Sunday, September 30, 2012

Bowie State U Sports Update


BOWIE, Md. – The defending CIAA and 2011 NCAA semifinalist Winston-Salem State University scored 21 points in the second half and rolled to a 35-3 victory over Bowie State University.

The Bulldogs fall to 3-2 on the season and 0-2 in the CIAA play, while Winston-Salem State improves to 5-0 overall and 2-0 in the CIAA.

The Rams struck first on their very first possession of the game, going 64 yards in five plays before Kameron Smith threw a 41-yard touchdown pass to Jahaunn Butler. Alejandro Suarez added the extra point for a 7-0 lead. 

Bowie State wasted no cutting into the early first quarter Rams lead, taking the second possession 63 yards in six plays, but only managed three points on a 28-yard field goal by redshirt sophomore Mario Diaz-Aviles at the 8:54 mark. Unfortunately, those would be the only points the Bulldogs would score for the rest of the game.

Winston-Salem State’s Smith tossed his second touchdown pass of the game, this time from 25 yards out to Tehvyn Brantley early in the second quarter. Suarez converted the PAT to make the score 14-3 which is where the score stood going into halftime.

WSSU’s Smith threw his third touchdown pass of the afternoon to his third different receiver with Jamal Williams being on the receiving end for 25 yards and a 21-3 Rams lead at the 10:49 mark of the third quarter. The Rams increased their lead to 28-3 with 10 seconds left in the third as Smith connected for a 5-yard pass and catch to Jamie Degeare.

The Rams went to the air again for their final touchdown of the game with 6:08 left to play. Anthony Carrothers found Orlando Hatfield in the Bulldogs end zone for a 22-yard pass and catch and the Suarez extra point accounted for the final score of 35-3.

The Winston-Salem State Rams were led on offense by Kameron Crump with 267 passing yards, completing 20-of-32 with four touchdowns, but was sacked four times. Butler was the leading receiver for the Rams with 119 yards on five catches and Jamal Williams added 80 receiving yards on six catches.  Matthew Browning recorded a team-high five tackles to lead the Rams defense.

As a team, Winston-Salem State rolled up 500 yards of total offense and ate up 37:32 of the available 60 minutes of clock.

Senior Douglas McNeil, III was Bowie State’s leading receiver with 74 yards on three receptions and sophomore Khari Lee added 33 reception yards on four catches. Redshirt freshman James Brown came off the Bulldogs bench to rush for a team-high 48 yards on nine carries. Bulldogs redshirt sophomore quarterback Jared Johnston completed 10-of-28 passes for 121 yards.

Redshirt junior Delante White led the way for the Bowie State defense, recording eight tackles. Redshirt freshmen Antoine Young and Cavin Murray added seven tackles each for the Bulldogs.

Bowie State struggled on third down conversions, managing just 3-of-15 compared to 11-of-17 for Winston-Salem State. The BSU Bulldogs were held to a season-low 246 yards of total offense.

Bowie State will hit the road next Saturday (October 6th), making a stop in Murfreesboro (N.C.) to face the surging Hawks of Chowan University at 6 pm.

Bowie State places 9th and 13th at HBCU Cross Country Challenge

CARY, N.C. -- Ndjami Chick led the Bowie State University men's cross country team to a 9th place finish (201 points) at the HBCU Challenge with a time of 27:53.9. Norfolk State won the men's division with a score of 19 points, followed by North Carolina A&T in second (114 points) and Saint Augustine's in third (120 points).
The Bowie State women's cross country team placed 13th overall (327 points) out of the 16 competing teams.  Brittany Williams was the first BSU Lady Bulldogs runner to complete the course with a time of 21:27.5. Hampton's Lady Pirates claimed the top spot (52 points) followed by Winston-Salem State in second (123 points) and South Carolina State rounded out the top three with a score of 134 points.

This special kind of oxygen kills cancer cells.

Cancer Defeated Publications

When it comes to treating cancer...
ONE oxygen atom can make
a BIG difference!

    There's a world of difference between O2—the oxygen you're used to breathing in every second of the day—and O3, also known as ozone.

    You already know that it's critical for your body to receive sufficient oxygen. After all, you need this lifesaving element to...

Continued below. . .

How Carolyn Reversed
Her Alzheimer's by
Disobeying Her Doctor
    An all-natural protein melts away the brain-clogging mineral that triggers memory loss, dementia and Alzheimer's — and cuts brain cell death in half! And yet this Nobel Prize-winning discovery is being ignored by 99% of doctors.

    That's why I'd like to tell you about Carolyn.

    Click here to see how she reversed her Alzheimer's without drugs — and in just a few weeks!

    If you or someone you care about is suffering from memory loss, dementia or Alzheimer's, then you know how cruel these diseases can be. The emotional and physical toll they take on the patient — as well as on the entire family — can be devastating.

    That's why the news of the breakthroughs I'm about to reveal could literally have a life-changing effect on you.

