Saturday, November 27, 2010

Ok so we are going to fire the coach?

Nate Lewis US Sports Network

I just want to get the rhetoric straight. Your head football coach at your school winning 19 out of the last 21 league championships, averaging 10 plus D-1 scholarship offers to your athletes (some of them your sons); unprecedented in High School sports. Instrumental in helping boys become decent young men for over 3 decades is now expendable?

If you follow High School football here in the Washington D.C. area, you probably know that I am talking about DeMatha Catholic High School football. They (the Stags) suffered their worst loss as a program in the 2010 WCAC championship this past Sunday to the Good Counsel Falcons 42-3. Hats of to the Falcons for playing the far better game, and to legendary coach Bob Milloy for having that team ready to play the better game than the Stags.

Coach McGregorWhen it was evident that Our Lady Of Good Counsel High School was going to win their second straight championship; reportedly some players' parents and others were overheard rumbling about firing coach McGregor and his staff as if the game has passed him by.

Granted as the radio play-by-play 'mouth' of the Stags I could be a little biased. Getting to know Coach McGregor personally I could take offense to such rumblings. I also know however not to make business decisions and judgments based on emotion. Emotions can be unreliable if they do not line up with the will of the creator. 'Dats how mah Mama and Dadda taht me.' So let me bore you a little with the facts:

6 undefeated teams
16 full NCAA Division I scholarships 1990 (most in the USA)
2001- 14 Division IA or IAA full football scholarships awarded to seniors
2004- 18 Division IA or IAA full football scholarships awarded to seniors
Over 320 players awarded full NCAA Division I scholarships
11 time WCAC Coach Of The Year
1982 Prince Georges County Coach of The Year
1987 “Big 33” Head Coach-Maryland vs. Pennsylvania
2000- Super 44 Head Coach-Maryland vs. Virginia
2001 Pigskin Club Coach of the Year
2003 Washington Post All-Met Coach of the Year
2003 Maryland State Coach of The Year
2004 Washington Redskins High School Coach of The Week
2005 Washington Redskins High School Coach of The Week
2004 NFL National High School Coach of The Year
2004 Gerald R. Ford High School Coach of The Year

This is just a partial list.

To make a long story short you, me, fans, parents, supporters, boosters, and casual observers are straight up, spoon in mouth, soiled diaper spoiled!

It is one thing to expect excellence. We should all strive for it. We however never reach perfection so we settle for constant improvement. You can say going from winning 17 out of the last 20 WCAC championships to coming up short in the last two is a step back. Maybe maybe not.
I would just pose the scenario to St. John's, Carroll, Paul VI and many of the 38,000 or so high schools in the Continental U.S. I would expect they would love the chance to lose the WCAC championship in true 'Buffalo Bills' or 'Minnesota Vikings' fashion.

It's evident in today's society that we don't enjoy the ride. If the path to consistent success was always smooth then we would all be Billionaires (I get closer everyday insert smile and wink here). I'm no mind reader, but I would guess that coach McGregor and his staff relish this opportunity to overcome this championship drought if you want to call it that.

Football people, I have come to learn, love being behind with the game on the line. That is where you truly find out what you are or are not made of. Can't we find some fun in that? Isn't this just the kind of adversity that will make next season that much more enjoyable? Or am I just weird in not seeking instant gratification, championships every year that come like Thanksgiving heartburn, and 'ho-hum on to Basketball.'

So unless you are not getting my point here no I don't think that Bill McGregor and his staff should lose their jobs, much less be sent to the principal's office or any slap on the hand. You are certainly welcome to have your opinion. That is what soldiers like his former player and Afghan war vet (The late Brendan Looney) fought and continue to fight for.

So here's to another 30 years coach. If you are willing to put up with the occasional grumblings.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Don't be so fast to blame Albert Haynesworth's trainer...

I almost wish his name wasn't out there. But with the 24 hour newscycle, it would have been hard to hide.

Ok you all know the story by now 'Big Al' flunked 3 tries at a standard NFL conditioning test. Albeit trumped up by Mike 'The new Boss not same as the old boss' Shanahan.

That being said he should have been ready and his trainer Tripp Smith has to take some of the responsibility.

It is easy in this business to 'playuh hate' and pile on calling Tripp a 'fraud' however I leave the hate for the '4 letter network' geekaloids of the world.

From the descriptions of his workout regime in a phone interview, it sounded like a pretty solid plan. Boxing style conditioning with a heavy bag and cardiovascular work of up to 45 minutes.

What we don't have, and this is where the teachable moments come in, are the specifics of the workout. That being said he must be ready by the time he got to camp. I supported the decision here on local TV to workout on his own with the proviso: 'It has got to work.'

