Friday, January 13, 2012

All Inclusive Ads Proves Its Metal With Clients

We take a moment from sports, health and fitness news to bring you this exciting development from the world of Business on the Internet. If you do any business on the web, it is more than worth checking out:

FAQ's From All Inclusive Ads

Press Release Image

Question: What exactly is All Inclusive Ads?

Answer:  All Inclusive Ads is an advertising service.  Our team of professional media buyers spend over  $40,000/month promoting up to 10 of your links via dozens of different advertising methods.

Question:  What do I have to do to make it work?

Answer: .  All you have to do is save your link on the "My Links" page and your site(s) will being to receive traffic within 5-10 minutes.

Question:  Do I have to promote All Inclusive Ads to make this work?

Answer:  Absolutely not.  Although promoting AIA is a great way to earn a solid residual income, it is not required to make the service work.  You also don't have to click any ads, surf for credits or read emails.  Simply ad your links to the "My Links" page and you're set!

Question:  What kind of links can I promote with AIA?

Answer:  Outside of porn, hate or warez sites, you can promote almost any type of site, including: affiliate links, replicated links, doorway pages, capture pages, websites you own or distrubutor websites that you don't own.  You can also promote location specific sites as well as non-English sites.

Question:  What methods of advertising are being used to advertise my site(s)?

Answer:  We are spending over $40,000/month promoting your site via:

- Google Adwords / Yahoo PPC (multiple thousands spent monthly)
- Newspaper Advertising (in over 5,000 North American Newspapers)
- Banner Advertising (bulk ads purchased on a network of thousands of websites)
- Expired Domain Name traffic (traffic shared from 1000's of expired domain names)
- Popup/Popunder traffic (pop traffic from a network of hundreds of websites)
- You Tube Videos (traffic on hundreds of unique You Tube videos)
- Social Bookmarking (traffic from links on 125 of the top social bookmarks sites)
- Articles (from links on thousands of search engine indexed articles)
- Press Releases (traffic from links on 100 search engine indexed press releases)

- Blog posts (traffic from links on over 250 high traffic blogs)
- And much MORE!

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