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Saturday, June 18, 2022

How to squat and the StrengthCast PowerShow


  • Author Chris Adams
How to Squat

The squat is often performed incorrectly. After reading this guide, you'll know how to back squat.

Setting up for the squat

The first part of this guide will be about how to set up for the squat. I’ll explain where the bar should be positioned, hands width, elbow position, bracing, getting tight, walking the bar out and creating full-body tension.

Bar position

There are two basic bar positions on the back squat, high bar, and low bar. With the high bar squat, the bar rests on the traps, while the low bar squat rest on the rear delts. The biggest thing to avoid while positioning the bar for the high bar squat is to make sure it’s on the traps and not on the neck. Having the bar too high is generally the reason people have sore necks after squatting. With the low bar squat, some people get on the shoulder blades. That generally comes from letting the bar rest directly on the spine of the scapulae. Just slightly moving the bar up or down of the scapula should remove the problem. People who have shoulder problems and lack the mobility to have the bar that low without pain are better off using the high bar position. The low bar causes a slightly more forward lean low bar than the high bar squat. Ensure you are in the middle of the barbell as you set up. Placing the bar asymmetrically on the back will cause one side to take most of the load and it will be hard to maintain your balance.

Hand position

In general, you should try to get your hands as close as comfortably can get without it causing pain in your wrists, shoulders, or elbows. A narrow grip will help keep your upper back tight.


Try and keep your elbows down and pulled into your sides. It should feel just like you're doing a lat pull down. This will cause tension in your lats which will help with upper back tightness. Some people benefit from driving their elbows up behind the bar when doing low bar squats. This is because some people don’t have very big rear delts and driving their elbows back creates a bigger shelf to put the bar.

Bracing and getting tight

Getting tight, bracing and creating full-body tension is important as it reduces the chance of injuring yourself and it allows you to lift the most weight. Strong legs and hips aren’t enough to squat. You need to be able to transfer the force into the bar through the torso. To get your upper back tight, you should actively pull your shoulder blades together and maintain this the whole time the bar is on your back. As mentioned before, pull your elbows down and in towards your body unless you need to drive your elbows behind you. Before every rep, you need to take a big breath into your diaphragm to create Intraabdominal pressure. When breathing into your diaphragm, your stomach should inflate out. This helps protect your lower back. If you’re chest and shoulders raise while you take your breath you’re not breathing into your diaphragm. You will hold this breath during the rep at least until you’re 2/3 of the way back up. Contract your abs like you’re about to get punched in the stomach. This combined with taking a big breath will ensure you’re core is braced.

Foot stance and angle toes point out

How wide people’s stance is will vary depending on individual anatomy and their mobility. You’ll need to use trial and error to find your best stance. A good starting point is to have your heels at shoulder-width apart and slightly pointing out. See how that’s feels. Then try it an inch or two wider, and an inch or two narrower. Try with the toes pointing out and driving the knees out, and try with the feet pointing straight ahead. See how comfortable and how deep you can squat with each stance width without your back rounding.

Walking the bar out of the rack

First thing you need to check that the hooks are a good height. You shouldn’t ever have to tiptoe the bar out of the rack. This is a common mistake people often make. You also don’t want it too low that you waste too much energy. A good starting point is to have the hooks set so the bar is level with your sternum. With your feet the width you plan to squat with. Start your hips a bit behind the bar, take a deep breath into your stomach, tense your back, and get your hips under the bar and squatting the weight up out of the hooks. Be aggressive when unracking the bar. Once you unrack the bar, wait for a second and let the weights settle. Take a small step back with one foot, then a little step back with your second foot, and then a third step if an adjustment is needed. You want the walkout to be as efficient as possible so that you waste minimal energy. You shouldn’t ever need more than three steps to walk out. Once you’ve walked the bar out, you will already be braced and the upper body will be tight. You now want to get even tighter so you have complete control of the bar. You need to ensure you have your weight evenly distributed across your big toe, your little toe, and your heel. Next, you need to create tension in your hips. With your feet planted into the floor try and rotate your hips outwards. Do this by imagining trying to touch your heels together and move more toes towards a wall either side without actually moving your feet.

