Thursday, July 12, 2012

4 Hidden Factors That Are Shrinking Your Brain

Yale Says Stress Reduces Brain Volume

You Call Them Senior Moments...but They Could be a Sign of Something Much, Much Worse
Have you been noticing more "senior moments" lately? More embarrassing incidents when you forget what you were about to say or can't recall someone's name? Or more frustrating searches for misplaced car keys or eyeglasses?
Then you may be shocked to learn these memory lapses could be due to this overlooked cause of memory problems and Alzheimer's. What is it?
Your brain is SHRINKING!
That's right...starting at around age 60, the thinking portion of your brain begins to waste away. Plus the hippocampus-where memories are stored-often becomes damaged.
Stress makes matters even worse. A new Yale University study shows that repeated exposure to stress reduces brain volume and function-even if you're fit and healthy.
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Click here for some important information about how to stop your brain from shrinking-and enjoy a razor-sharp memory again!
You'll also find out about the four health and lifestyle factors that a recent study at the University of California found could be making your brain shrink even faster.
Chances are you have at least one of these factors...because millions of your fellow Americans are in the same boat!
It's no wonder the number of people with Alzheimer's is skyrocketing.
At least 1-in-8 Americans age 65 or older have Alzheimer's. Nearly HALF of Americans over age 85 have it.
But that's not all. More than 200,000 Americans UNDER age 65 are suffering right now from early-onset Alzheimer's. So it's not just an "old people's" disease.
What's more, Alzheimer's is the ONLY cause of death...among the top 10 in America...that conventional medicine doesn't have a way to prevent, cure or even slow down!
But I've got some great news for you. I've uncovered some surprisingly simple ways you can...
Stop your brain from shrinking...and keep yourself safe from Alzheimer's
What's more, these easy, natural solutions and many more can dramatically boost your you learn new things more quickly...and improve your concentration so you can get more done in less time.
Click here and you'll know exactly what you need to do to recall names, phone numbers, shopping lists, and other information just as easily as you did 10...maybe even 20 years ago.
Even more important, you'll discover how to make sure you NEVER end up in a nursing home or forget who your loved ones are due to Alzheimer's...
Yours for excellent mental health,

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