Sunday, October 28, 2012

Cured of cancer? Get paid to shut up about it

Alternative Remedies Cured Your Cancer?
Get Paid to Shut Up about It!!

by Andrew Scholberg and Lee Euler
    One of the most compelling speakers at the Cancer Control Society's 2012 Doctors' Symposium was a young cancer survivor named Lynnette Blake. Lynnette was told she had only six months to live. But she defied her doctor, turned to alternative medicine, and got rid of her cancer completely — mainly with the help of one particular remedy I'll describe in a moment.

    Her story is wonderful and inspiring. But what interested me most was this: A major drug company was willing to pay her a quarter of a million dollars to keep her successful cancer recovery a secret. I was shocked, and you will be, too. Keep reading. . .

Continued below. . .

Breast Cancer Survivor was told:
"You'll be dead in a year" (Pssst!! That was 12 years ago!)
    Doctors didn't give Wiltrude much hope when they diagnosed her with cancer in the year 2000. Wiltrude, a German psychologist, never thought cancer would happen to her. But it did. And it came as a big shock.

    One doctor told her, "You'll be dead in a year." Late stage breast cancer isvirtually incurable using conventional treatments. Even M.D.s admit it. They talk about "buying you more time." (Don't count on it. The evidence shows you're better off doing nothing than chemo.)

    When Wiltrude told her doctor she was going to try alternative treatments, he said, "You are committing suicide with what you're doing." But she was determined to find a way to beat her cancer.

    Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, this European woman came across a book by my good friend Bill Henderson, one of the smartest and wisest people I know when it comes to cancer treatment.

    She tried Bill's top, number one recommendation — a gentle treatment you can do at home for just $5.15 a day. What's more, the cost goes down to $3.50 after six weeks because you just need a maintenance dose. And it even tastes good.

    Not only has Wiltrude passed the five-year cancer survival mark, she's survived for 12 years. We just interviewed her recently for this publication. The radiologist who tests her every year told her, "You're the only one with this kind of result."

    You can find out about Bill’s proven cancer treatment plan in a free video presentation — click here to watch it now.

    When I ask him about some of the treatments that top alternative doctors use, Bill sort of shrugs and says, "They're fine, but why bother? My treatment works, you can do it yourself, and it costs practically nothing."

    He's coached thousands of cancer patients with all different types and stages of cancer. Most of the people who follow the detailed, specific plan in this Special Report get over their cancer and live for years.

    "Almost any kind of cancer is reversible," says Bill. "I never give up on anyone."

Click here and watch the free video presentation about Bill’s amazing cancer protocol.

    Six years earlier, Lynnette, a nurse, came down with cervical cancer. For the sake of her three children, she was determined to live. But her treatments weren't working.

    She'd never heard of alternative cancer treatments. She accepted her doctor's recommendation without hesitation and went through eight rounds of chemo.

    When the cancer spread to Lynnette's pelvic floor and all of her pelvic organs, her doctor prescribed another harsh drug nicknamed "the Red Devil" — the drug Adriamycin. But her cancer spread further until she reached Stage Four -- the last cancer stage before death. Her doctor gave her "six months to live" and offered no hope whatsoever.

    Because her cancer was considered terminal, she was invited to participate in an experimental study. But she decided against it because the clinic was two hours away and there was a 50-50 chance she'd be in the group that got the "sugar pills" instead of the experimental drug. So she decided to stay home and die.

    One day, as she was preparing for death, a friend leaned over and told her, "You need to hear about my son, who's battling cancer alternatively." Her son was juicing and taking things like laetrile and vitamin C. And he was getting his health back.
Oncologist warns: "You're committing suicide!"
    Lynnette told her oncologist about the alternative treatment to get his opinion. He scoffed at the alternative treatments. In no uncertain terms, he told her, "It's quackery. It's unproven. It's dangerous. The cyanide in laetrile will poison you. And you're committing suicide if you quit chemo and radiation."

    The oncologist must have temporarily forgotten he'd told Lynnette she was as good as dead no matter what she did.

