Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Illegal Cure Ronald Reagan used for his Cancer

Press Release Image Online Publishing and Marketing
President Reagan
refused America's outdated cancer treatments
Instead, like other celebrities
and European royalty,
President Reagan went
to Germany to cure his cancer

Americans would be shocked if they knew that President Reagan, while still in the White House, turned his back on American cancer treatments. He secretly went to a German cancer clinic, got rid of his cancer, and lived another 19 years.

Why did he choose Germany? Because German cancer doctors are the best — thanks to breakthrough treatments the American cancer establishment calls “quackery.”

No wonder President Reagan and other celebrities such as Liz Taylor, Suzanne Somers, Anthony Quinn, and European royalty chose Germany’s kinder, gentler treatments. Surprisingly, these treatments cost 10 cents on the dollar compared to America’s dreadful treatments.

As one of Germany’s top doctors said, “Doctors give chemo, chemo, chemo, and patients die, die, die.” That describes American cancer treatments. German doctors use a whole new way with NO hair loss, NO nausea, and NO disfiguring surgeries.
You’ll see a complete description of the breakthrough including three astonishing "before and after" photos of a woman who said “NO!” to surgery that would’ve disfigured her face. She was completely cured without chemotherapy or surgery.
Click here and see for yourself exactly what the German cancer breakthrough is, why it works so well, and where the celebrities go to get rid of their cancer.

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