Setting up for the squat

1 Place the bar on either the traps or rear delts. Ensure you're set in the middle of the bar.

2 Grip the bar as close as you comfortably can. If you’re getting wrist, elbow, or shoulder pain or discomfort, move your hands out. Drive your elbows under the bar, or behind if you need to.

3 Take a deep breath, get tight and brace before lifting the bar out of the rack. Walk the bar out, using as little energy as possible.

4 Get in your preferred stance width

5 Take another deep diaphragmatic breath. Brace like you’re going to take a punch to the stomach6 Create total body tension.

The Squat

When squatting, look straight ahead or slightly down. Focus on something and don’t take your eye off it. Two cues when doing the squat is sit down and sit back. When sitting down you break at the hips and knees at the same time. When you cue to sit back you break at the hips first by pushing your butt back as if you’re going to sit on a chair. Sitting down tends to keep your body more upright but there isn’t a massive difference. For most people breaking at the hips and knees at the same time will be best to start with. Try both and do what feels most comfortable. You should descend as fast as you can while being able to remain tight and remain in complete control of the barbell. Try and squat to just below parallel. Parallel is where the crease of the hip joint is level with the top of the knee. Some people are able to go lower, while some people will struggle to reach depth due to mobility issues. When at the bottom drive your traps into the bar and push your feet into the floor. Your hips and shoulders should come up at the same speed. This will keep your back angle the same throughout the lift. A common mistake is to allow your hips to rise up faster than your shoulders and end up bent over. Driving your traps into the bar should prevent that.

Chris Adams

Personal Trainer

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Health Benefits of Red Onions and Covid IgG Antibodies Not Important as Mucosal Immunity, New Study Suggests


  • Author Janice Palmer
Onions (Allium) are bulb vegetables related to chives, garlic, scallions, shallots, and leeks. They contain high levels of ANTIOXIDANTS and sulfur-containing compound levels linked to reduced cancer risk, lower blood sugar levels, and better bone health.

Highly versatile, onions are excellent flavorings and can be cooked any way without losing their goodness. You can bake, boil, grill, fry, roast, or sauté the things and even eat them raw.

Onions come in many sizes, shapes, and colors, but seemingly red onions are best as their pigmentation is due to the presence of ANTHOCYANINS.

The taste of onions ranges from mild and sweet to sharp and spicy, depending on the variety, season, and age. They can be eaten before they mature, the youngest being scallions and spring or summer onions.

Red onions are called SPANISH or PURPLE onions and are very mild with a sweetish taste. There are four varieties:

  1. TURDA onions from Central Romania with their particular aroma

  2. TROPEA onions from Italy with a strong and sweet taste

  3. WETHERSFIELD red onion from the US

  4. CONNECTICUT red onion, also from the US.

Red onions have more health benefits than white onions. They provide ten percent of the vitamin C RDA, but red onions contain MORE antioxidants.

Although White onion has more fiber and sulfur, red onion has more FLAVONOLS and anthocyanins. For example, the total anthocyanin contents determined by the pH differential method were on average 0.75 mg per 100 g fresh weight in white onion, 9.64 mg per100 g in yellow onion, and a huge 30 mg per 100 g in red onion, respectively. So, the anthocyanin content in onions is red>yellow>white. The average flavonoid contents of onions with three different colors are 36.64 and 111.10 mg per 100 g in yellow and red, respectively, whereas white onion contains none.

Red onions are also a more effective natural blood thinner than white onions because of their flavonoids, which help thin the blood. In addition, the phytochemicals in red onion help boost the immune system. They are also rich in vitamins K, B6, and C. However, the phytochemicals act as a stimulant to vitamin C within the body.

The fiber in red onions helps digestion and prevents constipation.

As for minerals, red onion contains CALCIUM, MAGNESIUM, POTASSIUM, CHROMIUM, IRON, and MANGANESE. It also contains folate and thiamine. The chromium is suitable for people with diabetes as it impacts blood sugar levels by slowing and controlling the release of sugar into the body. Because chromium affects insulin activity, a lack of it may cause weight gain, so if you want to lose weight, eat red onions!

Among the antioxidants in red onion is QUERCETIN. Antioxidants fight the free radicals, which are toxic organic waste. However, they are considered dangerous because they can cause cancer by mutating DNA. Because of that, quercetin is most valued as studies show that it can even reduce the spreading of cancer through the body. Interestingly, studies showed that consuming half a red onion each day may reduce the risk of stomach cancer by a half. For example, in Georgia, USA, where red onion is grown, the number of stomach cancer cases is half the US average. Similar data comes from China, where red onion is mainly used.

