Wednesday, April 20, 2011

D.C. Divas Looking Good Nearing the 1/2 way mark...

-Nate Lewis US Sports Network 04/20/11 11:11AM EST

 In case you haven't noticed, your D.C. Divas are winning impressively, even when they aren't playing at their best. The good news for the 2-0 Divas is that they can get even better as this season progresses, especially in the defensive backfield. Explosive as they want to be on offense the 'real first ladies of football' have outscored opponents 110 to 26 after 3 games.
They have the ability to run the ball 30-40 times per game with Grisby and Pickett in the backfield. And oh by the way wait until Rachelle Pecovsky works her way back into football shape." Tomorrow a few thoughts on the Divas 'D' because as they say: You can score 35 points a game, but you better keep your opponent under 35 to win." More profound insights tomorrow.

-(Pictured) Okima Pickett is averaging 5.3 yards per carry from her fullback position in 2011

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