ and other affected areas, we would like to show our support and let all affected know that Bowie State cares.

We have identified our donation event as the 1st Men's Home Basketball game on November 27th, 2012 at 7pm in the A.C. Jordan Arena.

During this game, the American Red Cross will have tables setup to receive donations.  The BSU Student Affairs Office will have BSU 'Sandy' relief tee-shirts available for donations of $20 or more.  No donation is too big or too small. 

If you cannot attend the game and make the donation in person, Red Cross will have an online option to donate on behalf of Bowie State University.

Let's step up Bulldog Nation!!  We will show the victims of Hurricane Sandy that we stand united and ready to help. For additional information regarding the Basketball Game with a Purpose, contact Shawn Lamb ( -(301) 860-3812

Tuesday, November 27                Men’s Basketball vs. Cheyney University                            7:00 pm
                                                            (Leonidas S. James Complex – A.C. Jordan Arena)
                                                            For ticket information, call 301-860-4062

Saturday, December 1                 Women’s Basketball vs. University of D.C.                          2:00 pm
                                                            (Leonidas S. James Complex – A.C. Jordan Arena)
                                                            For ticket information, call 301-860-4062

Tuesday, December 4                   Women’s Basketball vs. Glenville State                               6:00 pm
                                                            (Leonidas S. James Complex – A.C. Jordan Arena)
                                                            For ticket information, call 301-860-4062

Thursday, December 6                 Women’s Basketball vs. Shepherd                                         6:00 pm
                                                            (Leonidas S. James Complex – A.C. Jordan Arena)
                                                            For ticket information, call 301-860-4062

Wednesday, December 12          Men’s Basketball at University of D.C.                                 7:00 pm
                                                            (Washington, DC)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Great news about resveratrol and cancer

Cancer Defeated Publications

Exciting New Findings about
Resveratrol and Cancer

    You've probably seen news blurbs about the health benefits of resveratrol, the nutrient found in red wine. Scientific studies show this powerful antioxidant can protect you from heart problems.

    But research also shows this heart helper can also stop cancer from forming—and even KILL a variety of existing cancer cells. Exciting new research indicates all of us should be taking it — read on for details.

Continued below. . .

If you're taking resveratrol, here's some important
news you need to know about
    You’ve probably heard how resveratrol is good for your heart and can slow aging. In fact, you may be taking a resveratrol supplement now, or thinking of taking one.

    Resveratrol is often hailed as the secret behind the "French paradox" —the fact that the French enjoy better heart health, despite their high-fat diets. And several new studies show resveratrol can do even more for your health.

    For example, it…
  • Boosts your memory and brainpower;
  • Maintains healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels;
  • Promotes healthy insulin sensitivity;
  • Supports healthy blood pressure and circulation;
  • Supports joint health; and
  • Promotes eye health.
    In spite of all these tremendous health benefits, you may be surprised to hear what I’ve been telling my patients and readers…

Find out more here

    According to the National Cancer Institute, resveratrol belongs to a group of plant compounds called polyphenols. You'll find high concentrations of resveratrol in red wine, grapes, raspberries, peanuts, and other plants.

    In fact, these and other plants produce resveratrol to protect themselves from fungus, infection and disease. And this same compound can help prevent cell damage and protect YOU from diseases too!

    Scientists have discovered that resveratrol has some unique antioxidant properties that help protect your cells from damaging free radicals.

    Free radicals are unstable oxygen molecules that steal parts from other cells to become more stable. Cells with stolen parts become damaged and unstable—which can make you vulnerable to diseases such as cancer.

    But research shows resveratrol has the power to stop cell damage, and thereby help prevent the formation of cancer cells.
Here's what the science says so far…
    According to a study published in the July 1st, 2008 issue of Cancer Prevention Research1, Doctors Ercole Cavalieri and Eleanor Rogen of the University of Nebraska Medical Center wanted to determine how resveratrol might affect the formation of cancer cells.

    The researchers tested a blend of resveratrol, the amino acid n-acetyl-l-cysteine (NAC), lipoic acid, and melatonin. They found that adding resveratrol greatly enhanced the body's natural protective mechanisms.

    What's more—the scientists said adding resveratrol to the formula greatly reduced the formation of breast cancer cells.