    Best of all, these solutions are available and being used successfully right now — even while most doctors still throw up their hands when it comes to memory loss, dementia and Alzheimer's, using words like "hopeless" and "irreversible." It's hard to believe, I know. . .

    So please click here to see how Carolyn reversed her Alzheimer's with this remarkable discovery!

  • Keep your heart, lungs and brain working properly…
  • Help your cells produce the fuel ATP…
  • Burn glucose for energy…
  • Rid your body of harmful bacteria…
    When your cells don't get proper amounts of oxygen, your immune system weakens and your body becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and disease. So without a doubt oxygen is essential to life!

    Now what about O3, or ozone? Well, instead of two oxygen atoms bound together, as in O2, ozone has THREE. That one little atom is the difference between a common, ho-hum element we breathe every second -- and an amazing healer!

    And despite the fact that it's also a form of oxygen, ozone behaves in a totally different way in your body. This may be why its use is still viewed as controversial in the U.S.

    But my guess is that -- like many natural treatments—the medical establishment shuns it because they can't patent it and reap a financial windfall!

    A famous German physician, Dr. Horst Kief, once said, "If ozone therapy were patentable, it would be used in every physician's office and in every hospital in the world." But you can't patent it, so conventional medicine takes no interest in it.

    Nevertheless, ozone has been a successful disease fighter worldwide for well over 50 years! We've encountered it many times in our tours of alternative cancer clinics in Germany, Mexico, the United States and Switzerland.

    We wrote about ozone therapy way back in Issue 31. But I recently heard a talk by a famous doctor that got me jazzed about it again.
More U.S. doctors are getting on board…
    One of the foremost proponents of ozone therapies in the U.S. is primary care physician Dr. Frank Shallenberger. He's so convinced of this treatment's value, he's been using it to treat patients for over 25 years.

    Speaking at the 40th Annual meeting of the Cancer Control Society, Dr. Shallenberger explained the difference between the ways your cells respond to oxygen as opposed to ozone.

    Oxygen therapies, such as those provided through hyperbaric chambers or a face mask and tank, increase the delivery of the O2 form of oxygen to your tissues.

    For example, this may be helpful to patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Some people with this condition may need additional oxygen to help them breathe during the day or if their condition worsens temporarily.

    But here's the thing about oxygenation… simply sending more oxygen to tissues isn't all that effective in treating cancer, according to Dr. Shallenberger.

    Cancer cells already live in a high oxygen environment. But the mitochondria—the cell energy factories—aren't able to use the oxygen surrounding them!

    Dr. Shallenberger said this is what Dr. Otto Warburg of the Kaiser Institute in Berlin discovered decades ago.

    Dr. Warburg said the key to fighting cancer successfully is to help cells metabolize energy more efficiently. His conclusions made a major impact on medical research and even garnered a Nobel prize twice, in 1931 and in 1944!

    So here's where ozone therapy provides a superior solution.

    Rather than simply sending more oxygen to cells, ozone works deep within the cells, stimulating mitochondria to use the oxygen that's already available.

    Dr. Shallenberger said ozone addresses three critical factors:
  • It treats the cause of cancer
  • It maximizes the patient's vitality and immunity
  • It controls cancer cell growth
    Ozone therapy is toxic to unhealthy cells while being non-toxic to healthy cells. That means it can selectively kill cancer cells, among other sick cells. It's also what Dr. Shallenberger calls a strong metabolic stimulant.

    By this he means ozone stimulates damaged or injured cells to heal when they normally wouldn't be able to. He reports that ozone therapy, for example, cures angina and heals heart tissue damaged by a heart attack.

    In fact, he said he has used ozone treatments to combat a host of diseases and conditions, including allergies… autoimmune disorders… cardiovascular disease… chronic fatigue… diabetes… lyme disease… lung disease… macular degeneration… and more!

    At the conference, he highlighted ozone therapy as a complementary treatment for folks who are undergoing chemotherapy treatments. This is important news for people who don't want to turn their back completely on conventional medicine. Dr. Shallenberger said ozone treatments actually enhance the effects of this medicine.

    He said studies show side effects associated with chemo drugs are noticeably milder when taken in tandem with ozone treatments.
There's more than one way to skin a cat—
AND kill a cancer cell!
    Ozone is toxic to cancer cells—and even DESTROYS them when you apply it directly. But if direct application isn't an option, don't worry.

    There are several ways to administer ozone treatments for therapeutic purposes. Dr. Shallenberger mentioned four different ways ozone can be administered. They are:
  1. Autohemotherapy— medical grade ozone gas is mixed with a patient's drawn blood, then infused back into the person
  2. Insufflation—basically an ozone enema; the patient gets ozone through a catheter inserted in the colon
  3. Transdermal ozone sauna—ozone gas is administered through sauna spray; this is a less invasive but equally effective way to receive the benefits of ozone
  4. Ozonated saline therapy—infuse saline solution that has been mixed with ozone gas
    Dr. Shallenberger said any of these methods will deliver ozone effectively to help battle abnormal cell growth.
Ozone evangelists have united!
    Despite the evidence of its successful use in clinics around the world, many U.S. doctors hesitate to embrace ozone treatments.

