Sunday, August 19, 2012

M.D. savagely attacks cancer establishment

Online Publishing and Marketing
Dear Friend,Did you know that one in two men and almost that many women will get cancer at some time in their lifetime?  Those odds are 50:50! Not good. It means, statistically speaking, either you or someone very close to you will get this disease.
That’s why I have a saying: “We are all battling cancer.”
Cancer will come into your life.  The Big C movie is coming, some day, to a movie theater near you. Even if you don’t have the starring role, I assure you it’s no fun watching someone you love slowly wither away with this disease.
What’s ironic is that cancer is fairly easy to prevent, and in its early stages it’s easy to treat successfully.
Cancer really doesn’t deserve its dread reputation!
I can tell you about a doctor, a “recovering oncologist” you might say, who’s discovered that all cancer cases share one simple cause and if you do something about it, you’re almost certain to recover. He has over 40,000 cases, a success rate of more than 90%, and many people alive today were sick almost to death before he found and rescued them.
Qualified, ethical doctors in good standing, all around the world, practice a variety of alternative cancer therapies. The fact that these therapies are outlawed in the USA, does not mean they are not perfectly legal anywhere else — and it certainly doesn’t mean they’re ineffective.
Many of them work really well. I would use them instead of conventional therapy for myself or my family. For example, the most common oncology drug prescribed in Germany is an herbal homoeopathic preparation. I bet you’ve never heard of it! And I’ve got more...
That’s why I’m prepared to send you a comprehensive consumer report called Cancer Research Secrets.  It will give you details of scores of these alternative remedies and explain how they work.
These are remedies that orthodox medicine
would prefer you never hear about.
Their profits will suffer if this information becomes widespread. They don’t want you to know about these remedies because they’re cheap and effective.
But you don’t care if cancer doctors — oncologists — and big drug companies make less money.  What you care about is that you and your family will be able to survive cancer and live a normal life span. 
And this news might surprise you...
This report will still help you even if you opt for chemo or radiation at the same time you try certain alternative therapies. My report will show you how to reduce the side effects and make chemotherapy more likely to succeed.
We know so much about cancer today, nobody should die of this disease.
There are many alternative therapies to help you conquer cancer naturally, safely and surely.
And I don’t want you to think I mean wacky folk cures when I say “alternative” therapies! I’m talking about different — but totally scientific — alternatives to the deadly game of surgical mutilation, chemotherapy and radiation. These holistic methods work AT LEAST as well as accepted conventional treatment.
So why don’t doctors offer these alternatives?
Doctors today are taught to view anything outside the drug industry’s choke-hold on medical thinking as very suspect, or even fraudulent. They have an exclusive monopoly on what they CLAIM is the “proper” treatment for cancer.
Yet the results of orthodox medicine are deplorably bad. I know. I am a fully qualified MD (MB ChB in Britain, which is bachelor of medicine, bachelor of surgery). Yes, I’ve had my hands in people’s guts and chests. But long ago, I chose the gentler and safer route of natural medicine.
Cancer-Research-Secrets-Cover.png 350x469That doesn’t mean I abandoned science. I’m BIG on science, logic, reason and empirical testing. In fact I’m the scourge of both the orthodox lies and the “holistic” humbug that professes a superior attitude to that of doctors.
I tell it like it is. I shoot straight. After all, I’m not trying to sell you treatment or supplements. I have no motivation to tell you anything but the truth.
So, if you don’t want to EVER die from cancer, make sure my fabulous new comprehensive resource Cancer Research Secrets is on your desk.
What do four Nobel Prize winners know that doctors don’t?
Would it surprise you to know that at least four Nobel Prize winners have made breakthroughs towards the safe, scientific treatment of cancer, without deadly chemo and radiation treatment?
Their discoveries go back over 80 years, yet their pioneer work is being ignored by modern doctors. It could be saving lives — YOUR life, or the life of someone you love. Yet it is being suppressed. Ironically, what I rate the biggest cancer treatment discovery of all was re-affirmed with a completely up-to-date scientific study that took place in Boston College and was published in a reputable scientific journal in 2008 [Journal of Lipid Research.2008; 49: 2545-2556].
Another scientist, seven times nominated for the Nobel Prize, discovered a glorious food substance which literally traps the healing power of sunlight and delivers it to your body in the form of active, restorative electron energy (this is not New Age pseudo-science babble but real cutting edge knowledge, as you will see when you read the explanation in full).