    And more studies are underway to see how resveratrol affects the initiation, promotion, and progression of cancer. In addition to killing breast cancer cells, studies have shown so far that resveratrol could be an effective way to:
  • Blast neuroblastoma
    Neuroblastoma is a disease of the nervous system — basically, the brain and spinal cord. It's the most common cancer among infants and toddlers. The standard treatments of radiation and chemotherapy are often ineffective and have serious side effects.
    According to study results published in Clinical Cancer Research2, researchers tested resveratrol on mouse models of human neuroblastoma and in lab cultures using human cells. They found that resveratrol inhibited the outgrowth of tumors by as much as 80%!
  • Eliminate eye cancer
    One animal study3 showed resveratrol administered by mouth and by injection caused eye cancer cells (uveal melanoma) to shrivel and die!
  • Pulverize prostate cancer cells
    Several studies have demonstrated that resveratrol might prevent or diminish prostate cancer severity. In one study that examined different types of prostate cancer cells4, resveratrol was the most potent of all polyphenols tested against advanced prostate cancer cells.
  • Save skin from melanoma cancer
    In a 2005 study5, researchers at the University of Wisconsin Department of Dermatology applied resveratrol to the skin of hairless mice prior to sun exposure. The mice treated with resveratrol experienced fewer skin tumors than mice that did not receive the treatment. Researchers also found that applying resveratrol to skin after exposure to ultraviolet rays also helped prevent skin tumors. (Hairless mice are a special species that's useful in certain kinds of studies.)
    Although laboratory tests show resveratrol might help prevent cardiovascular disease and cancer, don't rush to bet the farm that it's the ultimate cancer cure…

    Noted medical author Dr. Stephen Barrett, M.D. points out that the bulk of resveratrol research focuses on short-term effects. Plus, he notes that most studies are performed in labs on non-human models.

    Barrett expresses concern about the lack of information on how your body absorbs and processes resveratrol—or even about ways in which it may affect your liver.

    Plus, he said it's important to remember that the main dietary source of resveratrol is red wine. Because concentrations of the compound in wine vary widely—increasing red wine consumption to boost resveratrol intake could eventually cause liver damage and addiction.

    Because resveratrol supplements could also vary in quality, Barrett suggests occasionaluse of red wine—along with a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and veggies—could be a safe way to enjoy some of resveratrol's health benefits.

    My recommendation would be to take a good resveratrol supplement rather than drink the huge amounts of red wine needed to achieve a therapeutic effect.

    One of our trusted sponsors, Advanced Bionutritionals, offers a resveratrol supplement that you can order by clicking here. They’re an excellent company with high quality standards so you can order with confidence. Of course, they would NEVER tell you the findings about cancer and resveratrol that I’ve outlined in this article, because the law won’t permit them to do that.

    In our last issue we wrote about a simple new test for colon cancer (NOT a colonoscopy!) But most doctors don't know about it. If you missed this important news, you can scroll down and catch it now.

Saturday, November 24, 2012



PETERSBURG, Va. – Four of five Bowie State starters score in double figures as the Bulldogs pummel Virginia University of Lynchburg 101-83. The win improves the Bulldogs record to 2-4 overall.

The Bulldogs were paced by senior Byron Westmorland with a game-high 28 points to go along with six rebounds and two assists. Senior Najee White put together another solid game, recording a double-double of 17 points and a game-high 12 rebounds.

Bowie State controlled the glass, holding a 54-31 advantage, with 21 coming on the offensive end.

Justin Wilson led the Dragons with 24 points and Egor Shakhmetov contributed 17 points. Shakhmetov tied for team-high rebound honors (7) with Dennis Gravely.

The game started slow but the Bulldogs put together a 6-0 run to take a 26-17 advantage following a deep 3-pointer by Westmorland, forcing the Dragons to call a timeout with 10:17 left in the first half. Virginia Lynchburg actually led most of the first seven minutes of the game, holding a 13-7 lead at the 14:49 mark.

A layup by Bowie State senior Bryan Wilson a little over a minute later shifted the advantage over to the Bulldogs for good at 14-13. The Bulldogs put together another run, outscoring the Dragons 12-5 to push the Bowie State lead to double-digits at 28-18.

Bowie State’s lead ballooned to 40-22 at the 5:25 mark following a 3-pointer by junior Carlos Smith. The Bulldogs knocked down 47 percent of their first half field goals (18-of-38), which included 6-of-16 beyond the 3-point line. BSU converted 9-of-10 first period free throws.