Quercetin also helps to regulate blood pressure. According to a study by the University of Utah, this antioxidant can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Quercetin is also an anti-inflammatory, so it benefits people suffering from allergies, asthma, and arthritis.

Red onion’s anti-inflammatory powers help acne sufferers. Applying red onion mixed with honey or olive oil to the affected areas of the face reduces redness and swelling.

If you get stung by a bee or wasp, apply red onion to the injured area, and you will get instant relief from the burning sensation. That is because red onion helps neutralize the harmful effects of the cocktail of substances injected by these stinging insects, which includes mast-cell degranulation protein, hyaluronidase, acid phosphatase, lysophospholipase, histamine, dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin.

Red onion is a very low glycemic food with a glycemic index of GI, so it is ideal when dieting. In addition, 25 g contains only 11 calories and zero fat.

If you have ringing in the ears due to tinnitus, or earache, a few drops of red onion in the ear may help.

Does red onion have side effects? To some people, it has, especially those with an onion allergy. Onions give them itchy eyes, redness, and rashes. It may also cause them to vomit and suffer gastric problems.

All in all, red onions are full of antioxidants, and may help fight several maladies. They are high in quercetin and form part of a healthy diet. If you know what you are doing, the above will help you get and maintain the essential minerals your body needs from red onions.

Janice Palmer has put together a complimentary report on minerals in our food that will help solve your mineral intake problems quickly and permanently. To access it instantly, please visit

Friday, June 10, 2022

Concealed Carry: Bill Allowing Armed School Teachers Heads to Gov. Dewine for Signature


by Matthew Maruster 

Democrats in the Nations House proposed an 8-bill gun-control package after an evil, deranged, 18-year-old killed 21 people in a school. The bills in the package called “Save Our Children” would disarm law-abiding citizens and give criminals who don’t follow laws greater power.

firearm training for teachers

The restrictive gun laws make the people more dependent on the government for protection. People with 24/7 armed security are making a powerful push to convince us of this.

Those of us who aren’t playing professional sport, haven’t starred in a movie, or are a politician, can’t afford security or a house in a gaited community. We commoners want to be self-reliant and we understand that the government is unwilling and incapable of protecting us. So thanks, but no thanks.

Allow Armed Teachers, Ohio HB99 —

House Bill 99 passed the Ohio House 56-34, and Senate 23-9, and now only waits for Governor Dewine’s signature. There are lots of rumors about what HB99 contains. Let’s look at the bill.

This bill does not force teachers to arm themselves. Opponents to allowing school staff the ability to defend themselves and the students mis-characterize bills like these. You can see this here in the Ohio Education Association President’s statement:

Asking teachers who are already overburdened to add more to their plate by serving in a dual role where they’re both responsible for educating children and now in some cases where this might be implemented for armed security in schools, we think is not really addressing the issue.

See how the assumption is that teachers don’t want the option to defend themselves or the lives of the kids? As if when a gunman comes into a school, a teacher’s chief concern is that they are really burdened with grading tests, not that they want to protect themselves and kids. Maybe police officers shouldn’t carry guns because they are already overburdened writing tickets and responding to emergency calls. It all makes sense if you don’t think about it. Keep reading.......

Thursday, June 9, 2022

The USFL On US Sports Net Presented by StrengthCoach Featuring: Highlights: New Orleans Breakers vs. New Jersey Generals - Week 5


Functional Anatomy vs Origin-Insertion Anatomy

Michael Boyle - 

Function- (Gary Gray NASM). All lower body muscles function to prevent flexion or create extension. 

Anatomy is a funny science. In college we were taught what I can best describe as origin-insertion cadaver anatomy. I like to refer to it as dead person anatomy.

The instructor would show us a muscle and say  “this muscle originates here and inserts here”. We were taught the boney prominences of these origins and insertions and told to memorize them. We were then taught the supposed function of the muscle.

