Wednesday, October 17, 2012

This cancer miracle may be a bad idea

Is This Famous Cancer "Miracle" a Dud?

    What can make your breath smell better… bleach wood pulp… disinfect drinking water… and clobber cancer cells too?

    That sounds like a tall order for ANYTHING to accomplish! But many folks are convinced that the compound chlorine dioxide can do all this—and even MORE!

    This chemical compound is made of one chlorine ion bound to two ions of oxygen. It has a type of magnetism that helps it snatch electrons away from harmful pathogens.

    Doing so causes a type of mini explosion that knocks the snuff out of viruses, toxins, parasites and other things that can harm your health.

    But the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) puts a different spin on chlorine dioxide—particularly when it's sold as a product called Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS).

    Here's what they say…

Continued below. . .

The Alzheimer's Answer no one is talking about!
    It's been called a "diabetes darling," touted as a natural "cholesterol buster," and can even help bust up inflammation.

    But one M.D. thinks we're missing the point entirely...

    This could be the Alzheimer's Answer of a lifetime--and no one's talking about it!

    Imagine--the key to protecting your memory and putting your fears to rest could be right in front of you.

    Today, America's leading natural authority is standing up and speaking out. And now you can discover his revelation in this groundbreaking presentation .

By no means should you drink BLEACH—
unless WE give it to you!
    The FDA issued warnings in both July and October 2010 warning folks to steer clear of MMS products being sold by independent distributors on websites and online auctions.

    According to the government agency, if you prepare the product as directed it produces "industrial strength bleach."

    They also warn that some people experienced nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and symptoms of severe dehydration after taking the product. Is it really as bad as they say? Or is this just the FDA up to its usual tricks?
    Their recommendations were: 1) DON'T purchase the product or 2) throw out any you may have. I've heard mixed reports about this remedy myself and I don't recommend it.

    I can't deny a lot of people say it works, not only for cancer but for other diseases. But I think you've got better anti-cancer choices. Because this remedy gets so much press, I get letters about it. So let's take a look. . .

    Chlorine dioxide is commonly used in many different ways — it just comes down to how strong the solution is.
Chlorine dioxide has been used to treat and purify public water sources around the world since the 1940s.
    For example, the water treatment plant in Niagara Falls, New York first used chlorine dioxide in 1944 to treat its drinking water.

    And officials in Brussels, Belgium approved the use of the compound for disinfecting its public drinking water supplies in 1956.

    The level found in your drinking water is too low to make you sick, although drinking chlorinated water over the long term may be linked to bladder cancer, according to some sources.

    The substance is used for other purposes. . .

    Chlorine dioxide has been a staple antiseptic and pathogen killer in the medical profession for more than 100 years.

    What's more, the compound and its chlorite ion were used to decontaminate public buildings following the 2001 release of anthrax spores in the United States.

    People also used it to scrub mold from Louisiana homes flooded by Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

    Chlorine dioxide kills microbes. That's why it's used in all these applications. To be less, polite — it's a poison. I'm not surprised it makes people sick (as the inventor admits it sometimes does).
The man behind the MMS 'miracle'…
    The product that raises the FDA's hackles was created by a retired miner named Jim Humble.

    He accidentally discovered the health benefits of chlorine dioxide while helping a friend complete a gold mining expedition in South Africa.

    Some of the miners began to experience headaches… aching muscles and joints… nausea… diarrhea… and vomiting. They also suffered with chills and high fevers—all symptoms of malaria.

    When Humble gave the sick miners some of the stabilized oxygen he'd brought to purify his drinking water—everyone was amazed to see improvements within an hour after they took it!

    Humble discovered that trace amounts of chlorine dioxide and its chlorite ion were the magic bullet that helped the miners recover their health.

    His MMS formula contains 28% of the sodium chlorite ion in distilled water. The solution changes to chlorine dioxide when you add an "activator" of lemon juice, vinegar or citric acid.

    In his book The Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century, Jim Humble states that MMS "is not meant for treatment of any particular disease; rather it is meant to improve the immune system to the point of overcoming many diseases, frequently in less than 24 hours."

    Over the years, Humble used his sodium chlorite solution to help people in Africa who were plagued with malaria, hepatitis, AIDS—and cancer. He also made it available to a larger market through Internet sales.

    And naturally that has made him a target of the mainstream medical establishment. This is a case where I don't have enough information to say, one way or another.

    Like every alternative cancer remedy, this one has its fans. Many people believe Humble's assertion that MMS can power up your immune system and be an effective protection against almost any type of cancer.

    As for the nausea and vomiting the FDA reports as possible side effects of taking MMS—Humble acknowledges this may occur.

    He said this is often the way your body reacts when purging itself of toxins and other harmful substances. It can also happen if a person ingests too many drops of MMS at one time.

    His suggestion is to drink a glass of cold water to help ease the nausea. You could also add EITHER 1000 to 5000 mg of vitamin C, OR a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda.

    If you're curious about the benefits of MMS, you'll find a free chapter from Humble's book at

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