Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Rock Almighty. Let Your Light So Shine..... & Does the Bread and Wine Change into the Substance of the Literal Body and Blood of Christ During the Age of the Gentiles?

 Rock the Flock

Does the Bread and Wine Change into the Substance of the Literal Body and Blood of Christ During the Age of the Gentiles?

  • Author James Rondinone


At Communion, Is the Supposition That the Bread and Wine Change into the Substance of the Literal Body and Blood of Christ Supported by Old Testament Scriptures During the Age of the Gentiles?

Anyone who has read any of my books knows I don’t believe that a perspective on a biblical topic taken from a particular dispensation should impact the view of the same subject in a different dispensation. However, the reason why I’d like us to take a look at specific passages of Scripture from the Age of the Gentiles, i.e., a period of time from Adam and Eve to the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt is that certain of those who were called by God had to abide by particular food and drink restrictions. All I want us to do is look at these and see if any prohibitions might bring about a particular response to the declaration made by Jesus in John 6:53.

Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.

Besides this, we’ll introduce anything else that might help us to distinguish between what is literal and what is figurative.

Let’s begin by turning our Bibles to the book ofGenesis and we’ll take a look at a story where bread and wine was used. Here’s the question that we’ll consider next.

When Melchizedek brought forth, bread and wine, was this prophetic of the elements of bread and wine involved in Christ’s last supper?

Suggested Reading: Genesis14:1-24

14, 17-18 … Abram … And the king of Sodom went out to meet him after his return from the slaughter of Chedorlaomer, and of the kings that were with him, at the valley of Shaveh, which is the king's dale. And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God.

After four Mesopotamian kings had taken Lot, Abram’s nephew, captive along with all the goods of the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah, Abram and his armed servants followed after and attacked them, recovering Lot and all of the booty. Upon his return, the king of Sodom and Melchizedek, who was both the King of Salem and a priest of God, came out to meet him. Melchizedek brought forth some bread and wine and blessed him. After which, Abram gave Melchizedek tithes of everything and returned the remainder of the spoils over to the King of Sodom. Here’s a question for you to consider.

Is there any significance of the bread and wine?

There are three views concerning this.

●The bread and wine were served as refreshments to Abram and his weary and famished army.

●The bread and wine indicated a peaceful agreement between Abram and Melchizedek.

●The bread and wine are prophetic of the elements involved in Christ’s last supper, establishing this duty as an ordinance.

While some might infer that the bread and wine are prophetic of the elements involved in communion, there doesn’t appear to be any confirmation of this anywhere else in the Scriptures relating to the Age of the Gentiles. So, I wouldn’t support this as being substantiated.

Next, I’d like us to look at Scriptures that have to do with the restrictions concerning consuming blood. These began in the book of Genesis with a well-known Bible character named Noah. The following is a question that we’ll seek to answer.

Did God prohibit Noah and his family from not eating animals with blood remaining in them?

Suggested Reading: Genesis 6:3-8; Genesis 8:13-18; Genesis 9:1, 4

Genesis 7:4 I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth.

Genesis 7:21 And all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and every man…

Genesis 8:13 And it came to pass in the six hundredth and first year, in the first month, the first day of the month, the waters were dried up from off the earth: and Noah removed the covering of the ark, and looked, and, behold, the face of the ground was dry.

Genesis 9:1 And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them…

Genesis 9:4 But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.

Because of the rampant unchanging wickedness of humankind, God told Noah to build an ark that would provide safety for himself, his family, and a certain number of animals from the impending flood that would destroy everyone and everything. Following the complete devastation of the earth by this flood, the waters subsided, and God spoke to Noah, telling him that his family was not to eat the flesh of animals with blood remaining in them.

The prohibition didn’t require that no blood could be consumed, only that it must be drained. Draining the blood before eating the meat was a way of returning the life force of the animal to the God who gave it life, offering recognition they had taken the life with permission and were partaking of God’s bounty as his guests.8 This mandate would later apply to the sacrifice of animals under the Mosaic Law in the next dispensation, the offering signifying the surrender of its innermost life.

The belief that the eating of the bread and wine at communion is literal, i.e., it involves the partaking of Christ’s actual body and blood would signify that the blood in the cup or host wasn’t drained or removed, which would be in direct opposition to the constraint set forth here. This is simply something to consider.

Where we’ll go from here is take a look at verses that pertain to food and drink during the Age of Israel, i.e., the time when Moses led the children of Israel out from their captivity in Egypt to the birth of Christ. But before we do, let’s see what else we can find out that might help us discern whether the consumption of the bread and wine at communion is to be taken literally. This pertains to an article about the person named Melchizedek. Here is a brief narrative about him before reading such.

Hebrews 7:1-2 For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him; To whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all; first being by interpretation King of righteousness, and after that also King of Salem, which is, King of peace;

Scripture tells us that he was without father, without mother, without descent. Was this to be taken literally? And if so, who is he? This is a mystery that has been debated for many years.

