Tuesday, May 1, 2012

US Sports Conditioning Boot Camp Workout #1

Here it is Athletes! The first of your FREE bi-weekly online Sports Conditioning Bootcamps.
Be sure to stay hydrated before, during, and after your workouts.
This first workout will be a basic bodyweight strength and conditioning workout to get your started*

To progress, simply add time or weight to each exercise.

ExerciseManual-Notes (if any)
High Knee Drill
1. Stand at foot of agility ladder or just stand in place.
2. Drive knee up towards chest and place that foot in first square or back on the ground.
Drive other knee up and land in next square and so on down the ladder in a moderate to fast jog with minimal ground contact time.

Trainer's comments:
Warm up for 5-10 min.

13 min. 
Jumping Jacks
Start with your legs side by side and your arms by your side.
In one motion jump and spread your legs out to the side while your arms raise out and up over your head.
Land in this position and then return to the starting position and repeat.

Trainer's comments:
This basic exercise is a great compound movement that will get your heart pumping.
11 min. 
Bicycle Kicks
1. Lie on your back with your knees at chest level and your arms flat on the floor.
2. Alternate extending your legs by extending one leg out straight and as you bring it in extend the other leg out.
3. Continue to repeat this process like you are riding a bicycle until the required repetitions are completed.
4. Make sure you keep your back flat during the movement. If you are unable to keep your back flat then reduce the extension of your legs.

Trainer's comments:
Keep those abs. tight and keep your back flat!!
130 sec. 
Alternating Superman
1) Lie face down on floor with arms extended overhead. You may place a rolled towel under forehead to clear face from floor.
2) Raise right arm and left leg 4-8 inches off floor.
3) Lower and raise alternate opposite arm and leg.
Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Shoulders and hips should remain squared throughout movement.

Trainer's comments:
Excellent exercise.
130 sec. 
1. Start position: Lie back onto floor or bench with knees bent and hands behind head. Keep elbows back and out of sight. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.
2. Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominal and raise shoulders off floor or bench.
3. Return to start position.
Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Hyperextension or flexion of either may cause injury.

Trainer's comments:
Exhale on the contraction and squeeze those abs.Foot base medium to wide and as tight to but as possible. Curl torso to properly contract your abdominals!!
130 sec. 
Supine Hip Extensions
1. Lie on your back on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor or on a balance disc.
2. Press your feet into the floor or disc until your hips come up off the floor.
3. Press until your hips are at full extension.
4. Return to the starting position and repeat.

Trainer's comments:
Again nice foot base to stabilize yourself. Exhale on exertion and contract ads. and buttocks.
130 sec. 
Bodyweight Squats
1. Start by placing feet shoulder width apart and holding your arms out in front of you.
2. Proceed to squat down like you are going to sit in a chair. Your upper body will lean forward slightly and your hips will shift backwards while going down.
3. Remember to keep your knees from going out in front of your toes while squatting.
4. Repeat according to your required repetitions. If you want to make the exercise more challenging hold your arms at your sides or behind your head.

Trainer's comments:
Chair, wall or free standing depending on your form and fitness level. I prefer chair for now. Exhale on exertion and use proper form!!
130 sec. 
Wide Pushups
1. Lie face down on the floor with hands palm down, fingers pointing straight ahead, and aligned at the nipple line.
2. Place hands than shoulder width, and feet should be at hip width with toes on floor.
3. Start position: Extend the elbows and raise the body off the floor.
4. Lower your entire body (legs, hips, trunk, and head) 4-8 inches from the floor.
5. Return to the start position by extending at the elbows and pushing the body up.
6. Remember to keep the head and trunk stabilized in a neutral position by isometrically contracting the abdominal and back muscles. Never fully lock out the elbows at the start position and avoid hyperextension of the low back.

Trainer's comments:
Whether its 5 sets of 10 or 50 straight, do 50 reps with good form. Rest maximum 10 sec. between sets.
Actual Done
Bench Dip
1) Sit upright on bench and place hands hip width apart with fingers pointing forward. Place feet flat on opposite bench with legs straight.
2) Start position: Slide glutes off bench with elbows slightly bent.
3) Lower body by bending at elbows until elbows are at 90 degree angle.
4) Return to start position.

Trainer's comments:
If needed you could add anything for weight; books, gallon of water....etc. Same as push ups get your 50 reps any combo. Rest maximum 10 sec. between sets. If no bench then side of a sturdy table, chair or stairs.
Actual Done
1) Position hands wider than shoulder width apart with overhand grip (palms facing forward).
2) Start position: Hang with arms fully extended and elbows facing away from body. Feet may be crossed with knees bent.
3) Pull body up until bar is below chin level.
4) Return to start position.
5) Remember to keep the movement controlled with the body stable to minimize momentum and body sway. If the bar is too high, it is advisable to use a step to ensure proper hand placement as well as safety.

Trainer's comments:
If you can not do a pull up, get a sturdy box, crate or chair to stand on and do assisted pull ups. Take a nice wide grip and keep bar in front of your face not behind. Reverse your grip to work your biceps more. Thats a chin up. Same as #8-#9 but, 25 reps.
Actual Done
Jump Rope (basic 2 feet)
Start with the jump rope in each hand.
Jump off the ground and start swinging the jump rope under your feet.
Continue jumping up and down as you bring the jump rope under your feet.
Continue for the prescribed number of jumps or time.

Trainer's comments:
Great exercise for warming up, cooling down, or as a cardiovascular work out! Many variations to increase difficulty. Jump for 20 sec. with 10 sec. rest & repeat for 4 min. If no rope, then jump while making arm circles
14 min. 
Great job! See you in two days.
Be sure to cool down and stretch after each workout.
To get your very own customized Strength and Conditioning program, Click Here
*Please consult a physician before engaging in any exercise program. US Sports Strength and Conditioning assumes no liability if injury or ailment should occur due to your engagement of this program or any of the US Sports Conditioning Bootcamp Workouts.

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