Sunday, September 30, 2012

This special kind of oxygen kills cancer cells.

Cancer Defeated Publications

When it comes to treating cancer...
ONE oxygen atom can make
a BIG difference!

    There's a world of difference between O2—the oxygen you're used to breathing in every second of the day—and O3, also known as ozone.

    You already know that it's critical for your body to receive sufficient oxygen. After all, you need this lifesaving element to...

Continued below. . .

How Carolyn Reversed
Her Alzheimer's by
Disobeying Her Doctor
    An all-natural protein melts away the brain-clogging mineral that triggers memory loss, dementia and Alzheimer's — and cuts brain cell death in half! And yet this Nobel Prize-winning discovery is being ignored by 99% of doctors.

    That's why I'd like to tell you about Carolyn.

    Click here to see how she reversed her Alzheimer's without drugs — and in just a few weeks!

    If you or someone you care about is suffering from memory loss, dementia or Alzheimer's, then you know how cruel these diseases can be. The emotional and physical toll they take on the patient — as well as on the entire family — can be devastating.

    That's why the news of the breakthroughs I'm about to reveal could literally have a life-changing effect on you.

    Best of all, these solutions are available and being used successfully right now — even while most doctors still throw up their hands when it comes to memory loss, dementia and Alzheimer's, using words like "hopeless" and "irreversible." It's hard to believe, I know. . .

    So please click here to see how Carolyn reversed her Alzheimer's with this remarkable discovery!

  • Keep your heart, lungs and brain working properly…
  • Help your cells produce the fuel ATP…
  • Burn glucose for energy…
  • Rid your body of harmful bacteria…
    When your cells don't get proper amounts of oxygen, your immune system weakens and your body becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and disease. So without a doubt oxygen is essential to life!

    Now what about O3, or ozone? Well, instead of two oxygen atoms bound together, as in O2, ozone has THREE. That one little atom is the difference between a common, ho-hum element we breathe every second -- and an amazing healer!

    And despite the fact that it's also a form of oxygen, ozone behaves in a totally different way in your body. This may be why its use is still viewed as controversial in the U.S.

    But my guess is that -- like many natural treatments—the medical establishment shuns it because they can't patent it and reap a financial windfall!

    A famous German physician, Dr. Horst Kief, once said, "If ozone therapy were patentable, it would be used in every physician's office and in every hospital in the world." But you can't patent it, so conventional medicine takes no interest in it.

    Nevertheless, ozone has been a successful disease fighter worldwide for well over 50 years! We've encountered it many times in our tours of alternative cancer clinics in Germany, Mexico, the United States and Switzerland.

    We wrote about ozone therapy way back in Issue 31. But I recently heard a talk by a famous doctor that got me jazzed about it again.
More U.S. doctors are getting on board…
    One of the foremost proponents of ozone therapies in the U.S. is primary care physician Dr. Frank Shallenberger. He's so convinced of this treatment's value, he's been using it to treat patients for over 25 years.

    Speaking at the 40th Annual meeting of the Cancer Control Society, Dr. Shallenberger explained the difference between the ways your cells respond to oxygen as opposed to ozone.

    Oxygen therapies, such as those provided through hyperbaric chambers or a face mask and tank, increase the delivery of the O2 form of oxygen to your tissues.

    For example, this may be helpful to patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Some people with this condition may need additional oxygen to help them breathe during the day or if their condition worsens temporarily.

    But here's the thing about oxygenation… simply sending more oxygen to tissues isn't all that effective in treating cancer, according to Dr. Shallenberger.

    Cancer cells already live in a high oxygen environment. But the mitochondria—the cell energy factories—aren't able to use the oxygen surrounding them!

    Dr. Shallenberger said this is what Dr. Otto Warburg of the Kaiser Institute in Berlin discovered decades ago.

    Dr. Warburg said the key to fighting cancer successfully is to help cells metabolize energy more efficiently. His conclusions made a major impact on medical research and even garnered a Nobel prize twice, in 1931 and in 1944!

    So here's where ozone therapy provides a superior solution.

    Rather than simply sending more oxygen to cells, ozone works deep within the cells, stimulating mitochondria to use the oxygen that's already available.

    Dr. Shallenberger said ozone addresses three critical factors:
  • It treats the cause of cancer
  • It maximizes the patient's vitality and immunity
  • It controls cancer cell growth
    Ozone therapy is toxic to unhealthy cells while being non-toxic to healthy cells. That means it can selectively kill cancer cells, among other sick cells. It's also what Dr. Shallenberger calls a strong metabolic stimulant.

    By this he means ozone stimulates damaged or injured cells to heal when they normally wouldn't be able to. He reports that ozone therapy, for example, cures angina and heals heart tissue damaged by a heart attack.

    In fact, he said he has used ozone treatments to combat a host of diseases and conditions, including allergies… autoimmune disorders… cardiovascular disease… chronic fatigue… diabetes… lyme disease… lung disease… macular degeneration… and more!

    At the conference, he highlighted ozone therapy as a complementary treatment for folks who are undergoing chemotherapy treatments. This is important news for people who don't want to turn their back completely on conventional medicine. Dr. Shallenberger said ozone treatments actually enhance the effects of this medicine.

    He said studies show side effects associated with chemo drugs are noticeably milder when taken in tandem with ozone treatments.
There's more than one way to skin a cat—
AND kill a cancer cell!
    Ozone is toxic to cancer cells—and even DESTROYS them when you apply it directly. But if direct application isn't an option, don't worry.

    There are several ways to administer ozone treatments for therapeutic purposes. Dr. Shallenberger mentioned four different ways ozone can be administered. They are:
  1. Autohemotherapy— medical grade ozone gas is mixed with a patient's drawn blood, then infused back into the person
  2. Insufflation—basically an ozone enema; the patient gets ozone through a catheter inserted in the colon
  3. Transdermal ozone sauna—ozone gas is administered through sauna spray; this is a less invasive but equally effective way to receive the benefits of ozone
  4. Ozonated saline therapy—infuse saline solution that has been mixed with ozone gas
    Dr. Shallenberger said any of these methods will deliver ozone effectively to help battle abnormal cell growth.
Ozone evangelists have united!
    Despite the evidence of its successful use in clinics around the world, many U.S. doctors hesitate to embrace ozone treatments.

    Part of this is due to pressure from the "powers that be" to reject natural medicine. And some doctors would prefer to see more evidence from U.S. sponsored studies.

    To help address some of these concerns, Dr. Shallenberger formed the American Academy of Ozonotherapy (AAO) in December 2010.

    This group has three primary goals:
  • To establish standards for the use of ozone therapy
  • To educate others about the medical uses of this treatment
  • To promote research in ozone therapy
    The AAO accepts only degreed practitioners including medical doctors, osteopathic doctors, naturopathic doctors, veterinarians, chiropractic doctors, dentists, oriental medical doctors, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants.

    AAO members must attend a certification course and pass a written exam. They must also submit case examples demonstrating their use of ozone therapy with their patients.

    These efforts are designed to ensure that AAO certified practitioners are fully trained and experienced.

    Despite its status as an 'unconventional' treatment—you actually can find specialists who administer ozone therapy in several states throughout the U.S.

    There are many options when it comes to alternative cancer treatments. And naturally some therapies have different levels of success in different people. Ozone therapy is not a cancer "cure" all by itself. It's used in conjunction with other treatments.

    Perhaps you'll find ozone therapy to be a treatment that works for you or a loved one battling this dreadful disease!

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