What I mean by 'work' is that Albert had to be ready for any conditioning test that was to be thrown at him. Structuring the workouts is the responsibility of all of us strength and conditioning coaches. But there is one word that is paramount to the success of a strength and conditioning program or you trying to lose that spare tire on P90X: compliance.

That means that I can tell an athlete what to do in a workout, but it is up to him/her to not only follow my instruction, but to give it his/her all and put the level of intensity that will gurantee a desired result. We don't know how many time Albert possiby quit on a drill or durin exercise that Tripp skillfully planned. We do not know and never should know how many workouts he missed, blew off, or just flaked on.

And above all; all of you who are trying to denounce the credibility of Albert's long time trainer, better take a look at yourselves. I am talking specifically to my fellow trainers and strength coaches who know better than to judge these unfortunate results as an indictment of Tripp Smith's ability as a coach.

This conditioning test which consists of 6 shuttle-style sprints totalling 300 yards is not easy by the way. I would like to see many of you try it.

Even though none of us have the full story of why Albert Haynesworth was not ready and not completely in shape for camp; In this case of this conditioning drill, we may have a prime example of a non-compliant client.

So the lesson to be learned here boys and girls is do what your trainer or coaches tell you to do. It could start with something as simple as ...Oh I don't know showing up to off-season workouts?

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Just a 'quickie' to dot the ''i's" and cross your 't's' athletes

It is that time of year where you and many like you are 'stacking, speeding, turboing,' with supplementation. Just be sure to check the NCAA Banned Substances list before using any supplement.

That goes for your preps and pros too. Chances are if it is on this list, then it is probably on your governing body's too.
Go with a reputable company or store when you are ready to buy your totally 'legal' stack. Where can I find them? you say? ooooh here a couple: Logo
GNC / General Nutrition Centers

Friday, June 18, 2010

Why Nutrition And Exercise Are The Secret To A Longer And Better Life!

Modern humanity has become more physically inactive than any of its predecessors... With the advent of convenience technologies and packaged food, humanity has begun to suffer. Find out how important nutrition and exercise really are!

Article Summary:
  • The appearance benefits of exercise are obvious but there are many other benefits too.
  • The benefits of exercise are so much better when coupled with a nutritious diet.
  • Adopting a healthy lifestyle is not that simple it will take a great deal of discipline.

  • Why Nutrition And Exercise Are The Secret To A Longer And Better Life!

    "Take exercise: for whilst inaction weakens the body, work strengthens it; the former brings on premature old age, the latter prolongs youth." -Cornelius Celsus (ca.10-60)

    Exercise as it exists today is presented predominantly in advertisements as a way to look younger and more attractive. It is presented on the covers of magazines promising a smaller waist, and by celebrity fitness instructors on television guaranteeing a more attractive body in a few weeks or your money back.

    Many view an exercise routine as a luxury that enables celebrities to look good, and long for shortcuts in the form of miracle diet pills and plastic surgery to obtain this youthful luster without all the hard work and occupation of what already seem to be busy schedules.

    At the same time, modern medicine constantly pushes the boundaries of science to stave off chronic diseases and increase the lifespan and well-being of the population. What every modern person seems to crave is an attractive body, youthfulness and vigor, and a longer, better life. On closer inspection, this makes sense.

    Modern humanity has become more physically inactive than any of its predecessors have ever been. With the advent of convenience technologies and packaged food, humanity has begun to suffer a degeneration that has produced this dissatisfaction with appearance, widespread chronic disease, and lack of youthfulness and vigor.

    The answer to these problems, however, is very simple. Though exercise is marketed today as a means of improving appearance, it has always been much more than this. More important than any shedding of inches it might bring about, exercise is the most effective way to increase life-span and improve quality of life. (More).....

    Get Your Customized Exercise and Nutrition Plan Click Here

    Wednesday, June 16, 2010

    Cool News! Getting Educators Fit!

    ...From the Washington Examiner...

    Helping teachers get healthy

    06/11/10 12:34 PM EDT

    Washington area teachers could soon be learning a thing or two in free fitness classes.

    Falls Church-based SponsorFit is partnering with corporate sponsors to provide free exercise programs to educators in the region. Participating schools will be paired with sponsorships from community businesses, and certified instructors will visit twice schools twice a week to offer fitness classes to teachers.

    “Our short-term goal is to start locally with a focused group of individuals, the teachers, who can learn and deliver a healthy message to students so we can begin constructing a healthier future,” said SponsorFit’s Ray Middlelthon.