In the case of a muscle like the quadriceps we were told that if the quadriceps were to shorten the lower leg would extend.  If we look at simple mechanics, this seemed really logical. Unfortunately, this was also the part that ended up not being very true and, this is where we begin to distinguish between the idea of origin-insertion anatomy and functional anatomy. 

click me

The semi-truth is that If you had a cadaver and, if you could somehow produce a muscle contraction in a dead body, and you let the lower legs hang off the table, a quad contraction would cause the leg to extend. However, this does not make the quad a knee extensor in real life.

In the same way, if you flipped a cadaver over and were able to cause the hamstring group to contract, the heel would move toward the butt. However, that does not mean that the hamstring flexes the knee. The cadaver anatomy we were taught in school just doesn't seem to hold up in real life.

How many times have we heard that everything changes when the foot hits the ground. I think this statement, Everything Changes When the Foot Hits the Ground, was one of the early titles of a Gary Gray seminar and could not be more true.

Lets use the same quadricep muscle as the example. If you are walking and you put your foot on the ground, at the moment the foot strikes the ground does the quad extend the knee? If it did, I think you would go backward instead of forward.

In fact what happens when the foot hits the ground is that all of the muscles of the lower body act eccentrically and in concert to prevent the joints of the lower body from flexing. So, the real function of the quadriceps  ( and the glute, hamstring, gastroc etc) is to prevent flexion of the ankle knee and hip.

I first learned this concept in the early 90's at a Gary Gray-Chain Reaction seminar in Phoenix and was thrilled. Gray's concepts allowed me to throw away all the isolation machines that cluttered my weight room. The concepts also gave me the courage to remove all the isolation exercises that were supposed to strengthen specific muscles and prevent injuries. For me, it was the first big step in the development of what we now call functional training.

Gray's analysis was simple.

The anatomy that we had been taught in school simply made no sense. When held up to the lens of real life, the old origin-insertion anatomy was a flawed way of teaching that left us unprepared for the real world. 

Mike Clark of NASM fame made it more clear in the first NASM courses. It took me a while to catch on but, over time I realized that the answer to every question on the NASM test was basically the same. If the NASM test asked you what a muscle did at ground contact you answered “eccentrically decelerates flexion of the ankle, knee and hip”. When the NASM test asked you what happened at toe off the answer switched to “concentrically extends the ankle, knee, and hip”. 

The answers were now so simple.

It was understanding the concept that was hard. The fact of the matter is that in real life none of the muscles behaved in the manner we were taught. Instead they simply acted together as stabilizers or movers to prevent flexion or create extension.

The big key with functional anatomy is that we begin to look at the muscles and joints as a system that works together, not as a bunch of isolated joints. It's not about what happens at one joint but the synergy of groups of joints acting together to create motions like running or jumping. If we see knee extension or knee flexion as separate, we miss the point.

I like to say that the only guy who uses his quad to extend his knee is the one legged man in the ass kicking contest!

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Wednesday, June 8, 2022

What are the foundational doctrines of the Christian faith? And The Rock Almighty Voices with Galactic Cowboys


  • Author James Rondinone

Foundational Doctrines are doctrines upon which our faith stands. Another way of saying this is that they secure us in our faith. They might also be called absolute truths, i.e., they’re unalterable and permanent facts.

Some of them will evidence which member of the Trinity originated the divine plan for humankind, who executed the plan, and who revealed the plan. Others will proclaim that what has been accomplished by the divine plan can never be improved upon or changed by us. And furthermore, they’ll emphasize to us that whatever we’ve received through repentance and faith can never be maintained by performing good works or lost by sinful behavior.

I can’t stress enough how important these doctrines are concerning our spiritual welfare. Belief in an altered version of any one of these can mean the difference between receiving the indwelling Holy Spirit or a different spirit. The result of which would be that we might genuinely seek after God but never get to know Him in a personal way. And unfortunately, the desire to go to a better place at death will only be a hope rather than a verified reality.

Are you ready to learn about these vital doctrines of our faith? Well, here they are. And by the way, they won’t just be mentioned by name but will be substantiated as being valid by providing scriptural support. There’s one more thing I’d like to mention before we begin reading about these truths. There are other doctrines of the Christian faith which I’ll call Intellectual, such as the Rapture; Prayer; Rebound; Old Sin Nature; Sanctification; the Devil, etc. that we won’t cover in this study, but hopefully, they’ll be disseminated to you in the church you are attending or will attend.



