Monday, July 2, 2012

Read for instant Motivation

US Sports Strength and Conditioning News2 July, 2012
10 Rules of Fat Loss
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It was a high counsel that I once heard given to a young person, "Always do what you are afraid to do."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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7 Steps To a Faster 40 yard dash
The 40-yard dash is the ultimate measurement of speed in football. Prospective NFL players are given bigger contracts or passed over entirely based on how they run the 40. College prospects are given an extra look if their 40 time warrants it.
Want to improve your 40-yard dash time? Patrick Beith of Athletes' Acceleration offers seven tips to a faster 40--and they're all before you even take off.

Foot Placement

The start of your 40 is extremely important since it sets up your entire run. You want to put yourself in the best position possible to be able to explode off of the line.position when starting in a three-point stance and your power leg will be in front. The front leg is going to be the leg that is really starting the initial drive out so you want your strongest and most powerful leg in front.
Technically, the distance between the front foot (power leg) and the starting line should be approximately 55 to 60 percent of your leg length. The distance between feet should be shin length, which is about 42 to 45 percent of total leg length. A simpler and equally effective spacing is to start by placing front foot (power leg) two foot-lengths from the starting line and the rear foot (quick leg) another foot length between the front and rear feet. Spacing can be adjusted from there based on comfort, existing strength levels, etc.

Shoulder Position at the Start

The position of the shoulders while starting is a subject for debate. Some coaches instruct their athletes to bring their shoulders out slightly past their hands, thus bringing the center of mass closer to the starting line. First off, at some football combines, this movement is illegal so check with an official at your combine if you prefer to use this technique. More...
Get your Strength, Speed, Agility, and Reaction Workout Custom Designed and Delivered to you now! Click Here To 'smoke' the competition
Which of These 7 Reasons Motivate You?
Let's face it, most people dislike exercise. Or at least they think they do.

They say it takes up too much time, they don't like to get sweaty, or maybe they're so out-of-shape that exercise hurts.

Or maybe they'd just rather lie on the couch and eat cake.

I think that anyone who says they don't like exercise is really saying that they don't have any motivation.

Motivation is what gets you to stick with an exercise routine—even when it's the last thing you feel like doing.

There isn't a one-size-fits-all answer for motivation, since different things motivate different people. Try the following 7 reasons on for size and discover what motivates you:

Reason #1: Health
The long list of health benefits attributed to exercise should be enough motivation for anyone. Physical activity helps you achieve and maintain a healthy weight. It also helps lower bad cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure, while improving the amount of good cholesterol in your body.

Additionally, exercise strengthens your bones and muscles, lowers your risk of cancer, decreases stress, helps you battle depression, and even improves your sex life.

Reason #2: Making Progress
When it comes to exercise, many people find it helpful to track their progress so they can see where they started and how far they go over time. Seeing improvements reminds you that your hard work is worth the effort. Perhaps you were only able to walk a mile, now you're able to run two! Maybe you weighed in at 250 pounds, and now you're down to 215! Track your progress using a regular journal, phone app, or fitness website. This is a great way to stay motivated and to remind yourself that while you may not notice your progress, you're making progress every day!

Reason #3: Convenience
Many people don't stick with an exercise routine when it becomes inconvenient for them. Whether you face a schedule change or don't have time to drive to the gym, it's important (and possible) to find a time and place that work best for you and your busy lifestyle. Just remember to be flexible! If you're too tired at the end of the day, try waking up a few minutes early to fit in a workout.

Reason #4: Enjoyment
If exercise is a bore for you, find a way to make it fun. Everyone likes doing things they enjoy. You might hate running but enjoy swimming or riding a bike. Perhaps you don't like being alone and would rather be social. So join a team! Or maybe you don't like the idea of driving all the way to the gym, changing out, and exercising with a crowd. Find out when your local gym is least populated, and hit the weights then. Do what's most fun for you and you'll be less likely to stop.

Reason #5: Goal Achievement
If you're just getting started in the world of exercise, a good place to start is by setting goals. How much weight would you like to lose? How far would you like to run? Working towards a goal is a great motivator. However, don't set up for failure by striving after unrealistic goals. Do this and you'll soon feel overwhelmed and give up altogether. To avoid this, set realistic milestones. When you reach them, enjoy your accomplishment and then set new goals to take your good health even further.

Reason #6: Increased Confidence
If you're out of shape or overweight, it can take a lot of courage to start an exercise routine. Remember to be confident in who you are, no matter what size or shape. Don't compare yourself to the skinny, toned figure strutting her stuff through the gym. Keep your eyes on your goal and don't expect perfection after just a week of exercise. Strive to have your best body—not someone else's.

Reason #7: Rewards
Rewards are a great motivator. In fact, much of what you do in life is motivated by a reward of some kind, whether intrinsic or extrinsic. When it comes to exercise, a good reward probably shouldn't be an ice cream sundae, but it may be that new pair of jeans you've been eyeing, or perhaps a night out with friends. Maybe for you, weight loss and lowered blood pressure are reward enough. Just know that your hard work is paying off and deserves to be rewarded.

It's my passion to help others find their motivation for creating a healthier life for themselves and their families. I'd love to hear from you – call or email today.

Together we will figure out what motivates you!
This Week's Feature Exercise: Burpee
 Burpees have been all the rage lately. This exercise has its roots on Football Conditioning
 This exercise is a part of programs available to premium members of US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning.*
#1154   Burpees
Aerobic/Anaerobic Conditioning
Core (body weight)
Full Body (bodyweight)
Exercise Description:
Aerobic/Anaerobic Conditioning
1. From a standing position, jump as high as possible and land down on your feet with your hands on the ground.
2. Kick your feet back. For a moment you will be in a push up position and jump back up again as fast as possible.
3. Repeat for the required repetitions
*These exercises videos and descriptions are a part of programs available to Premium Members.

Read the Back Label, Not the Front
As a rule of thumb, never trust the claims on the front of a food package. Claims like: heart healthy, whole grains, or fiber-filled are never reason enough to purchase the item.

You see, the real truth about a packaged food item is hidden in the ingredient list on the BACK label, not in the bold claims on the front.

Scan that ingredient list for high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, sugar, hydrogenated or partially-hydrogenated oils – if the food contains these items then rest assured that it's not healthy and should not be eaten.
Santa Fe Salmon Salad
Eating healthy does not need to be boring. Grilled salmon, crip greens, tender corn and peppers, a sprinkle of cheese and a few slices of avocado make this healthy salad something worth repeating. The flavors in this dish are so delicious there is no need for dressing.
Servings: 2

Here's what you need...
  • 2 (3.5 oz) salmon fillets
  • Santa Fe seasoning blend (2 teaspoons cumin, 1 teaspoon coriander, 1 teaspoon chili powder, 1 teaspoon dried oregano, 1 teaspoon thyme, 1/8 teaspoon clove, 1/8 teaspoon allspice, 1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon)
  • 4 cups romaine lettuce, chopped
  • 1/2 cup tomato, chopped
  • 1/4 cup corn kernels
  • 1/8 cup low fat cheese, grated
  • 1/8 cup canned red peppers, finely chopped
  • 1/2 avocado, sliced
  1. Coat the salmon fillets with Santa Fe seasoning. On a pre-heated grill, cook for 8-10 minutes on each side, until flaky and cook all the way through. Remove from heat.
  2. On 2 plates arrange a bed of lettuce, topped with half of the tomato, corn, cheese, peppers and avocado. Place the fillet on top.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 252 calories, 12 fat, 225mg sodium, 12g carbohydrate, 7g fiber, and 24g protein.

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US Sports Strength and Conditioning

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