    A recent study by the Journal of the American Medical Association said that roughly 1 in 3 Americans are overweight or obese. More about Sponsorfit here:

    Friday, June 11, 2010

    Climb The Agility Ladder For 'Cat Like' Change Of Direction

    Watching these amazing athletes that are soccer players during the first day of the World Cup, I can't help but think: "The way they are able to go full speed and stop on a dime, they must do agility ladder drills like it's second nature." Well having trained many a soccer player at many a level I already knew that to be true.

    The agility ladder drills can be applied to many sports and the routines can vary. Even though a good 30-60 second routine can be tough and taxing, there is an element of fun that can be incorporated. Really even though I have heard many a theory the agility ladder has its roots in the kids game hopscotch. Incorporate some jumps, hops, spins, and even sprints into your routine to mimic the action that you will using it for. The agility ladder, rings or even a square drawn out on the street with chalk, should be a staple of your speed, agility, and quickness workout.

    Which finally brings me to tonight's sample from the US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning System:
    #1831 Zigzag in ladder
    Speed and Agility (ladder)
    Exercise Description:
    Zigzag in Ladder
    Speed and Agility (ladder)
    1. Start by standing with the Ladder to your right and cross over with your left foot into the first square.
    2. Step with your right foot behind your left foot so that it lands into the first square.
    3. Then step back out of the Ladder with your left foot to land outside the second square.
    4. Repeat according to the desired repetitions.
    Get Your Customized Strength and Conditioning program from the US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning System. Click Here To Get Started FREE

    Wednesday, June 9, 2010

    A Nutritional Supplement is Just That. To Supplement Your Good Eating Habits


    When using a thermogenic product (such as Ripped Fuel, Hydroxycut, EPH 833, etc.) to stimulate fat loss, be sure to take in sufficient amounts of protein at least 20 grams every 3 hours to prevent your body from cannibalizing muscle tissue. The easiest, most effective way to do this is with a low-fat protein powder or MRP.

    If you frequently experience painful muscle cramps during or after your training, then you should try taking 1 or 2 grams of the amino acid taurine approximately 2 hours prior to training it has powerful and proven anti-cramping properties.

    As far as thermogenics or so-called fat-burners are concerned, ephedrine is still the king of the hill, but when you're deciding on your weightloss supplementation program don't overlook hydroxycitric acid (HCA).

    HCA is derived from the tamarind fruit and seems to work by inhibiting excess carbohydrates from being stored as bodyfat. MuscleTech's Hydroxycut is a popular product containing HCA.

    The chemistry of 19-norandrostenedione is telling. Basically, 19-norandrostenedione is structurally identical to a testosterone molecule right up the chain with two key exceptions: first, it is missing the hydrogen atom in the 17th position and second, it also lacks a carbon atom in the 19th position.

    What happens is that when the liver processes the norandrostenedione molecule it adds a hydrogen atom in the 17th position. The liver, however, has no mechanism for adding the carbon atom in the 19th position.

    What results is virtually a testosterone molecule missing the carbon atom. This molecule has the anabolic properties of testosterone (it may in fact have 2 or 3 times the anabolic effect of testosterone) without the level of androgenic side effects typically seen with extended testosterone use.

    If you're looking to drop fat and get lean, you'll benefit from 3-5 cardiovascular training sessions per week. Ideally, each session should be 30-45 minutes in duration.

    For fat burning, it's actually more beneficial to train at a consistent level of intensity throughout the session rather than using some sort of interval training (as with some of the machines which stimulate a series of inclines and declines).

    It"s also crucial for you to do your cardio training on an empty stomach otherwise you'll simply be burning up glycogen stores (sugar rather than fat). First thing in the morning is the best time for cardio training. If this isn't possible, at least try not to eat for 3 or 4 hours prior to your cardio session that way you'll be primarily burning fat stores.

    Get you customized Nutrition and Meal Plan Now at US Sports Online Strength And Conditioning System

    Monday, June 7, 2010

    Will Weightlifting Help or Harm My Future Superstar?

    One of may favorite subjects! Many a concerned parent wonder if heavy weight lifting for their preteen student-athlete is healthy and be a hindrance to their growth.

    Now that we are much better informed on the subject; the answer is that a safe, well planned, strength and conditioning program can implemented for any child at any age. Heck you can hand them a 4 gram Dumbbell as soon as your next 'Peyton Manning' exits the womb! Because Mom and Dad may be busy with such things as medical bills and cribs, might be a good idea to wait a while after the blessed event.

    Because unfortunately so many parents will opt to not have their youngster pump iron along with athletic skill training, the child that does incorporate weight lifting with speed, agility, and quickness will have a decided advantage when he/she hits the field in the fall.

    I have found the key with most children under the age of 15 is to make weight training fun while challenging. I can't emphasize enough though that the primary reason for weight training for sport is to reduce or eliminate the chance of injury. With that in mind the weight training has to be progressive. Conservative in the beginning, with a gradual increase in the overall weight lifted.