    Part of this is due to pressure from the "powers that be" to reject natural medicine. And some doctors would prefer to see more evidence from U.S. sponsored studies.

    To help address some of these concerns, Dr. Shallenberger formed the American Academy of Ozonotherapy (AAO) in December 2010.

    This group has three primary goals:
  • To establish standards for the use of ozone therapy
  • To educate others about the medical uses of this treatment
  • To promote research in ozone therapy
    The AAO accepts only degreed practitioners including medical doctors, osteopathic doctors, naturopathic doctors, veterinarians, chiropractic doctors, dentists, oriental medical doctors, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants.

    AAO members must attend a certification course and pass a written exam. They must also submit case examples demonstrating their use of ozone therapy with their patients.

    These efforts are designed to ensure that AAO certified practitioners are fully trained and experienced.

    Despite its status as an 'unconventional' treatment—you actually can find specialists who administer ozone therapy in several states throughout the U.S.

    There are many options when it comes to alternative cancer treatments. And naturally some therapies have different levels of success in different people. Ozone therapy is not a cancer "cure" all by itself. It's used in conjunction with other treatments.

    Perhaps you'll find ozone therapy to be a treatment that works for you or a loved one battling this dreadful disease!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

These medical tests are usually worthless

Cancer Defeated Publications

New Tool for Telling Whether that
Medical Test or Treatment is Worth Having

    We already know that scores of drugs, tests, and treatments are overused in this country on a regular basis. That's no surprise.

    But here's what is surprising: There's a movement to stem this overuse — and it's coming from some of the nation's most prominent medical groups.

    They've published a list of tests and treatments that are often unnecessary. If any of them are being recommended to you, I strongly urge you to study this new advice first. Links are provided below, based on the medical problem being treated — plus some other valuable tips. . .

Continued below. . .

Cancer Cells Killed by Eating This...
    There is a nutrient in your kitchen, right now, that acts like a "smart bomb" against cancer cells.

    It's one of the main phytonutrients in a specific type of food. Researchers are hailing it as a breakthrough that offers real hope for preventing and defeating cancer.

    A new research study has shown how it can selectively target and kill cancer cells, while leaving healthy cells alone. The findings are breakthrough for its potential use in cancer prevention and treatment.

    But this is just the tip of the iceberg. There's also:
  • A natural cholesterol fighter that brings bad levels down 30%;
  • An effective method to lowering your blood pressure without harmful drugs;
  • A fruit that can fight Alzheimer's Disease;
    Dr. Victor Marchione, aka the Food Doctor is revealing this and 16 other amazing "healing foods" in his newest report that you can see here.

    The new effort is called the "Choosing Wisely" campaign, and it was launched last April by nine major medical societies, including the American College of Physicians, the American College of Radiology, and the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

    The main goal of the campaign is to curb unnecessary medical interventions. Supporters of Choosing Wisely say part of the overuse problem comes from patients who demand their doctors give them tests (even if they don't have symptoms), as well as patients who want to re-do a test to see if they get the same results. The other part of the overuse problem stems from doctors who regularly over-test. Some do it to avoid liability suits; others get a cut of the profits from the tests.

    When the initiative first came out, an article in The New York Times said "By some estimates, unnecessary treatment constitutes one-third of medical spending in the United States."

    The article quoted the physician-in-chief at North Shore-LIJ Health System, Dr. Lawrence Smith, as saying, "Overuse is one of the most serious crises in American medicine."

    Consumer Reports even pointed out (correctly, I might add) that all the unnecessary CT scans and X-rays taking place can expose you to potentially cancer-causing radiation.
Finally a step forward in health care safety and quality
    It's nice to see doctors admit they're not always right. But more powerful is the fact that it's a first step in changing the culture of medicine. They're admitting their tests can be wrong. And that they don't know everything. They're asking you to be more involved with your own healthcare.

    You can access summaries put together by Consumer Reports Health and the various participating medical societies. The summaries are meant to help you understand when certain tests are needed and when they aren't. They include video messages, "Easy Read," and Spanish versions:
    The complete list of recommendations is available at
Just some of the anti-treatment recommendations…
    One of the recommendations to curb overuse is that dialysis patients with limited life expectancy and no sign of cancer should not get routine cancer screenings. These screenings don't add any time to the person's life, and sometimes they give false positives that lead to stress and over-treatment.

    The findings also confirm my belief that oncologists should scale back on tests for early-stage breast cancer and prostate cancer patients.

    Other recommendations include:
  • Fewer EKGs when there's no sign of heart trouble
  • Fewer MRIs at the slightest hint of back pain
  • Fewer antibiotics prescriptions for sinusitis
  • Fewer imaging scans for people with simple headaches
  • Fewer CT scans for people who faint but have no other neurological problems
    I have some personal experience with most of the items on this list, and I agree these tests are usually a waste of time. I don't know how many times I was X-rayed when I was young for chronic back pain and chronic headaches without the doctors coming up with a diagnosis or with any answers for my problems (alternative medicine did that).