The concept of a Trinity isn’t an easy one to grasp, as the following definition will attest. And by the way, this word Trinity isn’t even found in the Bible.

One God exists as three persons – coequal [having the same divine attributes as another], coinfinite [unmeasurable with another in space and time], and coeternal [eternally existing with another] – all three possessing the essential nature.8 Each member possesses the same divine essence of sovereignty, righteousness, justice, love, eternal life, omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence, immutability, and truth. However, they don’t have the same roles. God the Father is the originator of the plan, God the Son is the executor of the plan, and God the Holy Spirit is the revealer of the plan. And just to clarify, we’re not talking about three distinct Gods, but one God as a triune being.   

1 Corinthians 8:6 But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.

Hebrews 1:8 But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom.

John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

THE DEITY OF CHRIST                 

Christ is one of the members of the Trinity, the other two being God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. While each of them has identical essence of personality, their roles are different as the plan of God for man unfolds.9

Philippians 2:6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

Hebrews 1:8 But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom.



The Holy Spirit is another member of the Trinity. Scripture describes Him as a person that possesses the same divine attributes as each of them.

John 15:26 But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:

Acts 5:1-4 But a certain man named Ananias, with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession, And kept back part of the price, his wife also being privy to it, and brought a certain part, and laid it at the apostles' feet. But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land? Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? and after it was sold, was it not in thine own power? why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart? thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God.



Likewise, God the Father is the final member of the Trinity that contains the same divine attributes.

John 4:34 Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.

John 5:16-18 And therefore did the Jews persecute Jesus, and sought to slay him, because he had done these things on the sabbath day. But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work. Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God.



The gospel is the good news that each of us should be ready to present to unbelievers, which declares that God sent His Son Jesus, God incarnate, deity, being born of a virgin, having never committed one sin, died on a cross, paid the penalty for the debt owed due to sin in order to satisfy the justice of God, forgave these sins wiping away the record of such, rose again after three days never to die again, His sacrifice accepted, ascended into heaven to be seated at the right hand of the Father, and that whosoever repents (a confession of sins; a hearty purpose to turn from them10) of their sins and believes in this Jesus will be justified (be put right with God; be declared righteous) and receive the indwelling Spirit along with many other spiritual benefits.

Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

Acts 17:30 And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


Salvation refers to the receiving of the indwelling Holy Spirit along with a bundle of other spiritual benefits when an unbeliever responds to the gospel.

2 Thessalonians 2:13 But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:

John 3:5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

Acts 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Ephesians 1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,

John 7:37-39 In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. (But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.)


Jesus is the atonement, the atoning sacrifice, for the sins of the whole world that removed the penalty, the punishment (the suffering) upon the entire human race to satisfy the justice of God the Father. The Father made Christ be sin for us, a sin offering, meaning that He bore the punishment due to them in our stead.

1 John 2:2 And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.

2 Corinthians 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.


This word means deliverance, liberation from, or to let one go free. Deliverance from what? Deliverance from the judgment of our sins.

Ephesians 1:7 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;


The blood is the payment (the price paid) to divine justice that provided redemption. The blood can also be referred to as the ransom required, i.e., of Christ’s death on the cross, the giving of His life.

Ephesians 1:7 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;


The forgiveness of sins means to blot them out, to not remember them any longer, to throw a person’s sins behind one’s back, and to carry them away so that they’ll never be seen again. Along with the debt owed to God the Father being paid in full by the death of His Son, the forgiveness of sins was also provided.

Colossians 2:13 And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses;


Mankind needed someone to pay the debt which they incurred from Adam’s willful sin in the Garden of Eden. So, God the Father sent his Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, who, being sustained by the Holy Spirit, listened to and obeyed the Father’s directives. Jesus lived a sinless life and was crucified on a cross, being the atonement for sins. His human spirit went to hell, where he preached to spirits (fallen angels) who were residing there 1 Peter 3:19. After three days, His human spirit re-entered His physical body, and He was raised again (bodily resurrection) by means of the quickening of the Holy Spirit for our justification (in order to reconcile us to God). The resurrection was God the Father’s validation that the redemption paid by Christ on the cross was accepted11 by Him.