    Lynnette knew she had nothing to lose by trying an alternative. But the oncologist pushed hard. He even wanted to talk to Lynnette's husband. He insisted that she stay on the "straight and narrow" with his chemo and radiation treatments.

    Lynnette stood up against the oncologist's ignorant bullying and reminded him it was herdecision to make, not his.

    She started on various alternative therapies including laetrile, nutritional supplements, and the Gerson protocol. This proven protocol includes a strict anti-cancer eating plan and coffee enemas to flush and detoxify the liver. She wasn't able to go to the Gerson clinic in Tijuana, Mexico. Instead, she read a book about the Gerson protocol and did her best to apply it at home.
How the dead tumor came out of her body
    After just 96 days of natural treatment, she was cancer free! She said, "The tumor came out in the toilet, which was kind of gross." Her conventional doctor wrote in her official medical records, "There is no explanation except spontaneous remission."

    One doesn't know whether to laugh or cry. But don't do either yet. This gets even better.

    Lynnette was delighted to be cancer free. But there was one dark cloud over her head: a $250,000 medical bill for the chemo and radiation treatments that didn't work. There was no way she could pay that enormous bill. She was ruined financially.
Drug company offers Lynnette a $250,000 bribe
    The drug company that manufactured Lynnette's chemo was concerned that her astonishing story of recovery from Stage Four cancer would leak out. So the drug company offered Lynnette a $250,000 bribe. All she had to do was agree not to tell her story about alternative treatments, and the drug company would make her medical bills disappear.

    Lynnette faced a terrible choice. She WANTED to tell her story and spread the good news all over God's green earth. But the wolf was at the door, and the bill collectors were hounding her with demands and threats. Under severe pressure, she felt she had no choice but to accept the drug company's offer. And her medical bills disappeared.

    Despite her agreement with the drug company, Lynnette felt a higher obligation to tell the truth. So she wrote a book about her story: The Heavenly Cure for Cancer. . . . Is There One?It's a good book, in which she shares the details of the best cancer treatments — and not merely those she used to treat herself. After recovering from cancer, she became a naturopathic doctor, or N.D., and now she treats cancer patients herself. Her book is available on

    It's incredible to me that one of the major drug companies would spend $250,000 to bribe a patient not to reveal how alternatives saved her from cancer. How many other Lynnettes are there who accepted the money and never talked? Five? Ten? Dozens?

    Here at Cancer Defeated, the closest we've come to this type of situation was a doctor at an alternative German cancer clinic — a very honest man — who told us he'd been offered a $5 million kickback by a major drug company if he would switch to using high-dose chemotherapy on his patients —and abandon his practice of alternative medicine combined with occasional low-dose chemotherapy.

    I suspect these two cases are just the tip of the iceberg. The big drug companies are spreading around millions of dollars to keep effective, natural alternative treatments away from us.
How to get laetrile in America
    Another surprising aspect of Lynnette's recovery was her use of intravenous laetrile at home! I'd never heard of that. But Lynnette pointed out that anyone can buy apricot seeds and other forms of laetrile over the phone or on the Internet from places

    Laetrile by IV is a therapy you can't find in America, which is one reason why so many Americans go to alternative clinics in Mexico for cancer treatment. For more information about the best cancer clinics in Mexico, see my Special Report Adios, Cancer.

    Conventional American doctors can get into trouble for administering laetrile. For example, in the 1970s Dr. James Privitera, M.D., was using laetrile to cure his cancer patients. He was sentenced to jail and worked on a road crew (similar to a chain gang). After 56 days, Gov. Jerry Brown pardoned him.

    Like others in Lynnette's audience, I wondered how she was able to get intravenous laetrile at home. She explained that, as a nurse, she's fully capable of administering an IV to herself. And that's what she did. But this doesn't mean it's out of reach for you.

    A relative can learn how to give you the IV treatments at home, or a nurse who's a friend. Some alternative clinics — including Lynnette Blake's clinic in Florida — will teach you or a relative how to do it. But she cautioned that "nothing is without risk."