Virginia Lynchburg (4-6) cut into the lead slightly by the half, but Bowie State still had a 51-36 cushion at the break. VUL scored at a 37 percent clip from the field in the first 20 minutes (13-of-35).

The Dragons trimmed the deficit to 15 points twice in the second half, but would get no closer.

The Bulldogs will make their first home appearance on the season on Tuesday (November 27), hosting the Wolves of Cheyney University at 7:30 pm in BSU’s A.C. Jordan Arena.



WASHINGTON, D.C. - Division I Howard University came alive after halftime, outscoring Bowie State University 40-18 in the second half and rolled to a 60-38 win over the Lady Bulldogs. The loss evens Bowie State record at 2-2.

Saadia Doyle, who tallied six points on the first half of action, finished with a team-high 29 points, while Cheyenne Curley-Payne gathered 11 points and Jerelle Gorham attained 10 points to lead the Lady Bison.  Nicole Deterville amassed a game-high 10 rebounds, as Doyle collected eight boards.  Curley-Payne circulated nine assists and two steals.

Collectively, the Lady Bison finished at 64 percent from the charity stripe, 35 percent from the field and 18 percent from long range.

Junior Brooke Miles paced the Lady Bulldogs with a team-high 17 points on 6-of-10 shooting, which included 5-of-6 behind the 3-point line. Senior Jasmine Jacobs and sophomore Bria Robinson added six points each. Robinson led Bowie State in rebounds, grabbing a career-high nine.

As a team, Bowie State hit a season-low 13 total field goals in 46 attempts (28 percent), but made 42 percent of their 3-pointers (5-of-12). The Lady Bulldogs had a little more success at the free throw line, converting 21-of-33 (64 percent).

Howard (1-4) opened the contest with a 16-4 lead by the 9:39 mark, but Bowie State charged back with a 13-2 run and tied the game at 20-20 with Jacobs jumper as time expired to end the first half.

The Lady Bison utilized the halftime intermission to revive its offense. Howard scored the first four points of the second half only to have Bowie State go on a 5-0 run to take their first and only lead at 25-24 at the 15:13 mark on a Miles triple.

HU’s Doyle answered with a jumper on the other end and the Lady Bison would never trail again. From there, the host Lady Bison outscored the Lady Bulldogs 15-3 over the next three minute to take a commanding 41-28 advantage.

A pair of free throws by BSU’s Jacobs stopped the Howard run with 7:05 remaining in the game, but the deficit was just too much to overcome.

Bowie State will be idle until Saturday (December 1) when the Lady Bulldogs play their home opener against the Firebirds of the University of the District of Columbia at 2 pm.



PETERSBURG, Va. – The four-game slide is over for Bowie State (1-4) after the Bulldogs claimed its first victory of the season, cruising to an 85-74 win over the Lions of Florida Memorial University.

Senior Najee White scored a game-high 24 points and fellow senior Byron Westmorland grabbed a career-high 12 rebounds for the Bulldogs. White also recorded career-bests of four blocked shots and five assists to go along with eight rebounds. Westmorland scored over 20 points for the fifth time this season, contributing 23 points and marked his third career double-double. Senior Bryan Wilson also notched double figures, adding 10 points.

Adam Braswell led Florida Memorial (2-2) with 21 points to go along with four steals, two assists and two rebounds. Samuel Dorismond and Adrian White provided 18 and 15 points respectively for the Lions.

The Bulldogs defense put the clamps on the Lions from the opening tip, jumping out to a 13-0 advantage in the games’ first six minutes. During the Bulldogs run, White was personally responsible for eight points, two on huge dunks.

Florida Memorial’s Dorismond put the first two points on the board for the Lions via a pair of free throws at the 14:13 mark of the first period. The Lions trimmed the deficit to 18-15 a few minutes later, but the Bulldogs pushed the lead up to a dozen (46-34) by intermission.

Bowie State hit 19-of-33 first half field goals, which included 6-of-11 behind the arc. The Bulldogs dominated inside, holding a 29-10 points in the paint advantage over the first 20 minutes.

The Bulldogs were never really threatened the entire afternoon, only allowing the Lions within seven points in the second half at 50-43. Bowie State’s defense held Florida Memorial to 39 percent field goal shooting in both halves.