After three complete days had passed, He was raised from the dead, and there was evidenced a new body, a spiritual one, whereby over a period of forty days, He witnessed of His resurrection to over five hundred people; and after which He ascended into heaven to be seated at the right hand of the Father. Christ’s resurrection was proof that the atonement and forgiveness for sin accomplished its purpose, i.e., to satisfy the debt owed to the justice of God. It also proved that Christ is who He said He was, i.e., the Messiah/Savior/One of the members of the Trinity, true humanity, and undiminished deity. By ascending into heaven following His forty days on earth, He paved the way for all who believed in God as He was revealed from dispensation to dispensation to enter heaven. Hallelujah!

1 Peter 3:18-19 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit: By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison;

Acts 2:31-32 He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption. This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses.              

1 Corinthians 15:42, 44 So also is the resurrection of the dead. … It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.

1 Corinthians 15:4, 6 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep.


We’re told by Scripture that there’s only one way to get to heaven. And that there’s only one person to believe in whom God the Father has accepted as to His nature, His life, and atonement for sin.

Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.                                                                                                                     

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.


Some might call this the doctrine of eternal salvation. As we’ve already learned, salvation refers to the receiving of the indwelling Holy Spirit along with a bundle of other spiritual benefits when an unbeliever responds to the gospel. Receiving the Spirit doesn’t require human effort or some type of good works in order to obtain it, and neither can we lose it based on how we choose to work out this salvation.

John 10:27-28 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

Romans 8:38-39 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

These truths are another indicator as to what to look for when trying to make the critical decision as to whether the kinds of teachings presented from those in authority will ground you in the Christian faith and provide the opportunities for unbelievers to find the one true God for themselves. If the messages reaffirm the gospel of Christ, promote spiritual growth, and reaffirm the foundational doctrines of the faith, then the ultimate goals for each and every believer will have the liberty to be realized as declared by the following verses.

Ephesians 4:11-12 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:

Before we turn to the next chapter, I’d like to leave you with an article that has resonated with me, and I hope that it will do the same for you. One of the things that I’ve noticed, whether on TV or the internet, is a saturation of reports about certain individuals either doing bad things to other people or not telling the truth or engaging in sexual relationships that used to be termed [“immoral.”] All of these actions have been relegated to whatever someone believes to be right for themselves. I’ve been wondering lately what has ever happened to [“right and wrong?”]

Whether this pertains to crimes, morals, or just telling the truth, it seems like the abnormal has become normal. People do what they want to do with little or no checks and balances and seemingly no concern for the consequences or how their friends, families, or others are affected. What you’ll read about next is that what has just been said relates to what this chapter is all about, and [that’s] absolute truth. I hope that it resonates with you as it has with me.


We live in a culture that increasingly doesn’t believe there’s a difference between right and wrong. In a recent Barna research study conducted at a university campus, [twenty] random students were asked, “Do you believe [there’s] an absolute truth [that’s] true of all people of all time?”

The responses went something like this:

“Truth is whatever you believe.”

“[There’s] no absolute truth.”

“If there were such a thing as ‘absolute truth,’ how could we know what it is?”

This study reflects the beliefs of most Americans today. Other studies have shown that [ninety-one] percent of teenagers don’t believe in absolute [truth,] and [sixty-six] percent of adults don’t either. Instead, most people believe in an existential concept of truth. Right and wrong [have] become subjective – reduced to someone’s opinion or personal perception.

In the sixties and the seventies, we began to hear phrases like, “Just do your thing.” [And]” If it feels good, do it.” Later, we heard phrases like, “Truth is different for me than [it’s] for you” [And,] then, finally, the one we now hear all the time is, “Who am I – or you – to judge?” But it hasn’t always been this way. For most of history, humankind has believed there’s a truth [that’s] absolutely true at all times and in all [places,] whether we experience it or not.

That’s because [we’ve] always lived on the basis of absolutes in most areas of our lives without even realizing it. For example, a person can say [that they don’t believe in gravity,] but if he or she steps off a three-story building, their belief system will change very quickly! [So,] what does God say about right and wrong?