  • All strength-training activities should be supervised and monitored closely.
  • Remember that children are physiologically immature.
  • The primary focus, at least initially, should be directed at learning proper techniques for all exercise movements and developing an interest in resistance training.
  • Proper techniques should be demonstrated first, followed by gradual application of resistance or weight.
  • Proper breathing techniques (i.e., no breath holding) should be taught.
  • "

    Essentially weight training is no more dangerous than your child riding their bike. It is just as natural for them to swim, climb trees, and certainly more beneficial than video games.

    So get that future Heisman Trophy winner into the gym pronto!
    Here is today's feature exercise from the US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning System

    Saturday, June 5, 2010

    You're All Wet! (Hydrated that is)

    This is an issue thankfully that many organizations have taken seriously in the last 15 years.
    I still swap stories with some of my fellow 'Ole Heads' on how not only were not allowed to drink water during practice (football), but some genius thought it was a good idea to take salt pills during intense sport activity!

    Thank the creator those days are long gone. It is a forgone fact that the more active you are, the more fluids you need to take in. Let's get this straight: By fluids I mean water! Not some caffeine laced so call energy drink that gets you 'high' one minute and has you on an IV the next!

    Adequate Fluid Intake for for Athletes
    Because there is wide variability in sweat rates, losses and hydration levels of individuals, it is nearly impossible to provide specific recommendations or guidelines about the type or amount of fluids athletes should consume.

    Finding the right amount of fluid to drink depends upon a variety of individual factors including the length and intensity of exercise and other individual differences. There are, however, two simple methods of estimating adequate hydration:

    Monitoring urine volume output and color. A large amount of light colored, diluted urine probably means you are hydrated; dark colored, concentrated urine probably means you are dehydrated.
    Weighing yourself before and after exercise. Any weight lost is likely from fluid, so try to drink enough to replenish those losses. Any weight gain could mean you are drinking more than you need.

    Hydration should be a significant part of your meal planning. Start pounding the water days before any exercise takes place. Your active muscle is always absorbing water, so 'whaddya' think? Maybe you should have a constant intake of water? Hmmmm.

    Get your customized strength and conditioning, nutrition, and hydration plan here

    Here is today's feature exercise from the US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning System:
    This one has many uses in sport. Great for basic balance, leg drive, and core strength for football and other sports.

    Friday, June 4, 2010

    How Kobe Bryant Does it!

    Have to be careful here. Most of you who don't know better will assume this is another praise-crazy article about arguably the best basketball player in the game. Well I do have a lot of good things to say about Kobe, but let's focus on one aspect that many are learning throughout basketball and in the sports landscape in general: Kobe Bryant is one of the physically, brutally strongest athletes in the NBA!

    The scene is familiar. Kobe brings the ball down or gets it via a quick pop-pass from Derek Fisher on the wing near half-court. In that Triangle offense he dribbles at a 45% angle to the basket towards the top of the key steps right into the paint where he usually draws a double team. Steps back jumps into the air usually drawing contact from another strong professional athlete. Is somehow able to square his body up to the basket in the air to shoot over hands in his face and 'swish' another through and frustrate the opposition's otherwise good defensive efforts.

    This is outside of raw talent, and ability folks. Kobe has to work on his strength immensely to be able to consistently shoot over, under, around, and right into defenders.

    As it turns out Kobe is a real 'Meat-Head' (Once again that is the utmost in compliments in Gym lore in describing a professional athlete) this means that he has to take his weight training 'deadly serious' particularly in the off season. In a recent interview with Muscle and Fitness magazine Kobe summed it up in a way that should be a lesson to all of you Hoops Hotshots out there: MF: So specifically though, in the off-season, what kind of weight lifting are you doing? Is it explosive movements, like plyometrics?

    Kobe: Not really, it's all Olympic lifts. I do a lot of track work.

    MF: So like snatches, things like that?

    Kobe: Yeah, clean-pulls, deadlifts, Romanian deadlifts, back squats, things of that nature.

    Well what do you know? The best basketball player of our time (whose team is up 1-0 in the championship series at the writing of this blog) has to work at it? And includes actually stepping in the weight room? Have you noticed as well that even though Kobe has been injured in his career that he seems to be able to bounce back rather quickly? Ya think his off season training has anything to do with that?

    So hoopsters unlike your football brothers and sisters you have close to 6 months to get ready to play. Be ready! Hit the gym hard now! You could help your team hoist a championship trophy in March.

    Thursday, June 3, 2010

    A Sports Conditioning Quandry?