There are two views about him. The first one is mentioned in Adam Clarke’s commentary: This sense Suidas confirms under the word Melchizedek, where, after having stated that, having reigned in Salem [for one hundred thirteen] years, he died a righteous man and a bachelor.9 Who is Suidas? He was the author of what many consider a very important Greek Lexicon that could be used as a grammatical dictionary or an encyclopedia. He lived during the middle of the tenth century in Constantinople. The second view is contained in the following article, of which only a part will be presented here.


The Mystery Clears

Since God names individuals what they are, that, [then,] is what this man [is,]“King of Righteousness.”

Think of it! King of Righteousness.

[Jesus,] Himself said: “There is none good but one, that is, God” (Matthew 19:17). Human self-righteousness is, before God, as filthy rags. None can be righteous but God—or one made righteous by God’s power — Christ in a person! And [certainly, none but One of the Godhead, the divine Kingdom of God,] would be King of Righteousness. Such an expression, applied to any but God, would be blasphemous. Why?

Righteousness is obedience to God’s Law. Since God made all laws (James 4:12), [He’s] Supreme Ruler or King. He determines what righteousness is. “All thy commandments are righteousness” (Psalm 119:172). When speaking of one of the points of that Law, Jesus placed Himself superior to it. He is Lord of the Sabbath (Mark 2:28). No man is Lord or King over God’s Law. Only God could be! All human beings have sinned and broken that Law of righteousness (Romans 3:23).

To continue with Hebrews 7. Note, too, that this man was King of peace. “Salem” from which Jerusalem was [named,] means “peace.” And remember, Jesus is called the Prince of peace! No human being could be King of Peace. Men know not the way of peace. Read Romans 3:10 and 17: “There is none righteous, no, not one.... And the way of peace have they not known.”

Observe further: Melchizedek was “without mother, without father, without descent,” or as the Phillips translation renders it: “He had no father or mother and no family tree.” He was not born as human beings are. He was without father and mother. This does not mean that Melchizedek’s records of birth were lost. Without such [records, human priests could not serve (Ezra 2:62). But here,] Melchizedek had no genealogy. He must not have been an ordinary mortal. He had no descent or pedigree from [another] but was self-existent. Notice Paul's own inspired interpretation of this fact: “Having neither beginning of days, nor end of life” Hebrews 7:3. [Therefore, He has always existed from eternity! He was not even created] like angels. But [He’s] now eternally self-existing. And that is true only of GOD deity, not humanity!

Not the Father Nor the Holy Spirit

Yet Melchizedek cannot be God the Father. He was the “priest of that Most High God.” Scripture says no man has ever seen the Father (John 1:18, 5:37), but Abraham saw Melchizedek. He cannot be God the Father, but rather, “made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually” (Hebrews 7:3).

And there it is! In the days of Abraham, He was not the Son of God, for He had not yet been born of the virgin [Mary,] but He was made like unto the Son of God in His manifestation to the ancients.

Notice again: Melchizedek, this [Scripture] reveals, abides that is, remains permanently, continually, a priest. God the Father is not the Priest of God, but Christ the Son is! Yet, in the days when the Apostle Paul lived and wrote, shortly after Jesus ascended to heaven as High Priest, the [Scripture] states that even then Melchizedek “abideth” — which means does now abide — “a priest continually.” The Moffatt translation states it: “continues to be priest permanently” even while Jesus Christ is High Priest!

And notice that the order of Christ’s Priesthood is named after Melchizedek. It is the High Priest’s name that is placed upon an [order,] just as Aaron’s name was upon the Aaronic priesthood. [Thus, Melchizedek was then High Priest in Paul’s day, and even now He] will rule forever! And at the same [time,] Christ was, is today, and shall be forever High Priest!

Are there two High Priests’? No! Impossible! The conclusion is inescapable. Contrary to many cherished man-thought-out ideas, Melchizedek and Christ are one and the same! Some people have stumbled on the statement that Melchizedek has no “end of life.” They contend that since Christ died, He had an end of life! If that be [true,] then Christ is still dead! But Christ is not dead. [He’s alive. It wasn’t] possible for Christ to be held by death (Acts 2:24). Melchizedek would never have fulfilled His office of High Priest if He had not died for the sins of the people and risen again. [It’s] the function of the High Priest to lead the way to salvation.

Indeed, Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our salvation (Hebrews 5:9; 12:2). [He’s] “called of God an high priest after the order of Melchizedek” (Hebrews 5:10).

And no wonder. Melchizedek and Christ are one and the same Person!10

That was interesting. Was Melchizedek simply a man or what some would call a theophany, i.e., an appearance of deity? One thing that might support the latter view is that when reading verses from the Old and New Testament concerning Melchizedek, there seems to be no correspondence between him and the other kings mentioned that confirms they knew him personally.