    To cure her cancer, she used a quantity of laetrile that exceeds what most Mexican clinics give. She started out with doses of 3 grams and worked up to 12 grams, three times a day. She kept this up for the 96 days it took to achieve complete remission, and she continued IV treatments for a full year (although she didn't indicate the dose.)

    She took even more laetrile by eating apricot seeds, which she said gave her some nausea. But, contrary to what Lynnette's oncologist predicted, the laetrile didn't poison her. Rather, it poisoned her cancer cells. She continues to take laetrile by mouth, four years after making a full recovery.

    As you may know, laetrile works like a "smart bomb." It does contain cyanide, but the poison is bound in a molecule that remains harmless until it encounters a cancer cell. Cancer cells have a unique enzyme that unlocks and releases the cyanide in laetrile, which then kills the nearby cancer cells.

    Meanwhile, normal cells have a different kind of enzyme that "de-fuses" the cyanide, making it harmless to normal cells and actually releasing a substance that relieves both pain and high blood pressure.
Lynnette's advice about how to take laetrile
    In addition to eating apricot seeds, Lynnette also took laetrile tablets. But she said, "Don't take apricot seeds and laetrile tablets at the same time or within three hours of each other. They're both safe, but take them separately."

    She said that her full program of treatment — the laetrile, the special food, the supplements, the equipment — cost a total of $1,400 to $2,000 per month. That's a tiny fraction of the cost of conventional treatment. And it has the added advantage that it often works.

    As I mentioned earlier, Lynnette obtained an N.D. degree, and she practices naturopathic medicine at the Back to Eden Wellness Center in Stuart, Florida. She told her story from her heart, and the audience gave her a warm round of applause. She is a woman of deep religious faith, as was the German doctor who turned down the $5 million bribe. You think there could be a connection?
Bacteria are always bad, right? Wrong!
    "How to Reduce Your Risk of Colon Cancer" was the subject of the talk by Victoria Bowmann, Ph.D.

    It has well been said that "death begins in the colon." Indeed, the proper functioning of your colon is essential for health. That's why holistic and integrative medical practitioners often focus their attention first on the colon, not just when treating cancer patients but for patients with other diseases as well.

    The focus of Dr. Bowmann's talk was the colon's flora, that is, the good bacteria that live in the colon. For most people, the word "bacteria" has a negative connotation. But good bacteria are necessary for the colon to do its job.

    Many people suffer poor health because of a deficiency in gut flora (good bacteria). Reflorestation (restoring good bacteria in the gut) can be accomplished by taking probiotic supplements or by eating such probiotic foods as raw yogurt and raw (unpasteurized) sauerkraut. But the quickest and most effective way to accomplish reflorestation, according to Dr. Bowmann, is by the rectal infusion method. She learned about this technique from Dr. Thomas Rau, M.D., during a 1996 visit to his famous Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland.

    I personally interviewed Dr. Rau in 2010 at Paracelsus, and I can attest that he's a first class physician who manages a superb facility. For a detailed report about his clinic and other alternative clinics, click here and check out my Special Report, German Cancer Breakthough.

    Considering his sterling credentials, Dr. Rau's recommendation of the rectal infusion method of reflorestation is a strong endorsement. Reflorestation is also necessary after colonic hydrotherapy.

    Dr. Bowmann explained that the infusion of beneficial flora is held in the sigmoid (lower) colon for an hour, after which the reflorestation has been accomplished.

    The price of a rectal infusion kit for reflorestation is $35, and it's available from Dr. Bowmann's website: According to the website, the kit is "simple andvery easy to use in the privacy of your home. Dr. Bowman's book, You Gotta Have GUTS: The Natural Way to G.I. Health, is also available on this website.
Wellness breakthrough for life-giving water
    Another speaker, Alfred Hanser, claimed a wellness breakthrough in one of the most basic substances needed for health: water.

    Hanser declared, "With 'single file alignment water,' we may have found the Fountain of Youth." He explained that his water system "allows you to transform ordinary, filtered water into ultra-hydrating, 'living water' within 30 minutes. During the activation process, the chaotic structure of water molecules is transformed into a single-file alignment, mimicking the body's own natural state of healthy cell water, thereby creating optimally energized, bio-available water."