    I was faced with a very interesting case. I just finished constructing a initial 12 week strength and conditioning program (on the US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning System) for a gentleman in Ireland who plays Rugby, but at the same time in less than a month needs to improve his speed and stamina as he is vying for a position at his local Fire Department.

    Here in 'these here parts' Kobe Bryant, Kevin Garnett, and Rajon Rondo, might be considered the most significant athletes in the eyes of the public; but I consider any public servant whose athletic ability, strength, endurance and other factors that have a say in the saving of someone's life much more important. It required some thought and talking to the Big Man through prayer.

    The answer became quite simple. I suggested to him that we put him on what is generally called the 3 Day Armed Forces PFT Program This is a program designed to help members of the Military ace there Personal Fitness Tests required of most officers. Also included in the program is speed, agility, quickness, balance, and reaction training that will translate nicely onto the Rugby field as well.

    So the morale of the story my strength minions is that whether you are pro or a weekend warrior there are ways to approach your program that can help you not only become a better athlete; but a better public servant. In later entries I will give you updates on how our Rugby/Firefighter is speeding towards success!

    Wednesday, June 2, 2010

    Wednesday Workout Should be the

    During your summer program, fall sports athletes, This should be your hardest and most intensive workout of the week. Here is where you will put the leg-oriented workouts with power or Olympic movements.

    Skip a day on your Speed Agility and Quickness (SAQ) workouts to allow for recovery and reduce the chance of injury. Plan your next SAQ workout for Saturday.

    Get more on structuring your summer workouts here:

    Tuesday, June 1, 2010

    June 1- Football 'Playuhs' Keep the Pedal To The Medal!

    Almost exactly 3 months to training camp for High School and College fall sports athletes. Little over 2 months for the pros.

    This should be the month where you hit those highs with the max lifts (Squats, Cleans, Snatches) and yes even though it is the most overrated exercise in sport, Bench Press is still a must if you are to impress in camp.

    Do your coaches a favor and ditch the so called "Energy" drinks and get used to hydrating yourself with water. It is awfully hard to drink too much water but as a general rule you High School age players should be regularly drinking 2 gallons a day. Yes I said 2 gallons. You carry more muscle that 98% of the population of your school and that muscle is sucking up water all day long. Add the intense off season training and the upcoming training camp in 100 degree heat; You can stay on the field and off the IV.

    Those energy drinks contain caffeine, ephedra and other hydration stealing 'crapola el grande' that will have you writhing on the ground grabbing at your calves as opposed to jacking up the freshman walk on during the 'man up' drills.

    If you are not in a strength and conditioning program right now, don't fret. Get help right now. If a personal strength coach that could cost as much at $1000 per month not an option there are plenty of online resources. Here comes the hint:

    Feel free also to post any questions here and we will certainly do our best to point you in the right direction. Train now in August you will be glad you did. Now here is today's sample football training exercise fro the US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning System:
    Stay strong my friends

    Click to view exercisePower Cleans
    Starting Position: Grab the barbell with your body is in a bentover stance with your back flat.
    Explode up by pushing your feet through the floor keeping the bar close to your legs.
    Keep your arms straight and forcefully extend your hips, knees, and ankles.
    At the same time shrug your shoulders and at their highest point curl the bar up while forcing your hips forward and support the bar at chest level .
    Return to starting position and repeat.

    Sunday, May 30, 2010

    Enjoy this weekend of rememberance

    We take a break from the witty banter and valuable strength and conditioning advice to wish you all a great Memorial Day weekend.

    This is a time to remember why the USA is the greatest country on Earth! Mainly due to the sacrifice and commitment of the men and women of the armed forces.

    God bless every single one of you. Those of us here will never know the extent of your service but; hopefully today and in a small part everyday we can show our appreciation.

    God Bless America!

    Saturday, May 29, 2010

    Blogger turns over a new Leaf? Or Smashes the old one!

    After much contemplation I have decided to turn this blog into a Strength and Conditioning Blog.
    Why you ask? Wow! you must have ESPN or somethin' I decided to be honest with myself in that I cannot stoop to the levels to typical sports blogging. "I hate this". "I can't stand him" or "they are losers" seems to permeate sports media these days. Long gone are the days of simply enjoying sport for what it is to this humble observer: Entertainment. Not the meaning of life!

    So seeing how it is clear that the 'kid' doesn't want any part of that landscape, I am taking this internet manifesto fest into areas where I can personally help ya'll folks.

    As a strength and conditioning coach and personal trainer for over 35 years; I too often see athletes in the gym working out without any direction toward their particular sport. With budget cuts and the like hitting every school system like a Gulf oil spill, It is usually up to the coach or assistant coach who may or may not have the expertise to supervise and implement the strength and conditioning programs at his or her school.