In like manner, could there any verses from the Age of Israel that might provide some insight as to whether the elements of the bread and wine at communion could be considered in a literal sense? Let’s go forward and find out.


8IVP Bible Background.

9Adam Clarke's CommentaryPc Study Bible version 5, 2004. BIBLESOFT. WEB. 01 February 2023˂>.

10Herbert W. Armstrong. “The Mystery of Melchizedek Solved!” 09 March 2023 .



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Sunday & Thursday Worship - Domingo & Jueves 7:00PM

My name is James Rondinone. I am a husband, father, and spiritual leader.

I grew up in Massachusetts and began my own spiritual journey early on in life.

I attended Bible college, having completed a two-year Christian Leadership Course of Study and graduated as valedictorian (Summa Cum Laude).

Studying and teaching the Word of God has been a passion of mine for over 20 years.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

US Sports Lacrosse Feat. Philadelphia Waterdogs vs. New York Atlas Highlights


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Philadelphia Waterdogs vs. New York Atlas Full Game Highlights
An Eastern Conference showdown. The New York Atlas can clinch a playoff spot with a win. Meanwhile, the Philadelphia Waterdogs are fighting to keep their playoff hopes alive.

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Monday, July 29, 2024

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Sunday, July 28, 2024

The Rock Almighty Sunday Sermon: How To Be An Influence: Dr. Myles Munroe


World War III is Coming

  • Author Garfield Gregoire

The people of this generation are living in the time when it seems that the whole world is in a state of agitation and unrest. The attack upon Israel by Hamas and Israel’s response to that attack has led to protest and unrest across the world – all making it seem that we have somehow taken another step that seeks to bring humanity ever closer to the UNTHINKABLE World War III.

Yes, World War III is, indeed, prophesied of in the pages of your Bible, and the creator God who declares the end from the beginning, has laid bare those things that is to befall humanity - just before the second coming of Jesus Christ to take over the Governments of this world.

The Dangerous Power we do not Seem to See or Understand

Despite the continued the hostility, tension, and even the threat Russia and China poses to the United States, there is a power or union of nations that are to rise up out of Europe in our time to greatly impact the Western World; it is prophesied to be a power deeply influenced by religion and politics – to extent that it will be so restrictive and over bearing that a great portion of humanity will not be able to work and take care of their family unless you bend to the dictates of this power; Revelation 13:17 speaks of this soon coming time – saying, “… that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark or the name of the beast …” A beast is merely a name for a nation or king over that nation (see Daniel 7:17 for proof).

I have previously written here on Article Biz explaining who this power will be and that Germany is to play a great role in all this.

This union of nations are to come out of Europe as a final fulfillment of the resurrection of the so-called holy Roman Empire and it is spoken of in Revelation 17:12,13 saying: “And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.”

This a major end time prophecy of GREAT significance and yet the world is seemingly in ignorance of this; they seem to have no clue, no thought or understanding of what God has revealed in this prophecy. But whether or not they understand it, it is surely going to come to pass and when it does, this world is going to be shocked.

The Landscape of Europe is Soon to Change

Europe as we know it, is to undergo a radical change as these Ten Nation begin to come together; no doubt, the relationship between the United States and its European Allies are going to become dangerously strained as Europe is going to lose whatever faith it has in America’s willingness to defend Europe and it is already coming to the stark realization that Europe may have to stand on its own two feet.

America – meaning the Biden Administration, has continually expressed that it will stand alongside Europe, but America’s shameful pull out of Afghanistan and the overall unwillingness to show resolve or a willingness to stand up to our adversaries – Iran, China, and Russia, certainly does not give Europe the fullest assurance that America would militarily rise to its aid. In addition, if Mr. Trump should assume the Presidency in 2024, one has to wonder if he would continue America’s commitment to its European allies; this question should be asked, because in his first term, he voiced strong cry for NATO leaders to increase their military spending – so as to take on more responsibility in protecting themselves.

Europe is heavily dependent upon the United States for their security. President Macron of France has been calling for Europe to become independent of the United States; here is what he said: “We cannot depend on others to defend us, whether on land, at sea, under the sea, in the air, in space or in cyberspace. In this respect, our European defense must take a new step forward.”

These words of Mr. Macron are part of the embryonic seed that are to eventually take root and set the beginning phase of those things that are to fulfill the soon coming emergence of this Ten nations combine in Europe, and prophecy reveals that Germany is to play an import role in all of this.

Germany Plan to Build up its Military.

If you think this prophecy of Revelation 17:12,13, is not something that will ever come to pass, then consider that Germany has now made a shift to build up its military. In a report by Reuters - dated November 9, 2023 - titled – Germany Pledges to Make its Military the Backbone Defense of Europe, it says, “Germany will strengthen its military to make it the backbone of deterrence and collective defense in Europe, its defense minister pledged on Thursday as Berlin issued new defense policy guidelines for the first time in over a decade.”

