Friday, June 12, 2009

Love that Steroid Speculation

With Raul Ibanez the next name of possibly using some kind of PE I guess, because he is so much of a better, bigger, stronger and faster athlete than I could ever be I am going to 'speculate' that he is using something.

Well if that is cutting edge journalism I don't know what is! As a matter of fact, just give me my Press Club award right now for making you look.

There is no turning back from this folks. We are now in the era of explaining away improved athletic performance but throwing out accusations based on our (insert baseball writing nerd here) lack of understanding of strength and conditioning.

If you as an athlete work hard enough in the gym, on the field and at the dinner table, you should be able to get bigger, stronger and faster. Has anybody asked Raul, A-Rod, Barry Bonds, etc. What their workout regiment consists of and have enough understanding to ask follow up questions to get across to the "kids" how this can happen without 'roids'? NO, NO, and H$%l No! Because not to disrespect these journalist; having never lifted anything heavier than a suspicion have nothing to rely on than some jive sensationalism!

Like I said there is no turning back now. I am suspicious of you now. I think you are using PE's now prove me wrong!

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