Galatians 6:7-8 says, Don’t be deceived, God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that sinful nature will reap destruction and the one who sows to please his spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. [HCSB – Holman Christian Standard Bible]

God is clear: [there’s] absolute truth, and when we violate it, there’s a price to pay. When we see soaring divorce rates, breakups, communicable diseases, people in unmanageable debt, and people with [addictions,] they can’t shake because they’re trying to fill the holes that the world doesn’t fill, this is all evidence of truth violated. Jesus was the most tolerant and kindest person who ever lived. But He also made outrageous, absolute claims. He said this about Himself: 

[I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except by Me.] (John 14:6)

[That’s] a very intolerant, non-existential statement, isn’t it? But it comes from a God who loves and cares deeply about you, about your kids, about your friends, and about your neighbors. It comes from a God who is pursuing people and who longs for [relationships and connections] that’s real and absolute.12




8R.B. Thieme Jr., The Trinity (Houston, Texas: Berachah Tapes and Publications, 1993).

9R.B. Thieme Jr.


11Bible Knowledge Commentary/New Testament, 2000. BIBLESOFT. WEB. 14 January 2022 ˂>.



I grew up in Massachusetts and began my own spiritual journey early on in life.

I attended Bible college, having completed a two-year Christian Leadership course of study, and graduated as valedictorian (summa cum laude).

I’ve written and published a number of spiritual books on various biblical topics.

Monday, June 6, 2022

CHOOSING OUR FRIENDS CAREFULLY and Financing The Truth | Dr. Myles Munroe



by Creflo Dollar 

As human beings, we’ve been created to form relationships with others. As such, we all want to be liked and accepted. We feel better about ourselves when others respect us and seek out our company; however, sometimes that can work against us. Some people crave approval from others so much that they’re willing to do anything to get it; the danger is that associating with the wrong kinds of people increases the chances of us making bad decisions that can get us in trouble.

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Anyone can be affected by hanging out with friends with bad attitudes. Spending time with the right people can help us keep a positive attitude. Spending time with the wrong ones can turn our optimism into pessimism. “Do not be misled: ‘bad company corrupts good character’” (1 Corinthians 15:33, NIV).  Others’ mindsets are contagious, for good or bad, and can color our thinking.

Allowing others to influence our thought processes affects what we think and, eventually, what we do. We’ve all heard about individuals who seemed to have everything going for them, then fell in with the wrong crowd, made a bad decision, and suffered the consequences. Sometimes it’s hard to discern who we should avoid, and the pressure to fit in can make it worse. Without God guiding us in this area, we can easily make a mistake. One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24, NIV).

The Holy Spirit is that friend. He never makes mistakes judging others’ character, and He knows the intent of people’s hearts even when they don’t speak a word. He wants only the best for us and is always ready to steer us away from potential trouble, if we let Him. The key is listening to Him and paying attention to what He says. Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go: lest thou learn his ways, and get a snare to thy soul” (Proverbs 22:24, 25).

It can be tempting to gravitate toward people who have toxic ways of thinking. When we feel drawn to them, listening to that still, clear voice inside keeps us on track. That voice is the Holy Spirit, Himself, living in us. This is one way God speaks to us to give us direction in forming relationships; He shows us the true friends who genuinely care for us and have our best interests at heart. 

Real friends are gifts from God, and He blesses us with them as one way of showing His love. They’re honest with us and we can be ourselves with them, knowing they’ll accept us even when we’re at our worst. When we make a mistake they point it out to us, but do it in love. These kind of relationships, in which we encourage and build each other up, are strong and healthy. “Therefore encourage (admonish, exhort) one another and edify (strengthen and build up) one another, just as you are doing” (1 Thessalonians 5:11, AMPC).

Relying on our own judgment in this area can leave us open to making too many mistakes. However, trusting God to lead us to the right people, the ones who truly care for us in good times and bad, puts us in a win-win situation. As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend” (Proverbs 27:17, NLT). Friends sent from God keep us on the right path in life. Listening to Him in this area keeps us in the right company.  

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Power Yoga for Sports Training kit FULL Hockey edition and The US High School Sports Show!


Power Yoga for Sports Training kit FULL Hockey edition


Whether you are a Coach, Trainer, Professional Athlete, Student Athlete, or Parent that wants to give their kid the extra edge.

This kit is a no-brainer easily a $1,500.00 value, Gwen’s services and advice is sought after from the world’s highest-level elite athletes. Book this course.....