The Reuters article went on to quote the German Defense Minister – who said: “As the most populous and an economically strong country at the heart of Europe, Germany must be the backbone of deterrence and collective defense in Europe." He also said, German forces needed to be refocused on their core mission -the credible defense of Germany and its allies - and be "ready to fight a war.”

People who understand World War II, should be wondering where this new direction of Germany will take the world – after all, it was Germany who is responsible for igniting two World Wars, and prophecy has revealed Germany will again have a powerful hand in World War III.

Germany is now intent on building up its military because of the threat Germany sees in the Russian invasion of Ukraine. As Germany embarks on the course of becoming a military powerhouse, other European nations may then start to look to Germany – as one of the leading military powers in Europe – leading these prophesied nations to come together to unite with Germany.

As of now, Germany does not have nuclear weapons, but France – which will be one of these ten kings in this prophecy, does have nuclear weapons, but it is highly probable that Germany will acquire nuclear weapons – as they do have the ability to do so. The United States is reported to have nuclear bombs stored across several facilities in Europe – one of which includes a German base called Buchel in Germany. It has been said that German warplanes could carry these bombs in the event of nuclear war. Think on it: If some of these European countries – which has these bombs stored in their various countries come together to form this union of nations prophesied of in the Bible, then they would become a formidable threat.

Even Poland – which is likely figure in this prophecy, is rising up as a superpower in Europe – building up its military – as it becomes wary of the imperial aims of Russia – by way of its attack upon Ukraine. Poland’s aim is to become militarily strong so as to deter any military aggression by another country and to be able to stand alone – if necessary. With this in mind, can you begin to see how these ten prophesied nations will become an economic and military powerhouse when they all come together under one leader?

What is Prophesied to Occur in Our Time

We are on the threshold of seeing bible prophecy unfold or come to pass before our very eyes - giving testimony to the reality or existence of the SUPREME God and creator of all things – who has the power to declare the end from the beginning; and those people of our generation that are now alive, are most likely to see the occurrence of world-shaking events that have been prophesied to happen.

When these Ten Nations comes together out of Europe, it will be guided by religion and politics; this unified power -guided and influenced by the Papal power, will see itself as the defender or protector of the Christian faith and it will enforce its religious beliefs upon the Western world; it will be so passionate in its religious influence, that this power (even though oil will also play a role) is prophesied to enter the Middle East and will set up its capital or palace in Jerusalem and also making it the place of its religious headquarters; Zechariah 14:2 says the city (of Jerusalem) would be taken.

When this power enters the Middle East, it will actually overthrow many countries in that region (Daniel 11:41.

Notice what the Bible says will happen when this European power enters the Middle East: “He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries, and the land of Egypt shall not escape …. But tidings out of east and out of the north (meaning Russia and China; they are to the north and east of Palestine) shall trouble him: therefore, he shall go forth with great fury to destroy …” (Daniel:11:44).

This beast power is going to launch a pre-emptive strike against Russia and China; this strike or attack is described in Revelation 9 as the first woe or time of great warfare, John could only describe our modern - day equipment for warfare – as he described helicopters as locust discharging or firing weapons from their tails (verse 3).

Revelation 9:5 also says: “And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented …” This is an indication that biological – chemical weapons are going to be launched on a massive level and people are going to suffer the pain and torment of its effect that people will seek death or wanting to die, but will not find immediate death – even as it says in Verse 6)

Verse 13-18 of Revelation 9 shows that as the sixth angels sounded, the second woe follows – revealing that Russia and China will respond by having amassed a Eurasian army numbering “two hundred thousand thousand” (200 million; verse 6). This would be the greatest army to have ever been assembled, and this army is going to slay or kill “a third of men” (verse 15).

The counter strike of Russia and China against the beast power is described in quite a few places in the Bible; God describes or calls this beast power system Babylon, and the fall of this political - religious system is spoken of in Jeremiah 50:9 – saying: “For, lo, I will raise and cause to come up against Babylon an assembly of great nations from the north country; and they shall set themselves in array against her; from thence she shall be taken …” Russia, China and the other Asiatic countries will be aligned together as these two super power will unleash nuclear destruction upon Germany and all the nations who formed this prophesied alliance with her; and as a result Europe is to lay in devastation and or ruins after this dreadful strike.

But do you think men are willing to stop there? No, they Are not- because prophecy reveals that after all this devastation and death, these powers will seek to engage in ahead to head confrontation in the Middle East – leading to what is commonly known as the Battle of Armageddon. This final battle is spoken of in Revelation 16:14 – showing the Eurasian army – will enter the Middle East and the beast power will be poised to attack the forces of Russia and China, but at that moment, they will notice the oncoming appearance of Christ coming to take over the governments of this world, and these rebellious nations will join together to attack Jesus Christ – possibly thinking the earth is being invaded by aliens and they must defend it; Revelation 17:14 says, “these shall make war with the lamb …” But Jesus Christ is going to quickly destroy their armies – after which HE will then set up his headquarters or ruling Government in Jerusalem - and along with his saints, God’s righteous rule over mankind will begin and at last, humanity will finally be on the road to lasting peace and happiness.