Bowie State ended their first game in the Chick-fil-A Classic shooting 57.6 percent from the field (19-of-33) and won the battle on the glass (45-38). The Bulldogs inside dominance really showed on the stat sheet after the game as Bowie State scored 55 of its points in the paint.

The Bulldogs will close out the weekend with a Saturday (11/24) 4:30 pm non-conference matchup against Virginia University of Lynchburg. Virginia – Lynchburg lost 73-54 to host Virginia State in Friday’s (11/23) nightcap of the Chick-fil-A Classic.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

In 21 days you can just about get rid of any cancer

This American doctor said. . .
"In 21 days you can just about get rid of any cancer"
. . .and she proved it again and again!
Can you believe an American doctor actually said, "In 21 days you can just about get rid of any cancer"—and then proved it?
Well she did. My Cancer Defeated colleague Andrew Scholberg interviewed her. What's more, he talked to some of the patients whose lives she saved during the last 20 years.
I was so excited by Andy's findings I went to her clinic myself to take a look. We investigated her whole approach, and let me tell you. . .
There's absolutely no doubt her cancer breakthrough has helped one "terminal" patient after another get rid of cancer.
What's more, she did it with natural methods only—NO disfiguring surgery, NO burning radiation, and NO poisonous chemo. And here's what's really scandalous. . .

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Here's a new way to avoid colon cancer

Is Your Doctor Keeping This
Life-Saving DNA Test From You?

    Scientists have said for years that DNA tests will change the face of medicine. And these days, genetic testing is cheaper and more common than ever. But doctor ignorance and the profit motive continue to rank higher than patient health — even though genetic tests could save you and your family members from cancer.

    That's why I'm writing you today. I want to make sure you know about the DNA screening that provides early detection of colon cancer. Sadly, you can't count on your doctor to tell you about it.

Continued below. . .
Cancer Defeated Publications

Video of the Week:
"Shocking Confessions of a Drug Company Insider"
    In this exposé, a top executive of a major pharmaceutical company spills the naked truth about the drugs you and your family take... which drugs heal, and which ones KILL... what doctors turn to when they don't know the cure... what they do when they themselves or their loved ones are stricken with disease or illness... what life-saving resource they insist should be in every home. Watch this must-see video now because your life -- or the life of your loved ones -- may depend on it.

Ever heard of Lynch syndrome?
    Right behind lung cancer, colon cancer is the second most deadly cancer in the U.S. But here's something you may not know: your genes can predispose you to get colon cancer.

    Geneticists call the disorder "Lynch syndrome," after Henry T. Lynch. It was fifty years ago when Lynch, then a young medical resident, started tracking families with a high colon cancer incidence.

    During the mid-1990's, geneticists confirmed Lynch's initial findings. Research showed as many as three percent of all colon cancer cases are the result of genetics. Alaska Natives in particular are twice as likely to die from colon cancer as most other people, and Lynch syndrome is at the heart of it.

    Lynch syndrome speeds up tumor growth. It's seen in families with a high incidence of colon cancer, ovarian cancer, and endometrial cancer. So if one family member is diagnosed with one of those cancers, it could be a lifesaving measure for that person to be screened for Lynch syndrome.

    Once a patient tests positive for Lynch syndrome, it's a clue to other family members to either get screened or take preventive measures. A hysterectomy is one way to prevent tumor growth for those at risk. So, once they've had children, women prone to Lynch syndrome may choose to have their ovaries and uterus removed in order to prevent endometrial or ovarian cancer. Lynch syndrome patients are also instructed to have annual colonoscopies, since polyps in the colon are more likely to turn deadly for them, and quickly.

    Credit for developing the DNA screening test goes to the Mayo Clinic's Dr. Ahlquist. The test is extremely accurate, finding at least 85 percent of colon cancers and over 50 percent of pre-cancerous polyps. It measures changes in DNA that are shed from the surface of a cancerous or pre-cancerous tumor into the stool. Those changes act like a cancer signature.
Colon cancer revolution
    Plenty of folks think genetic testing will bring us a new era of cancer treatment. It's certainly becoming more common, and cheaper.

    The test for Lynch syndrome can cost as little as $300. But of the 800,000 people likely to be afflicted, only 50,000 have been diagnosed. As Dr. Lynch puts it (at 84, he now directs the Hereditary Cancer Center at the Creighton University School of Medicine in Omaha), "There are people dying needlessly."