Ask yourself what is the cost of:

  1. Lost playing time
  2. Fear of losing your place on the team
  3. Cost of physical therapy
  4. Mental and monetary cost of surgery
  5. Mental drain of not playing

Isn’t it clear that investing $47 now to offset these worries is PRICELESS

This kit will give you all the tools you need

  • From yoga poses relevant to the game and position
  • To nutrition tips,
  • Hydration advice
  • 17 exclusive videos not sold anywhere else,
  • 83+ page Power Yoga for Sports Hockey manual,
  • How to evaluate your problem and imbalanced areas (9pages),
  • Power Yoga for Sports Pose book 1 & 2, learn the how and why of yoga poses for your game
  • All About Joints 80 page lesson,
  • Mindfulness worksheets (14 pages), face it if you are not training the mental game you are putting yourself at a disadvantage to win.
  • Athlete evaluation video,
  • Goal setting book,
  • 2 hours of LIVE taped workshops "how to spot imbalances before they become injuries",
  • Dominant eye video and why it is important to know,
  • Bow and arrow analogy video and how this improves your game,

Don’t wait…take your health and success into your own hands in your own home, just like The New York Rangers, Chris Drury, Brendan Shanahan and Mark Messier did with Gwen Lawrence and many other Professional athletes do, now you can too!

Check out other opportunities too like a personal online evaluation by Gwen herself, The Way of the Mindful Athlete online Course the same course Gwen wrote and taught to the entire NY Giants staff and team and now uses with the NY Knicks under the Zen master himself Coach Phil Jackson.  Gwen was named “The Best Innovation in Sports Medicine” by ESPN Magazine…now is your time to work with her and WIN!

The Coach


Gwen Lawrence

Owner of Power Yoga for Sports

Gwen Lawrence is an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher (E-RYT 500) with Yoga Alliance, which acknowledges the completion of a yoga teacher training with an approved and active Registered Yoga School (RYS).

"I transform lives from good to great, helping my clients reach their highest potential, using my 6 power yoga for sports philosophy's to Attain fitness, find Balance, Create goals, and Define personal happiness in work, school, family and life the way only an intuitive Yogi and seasoned MOM can"

Gwen has been a practicing fitness professional since 1990.  Her current practice includes private yoga trainings, class instruction, team instruction and her Power Yoga for Sports, sports specific training, International travel to teach, TV appearances, Writing, Workshops and radio contributions. You can become a certified Yoga Coach through her online training, like people around the world in 19 countries are taking advantage of.  Gwen's unique combination of dance, massage therapy, and yoga training experience, coupled with her extensive knowledge of anatomy and nutrition, provides her clients and athletes with overwhelming results.  

Gwen Is the yoga instructor for many teams over the years including the NY Giants, NY Knicks, NY Mets, NY Redbulls, NY Rangers, NYC FC and members of the NY Yankees, several major colleges like: Columbia, Yale, Manhattan, UNC and many more.  

Her writings appear in Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Women's Health, Women's Fitness, Cosmo, Fitness Magazine, Shape Magazine, Yoga Journal, Yoga Digest, Yoga Magazine, Details and and  

Gwen Starred as co-host in her own Nationally Syndicated on NBC TV show The Better Man Show and makes regular appearances on NBC TODAY SHOW, Good Day NY, and Dr. Oz as well as many Radio and TV news shows.

Gwen owns her own Yoga school registered to certify students with 200 and 300-hour trainings along with her online Power Yoga for Sports Teacher Training.
Gwen has been named Best of Westchester, and featured in ESPN Magazine as "The Best Innovation In Sports Medicine"
Gwen has 13 Power Yoga for Sports sport specific DVD's, a feature DVD with Gaiam, and published books Body Sculpting with Yoga, Tactical Mobility and Teaching Power Yoga for Sports.  You can take advantage of working with Gwen through Gaia TV, and her You Tube Channel Gwen Lawrence Yoga.  Appears in 2019 Jade Yoga Calendar.  Top 108 influential yogis Online.
“Best Innovation in Sports Medicine”
-ESPN Magazine

Check my
Twitter &Instagram @gwenlawrence
Facebook Gwen Lawrence Yoga
YouTube Channel Gwen Lawrence Yoga

Over 3,000 MLB NFL MLS NHL NBA & Corporate Industrialists trained to date! Book this course today!