    God bless every single one of you coaches out there who are put into this position, and I wish you the best because I know you are doing your best for your kids and your program. Unfortunately this can leave a gap between the teams that have and those that have not or almost have.

    Hopefully with this blog I can help those coaches that wish to have their athletes "bigger, stronger and faster" by the time camp starts in August. Right now I am helping out a good friend whose High School football team is coming off its first championship in the young history of the program.

    I will share some of the concepts here and execution of the program for the 30 kids that are involved in the program this summer.

    Feel free to post questions or comments here and I will do my best to answer them. If I can't I have access to some of the best minds in the business who have helped me help athletes be the 'best that they can be.' I look forward to this new endeavor. If you need any help with your program specifically come visit the US Sports Online Strength & Conditioning System
    There I can design and deliver 3 month, 6 month, or year round strength and conditioning programs for individuals or teams to help you be your biggest, fastest, and strongest when you hit the field, court, pool, or course.

    It is time for some consistent positive sports talk. Well folks here it is.

    Friday, April 16, 2010

    The Biggest High School Football Event To Hit the Washington, Baltimore Region is On!

    The 2010 I-95 Kickoff Classic is set For September 4, 2010
    April 16, 2010 - 10:10 AM --

    The Baltimore-Washington area's two strongest high school football leagues, the Maryland Interscholastic Athletic Association and the Washington Catholic Athletic Conference are in the early stages of discussing a possible merger by fall 2011. In the meantime, the possibilities of such a merger will be showcased at the inaugural I-95 Classic on Sept. 4 at Towson University’s Johnny Unitas Stadium.

    Although the lineup is still tentative, the Classic is set to finish off the day with a meeting between defending MIAA A Conference champion Gilman and WCAC champ Good Counsel. The two played in September with Good Counsel taking a 49-37 victory.

    “We wanted to put something out there to highlight the power that we have as high school football in the state,” said Tony Kennedy, who is organizing the event through his nonprofit organization Extra Point.

    Advertise your business during the live radio broadcast of the games! The games will be heard throughout the Washington-Baltimore region on:

    WNST We Never Stop Talking Baltimore Sports
    The US Sports Radio Network

    6 Million Sports Fans Will Tune In To the Action.

    You can broadcast your message serveral ways:

    Become a Sponsor of the DeMatha Sports Radio Network

    Choose the 'Yearly Option' of the All-Biz Advertising Special

    Or Become a Washington D.C. Area Multi-Media Sponsor By Clicking Here

    Thank you for your support of Local High School Sports and Enjoy The Games!

    Get 1-95 Kickoff Classic Tickets

    Find Tickets in Towson

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    Friday, April 9, 2010



    By: Stan Popovich

    Sometimes, fear and anxiety can get the best of us in sports. The key is to know how to manage that fear and anxiety. As a result, here is a brief list of techniques that an athlete can use to help manage their fears and every day anxieties.

    Occasionally, we you may become stressed when we have to play in an important round. When this happens, visualize yourself doing the task in your mind. For instance, you have to play in the championship golf game in front of a large group of people in the next few days. Before the big day comes, imagine yourself playing the game in your mind. Imagine that you are playing in front of a large audience. By playing the game in your mind, you will be better prepared to perform for real when the time comes. Self-Visualization is a great way to reduce the fear and stress of a coming situation.

    Sometimes we get stressed out when everything happens all at once. When this happens, a person should take a deep breath and try to find something to do for a few minutes to get their mind off of the problem. A person could read the newspaper, listen to some music or do an activity that will give them a fresh perspective on things. This is a great technique to use right before your next game.

    Another technique that is very helpful is to have a small notebook of positive statements that you can carry around with you. Whenever you come across an affirmation that makes you feel good, write it down in a small notebook that you can carry around with you. Whenever you feel stressed, open up your small notebook and read those statements. This will help to manage your negative thinking.

    In every anxiety-related situation you experience, begin to learn what works, what doesn’t work, and what you need to improve on in managing your fears and anxieties. For instance, you have a lot of anxiety and you decide to take a small walk before your game to help you feel better. The next time you feel anxious you can remind yourself that you got through it the last time by taking a walk. This will give you the confidence to manage your anxiety the next time around.

    Take advantage of the help that is available around you. If possible, talk to a professional who can help you manage your fears and anxieties. They will be able to provide you with additional advice and insights on how to deal with your current problem. By talking to a professional, a person will be helping themselves in the long run because they will become better able to deal with their problems in the future. Remember that it never hurts to ask for help.

    Remember that patience, persistence, and education will go a long way in preventing fear from becoming a factor in your game.