    Keep in mind — it's not like we haven't seen this before, where an effort is made to curb unnecessary health spending. But this time the message comes from powerful organizations of medical specialists -- the last place you might expect.

    Who knows, this could be the first step away from our culture of thinking doctors are gods instead of checking things out for ourselves. If the recommendations get the attention they deserve, it should jumpstart health conversations between doctors and patients, instead of almost everything being decided from on high by the doctor-authority figure.
Some question the movement's motives
    Needless to say, some critics have found fault with the Choosing Wisely initiative. Mainly, they argue that these new recommendations give insurance companies a pretext to red-light expensive testing. The fear is that they'll reference the Choosing Wisely campaign and decline legitimate requests for tests.

    It all comes down to whether the suggested guidelines will be used to help make better, more informed decisions -- or as an excuse by payers to limit a patient's options.

    I think the weight of the evidence is that we do too much testing.

    And people who worry about out-of-control medical spending in our country often point out that the vast amount of money we spend on testing saves very few lives. This newsletter has been extremely critical of PSA screening for prostate cancer and mammograms to screen for breast cancer. The stats clearly show the expensive failure of all the prostate and breast screening and the aftermath of biopsies and over-treatment.

    Don't forget what happened in 2009 when the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommended fewer mammograms. It made sense and was supported by the facts, but there was a backlash of fear over what some called "rationed" treatment. It was charged the Task Force was willing to let women die in order to save money. Utter nonsense. Mammograms are a medical disaster.

    But doctors test for many things besides cancer. Are heart and circulation tests, for example, a waste of money?

    In 2010, Consumer Reports did a study on 1,200 healthy men and women between age 40 and 60. Even though none of them had risk factors or symptoms for heart disease, roughly 44 percent had undergone heart disease screening tests. That's right — nearly half the people who showed NO SYMPTOMS of the disease had been tested.

    That's not necessarily a bad thing. People can have high blood pressure and clogged arteries without knowing it. But I suspect one of the main screens was a cholesterol test, and the treatment for those who tested high was statin drugs.

    Now this is me talking, not the Choosing Wisely people, but the evidence suggests that cholesterol is a red herring and the anti-cholesterol drugs not only don't prevent heart attacks, they actually damage the patient in other ways. The only group known to benefit from statin drugs is men who have ALREADY had a heart attack. For men who have never had a heart attack — and for ALL women -- there's no benefit from these cholesterol-lowering drugs.
Better care? Cheaper care? Both?
    Let's take a closer look at the campaign specifics. The Choosing Wisely campaign — which by the way, unites the recommendations of nearly 375,000 physicians across the country — lists 45 treatments and tests as commonly overused. The list results from a multi-year effort by the ABIM Foundation (Advancing Medical Professionalism to Improve Health Care).

    Each of the nine physician specialty societies picked five tests or procedures in their fields that they consider overused. That strikes me as odd — that each specialty had exactly five treatments to pinpoint as unnecessary. My guess is they have a lot more than that, but capping it at five makes them look less irresponsible as physicians than a list of 20 would.

    Some health experts say as much as 30 percent of our $2 trillion health care spending is unnecessary, duplicative, and potentially harmful. Another study suggests most elderly adults are screened regularly for breast, cervical, prostate, and colon cancer, despite the patient guidelines that advise against these screenings for anyone over age 75.

    What should come out of this? Besides improved patient care, the hope is that financial incentives for doctors to run extra tests will eventually become a thing of the past.

    By the way, since the initial announcement of this campaign last April, 17 new specialty societies have joined the initiative. Sometime this fall they're expected to announce their lists of tests and treatments to scale back on.

    If you're curious, the Choosing Wisely partners are:
    And the societies that have joined the campaign since the initial effort are:

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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Bowie State U Volleyball Roundup


BOWIE, Md. – It took Bowie State University just over an hour to defeat the visiting Cheyney 3-0 in match one of a doubleheader with the Lady Wolves. The BSU Lady Bulldogs won by scores of 25-15, 25-15 and 25-21 to win its second match of the season.

Junior Briana Flowers recorded a match-high nine kills and added 11 digs and a service ace to lead Bowie State. The Lady Bulldogs trio of junior Brelyn Finley along with freshmen Alexis Fisher and Marissa Martinez chipped in three kills each. Martinez led both teams with a match-high 20 digs and junior Kasi Eisenzimmer tallied 17 assists.

Cheyney (0-9) was led by Lindsay Ashby with five kills on 19 attacks. Kennetha Wallace had a team-high eight assists and Crystal Mann along with Katherine Brooks were tops on the Lady Wolves defense with a dozen digs each.


BOWIE, Md. – Juniors Kasi Eisenzimmer and Briana Flowers along with sophomore Paige McIntosh knocked down seven kills apiece to lead Bowie State to a three set sweep of Cheyney University. Bowie State won the first match of the doubleheader and walked away in match two by scores of 25-15, 25-19 and 25-20.

