Monday, June 4, 2012

US Sports Strength and Conditioning News 06/04/2012

US Sports Strength and Conditioning News4 June, 2012
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10 Rules of Fat Loss
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The 7 Deadly Dieting Mistakes
It's a common problem. You've been on a diet for weeks and aren't losing weight like you thought you would.

It may be because you're consuming more calories than you think.

Keep reading to discover seven sneaky habits that may be sabotaging your weight loss efforts.

Mistake #1: Forgetting Liquid Calories 
It's easy to forget that the things you drink have calories - some more than you'd think. In fact, some beverages have more calories than an entire plate of food.

It is estimated that around 20 percent of your daily calories come from what you drink. So as you drink your juice with breakfast, rehydrate with a sports drink at the gym, or drink a glass of wine at dinner, think about the calories you're adding.

For calories' sake, it's best to avoid all sweetened sodas, sweetened or flavored coffee drinks, sweetened tea, and smoothies. Replace these high-calorie drinks with water, skim milk, and unsweetened herbal tea. Because while they taste great, liquids generally don't satisfy hunger, so they are just empty calories.

Mistake #2 Meal Skipping 
Many dieters think they'll cut their calorie intake by skipping a meal, usually breakfast.

But this is a mistake.

Research has shown that those who skip breakfast actually weigh more than those who eat three meals a day. Skipping a meal usually causes you to eat more calories during the day because you will end up eating even more food later in the day because you're so hungry.

So aim to eat three (or more) meals a day. A healthy breakfast that will keep you feeling full all morning contains protein and fiber. An example would be whole-wheat toast and an egg.

Mistake #3: Oversized Portions
Just because restaurants load your plate with a mountain of food doesn't mean you should eat that much at home for a normal meal.

Remember that your stomach, like your heart, is the size of your fist. Don't think you could fit much food into your fist? You're right. And contrary to what mama taught you as a child, you don't have to eat all the food in front of you.

To eat a little less, use smaller plates and eat slower so you know when you're full. Also, remember that portion control also applies to healthy foods, as they, too, contain calories.

Mistake #4: Too Many Extras
A salad is a healthy, low calorie option. At least until you add dressing, bacon, cheese, and croutons.

These add extra calories fast.

One tablespoon of dressing contains 75 to 100 calories. With that in mind, it's no wonder grilled-chicken salads at a fast-food restaurant can have more calories than a hamburger.

Mistake #5: Blaming Your Genes
Many people give up on dieting or think there's no hope when it comes to meeting their goal weight because of their genes.

Just like you may share your father's hair color or your mother's eye color, there is a small chance you also share your parent's body type. However, this is no excuse for doing nothing about trying to lose weight.

Stick to your diet and exercise plan and you should definitely see results.

Mistake #6: Eating Without Thinking
It happens to everyone. You're tired after a long day and you just want to veg in front of the television or read a good book. Unfortunately, mindlessly eating is often involved. You may think that since it's not on a plate it doesn't matter, but every bite you take counts.

When it comes to a successful diet, make rules for appropriate times to eat. And don't always feel the need to eat when relaxing. Try sipping on water or tea, chewing gum, or simply don't put anything in your mouth.

Mistake #7: Eliminating All Treats
Dieters often become overzealous in their plan and completely rid the house of all the food they enjoy, whether chips, sweets, snacks, or any high calorie food.

This commitment may last a few days until you can't tolerate it any longer and you overindulge on what you deprived yourself of.

A better plan is to allow yourself a treat every once in a while.

Remember that everyone makes mistakes, but be smart and don't let these common pitfalls keep your from meeting your weight loss goal!

Reach your fitness potential faster by coupling your good diet with a challenging exercise program. I'm here to motivate, instruct and encourage you to reach your goal.

Call or email today to get started on a fitness program that will truly improve your quality of life.
This Week's Feature Exercise: Front to Back Double Leg Line Hops. Also Interval Training Concepts.

 This exercise is a part of programs available to premium members of US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning.*
Ply - Front to Back Double Leg Line Hops (SR) Sec View Video
Exercise Description:

Begin standing with a court line in front of your feet. Stand with feet close together, lean forward slightly from your hips, and hold a slight bend in your knees. Once you begin hoping over the line front to back, stay up on your toes and spend the least amount of time you can in contact with the floor. As soon as you contact the floor begin pushing off again. Hold your arms at your sides and keep them bent. This drill differs from the cone hope because the movement will be shorter in height and distance. However, it will also be faster tempo.
Front to Back Double Leg Line Hops
10 seconds,10 seconds,
10 seconds  
Interval training.
Interval training is a special training technique that involves periods of higher intensity exercise interspersed with periods of rest or light activity. These intervals, which can be used to enhance competitive performance in a specific sport or to improve general fitness can vary in the following ways:
  1. Intensity and duration of the exercise period.
  2. Intensity and duration of the rest period.
Depending on how the workout varies an athlete can train the specific energy system necessary to develop his or her specific fitness goal.
*These exercises videos and descriptions are available to Premium Members. Life Life 728x90
Aim to Add
It's easy to only focus on the foods that you're not supposed to eat when on a diet, but by changing your focus to all the foods that you are able to freely eat you'll stay motivated and stick with it.
Pack as many non-starchy vegetables as you'd like into your daily diet as well as fresh, seasonal fruits. Experiment with different methods of preparation for exciting variety.
Quinoa Fruit Salad
This refreshing summer salad is made with quinoa. Quinoa is a gluten-free, protein-packed seed. It's a complete protein, containing all 9 essential amino acids. Add a side of lean protein to your salad and you've got a highly nutritious, balanced meal.
Servings: 6 

Here's what you need...
  • 3/4 cup plain non-fat greek yogurt
  • 2 Tablespoons lime juice, divided
  • 1-15 fresh mint leaves, minced
  • 2 cups cooked quinoa
  • optional dash of salt and pepper
  • 1 cup blueberries
  • 1 cup green grapes, halved
  • 1/2 cup raspberries
  • 1 teaspoon agave nectar
  1. In a small bowl combine the yogurt, 1 tablespoon lime juice and the mint. Pour over the cooked quinoa and mix well. Season with salt and pepper.
  2. In another bowl combine the fruit, agave nectar and remaining lime juice.
  3. Cover and refrigerate each bowl for 2 hours, to allow the flavors to emerge, then combine the fruit with the quinoa and serve.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 114 calories, 1 fat, 13mg sodium, 20g carbohydrate, 2.5g fiber, and 6g protein.

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