Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Vital Stats

Name: Seneca Oleyte


BodySpace: soleyte


Age: 15

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 226 lbs

Body Fat: 39%


Age: 19

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 127 lbs

Body Fat: 20%

Why I Got Started

Ever since that first bite of real food, I was introduced to bad fitness and nutritional habits. I have always been accustomed to overeating, and constantly consuming foods with poor nutritional value. My body began to change in a negative way and I was not active, thanks to junk foods, oily meals, and overused couches.

When it came time to participate in outdoor activities, the task of playing and running around was a challenge and I would end up in back pain and shortness of breath in a matter of seconds. In 9th grade, through continuous poor eating habits and exercise negligence, I personally came face to face with my arch enemy, obesity.

I've learned to disguise my weight by emphasizing my humor. I'd emphasized being the "funny girl" and connected with people in a way that made sure that the first thing they didn't notice about me was my obesity. However, under all the laughter was a girl who, in some ways, felt socially limited because of her size.

It wasn't until my freshmen year in high school that my "unhealthiness" really began to bite back. The tactics I've used to hide my weight didn't work when I decided to join the high school volleyball and tennis team. For me, keeping up with the team during practices was like trying to keep up with a pack of leopards.

That's when I knew my body was in crying need of a change. My bad habits needed to be adjusted not only for my own benefit, but for my family as well who needed a model, motive, and mentor to jump start a healthy and active lifestyle. At 5'4" tall, and an unhealthy weight of 226 pounds, I knew I was about to embark on a strenuous journey. (More....)

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