    This single-file alignment of the water molecules is achieved not by any chemical process but by an LED pulsating light.

    Hanser said, "Chaotically structured water is sort of like molasses. It's thick and not that absorbable." He described single file alignment water as a super liquid that also has an anti-bacterial effect.

    Hanser said that the defensive line of a pro-football team is using single file alignment water as an athletic performance enhancer. So are marathon runners, equestrians, and professional tennis players. It's only water -- enhanced water -- not an illegal performance enhancer.

    Hanser's water enhancement system doesn't purify water or change the pH. It just changes the structure of it. You can find more details about it on his website

    Personally I'm not a big fan of "special waters" of various kinds. The scientific evidence I've seen isn't strong enough, and my own experience with an alkalinizing water system left me unimpressed. As I mentioned, Hanser's system works on a different principal, but my advice would still be "Proceed with caution."

    Our last issue discussed a cancer treatment where there IS impressive scientific evidence, and it costs a lot less than a countertop water machine. If you missed this important news, scroll down and get it now.

Cough Suppressant Now
a Proven Cancer Remedy
    Could it be possible that a heavy-hitting cancer cure is right under our noses — available over the counter?

    So it would seem.

    It's called noscapine. No matter how you look at it, this naturally-occurring compound that comes from poppy flowers appears to be a winner. It's backed by solid science and has virtually no side effects. A researcher who participated in one of the studies said noscapine could be the most effective tumor-suppressant ever. Keep reading for more about this overlooked wonder.

Continued below. . .

Avoid the 7 Danger Signs of a Toxic Liver
    There are 7 danger signs that could be your body's way of telling you that you have a toxic liver.

    The scary thing is these signs could easily be mistaken for other, less common health problems.

    Here are the 7 Danger Signs of a Toxic Liver

    And if you've never given this three-pound organ much thought, there's something you must know:

    Your liver is the 'missing link' to feeling younger and stronger!

    If you're experiencing even one of these 7 danger signs, your liver could be full of harmful toxins.

    To find out more about these 7 danger signs and how to help protect your liver, watch this free special presentation right now.

    Noscapine has been used for years in over-the-counter cough medicines. But taken in high doses, it becomes a near-perfect cancer treatment — operating almost like chemotherapy, but without all the consequences.
The long road to "getting discovered" as a cancer treatment
    The best source of noscapine is opium-producing poppy plants, but it can also be found in tomatoes and cabbage leaves. First discovered back in 1817, it's a compound with a colorful history. Originally (in the late 1800s) noscapine was used to treat malaria — though it wasn't very effective. Then in the 1930s, researchers realized noscapine had anti-cough properties. By 1958, it was used worldwide as a cough suppressant.

    About that time, the National Cancer Institute ran some cell culture studies and realized noscapine had cancer-killing properties. But the substance was already patented as a cough suppressant, so further studies on anti-cancer benefits were dropped. Sponsoring drug companies didn't want to bother since they had no way to make a profit. The patent would run out before they could satisfy the FDA that noscapine is an effective cancer medicine.

    This is hard to believe, but it's true. If you wonder why the health care system is so dysfunctional, look no further.

    Fast-forward to 1997, when a grad student at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, Georgia — Keqiang Ye — rediscovered that noscapine kills cancer.

    Emory scientists jumped on it and studied the effect of noscapine on human breast cancer tumors transplanted into animals. Results showed 80-percent tumor reduction in as little as three weeks, and with no obvious toxicity to vital organs. Immune systems in the animals also stayed functional, in direct contrast to the immune-suppressing effects of chemotherapy.

    More studies followed, including one where noscapine was proven effective against malignant melanomas and certain kinds of brain cancer.

    It was also confirmed that high, daily doses of noscapine were not only non-toxic, but that side-effects in humans were rare. One patient out of five would experience only mild side effects, like nausea and stomachache. I should add that noscapine users occasionally abuse the product, because a high dose is intoxicating. After all, it's an opium derivative.