As of now the United States is in a downward spiral -facing many Geopolitical challenges. Even our own borders are being over- run by illegal immigrants – some of which could be terrorists coming to the United States to do us harm. It has been reported that about 5000 illegal immigrants are being released into the USA on a daily basis; also, fentanyl keeps coming from China and is killing about 300 Americans every day. China has been infiltrating the United States by setting up Confucious schools in the country; Chinese nationals are also coming across our border – mixed in with other illegal immigrants; The New York Times Reported that a growing number of Chinese nationals are crossing the Southern border and more than 24000 has been apprehended. In New York and other places, the Chinese have set up their own police station whose main objectives is to spy on dissidents and others, and they are buying up our farmland which are near our military bases. We should stop and ask ourselves, what madness is this, and what kind of leadership we have in this country that allows these things to happen?

We are a nation in trouble; God has prophesied that strangers would eat up the land (Deut. 28:33). We are falling apart as a nation because we have turned our backs on God; we are paying a terrible price for the wrong way we are living, and it is going to get worse as we are going to be first destroyed from within – which will lead to the destruction of our cities in nuclear warfare. There is a prophecy in Ezekiel 7:14 which says that they blow the trumpet (which signify the alarm of war), but no one goes to the battle. This could mean we have become so demoralized and weak as a nation that we lack the will to fight or to aggressively respond when we are being attacked.

We are living in frightening times and people are unsuspecting or unaware of what God says is coming; Jesus described these things as being like a snare that will come upon the world (Luke 21:35). A snare is like a trap that catches people off guard, and this world is going to be caught like a rat in a trap -as these things SUDDENLY come upon an unsuspecting world; They will be caught unawares because they have ignored God’s truth – living in the ways of this world – setting their hearts and concern only on the acquisition of material things, and on the temporary pleasures of this life. Jesus said, “Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things …” (Luke 21:36). Are you willing to heed the words of Christ and to understand what God says is going to happen or will you just laugh and scoff – even as the people did in the time of Noah? May God help us to discern the times we are in living in and to be able to escape the soon coming World War III and Great Tribulation - as this is going to impact your life and the life of those you love and cherish.

Please be sure to go here

I am an old man who has long realized that professing Christianity - with all it Mega-Churches and various denominations do not at all proclaim the true teachings of the Bible; and so, I write these articles for those with an open mind, who, may possibly, be willing to see the truth.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Rock Almighty Weekend On The Rocks With Guardian What does it mean when God says you are washed?


What does it mean when God says you are washed?

  • Author James Rondinone


You Are Washed

Have you ever been deceived (mislead by false appearance or statement106)?Countless commercials are broadcast on TV or social media telling us that such and such product is the best ever. That you can’t live without it.

And then we’re continually bombarded with broadcasts that ask for money for whatever cause. Whether the money will be used for what they say it’s intended, we’ll never know. How many of us have believed a lie without knowing that we have? I’ll admit to it.

Well, here’s an amazing story about deception that you won’t believe could actually happen, but it did.


Chatroom flirtation leads to [a] deadly relationship.

[Aug. 27, 2011 & #151]; -- The Internet is known as a breeding ground for illicit affairs between [people,] often hiding behind fake names and handles. But most such virtual relationships aren't dangerous as this -- when “Talhotblond” and “MarineSniper” struck up a relationship online, it ended in murder.

MarineSniper was [46 years old,] Thomas Montgomery, a married father of two. In [May] 2005, posing as a young, handsome Iraq-bound Marine, he entered a teen chat room [of] the popular game site “Pogo.” When 18-year-old Talhotblond started [instant messaging him, he decided to pretend he was 18, too.] “I kept thinking, well, we’re never going to meet. ... I’ll just play the game with her,” he said. Before long, the flirtation became a romance.

Talhotblond’s instant messages revealed that her real name was Jessi, a softball-playing high school senior from West Virginia. She sent Montgomery photos that lived up to her screen name ... and then some. “There were some ... very provocative poses,” he said. In return, Jessi wanted to see what he looked like [too,] so he sent her his photo from Marine boot camp. The picture was 30 years out of date. Montgomery’s screen name, Marinesniper, was a nostalgic harkening back to the six years he spent in the military as a young man. He has hinted darkly of covert ops and dark deeds best unmentioned, but U.S. Marine records obtained by “20/20” show that although he qualified as a sharpshooter, he never trained as a sniper or saw action.

