Friday, June 18, 2010

Why Nutrition And Exercise Are The Secret To A Longer And Better Life!

Modern humanity has become more physically inactive than any of its predecessors... With the advent of convenience technologies and packaged food, humanity has begun to suffer. Find out how important nutrition and exercise really are!

Article Summary:
  • The appearance benefits of exercise are obvious but there are many other benefits too.
  • The benefits of exercise are so much better when coupled with a nutritious diet.
  • Adopting a healthy lifestyle is not that simple it will take a great deal of discipline.

  • Why Nutrition And Exercise Are The Secret To A Longer And Better Life!

    "Take exercise: for whilst inaction weakens the body, work strengthens it; the former brings on premature old age, the latter prolongs youth." -Cornelius Celsus (ca.10-60)

    Exercise as it exists today is presented predominantly in advertisements as a way to look younger and more attractive. It is presented on the covers of magazines promising a smaller waist, and by celebrity fitness instructors on television guaranteeing a more attractive body in a few weeks or your money back.

    Many view an exercise routine as a luxury that enables celebrities to look good, and long for shortcuts in the form of miracle diet pills and plastic surgery to obtain this youthful luster without all the hard work and occupation of what already seem to be busy schedules.

    At the same time, modern medicine constantly pushes the boundaries of science to stave off chronic diseases and increase the lifespan and well-being of the population. What every modern person seems to crave is an attractive body, youthfulness and vigor, and a longer, better life. On closer inspection, this makes sense.

    Modern humanity has become more physically inactive than any of its predecessors have ever been. With the advent of convenience technologies and packaged food, humanity has begun to suffer a degeneration that has produced this dissatisfaction with appearance, widespread chronic disease, and lack of youthfulness and vigor.

    The answer to these problems, however, is very simple. Though exercise is marketed today as a means of improving appearance, it has always been much more than this. More important than any shedding of inches it might bring about, exercise is the most effective way to increase life-span and improve quality of life. (More).....

    Get Your Customized Exercise and Nutrition Plan Click Here

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