    Following the slew of promising studies, Emory scientists worked with scientists from the University of Delhi, in India, to chemically modify noscapine so they could get it patented and on the market as a cancer treatment.

    By 2004, they had a new agent (but with the same anti-cancer properties). It was patented, and from there Emory gave Cougar Biotechnology of California the go-ahead to make a commercial version. In July 2009, Cougar Biotechnology was acquired by Johnson & Johnson as a wholly-owned subsidiary, but still manages preclinical trials of noscapine.

    In other words, it's not FDA-approved yet as a cancer remedy, but many cancer patients are taking advantage of it anyway, since it's available over the counter.

    I don’t personally know any patients who have tried it nor do I know what’s considered a therapeutic dose. Because it’s an opium product and may have the potential to be addictive, I can’t recommend noscapine for unsupervised home use until I have more information. It’s an exciting development, but still new and experimental.

    In May we sent members of our "platinum club," the Alternative Cancer Research Institute, the first breaking news we had about noscapine. ACRI is dedicated to gathering every single alternative cancer remedy on earth into one place. We have more than 350 so far.

    In spite of that enormous number of treatments, we keep coming across new ones, or important new information about treatments we already list. So twice a month ACRI members receive breaking news about a new cancer treatment.

    PLUS when you join we send you a free 460-page soft cover book with all the treatments. The book is called the Complete Guide to Alternative Cancer Treatments. And it has a better claim to that boastful title than any other book on earth. We've shown it to research scientists who were in awe when they saw all the cancer treatments we've been able to gather.

    If you'd like to learn more about ACRI, just click here.

    Meanwhile, getting back to noscapine. . .
Three-fold anti-cancer properties
    The anti-cancer potential of noscapine is impressive. For starters, it has powerful cell-killing abilities, meaning it can stop cell division. As a result, cancer cells can't replicate and spread.

    Noscapine also stops angiogenesis — the formation of new tumor vessels that feed tumors. Inhibiting angiogenesis is a major goal of any cancer treatment. Noscapine can do this thanks to its ability to inhibit HIF-1 alpha. For science buffs, HIF-1 alpha is a transcription factor that supports VEGF, or vascular endothelial growth factor, which stimulates the growth of new blood vessels.

    A third major benefit to this natural compound is that it inhibits bradykinin, which is a powerful cancer growth factor. Some studies show that agents with the ability to inhibit bradykinin are more effective than chemotherapy drugs at halting cancer cell growth.

    As a result of these anti-cancer abilities, some doctors already use noscapine to treat the following cancers: breast, prostate, lung, ovarian, brain, and lymphomas.

    Beyond that, the research continues to impress. In 2010, Current Drug Targets published a study that showed noscapine not only inhibited the growth and spread of leukemia cells, but also made them more vulnerable to chemotherapeutic agents.

    Then last February, Medical Research published the results of a study that proved noscapine significantly induced apoptosis, or natural cell death, of Mg-63 tumor cells (found in osteosarcoma, a common type of bone tumor). It was one of the researchers involved in this study who said noscapine could be the most effective tumor-suppressant ever discovered.

    There's even a doctor in San Diego — Dr. Israel Barken — known to treat his prostate cancer patients with noscapine. Dr. Barken posted study results on his website that showed noscapine curbed prostate cancer tumor volume in mice by significant amounts.
But here's what we're waiting on…
    Now that the healing properties of noscapine are more well-known, cancer patients are using it to treat themselves. You can get it over the counter in most countries, and that includes the U.S. and Canada. In addition, we're seeing more and more reports of noscapine working where chemotherapy or conventional drugs fail.

    Development is something of an issue, since producing noscapine can be labor-intensive (it requires the cutting open of individual poppy seed capsules). But a new study published online in Science last May shows promise for synthesizing noscapine to make production faster and easier.

    So the future looks bright for this treatment. It's widely available, relatively cheap, has a good safety record, works synergistically with other drugs, and has low toxicity. Plus, more and more studies are confirming the pros of this promising natural substance.

    Where we go next depends largely on the results of future studies and whether the medical community will embrace it as a standard cancer treatment.

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