But for Jessi, he invented a younger, stronger, more virile version of [himself] called [Tommy.] “He was my height, 6 feet tall, had bright red hair,” said Montgomery, “big shoulders, muscles and all that.” Instant messages recovered from his computer show that the online relationship began to consume Montgomery. He told “20/20” that this relationship “became more real to me than real life.” The feeling seemed to be mutual. Jessi and “Tommy” exchanged gifts, phone [calls,] and love letters. “I love you always and forever, Tommy,” wrote Jessi. “[I’ve] never felt this way,” Montgomery responded.

[“The relationship had become more than flirtatious,”] Montgomery said. “There was virtual sex going on in there between her and Tommy,” he said. While Montgomery said the virtual sex made him “feel kind of dirty,” he was in too deep to sever ties with her. “If I was smart, I would’ve just ended it, but it was like a, a drug that I needed every day,” he said. Montgomery seemed to be losing touch with reality. He wrote a note to himself: “On January 2, 2006 Tom Montgomery (46 years old) ceases to exist and is replaced by [an 18-year-old battle-scarred marine ... He’s] moving to West Virginia to be with the love of his life.”

Online Fantasy World Crashes

Fate finally took a hand. In March 2006, Montgomery told “20/20” one of his daughters was using his computer when Jessi happened to instant message him. Montgomery's wife, alerted by her daughter, found a trove of love letters, [photos,] and mementos from Jessi, including a pair of red panties. She sent Jessi a photo of her family and a letter.

“Let me introduce you to these people,” she wrote. “The man in the center is Tom, my husband since 1989. ... He is 46 years old.” Montgomery said Jessi was [horrified] and broke off the relationship immediately. “She sends me a text message and [says] she hates me ... you should be put in jail for this,” he told “20/20.” But Jessi also e-mailed one of Montgomery’s co-workers, a 22-year-old, [good-looking], part-time machinist and college student named Brian Barrett, to see if it was really true.

Brian’s screen name is [“Beefcake,”] and as he consoled Jessi online, she seemed to find a better fit with him -- and perhaps a way to strike back at the combat Marine who wasn’t. Before long, Jessi was sending Brian her [photos, and the two had become a cyber item]. Marinesniper became consumed with jealousy -- and he wasn’t about to take it lying down.

“Brian will pay in blood,” Montgomery instant messaged Jessi at one point. His messages became increasingly [violent] as he was forced to watch their romance blossom in the same chat rooms he used to frequent with Jessi. “He was enraged,” said former prosecutor Ken Case. “I mean, it oftentimes shocked me when I saw the names that he would call her.”

Jessi and Berrett took to the Internet to make sure everyone knew Montgomery (who recently had a birthday) was a liar. “They were then going into these chat [rooms] and letting people know that he was actually 47 years old,” said Case. “They almost made him out to be a pedophile.” But the IMs that came from Talhotblond showed her to be torn --- mad one instant, desperate to return to a love with a man who she knew didn’t exist ... teasing him.

She [continued talking] to Montgomery online:

Talhotblond: i ache to be with tommy

Talhotblond: do you miss it tom

Marinesniper: more then u will ever know

Marinesniper: my heart aches to hear you call me your tommie

Marinesniper: i wish i could be that 19 yr old marine for u

Talhotblond: i know tom

Talhotblond Rekindles Cyberaffair

Jessi took up with Montgomery again. “In his mind, this was the jackpot,” said Barbara Schroeder, who documented the bizarre relationship in a documentary called [Talhotblond.] “He was being accepted for being 47, and he still had this hot young girl who wanted him.” Montgomery knew he was in way over his head, but he couldn’t bring himself to end things with her.

“It was like a drug. I was addicted to it,” he said. “I [couldn’t just] end it.” At one point, when his wife actually told him to get off the computer and talk to her, Montgomery couldn’t. “I just told her I’ll get off when I’m done,” he recalled. Montgomery says nothing sexual happened between them after Talhotblond found out how old he was, but their IMs tell a different story:

Marinesniper: wish you were nude

Talhotblond: what would ya do?

Marinesniper: stare

Talhotblond: that all

Marinesniper: nope

Marinesniper: u might get the magic

Talhotblond: mmmmm

Talhotblond: make love to me tommy

But it didn’t last. Jessi told Montgomery they were [through] and seemed to take up with Barrett again. Montgomery began to go into a downward spiral. “The obsession turns into jealousy, and then the jealousy turns into betrayal and revenge,” said District Attorney Frank Sedita. “You really start to [get a] sense of this person going into an abyss. And it’s kind of frightening.”

And then... the tipping point. Barrett said he was going to meet Talhotblond -- in person. “He actually drove down to, I [think, North Carolina,” said prosecutor] Case. “And on his way back, he was saying, ‘I’m going right past your house. I’d love to get [together.’”] Jessi texted him at the last minute not to visit, but Montgomery, who had learned of the plan to meet, was incensed.