    According to the American Cancer Society, colorectal cancer killed 50,000 people last year. And this is a cancer with no symptoms in the early stages.

    In 2009, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a recommendation that anyone diagnosed with colon cancer get tested for Lynch syndrome. They also recommended testing for relatives of those patients as a preventive measure.

    Despite that, less than half of all hospitals with cancer programs offer routine screening for the condition. A study in the Journal of Clinical Oncology showed only 5 percent of patients diagnosed with colon cancer were also given genetic tests for Lynch syndrome.

    Dr. Ahlquist, original developer of the Lynch syndrome test, is now working with both the Mayo Clinic and a company called Exact Science to develop a commercial test. Ahlquist predicts a revolution in colon cancer screening, much like the effect the Pap smear had for cervical cancer fifty years ago.

    Importantly, both the Mayo Clinic and Exact Sciences are likely to profit from development of this commercial test … which means they'll have a motive to get the word out to doctors who could make a difference.
The doctor-education problem
    So why haven't doctors been taking advantage of this powerful test? Too often, the problem lies with overworked primary care docs who have little background in genetics. They don't recognize the warning signs across family health histories. Many doctors don't even know about Lynch syndrome. So they don't send their at-risk patients to a genetics counselor.

    Even if they did know about it, busy physicians don't have a lot of time to invest in what it takes to get a genetic test recommended. Part of the work involves figuring out whether other family members had related cancers, collecting tissue samples, and setting up the genetic test.

    The doctors who treat colon tumors and related cancers tend to focus on treatment first, not family history or genetics.

    Then there's the profit problem. Tests for the BRCA breast cancer genes bring in a lot of money. Tests for colon cancer? Not so much. Maybe that's why doctors refer twice as many patients for inherited breast cancer genes as they do for hereditary colon cancer, despite the fact both diseases are equally common. Colon cancer just lacks the awareness that breast cancer has, thanks in part to well-known charities like Susan G. Komen for the Cure.

    It's also an establishment problem. The medical system just doesn't know how to efficiently use genetic knowledge as preventative treatment.
Not a cure, but still pretty good
    Knowledge about Lynch syndrome gives doctors and hospitals a terrific opportunity to educate patients and prevent many cases of colon cancer. But patients continue to slip through the cracks. Sometimes multiple family members are diagnosed with colon cancer or related cancers, yet nobody links the disease to Lynch syndrome.

    Like too many of the things we write about here, it all comes back to money. No single company has rights to gene testing for Lynch syndrome, so few bother to market it. Several companies offer the test, but because none of them command enough market share to invest in both doctor and patient education, nobody does it.

    Also, remember — we're talking about DNA here. There's still a lot of apprehension associated with DNA tests, and people from families known to carry Lynch syndrome sometimes skip the test because they're afraid of the stigma, or even possible discrimination from insurers and employers (yes, in spite of the law).

    For now, we have to wait for FDA approval of the Mayo Clinic/Exact Sciences test, which probably won't happen till early next year. DNA tests are also in the works right now for several other cancers, including brain cancer, lung cancer, and pancreatic cancer. Experts say these tests have the potential to transform the way we diagnose and treat cancer.

    So it's not a cure, but at least DNA screening means early detection, and early detection means a much better survival rate.

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AUGUSTA, Ga. – The Bulldogs’ early season struggles continue as Bowie State drops fourth in a row, losing 91-86 to the Jaguars of Augusta State. With the loss, Bowie State’s record dips to 0-4 and marks the first time the Bulldogs have lost four straight games to start a season since 1999.

Senior Byron Westmorland poured in a career-high 37 points and fellow senior Bryan Wilson added 12 points to pace Bowie State. Westmorland went 10-for-10 from the free throw line and hit 7-of-10 shots behind the arc. Senior Dameatric Scott chipped in nine points and grabbed a team-high five rebounds.

Harold Doby recorded a double-double for the victorious Jaguars, pumping in a team-high 25 points to go along with 10 rebounds, three assists and two blocked shots. Augusta State was led on the glass by Chad July with game-highs of 11 rebounds and three blocks. Devonte Thomas and Devon Wright-Nelson also scored in double figures adding 24 and 13 points respectively.