Denise Hill (Chester, Pa.) was Cheyney’s top offensive producer in the final match of the doubleheader, pacing the lady Wolves with eight digs. Crystal Mann (Burtonsville, Md.) had four kills and nine digs. Kennetha Wallace (Nashville, Tenn.) and Nichel Bryant (Yeadon, Pa.) led Cheyney’s defense with 10 digs each. The loss keeps Cheyney winless on the season at 0-10.

Freshman Yaje Ngundam setup her teammates a match-high 15 times and redshirt freshman Marissa Martinez picked up a match-high 16 digs for the Lady Bulldogs. In addition to Eisenzimmer’s team-tying kill total, she also contributed three service aces, three assists and eight digs.

Bowie State (3-12) returns to action this Saturday (9/29) and Sunday (9/30) at CIAA Round-Up #2 hosted by Winston-Salem (N.C.) State University. The Lady Bulldogs will open the weekend against Johnson C. Smith at 11 am (Saturday) followed by a 3 pm match versus Livingstone. Bowie State will close out their portion of the Round-Up against Winston-Salem State at 9 am Sunday morning.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012



WACO, Texas - For the fifth year in a row, college football coaches nationwide will join together in support of the Coach to Cure MD program, which will be held during games of Saturday, September 29, 2012. The rapidly growing annual effort has raised more than a million dollars to battle Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

College football fans will be asked to donate to research projects supported by Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy (PPMD), the largest nonprofit organization in the U.S. focused entirely on Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

Football fans can donate to Duchenne muscular dystrophy research by either going online to or by texting the word CURE to 90999 (a $5 donation will automatically be added to your next phone bill).

Last year, more than 10,000 coaches at 505 different institutions participated in Coach to Cure MD events. Both those figures are well higher than in any of the program's first three years (2008-2010). The four-year fundraising total is just over $1 million.

Duschenne muscular dystrophy is the most common fatal genetic disorder diagnosed during childhood and primarily affects boys across all races and cultures. Boys and young men with Duchenne muscular dystrophy develop progressive muscle weakness that eventually causes loss of mobility, wheelchair dependency and a decline in respiratory and cardiac function. Currently, there is no cure for Duchenne muscular dystrophy and limited therapeutic options.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Fatal mistake may give you cancer

Cancer Defeated Publications

Are 'toxic teeth' raising
your cancer risk?

    Could you be one of the millions of people carrying a potentially cancerous toxin in your body?

    The answer is "YES" if you've got mercury amalgam fillings in any of your teeth. And it's likely you do…

    As late as 2009, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) continued to slap its stamp of approval on the dental fillings—declaring them safe for continued use. Now maybe they're about to say, "Oops, we were wrong!" Keep reading and get the details. . .

Continued below. . .

Oliver was doomed to die from cancer
within 8 hours --
But then he found out what to do. . .
    Oliver had reached the end of the road in his seven-year fight against cancer. His doctors didn't think this 32-year-old man would live through the night.

    But when I talked to Oliver six years later, he was the picture of health! He got rid of his cancer completely.

    Yes, Oliver found the answer — his own cancer miracle.

    I sat down with him and his doctor and they told me an incredible story. . . a story that could help save you or someone you love from this dreaded disease.

    If you'd like to hear it, click here now.

    Mercury's chorus of supporters included the American Dental Association (ADA), whose written statements assert that "dental amalgam is considered a safe, affordable and durable material [that] has been studied and reviewed extensively, and has established a record of safety and effectiveness."

    That's right; the FDA and the ADA swore that this mixture of mercury, silver, tin and copper—resting just inches away from your brain—is essentially harmless!

    So if the government honchos approved it… and the medical establishment backed 'em up… what's the beef?

    Simply put—there's NO safe level of mercury that you should be willing to tolerate!

    According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mercury is a dangerous neurotoxin that can cause damage to your brain, kidneys and other organs.

    And after decades of denial—the government finally may bend to pressure from the American public and other health professionals regarding the safety of this product.

    The FDA is considering issuing new statements about amalgams based on testimony presented by a panel of experts convened in December 2010 to re-examine the issue.

    The FDA's own panelists made two shocking recommendations; namely that the agency should:
  • Warn all consumers that amalgams are mainly mercury, and
  • STOP amalgam use for pregnant women and children!
    So when did mercury amalgams become the darling of the dental industry? And just how much mercury is in the fillings?
A long history of so-called safe use...
    You've got to go back a mighty long time to find the first use of mercury in dentistry.

    What we now know as mercury amalgam was first developed in the 1800s in England and France. Advocates first introduced the product to U.S. dentists around 1833.

    But it wasn't an immediate hit…

    Many dentists objected to the new fillings—citing concerns about mercury poisoning.It became a serious concern in 1926 when a German physician, Dr. Alfred Stock, showed that a dangerous mercury vapor actually escapes from these fillings.

    Dr. Mark A. Breiner, DDS, author of Whole-Body Dentistry, explains that when you inhale this deadly vapor, it passes through your lungs into your blood. This guarantees the mercury is circulated to every tissue and cell in your body!