On Sept. 15, 2006, as Barrett left work, three shots rang out. Brian Barrett was found dead in the parking lot where he worked, shot three times by a military rifle. Police quickly learned of the Internet love triangle from co-workers. And when they couldn’t find Thomas Montgomery, they feared they knew just where he was headed. “At three in the morning,” Capt. Ron Kenyon told [“20/20,” our] first concern was talking to Jessi and making sure she was still alive. But when police arrived at her home, they were in for another surprise: A woman named Mary Shieler opened the door.

Talhotblond’s Shocking Secret

As police questioned her, she revealed a shocking truth: She was the one who had been sending messages to Montgomery and Barrett under the handle Talhotblond. The pictures she sent Montgomery were actually those of her daughter, the real Jessi, who had no knowledge of her mother’s cyberlife.

Montgomery was charged and later [pleaded] guilty to the murder of Brian Barrett. In exchange for his plea, he received a 20-year sentence. Prosecutors said their discovery of Montgomery’s DNA on a peach pit found at the crime scene and a photo of [the] Montgomery family’s gun cabinet -- which showed the type of old military rifle that police believe was used to shoot Barrett -- were key to their case against Montgomery.

Prosecutors in Buffalo, meanwhile, looked for a way to charge Mary Shieler for something -- anything -- in the case but concluded she may have [trampled] all over the moral and ethical [line] but never crossed the legal one. “Shame on her -- she not only didn’t do anything about it, I think she provoked it,” said Ken Case. “[Unfortunately,] in New York State, you have to do a little something more to be criminally liable.”

Mary Shieler didn’t come away unscathed. Her husband divorced her over her [deception,] and her daughter Jessi cut [ties,] too, moving in with relatives in Virginia, where she was attending college. Mary Shieler also pursued an education -- she took classes at a community college in West Virginia. She has spoken publicly about the deadly love triangle just once, to the BBC. “It was stupid. It should have never happened. I just never thought it would go anywhere,” she said. “That it would end, fall [off,] and that would be the end of it.”107

After reading this article, it’s difficult to believe that so many people weren’t only deceived but willing to throw away everything to fulfill a fantasy. In the Christian life, we too, have to be extremely careful. There will be false teachers who’ll try to convince us that certain behaviors are approved by God. Let’s see what the Apostle Paul has to say about this. Please turn in your Bibles to the book of 1 Corinthians.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

There were a couple of things that the Apostle Paul addressed in 1 Corinthians chapter 6. One of them was whether a believer should take another believer to court before unbelievers (1 Corinthians 6:1-8). The second had to do with salvation and egregious sins. He began by making a straightforward statement. The unrighteous (those who aren’t children of God) shall not inherit (take possession of; not enter into) the kingdom of God (the spiritual kingdom).

And then, he followed this up with a statement that appears to cause much confusion in church circles. What he seemed to be saying was, if someone habitually commits any one of these sins, they’ll not enter into the kingdom of God. The sins, he discloses, that would inhibit their entrance are as follows.

●Fornicators - those who have sex outside of marriage

●Idolators - anyone who worships an image of a deity

●Adulterers - sex with someone who’s not your husband or wife

●Effeminate - those who make self-indulgence the grand object of life

●Abusers of themselves with mankind – “the passive and active partners... in male homosexual relation” (Barrett)108

●Thieves - those who [take advantage] of their brethren by any kind of fraud or secret artifice [trick]109

●Covetous - eager for gain; greedy

●Drunkards – those who are habitually drunk

●Revilers - gossipers and slanderers

●Extortioners - those that violently seize on another’s wealth110

Some commentators and fellow believers with whom I’ve had discussions about such matters have suggested that if a Christian is continually sinning in any of these areas, then they’ll lose their salvation, or it’s surmised they were never saved in the first place. I think that the key to interpreting this verse is by looking at the words at the beginning, which are, be not deceived. The verb deceived can also mean to be misled, i.e., to lead into [the] error of conduct, thought, or judgment.111

It’s true then, as it is now. How many people don’t consider some of these actions as sins? The unrighteous (the unsaved) hopefully had the gospel presented to them but chose not to repent (to change their views, designs, and practices112). That disqualified them from being allowed to enter the kingdom of God. But some take this a step further to mean that if you, a believer, likewise choose to practice these sins regularly, then you’ll also not be allowed to enter in. Do you agree with this perception? The key again in interpreting these passages is be not deceived.

The apostle concludes by saying, And such were some of you, i.e., some of you had continually or repeatedly committed some of these sinful actions before you were saved. But at a point in time, at salvation, you repented and believed in Christ, and subsequently, it’s a statement of fact that you are washed, or rather you had yourself washed by the Holy Spirit. The word washed means to be made pure. By the agency of the [Spirit,] the defilement of these pollutions had been washed away or removed.113 Another meaning for washed is that it’s the setting apart of one as consecrated [dedicated to the service or worship of a deity114] by the Spirit in the eternal purpose of God.115

With that said, keep in mind the phrase be not deceived. What seems to be going on here is the Apostle Paul was contrasting salvation to unbelievers and sanctification with believers. On the one hand, he emphasized certain sins because they were considered acceptable according to societal standards. However, when someone gets saved, they become washed. Does this infer that they couldn’t go back and commit any of these sins again? No, it doesn’t. But this doesn’t change the fact that they’re washed.