I can (and will) show you three different diet regimes that have each proven capable of bringing patients back right from the very edge of death with terminal cancer, and putting them on the road to recovery. Not just that: the patients attained better health than they ever had before — they get so healthy that many of them have said they had cause to BLESS the fact that they got cancer.
You see, alternatives work — at least as well as some forms of chemotherapy and often better. The payoff is that you learn how to achieve true health, not just how to suppress the disease.
Let me repeat, you don’t necessarily have to abandon orthodox treatment. Nearly all the super healing alternative strategies I describe for you are quite compatible with other methods and will help you undergo chemotherapy or radiation treatment without the dreaded side effects.
The Cancer Mafia
Unfortunately, the medical profession is often the last place you’d get the truth about effective cures. The pharmaceutical industry and greedy, unethical doctors seeking their own gain have conspired to become what has appropriately been called the “Cancer Mafia”. They have long since left behind any thought of putting patient care first. Their agenda is to protect their profits and destroy anyone who wants to offer alternatives to their ghastly, unsuccessful and expensive methods.
In spite of the fact that it’s easy to pick holes in their so-called science, they go on cutting, poisoning and burning patients in the name of a “cure”. Yet when it comes to gentle, cheap holistic treatments, they attack them with a frenzy amounting to blind fury, claiming such treatments are “unproven”, “bogus” and even “dangerous”.
In fact the “War ON Cancer”, vaunted by the cancer establishment, should be renamed the “War ABOUT cancer”. There is literally a life and death struggle going on for the right to tell patients the truth and let each person decide for himself or herself what to do.
According to the AMA, FDA and other institutional bureaucracies, no one should have the right to speak freely except doctors entrenched in the dogma of the day. The so-called cancer charities, like the American Cancer Society are phony. They’re clearly on the side of the Cancer Mafia, not the truth.
So I know it’s difficult for the patient or family to know what to think. If you or someone you love has cancer, you face a blizzard of conflicting “facts.” CRSCover-click-here.png 300x402The cancer establishment showers alternative therapies with abusive language and criticism, most of it wrapped up in scientific jargon most people don’t understand.
That’s why I wrote Cancer Research Secrets: to help you make the right decisions:
This is what the
“war” is really about:
It’s proven time and time again that many of these alternative treatments are at least as effective as chemotherapy and radiation, with hardly any side effects. Consider these facts:
There’s a simple piece of electronic equipment that’s been around for 80 years, and any handyman can make one. It has a terrific cure rate against cancer without side effects. I’m not talking about the famous Rife machine. The one I mean was developed by a Russian genius in the 1930s, back when there were literally hundreds of clinics all over Europe providing safe, effective cancer treatment and curing many people. Today you never hear of this treatment, unless you go researching. You’ll find it on page 158 of my book, Cancer Research Secrets.
A whole new theory of cancer was evolved by a Scottish doctor that led to a simple, safe nutritional treatment. It was wildly effective and by 1911, in London alone, there were over 40 clinics offering this treatment (page 75).
But it simply vanished. Marie Curie’s radium “cure” was invented and simple natural remedies were swept aside. Ironically Marie Curie’s radiation method is now known to be one of the main CAUSES of cancer, yet doctors go on using it. They hope to kill the tumor just before they kill the patient (and they don’t always get it right).
You might think the Scottish doctor’s treatment must have vanished altogether and you would be nearly right. But in 1967 a US dentist repeated the same success and showed the world a whole safe new approach to cancer. He cured himself of one of the most deadly cancers and went on to live over 30 years beyond his “sell by” date. His method helped thousands to fully recover from cancer.
But this brilliant dentist was attacked violently for daring to go up against the Cancer Mafia and finally quit. Even that’s not the end of the story. A young researcher took up this discovery in the 1980s. I’ll tell you that story in detail in just a moment.
So what is the matter with my conventional colleagues? Why can’t they see the truth staring them down?
The answer, of course, is money. The Scottish doctor’s treatment cost just a few dollars, compared to hundreds of thousands for the “correct” conventional treatment. What self-respecting oncologist would give up all that income, just because it was in the patient’s best interest? I’m sorry to sound cynical but that’s the profession today.
CRSCover-click-here.png 300x402It’s such a greedy, voracious, money-gobbling machine I know of cases where the patients have even been diagnosed fraudulently as having cancer so the hospital can make money by treating them (since the treatment unquestionably kills some patients, this is tantamount to murder in any other profession).