Bowie State junior Carlos Smith scored the first two points of the game via the free throw line, but Augusta State ran off the next seven points. The ASU Jaguars held a 13-7 advantage at the 12:09 mark of the first half only to have a Westmorland 3-pointer pull the Bulldogs within one (28-27) with just under five minutes left in the opening period.

A pair of free throws by Bowie State senior Najee White shifted the advantage over to the Bulldogs at 32-31, but the lead was brief. Augusta State closed out the final 3:23 with a 10-6 run to take a 41-38 lead into halftime.

The Jaguars and Bulldogs played pretty even in the first half, but the Augusta State bench outscored the Bowie State bench 14-0 in the first 20 minutes. ASU hit 15-of-32 from the field and BSU hit 12-of-31 from the field with both teams making five 3-pointers each.

Augusta State (1-0) began the second half with a 9-0 run behind the play of Thomas and Doby. The Jaguars lead grew to a game-high 14 points at the 17:02 mark on a Thomas triple.

The Bulldogs cut the deficit to one at 60-59 on a pair of free throws by junior Ray Gatling less than four minutes later. Westmorland drained a deep 3-pointer at the 9:16 mark of the second half, giving Bowie State its third, but final lead (70-68) of the game.

A jumper by Augusta State’s Wright-Nelson with 7:02 remaining gave the home team the lead for good.  The Jaguars torched the Christenberry Fieldhouse nets at a 70.4 percent clip in the final period of play, knocking down 19-of-27 field goals.

Augusta State out-rebounded Bowie State 39-34 but the Jaguars committed 19 turnovers, compared to a season-low 10 turnovers for the Bulldogs.

The Bulldogs will break for Thanksgiving and then return to the hardwood on Friday (November 23) against NAIA member Florida Memorial University in the first game of the Chick-fil-A Classic hosted by Virginia State University. Game time for the Bulldogs and Lions is set for 3 pm in VSU’s Daniel Gymnasium.

Sunday, November 18, 2012



WASHINGTON, D.C. – Bowie State University dropped its first game of the season falling 75-57 to the Lakers of Grand Valley State University in a non-conference matchup at the Firebirds Classic hosted by the University of the District of Columbia. The setback sets the Bowie State overall record at 2-1.

Leading the way for the Lady Bulldogs was junior Brooke Miles with 12 points and sophomore Channell Mackey with 10 points. Mackey tied for game-high assists honors with three and was named to the All-Classic Team. BSU junior Moriah Goodman pulled down a team-high six rebounds and sophomore Bria Robinson added nine points. 

Grand Valley State (3-0) was led by Briauna Taylor’s game-high double-double of 23 points and 11 rebounds. Alex Stelfox just missed a double-double, scoring 14 points and grabbing nine rebounds. Lauren Stodola scored in double figures as well, contributing 13 points for the Lakers.

The Lakers jumped out to a comfortable 41-28 halftime advantage on 11-of-21 (52.4 percent) shooting from the floor and 16-of-18 (88.9 percent) from the free throw line.

GVSU began pulling away near the mid-point of the first half, as the Lakers, already up 16-12, went on a nine-point run that ended with a three-pointer by Breanna Kellogg to give the Lakers a 25-12 advantage.

The Lakers went on another run near the end of the first half, scoring the last seven points of the opening stanza, including a lay-up and three free throws by Taylor, to go in to the locker room up 41-26.

Bowie State appeared to be making a comeback midway through the second half. With Grand Valley State leading 56-37, Bowie State forced a Lakers timeout after going on a six-point run to make it a 56-43 advantage. Following the timeout, however, Stelfox hit a jumper but Bowie State kept coming hard, cutting the deficit to only 10 at 58-48 with eight minutes to play.

A 10-2 run by the Lakers in the next couple minutes put the game away, including six straight points from Stodola. Up 68-50, Grand Valley State was able to hold on the rest of the way, taking the game by a 75-57 score.

As a team, the Lakers dominated at the charity stripe, going 34-for-38 (89.5-percent) from the line. GVSU had a huge advantage in rebounds (41-27) and forced Bowie State in to 26 fouls compared to the Lakers' 15. A solid defensive effort by Grand Valley State forced Bowie State in to shooting only 26.2-percent (17-for-65) from the field on the game.

Bowie State returns to action Friday (November 23) in non-conference action at Howard University. The Lady Bulldogs and Lady Bison get underway at 7 pm in HU’s Burr Gymnasium.