    Naturally, this includes your brain…

    WHO said some of the health damage caused by mercury includes:
  • Attention deficit disorders
  • Birth defects
  • Developmental delays
  • Emotional imbalance
  • Immune system impairment
  • Impaired vision and hearing
  • Insomnia
  • Paralysis
    You might be wondering why you don't see cancer on this list. This is because government agencies, such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), are quick to say there's no clinical evidence to link mercury exposure to the formation of cancer.

    But the agency also admits that "human data currently available are very limited." As I've often said in these pages, it's difficult to prove a cause-and-effect relationship between cancer and a substance that people are exposed to for decades in their food and water or in the environment. The toxic effect is gradual, and at the same time most of us are exposed to dozens of other possible carcinogens, so it's hard to say that any one of them "caused" a person's cancer.

    But the following should give you a hint: The EPA has determined that amalgam fillings removed from your mouth should be considered TOXIC WASTE!

    So the EPA says they're perfectly safe while they're IN your mouth… but become a health hazard once they're removed and released into the environment.

    And they call it science. . .
Poison is as poison does!
    Let's not fool ourselves, folks. Mercury is a heavy metal second only to plutonium in toxicity. And plutonium is radioactive — so that gives you an idea of how bad mercury is.

    Dr. Breiner said the average dental filling contains the same percentage of this toxin as a typical mercury thermometer (about 500,000 parts per million).

    And a broken thermometer is considered a biohazard if the mercury is exposed!

    Estimates show your mercury fillings release as much as 15 micrograms of mercury per day.

    Multiply that by the number of fillings in your mouth and you can see why an analysis published in The Science of the Total Environment said some 67 million Americans easily exceed the levels of mercury vapors the EPA considers 'safe!'

    Plus, anything that impairs your immune system boosts your chances of developing abnormal cell growth.

    Scientists have found that heavy metals such as mercury increase the damage inflicted on cells by free radicals. The heavy metals also disrupt the process of apoptosis—or natural cell death—that your body uses to remove unhealthy cells.

    Many dentists recommend immediate removal of mercury amalgam fillings. But Dr. Breiner cautions that these fillings should never be removed without adequate testing and safety procedures.

    Finding a good, qualified alternative dentist is not easy. (The preferred term is "biological dentist.") Sensing which way the wind is blowing, a lot of dentists now claim they're mercury-free. Any dentist can use the term.

    But the procedures for removing mercury fillings are delicate and complex. It's hard to get this highly toxic substance out of the teeth without releasing large amounts of it into the body and doing more harm than good. Likewise for removing another type of toxic dental work, root canals — a subject we covered in Issue #189.

    We cover the whole subject in our Special Report, The Secret Poison in Your Mouth. The report devotes several chapters to how to find and choose the right dentist. And the report has just about everything else you need to know about mercury amalgam fillings and root canals. Here's a two-word summary: They're deadly. I strongly urge you to click here, get our report, and get started on removing them.

    Whether you choose to remove your silver fillings or not, just remember a toxin is still a toxin—even when it's ground up and pressed into your mouth by a so-called "expert" with a degree and a government license!

Saturday, September 22, 2012



TOWSON, Md. - The Lady Bulldogs cross country team competed in their second meet of the 2012 season traveling to the Towson (Md.) Invitational.  The 5K event was held at Oregon Ridge Park and Bowie State placed 8th overall with a score of 226 total points. Host Towson University cruised to a first place finish with a score of 32 points followed by Mount St. Mary's in second with 43 points while UMBC was third with 47 points in the eight-team field.
Senior Michelle Palmer led the Lady Bulldogs with a time of 27:06.36 (45th) and freshman Faith Sykes was right behind with a time of 27:22.24 (46th).  Sophomore Nikole Baker and senior Indya Price finished 54th and 55th respectively with times of 28:33.81 and 28:37.82 and sophomore Rayshawn Penn was Bowie State’s final scorer, crossing the finish line with a time of 30:19.75 (59th). Freshman Carissa Smith also competed but did not factor in the scoring, finishing the course with a time of 32:23.77.
The Lady Bulldogs will next head to the HBCU Challenge in Cary, N.C. next Saturday (9/29).


TOWSON, Md. - The Lady Bulldogs cross country team competed in their second meet of the 2012 season traveling to the Towson (Md.) Invitational.  The event was held at Oregon Ridge Park and Bowie State placed 7th overall with a score of 172 total points. Navy claimed finished first overall (28 points), followed by Mount St. Mary’s in second (50 points) and the University of Maryland Baltimore County (68 points) finished third. Delaware State placed fourth (150 points) and Morgan State rounded out the top five (157 points).
Sophomore Ndjami Chick was the first Bulldog to cross the finish line, placing 27th with a time of 30:12.73. Senior Dana Smothers finished 36th overall (32:06.57) and sophomore J.D. Tharpe, III finished the 5-mile course in 42nd place (33:41.35). Bowie State sophomore Sonny Hicks placed 44th (34:03.83) and freshman Jalame Gomez finished the course in 54th place (37:43.36).
The Bulldogs will next event will be the HBCU Challenge in Cary, N.C. next Saturday (9/29).