Oncologists don’t have your interests at heart. In one case I know a doctor who had cured a cancer patient. Instead of being happy about it, the patient’s oncologist made an official complaint, because it lost him over $300,000 in fees. The doctor who’d actually cured the patient was run out of town; in fact he was run out of the country. He can no longer practice medicine safely in the USA.
You couldn’t make this up; you’d be laughed at! It’s worse than the lurid tales in tabloid papers, like the National Enquirer or the Globe.
But beware the alternatives too!
Unfortunately, the alternative cancer field is also seething with bogus cures and claims, especially if viewed from the Internet. It is clear to anyone who’s well-informed that a great many people, totally unqualified, are indeed “cashing in” on alternative cancer treatments, exactly the way that orthodox critics claim. If there is one thing worse than a dangerous doctor who’s had 7 years of training, then it’s a dangerous amateur with NO training.
That’s where my book Cancer Research Secrets comes in. It’s been a massive project for me to assemble the facts about numerous aspects of cancer alternatives, the clinics and the people involved and — MOST IMPORTANT — to review them myself and decide which ones are credible and effective. I’ve sifted the wheat from the chaff and offer it to you in this book as good nourishing information!
As I told you, I’m a regular MD (trained at a medical school in the UK); I’ve been professor at two universities; I’ve treated patients — including cancer patients — for just shy of 40 years, using only alternative and holistic methods. Many of them are still alive and well. Some eventually died of natural causes — we all have to go sometime.
So I consider myself to be a person well qualified to walk you through the cancer cure minefield without getting your legs blown off.
Cancer Research Secrets is a major contribution to knowledge in this field and I hope you will find it helpful. It’s jam-packed with information never before
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assembled all in one place. Not only that, but I’ve also included a resources supplement that allows you to link with numerous centers for treatment, so you’ll be sure to find the therapies and remedies you’re looking for.
I’ve done all the heavy lifting, you just need to read it and take action!
Not a death knell,
it’s a wake up call
It’s one of my sayings that cancer is not a death knell. It’s a wake-up call. It’s nature’s way of telling you your health is in bad shape. You need to do something or you may well perish.
But your choices are many and varied. There are SCORES of approaches that have all had successful outcomes for those who have gone before you. In Cancer Research Secrets I’ll tell you all about them.
You know what? Cancer isn’t that hard to conquer. But you can only do so by taking the right action and plucking out the underlying cause of the problem. Experts can argue all day about chemo and radiation therapy and about the doubtful value of these toxic therapies.
I have a slightly different take: the most deadly thing wrong with orthodox medicine is not what it DOES, but what it does not do. My conventional colleagues never seem interested in getting to the bottom of WHY a person gets cancer and fixing that (they don’t really know why, for one thing).
PullQuote_2b.gif 12080x12849Yet there IS always a cause. Cancer is not a case of bad luck. Cancer happens for reasons, the same as anything else on God’s Earth. You just have to find the real reason and fix it.
Cancer Research Secrets” is your user-friendly map and visitor’s guide to find your way around and get to the cure you or a loved one so desperately need.
You need to move out of the “battlefield mentality”. By that I mean you need to stop thinking that cancer is the enemy and has to be smashed, burnt and destroyed at all costs. In open warfare like that it’s always the battlefield (in this case, your body) that comes off worst. Think of the pictures of mud and blasted trees in the World War I trenches!
You don’t want to end up looking like no-man’s land, do you? There is a better, less confrontational way.
I have to keep reminding patients that cancer isn’t some alien object dropped by a UFO from outer space. The cancer is YOU. It’s part of your body that has gone off the rails and is behaving differently.
CRSCover-click-here.png 300x402If you correct the reasons why this happened, the cancer tissues will go back to normal. It happens a lot. In fact it happens far more than doctors realize and a very powerful recent paper in a peer-reviewed top scientific journal [The Archives of Internal Medicine, Dec 2008] showed conclusively that if doctors left well enough alone many cancers would resolve on their own.
I’ll tell you the whole story. In fact, my book is a feast of amazing and scientifically valid secrets that nobody has been telling you. You’ve been denied the real story... till now!
As you can see, I speak from science, not whimsy and wishful thinking. Cancer Research Secrets is a crystal clear stream of real, workable knowledge. Not an ounce of fluff in it. I urge you to get your own personal copy NOW!
I promised a few pages back to tell you the final update of the Scottish doctor’s story.
