Thursday, December 15, 2011's Feature Bodybuilding Tonya Carter

Our Over 40 Bodybuilder of the Week was...
Tonya Carter
  • Name: Tonya Carter
  • E-mail:
  • Age: 42
  • Where: Ravenna, OH
  • Height: 5'6"
  • Weight: 130 lbs
  • Years Bodybuilding :2
  • Favorite Bodypart: Arms/Legs
  • Favorite Exercise: Side Lateral Raises/Good Mornings
  • Favorite Supplements: ON Amino Chewables, ON Gold Standard Whey, Jack3d

How Did You Get Started?

After 24 years of smoking, I quit and started researching fitness. I wanted to be happy and healthy. I spectated at a local NPC Natural bodybuilding competition and grew the desire to challenge myself to become one of those competitors. I only had three months of training, by myself that is, and placed 8th in figure. Six months later I tried my luck again and fell into the same placing. I knew I needed more time to train for a higher placing. After all I abused my body for over 24 years and reversing time does not happen overnight...there are no magic is hard work and dedication.
Tonya Carter
+ Click To Enlarge.
Tonya Carter
What Workout Plan Worked Best For You?

The plan that works best for me is when I change my workouts around frequently, but can honestly say that lifting heavy weight with lower repetitions four days a week works best for my body type.
Day 1: Light Lower Body

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