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Tara Davenport and Shadae Swan Join Bowie State Full-Time Staff

BOWIE, Md. -- Bowie State University Athletic Director Anton Goff announced the hiring of Tara Davenport (Compliance Coordinator) and Shadae Swan (Assistant Women's Basketball Coach) as full-time staff members.

Davenport received her undergraduate degree from Bowie State and worked as a student assistant in the Compliance Office and served as an intern in the Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association (CIAA) office in Hampton (Va.). Swan was the second assistant for the Lady Bulldogs basketball team on a part-time basis during the 2011-2012 season and will now serve as the top assistant to head coach Renard Smith.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Reduce Cancer Risk Up To 40 percent with this one common food product

Maximum Manhood

Nutrient found in common foods
can reduce cancer risk up to 40%
. . .but you must avoid this mistake!

Eating as little as three small servings of certain vegetables per month was found to slash bladder cancer risk by a stunning 40 percent.

In this study, conducted at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, researchers did a survey of the dietary habits of 1,100 people. 275 them already had bladder cancer.

Interestingly, they found that among smokers as well as non-smokers, those who ate three or more servings per month of these specific raw vegetables slashed their risk of developing bladder cancer. (Note: this is not an endorsement of smoking-as-long-as-you-eat-veggies.)

Furthermore, non-smokers who ate three-plus servings of these veggies a month had a whopping 73 percent lowered risk of developing bladder cancer compared with smokers who did not eat the veggies! Keep reading and I'll tell you what they ate. . .

Continued below. . .

Understand that this research involved just three small servings in a whole month — a ridiculously tiny amount of plant food. Yet it produced a powerful anti-cancer effect.

The anti-cancer nutrients of these vegetables only stay in the body for approximately 12 hours, meaning that participants only got 36 hours of nutrients — out of the 720 hours in a month. That amounts to a measly 5 percent of the time… and still their bladder cancer incidence dropped by 40 percent.

And it's very important to note the researchers did NOT find a protective benefit when the people in the study ate equal amounts of cooked. You need to eat the vegetables raw.

The foods that achieved these amazing results were raw cruciferous vegetables — broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and related plants.
Don't make this mistake with your vegetables
The study suggests that the anti-cancer properties of cruciferous vegetables are destroyed by cooking them — which lines up perfectly with what the leaders of the raw food movement have been saying for years.

Be very careful who you listen to…

Bear in mind that the flat-earthers who dominate conventional medicine have been bashing the raw food movement for years — claiming raw foods have ZERO health benefit.

Of course, this view flies in the face of research that shows raw foods are in fact one of the best medicines for almost all the degenerative diseases now afflicting people in advanced, highly developed countries. We eat too much cooked, processed food that's been robbed of important nutrients.

Raw vegetables and fruits contain hundreds of cancer-fighting plant compounds. Scientists are identifying new ones all the time.

Fifty-five key epidemiological studies have been conducted about the critical relationship between eating cruciferous vegetables and preventing cancer. And 69 percent of these studies show a positive correlation between eating these vegetables and reduced cancer risk.

Unfortunately, few of those studies considered raw versus cooked vegetables. But it's likely the 31 percent that showed no reduction of cancer risk were using cooked vegetables.1

Many complex, delicate molecules are easily destroyed by heat. So cooking these valuable foods wipes out the medicine they contain.

Microwaving broccoli destroys up to 98 percent of its phytonutrients (including its anti-cancer nutrients).
Alternative cancer doctors have known
about raw foods for a long time
Eating only cooked foods may be one of the biggest mistakes you can make with your health.

For years, the famous Gerson Institute and many others have trumpeted fresh, raw fruits and vegetables as one of the most effective routes to personal health. Yet most conventional doctors denigrate or ignore it.

Now, an August 2012 study provides even more evidence of how right they were.

A natural compound found in cruciferous vegetables now has been shown in both animal and epidemiological studies to have exceptional ability to cause cancer cell death, naturally.

Isothiocyanates restrain tumor growth by openly blocking the carcinogenic action of free radicals. Put another way, they prevent free radicals from attacking your healthy cells and making them cancerous.

One specific variety, phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC for short), has even been shown to induce cell death in certain cancers, including certain chemo-resistant cancers. Of course, broccoli, cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables are right beneath your nose every time you go to your local farmer's market or grocery store.

But don't expect to hear about PEITC from your oncologist.
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Hinders breast cancer in animals
PEITC hinders breast cancer tumor cell development in animals, according to a study published August 2, 2012 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.2

To determine whether PEITC could prevent mammary tumors in mice, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute placed the mice on one of two diets — either a control diet, or a diet supplement with PEITC for 29 weeks. Then they measured the incidence and size of mammary tumors, along with cell proliferation, apoptosis (cell death), and neoangiogenesis (startup of cancer-feeding blood vessels).