A cancer research doctor was allowed a short list of 11 terminal hospital patients with pancreatic cancer (at the time it’s diagnosed, this type of tumor has an average survival time of just 6 weeks). Yet using the Scottish doctor’s PullQuote_3b.gif 12080x12849therapy, which I explain in detail inCancer Research Secrets (page 75), nine patients (81%) lived one year, 5 lived two years (45%), 4 lived three years (36%) and two have lived longer than four years.
Now compare that with a study published at about the same time, of the newly approved drug Gemcitabine. Of 126 patients with pancreatic cancer not a single patient lived longer than 19 months and yet that was considered a “successful” drug. It’s being sold today as the “proper” treatment for pancreatic cancer.
Well, if faced with disaster, I wouldn’t take Gemcitabine. I’d want the 45- 81% option, not the 0% option, wouldn’t you?
I hope you are getting the picture here! Do not listen to the propaganda about conventional treatment. It comes nowhere near the success rate of certain properly run alternative therapies. Yet they call their methods science. They claim alternatives are “not scientific” or “not proven” or “dangerous”!
PullQuote_4b.gif 12080x12849Ha! What could be more dangerous than chemo and radiation? The whole reason it works (if ever it does) is they stop JUST SHORT of killing you, while killing the tumor. We call that the toxicity margin or “therapeutic index” and it really is as crude as I just explained it (it’s meaured by the dose it takes to kill exactly 50% of the study population).
If you are involved with cancer, or concerned in any way through family or friends, you need to act. As I said, we are ALL facing this issue at some time or other, so you had better be concerned.
You need this life-saving information. Everyone around you needs it. Cancer Research Secrets is your easy-to-read, informative guide. If I do say so myself, I just happen to be one of the most knowledgeable individuals on Earth about alternative medicine.
Is chemotherapy EVER the right choice?
Let me address that vexed question of whether it’s ever a good idea to opt for chemo or radiation. I understand this dilemma that patients sometimes face. At times it can be frightening, with the feeling that if you make a wrong choice, it could be the end…
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Well, you’ll be pleased to know that I don’t tell you not to go the orthodox route. That’s just irresponsible. You get that from amateur fools on the Internet who just go “Oh, I can’t believe it! You’re doing chemo?” as if it were a dirty vice.
People do survive who have chemo. Some live the rest of their natural lives. But it is RISKY; there is no getting round that. If it doesn’t work, it screws up your other options, by poisoning the immune system and other defences you vitally need to beat off cancer naturally.
So to help you with this awful dilemma, I spend a lot of time inCancer Research Secrets telling you what you can do to protect yourself against chemo and radiation.
My own patients who opted for chemo didn’t even lose their hair! But they did beat the disease.
And no, vitamins and other alternatives won’t affect conventional cancer treatments. That’s just a scare story put about by oncologists who don’t like competition. I will tell you the truth on that claim too—direct from the most up-to-date scientific studies (page 14).
And that brings me to another point.
You’re not buying into a bunch of opinions, fluffy pink thoughts or the “wish” that it would all come out right. I’m not into fairy stories. Everything I write is based on direct experience and years of studying scientific papers.
As I said, I’ve done the grunt work. Now all you have to do is get this manual and read it. You can get a fast education in cancer and how to survive it from right there in your armchair (better switch the TV off, though).
Now it is my duty to point out that people recover using conventional therapies too. Survival stories abound of those who have been through the horrors of chemotherapy and radiation, feeling sick, vomiting, losing their hair... but they lived! It’s not nice but it does sometimes work.
So my book is NOT about persuading you that you shouldn’t do chemo. It is about telling you what your choices are. Because nobody is going to tell you, if you don’t find out for yourself. I have assembled masses of information about the many options you have. But it’s not overwhelming. I haven’t gone into the nitpicky detail, like what doses of vitamins you should take, and that sort of thing.
I give you the overall picture, the business plan instead of the detailed invoice, if you like to think of it that way.
Your Safety Guarantee
You’ll be completely satisfied with your purchase. Otherwise just ask for your money back — anytime within 12 months of your purchase. I’ll send you a refund at once, with no quibbles.
You can be in no doubt what my guide is about, what it covers and what value it has to you. It’s one of the VERY FEW written by a recognized, authoritative MD with direct experience of treating cancers with alternative therapies.
I no longer run an office but you can benefit from my vast experience, now, TODAY..
So it’s time to buy Cancer Research Secrets, your ultimate Special Report on state-of-the-art, up-to-date cures for cancer...
Cancer Defeated Publications

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