    Stan Popovich is the author of “A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear Using Psychology, Christianity and Non Resistant Methods” – an easy to read book that presents a general overview of techniques that are effective in managing persistent fears and anxieties. For additional information go to:

    Tuesday, March 30, 2010

    Down to business. Off-season training rolling along?

    This is the time of year that concerns me. It is only March turning into April and I see way to many football players, mostly high school and younger waisting their time doing essentially bodybuilding workouts. Please if you can get some help from a pro; you will not only give yourself a chance to play varsity, but more importantly get your body ready for the pounding. Mom and Dad don't really want to put healthcare reform to the test!

    (Pictured) Nate (On the Bench) with training 'pahtnuh' the mysterious 'Biggie Shorty White'

    Here is a suggested workout split for football, assuming training camp starts in early August:
    Monday-Chest and Back

    Wednesday-Shoulders, Biceps, and Triceps,
    Friday-Legs. (The how and what can be acquired at US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning).

    Tuesday And Thursday would be set aside for speed, agility, and quickness (SAQ) training. I know there is a movement afoot to try to do it all in each workout. Let me preface this next statement by stating that I am a certified strength and conditioning coach with 35 years experience. The combined strength and SAQ with cardio thrown in workouts are OK, but [which means 'zero' eliminating the previous statement] with the athletes that I have helped improve; who have focused during the off season on weight lifting on weightlifting days. SAQ on SAQ days have not only improved in all physical areas, but have in comparison avoided and recovered from injury faster than those doing the combo workouts now made popular by the crossfit phenomenon.

    Not bashing the crossfit idea mind you just an informal observation.

    So get to cracking now before the pads crack in August. Now I am aware of this little economic situation that many of you and your parents may be experiencing. Maybe a professional strength coach is not in the budget. So you may ask: Nate what can I do? Well there are many good resources on this 'internet thing' that are available to you. Ranging from free to a small fee.

    So now you may ask: Well Mr. '35 years of strength coaching experience' what do you recommend? Funny you should ask! To help athletes like yourself or your sons or daughters, I started the US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning System. Click 'dat' link right 'der' and I can design and deliver your program online and you can take this guide to sports greatness....Ok at least getting into better shape for your sport, into your gym as early as tomorrow! Oh yes Mom, Dad, it is only $15 per month.

    Monday, March 22, 2010

    Tiga', Tiga' Tiga' Woods Ya'll!

    Oh let the Shizzle Hit The Fizzle! [that one was for the kids]. Tiger woods will come back and be on the links which is the only place I want to see the world's greatest golfer.
    I heard a radio host this mornings state that he has lost is iconic status. GOOD! Because if his name is not Jesus Cristo Rey then he can't be my role model. I can however appreciate his God given talent to put that little ball in that little hole better than anybody in the world.
    So hate if you want to. I will appreciate as that is healthier for moi!

    Saturday, March 6, 2010

    Tim Tebow just gained a new fan

    Me! That's right yours truly who normally only likes 'playus' wit 3.9 40's and 100 inch verticals, will now go officially in the Tank for the 'Teebster'.

    Not because he arguably was one of the most successful QB's to play the college game, not because he floated like a butterfly and threw (with a long release mind you) a stinger like a mutated Killer Bee. He ran for 57 TD's and was one of the most prolific of rushers in SEC history with over 3000 yards.

    But those are not the reasons I have decided to give my unbridled support to the "..Bow". Nah the main reason is you, and you, and especially YOU! The haters. Why is it that when most people in the public eye who profess their faith and act on it become the object of scorn, jealously, envy, and unprovoked hate? Makes me ponder first who have I been hating on and how can I get over it.

    No worries friends, I don't hate any of you, I would just like to open the discussion. What would be so wrong with Tim Tebow fulfilling his dream of playing the NFL and using it as a platform to be an instrument of God's love for all people? Even you!

    Now mind you at this point I wouldn't want Tim Tebow as QB of my Raiders, but then again exhuming Sammy Baugh would be better than what we got in Russell. No hate just fact. Anyway I personally am hoping that Tebow becomes a hall of famer and proves the critics wrong to the point where a non-believer may say: "There is a God afterall"

    Thursday, February 18, 2010

    Little Business Note: Your Ads Aren't Working

    know your ads aren't working.

    How do I know this?

    Because I'm betting that you're probably getting a pathetically
    low click-through rate and an almost non-existent conversion
    rate out of those ads.

    Let me explain.

    The truth is, banner ads and link exchanges just don't work
    anymore. People just ignore them completely.

    Google and other major companies that get the bulk of their
    profits from advertising have tried to counteract this
    'banner blindness' by making ads different sizes
    - which worked ... for awhile.

