Monday, December 5, 2011

Two "berry" good solutions to cancer

Two "berry" good solutions to cancer-Lee Euler Publisher, Cancer Defeated and Natural Cancer Remedies that Work

Date Released: 12/06/2011
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Cancer Defeated Update By Lee Euler Two "berry" good solutions to cancer

Every day at Cancer Defeated we learn about new, exciting alternative cancer treatments. I'll bring you the news in these updates.

One promising and totally risk-free breakthrough is plain old red raspberries. A doctor at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) has discovered a nutrient in this delicious fruit that stops the division of cancer cells.

And before you say, "I can't eat raspberries every day," let me tell you more good news: you can take red raspberry capsules or a red raspberry concentrate available on the market. In fact, the concentrate was used in the South Carolina study that demonstrated the power of this new remedy.
Encouraging results against a variety of cancers

Dr. Daniel Nixon of MUSC began studying ellagic acid in 1993. This naturally occurring plant phenol may turn out to be one of the most powerful ways to prevent cancer before you get it AND inhibit the growth of cancer cells already in progress.

Dr. Nixon's study demonstrated that ellagic acid causes cancer cells to experience the same pre-programmed death as normal cells -- instead of the runaway cell division that usually characterizes cancer. He studied cervical cancer cells, but tests reveal similar results for colon, breast, prostate, pancreatic, skin and other cancers.

The results hold up in animal experiments whether the critters are fed natural ellagic acid or synthetic ellagic acid. If you prefer real red raspberries (and who wouldn't?) our sources suggest one cup a day. As for the extract, you may be able to buy it online at HealthWize LLC, email address: sales(at) (We don't stand behind this company and have no affiliation with them).

Our advice, get professional help when using these breakthroughs

The easiest, best way of all to battle cancer is to put yourself in the hands of an alternative doctor who knows about the power of raw, unprocessed foods -- and about all the other effective cancer treatments available.

We can help you find the right doctor with our Special Report called Adios Cancer -- How rich and poor alike beat cancer in clinics south of the border..

As you can probably guess, the clinics we reveal in this special report are foreign because so many of the best, most effective cancer treatments are illegal in the United States.

Just look at one example: a proven therapy called hyperthermia is just about unavailable in the United States. It's based on the discovery that a high fever -- like you'd get with measles, for example -- is known to cure cancer. Alternative doctors have found safe, effective ways to harness this discovery (without giving you an infection!) -- but you can't obtain this treatment in the United States.

It's just my private opinion, but if I found out I had cancer I would refuse to be treated at any clinic that does NOT offer hyperthermia.
Now, a reliable guide to clinics that will help you

In our new Special Report, Adios Cancer, you'll find out that a lot of millionaires and celebrities agree with me. They know about these foreign cancer clinics and make a beeline for them when they need treatment.

The heir to the Max Factor cosmetics fortune suffered from lung cancer that had spread to his liver and spine. "You have only six months to live," his doctors told him. Instead, he headed for one of the clinics revealed in this Special Report and found a doctor who uses banned-in-the-U.S.A. cancer treatments.

This wealthy man was alive and cancer-free 20 years later!

Just click here on Adios Cancer to learn more about this valuable information and place your order.
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