They found that 29 weeks of PEITC was linked to an amazing 56.3% reduction in mammary carcinoma lesions larger than 2mm… concluding that although PEITC does not confer complete protection, those mice who received it clearly showed suppression of tumor progression compared to the mice in the control group.

What's more, the study showed that PEITC was well-tolerated.

The authors pointed out the limitations of their study, namely that human results couldpotentially differ from animal results… and that only human studies could definitively prove its effectiveness for humans.
Where can you get PEITC?
PEITC is a plant compound that occurs naturally in a large number of foods, especially these. . .
  • Cabbage
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Kale
  • Bok choy
  • Collards
  • Turnip greens
  • Watercress
  • Spinach
  • Arugula
  • Horseradish
  • Daikon
  • Mustard
  • Radish
So you would do well to include them in your diet. And it doesn't take as much as you might expect to reap their anti-cancer benefit — as long as you don't make the mistake of cooking them.
Destroys mutant p53 genes
The p53 gene is regarded as the "guardian of the genome" because of its role in regulating your cell cycles and restraining cancer formation.

High oxidative stress — lots of free radicals -- creates mutations in the p53 gene and thereby promotes cancer cell growth.

Both PEITC and another isothiocyanate called sulforaphane, have been shown to destroy mutant p53 genes. They were in fact shown to spark apoptosis (natural, programmed cell death) in most cancer cells — including even drug-resistant leukemia cells.
Prostate, breast, and lung cancer studies
Half a million new cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed in the U.S. alone, each year. Prostate cancer cells are highly resistant to conventional treatments such as chemo and radiotherapy.

The authors note that compared to the high prostate cancer risk in the U.S., incidence is low in India where people eat significantly larger amount of phytochemical-rich plant foods. So, scientists have been interested in investigating treatments based on nutrients in edible plants.

Among their discoveries: PEITC is especially useful when combined with turmeric (curcumin), the mild spice that gives curry its deep yellow tones.

Researchers at Rutgers injected specially bred mice with either curcumin, PEITC, or a combination, three times per week for one month. The injections -- especially the combination of PEITC and curcumin -- significantly slowed tumor growth.

They also tested for the therapeutic value of curcumin and PEITC against tumors that were already well-established. Results? Each treatment by itself had little impact, but combining the two "significantly reduced" tumor growth.3
More evidence it helps treat breast cancer
HER2 is an oncogene — a gene with the potential to cause cancer. It's linked to a poor prognosis in 30% of breast cancer patients.

PEITC treatment substantially reduced the expression of HER2, and induced apoptosis in HER2 cells.4

In another study, this one at the University of Pittsburgh, intake of PEITC for 29 weeks was associated with a 53.13 percent decrease in mammary tumors. It achieved this result by preventing the formation of new blood vessels and inducing apoptosis.5

The exact mechanism by which PEITC causes apoptosis (natural cell death) is still unclear.

Clinical studies using PEITC for lung cancer are currently underway.
What to do next
Whether as a preventive or therapeutic, you can't go wrong by taking these steps:
  • Include cruciferous veggies in your diet every day
  • Make a special point of using broccoli sprouts regularly. Sprouts are more nutrient-dense than full-grown vegetables. They're also very inexpensive and easy to prepare for eating.
  • Steam or marinate your veggies to break down their fibrous outer shell. Do not microwave!
  • To maintain all essential nutrients in raw form and still soften them, marinate them in apple cider vinegar for 30 to 60 minutes before eating.
  • Metastatic cancer patients or others with compromised immune systems should juice their vegetables to maximize their nutrient absorption and limit the stress and energy needed to digest them. With juicing, you discard most of the fiber, which would otherwise fill you up and pass through you undigested. You just drink in nutrients that cross the intestinal wall into the bloodstream and nourish you.
Have you tried these strategies and found them helpful? Please share your favorite RAW cruciferous veggie recipe with all of us, on our Facebook page.

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[Urgent] Can you believe this video?
Can you believe this video? It's a phenomenon. In fact, it was sent to more than 289,000 people in just the first 24 hours!

But you might not see it at all.

Why? Because, for the first time, mainstream medicine's deadliest conspiracy has been EXPOSED. Finally, this video is the 'shot heard around the world' the establishment prayed would never come.

There are powerful interests hell-bent on minimizing the damage it is doing to corporate medicine's profit machine.

Before it's banned, watch it here.

Bowie State Football Service Appreciation Day (Saturday, September 29th)

Bowie State University Football has designated Saturday, September 29th as Service Appreciation Day (see attachment) and ask for your support in promoting this event. All Active Duty and Veteran Service members get into the Winston-Salem State game for FREE with I.D.!! Spouses and children with service members at time of purchase are half-price ($7.50). This is the BULLDOG NATION’S way of saying thank you for all you have done and continue to do.

For additional information, contact Brian Jamison (, 301-860-3572 or Donna Polk (, 301-860-3582. For additional ticket information, call 301-860-4062.