    You can be the best graphic designer or copywriter in the
    world - and it doesn't make one bit of difference. Your ads
    still have a horrible conversion rate.

    Want to know which kind of ads people don't ignore?
    ==> Header Ads.

    The header is the area at the very top of a web page. It
    usually includes the product name, maybe a photo of the
    creator and a graphic of a software box or book cover.

    It's also the very first thing people notice on a website,
    and the very first graphic to load.

    Now what if you could take this same header area from
    someone else's site and put YOUR ads on it?

    Can you see just how much more targeted that would be?
    The site visitors can't help but notice it - which means
    you get more click-thrus and more eager buyers coming
    to YOUR site!

    See what I mean at

    It's like getting someone else to do all the marketing
    for you. All you do is sit back and watch as the customers
    pour in!

    And best of all - if you go to
    - you'll find out exactly how much this advertising costs:


    But I should warn you. As soon as the big marketing
    pros hear about this - their servers are going to fill up
    fast. And once the space fills up, they might have to
    start charging.

    Get in now before it's too late -

    Wednesday, February 10, 2010

    NCAA Basketball: Bowie State at Lincoln (Pa.) Postponed

    (BOWIE, Md. -- February 10, 2010) Record-setting snowfalls continue to alter the 2009-2010 Bowie State University men’s and women’s basketball schedules. Thursday’s (February 11) basketball doubleheader versus Lincoln University of Pennsylvania have been postponed. No makeup date has been determined at this time.

    Bowie State's next scheduled game is Friday (February 12) at Virginia Union University. The Lady Bulldogs and Lady Panthers will get the evening started at 5:30 p.m. and the men will tip-off at approximately 7:30 p.m. in VUU's Barco-Stevens Hall.

    For more information log on to:

    Friday, January 29, 2010

    Big Night in WCAC Basketball

    Amongst the big games taking place in WCAC tonight. A cool double header with the Bishop O'Connell Knights looking to establish a rhythm as we get closer to the tournament, taking on the Good Counsel Falcons who have more than a puncher's chance of being the WCAC champion in late February.

    Followed by #1 Dematha taking on those pesky Gonzaga Purple Eagles at AU which has become the unofficial home court for the Eagles.

    It is going to be rocking in the Nation's Capitol tonight. If you can't make it, US Sports Radio will be bringing you live play-by-play of both games with a bonus HD Audio feed available so you will get bruised listening to the elbows and dunks at AU tonight. Coverage starts at 5:25pm EST at

    Wednesday, January 27, 2010

    American 'Footballers' February is the month where you get really serious!

    Unless you are getting ready for the Super Bowl, you as a football player are or should be deep in your preparation for the 2010-2011 season. It is my deepest hope that you are using the month of February to push your training and your bodies (within reason and always keeping safety first in mind) to the absolute limits. This should be where your squats, deadlifts, Olympic movements, and other lifts are attempted at their max. This is where you sprint, box jump, hurdle, zig-zag, until at times meals are recycled the hard way! You paint that picture.

    As the saying goes: "champions are built in the off-season." Mark Bendorf two time state champion at Robinson High School In Fairfax Virginia once told me that which I hold true as a strength coach today. "We have one many a game in the weight room" For those of you who are not in a structured strength program for any number of reasons. (Time, resources, economic, etc.) There are many ways of getting your program going so that you can best help yourself, your team, coaches, parents (by being in condition so that you have the opportunity to avoid injury), and the list can go even further.

    The internet has not only provided a pathway to the best sports blog on the planet; but plenty of resources many free to help you get into a good strength and conditioning program. If you are a self starter with a little smidge of discipline you have a chance to physically get into game shape by start of training camp. You are certainly welcome to visit the US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning System for additional information.

    I look forward to seeing you "Jacked Up" and holding a championship trophy in December.

    Tuesday, January 26, 2010

    An Ode to well trained sports franchise owners...

    Let the record show that the two teams playing for the 'Big Game' as the National Football League does not let anyone who is not on their payroll to use the phrase 'Super Bowl' oops! Anyway the two teams playing for the championship are not only the top two seeds but seems as though they are two team with the least visible owners.

    Funny don't know if there is any direct correlation as Jerry Jones' Cowboys got close enough with a guy in Mr. Jones who is no stranger to being in front of the camera or microphone.

    If your team is serious about being in position of a championship, they should possibly work on creating a culture similar to those in New England, Indy, NO, Pittsburgh, and others who could play in the Big Game next year.

    The two most visible owners in Oakland and Washington may want to go to Owner's school to figure it out. In retail if you are lagging in performance you are given training to help improve your performance. I know owning a sports franchise is a different matter, so the training would have to be voluntary. As my boi Reverend Solomon would say. "Not a sermon, just a thought."