Do you know that there’s no such thing as a lying or fornicating or gay Christian, etc., but there’s such a thing as a Christian who lies, commits fornication, engages in homosexual acts, etc.? Huh? Who you are, including your new identity in Christ, isn’t impacted by carrying out certain transgressions. However, there’s no question that your walk with God will be affected.

So, don’t continue to regard or think of your spiritual integrity according to your engagement in a certain sin or sins because God doesn’t. Confess them and apply God’s prescription concerning it, i.e., His Word. And remind yourself daily, I’m washed, I’m pure and I’m set apart as someone committed by the Holy Spirit to devotion in the plan of God. Amen.

One of the most misunderstood blessings you’ve inherited is what we’ll look at next. Any idea what this might pertain to regarding your new life in Christ?


107Jim Avila, Geoff Martz and Joanne Napolitano. “ONLINE LOVE TRIANGLE, DECEPTION END IN MURDER,” abc NEWS 27 November 2022


108UBS New Testament.

109Calvin’s Commentaries.

110Calvin’s Commentaries.

111Adam Clarke’s Commentary.

112Adam Clarke’s Commentary.

113Barnes' Notes.

115Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown Commentary.

My name is James Rondinone. I am a husband, father, and spiritual leader.

I grew up in Massachusetts and began my own spiritual journey early on in life.

I attended Bible college, having completed a two-year Christian Leadership Course of Study and graduated as valedictorian (Summa Cum Laude).

Studying and teaching the Word of God has been a passion of mine for over 20 years.

Friday, July 26, 2024

The Rock Almighty Your Super Powers Revealed & Is It True That God Has Made Me Like This?

Is It True That God Has Made Me Like This?

  • Author James Rondinone

PART 8 TESTIMONY                                                                

God Made Me Like This

As I was working on this study, I took a break and turned on my favorite morning news station. The panel had a guest who claimed to be a Christian and disclosed that he was married to someone of the same gender. He went on to say something like, if anyone has an issue with this, then go to God because He made me like this. This resonated with me in the sense that this statement sounded right, and I’m sure those that listened to it agreed, but I have learned over the years that Scripture should give us the answers to any question or comment that has any connection to do with God. So, let’s see if what was said is indeed supported by God’s Word.

Many of us are familiar with the Genesis story of Adam and Eve. Let’s begin by going to this book.

Genesis 2:7

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

God made Adam’s body from the dust of the ground. I wouldn’t even begin to try to figure that out. And then it says He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and he became a living soul. The word breath refers to the breath that causes man to live, or in other words, it was the breath from God that caused Adam to live or become a living soul (a living creature).


But there is something else that God did to man when He made him.

Do you know what this was?

Genesis 1:26a

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:…        

He made man after His image and likeness. The word image conveys to us the nature of Adam’s soul in that it was not corrupt, and as to its moral disposition, it could be otherwise called original righteousness. The soul of Adam was created in the moral image of God, in knowledge, righteousness, and true holiness.99

Genesis 3:8a And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day:

After Eve was made from Adam’s rib, we are told that both of them were placed in a geographical location called the Garden of Eden, where Scripture suggests they communicated with God and subsequently shared in His wisdom, love, truth, etc. Along with this, we are also told that they were made in the likeness of God. This word likeness refers back to the word image and describes it as being a resemblance in any quality, internal or external. So, as Adam and Eve responded to God’s communication inwardly, they revealed His characteristics outwardly in their bodies.

Are there any other verses that give us more insight into man’s nature at the time when he was first created?

Yes, there is. Further information is found in the book of Ecclesiastes.

Ecclesiastes 7:29

Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.

This verse tells us that God, as the creator of human life, made man upright. The word upright means that he was possessed of [the] ability to choose and follow what was just and right.100 How did Adam know what was just and right? He knew what was just and right because he communicated with the one God who was, is, and always will be just and right in the Garden of Eden.


Did man remain upright, or in other words, did he remain made in God’s image?

To answer this, we must go back to the sad story that took place after Adam and Eve were placed in the Garden of Eden, which tells us that both of them were instructed not to eat from one particular tree in the Garden called the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. What we have come to learn is that an angel, who we now know was the Devil, was also on the earth at this time in the exact geographical location with the purpose of causing one or both of them to disobey God’s command. Through his cunning, he deceived Eve into eating from this tree. She, in turn, convinced her husband also to eat from it.

As a result of their disobedience, there was one major impact that would affect all of their descendants. Do you know what this was?

Romans 5:12

Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:

By one man, Adam, sin (human depravity) entered into the world. In other words, every human being born after that fateful decision would have a fallen nature passed onto them. Therefore, the uncorrupt moral disposition that characterized Adam and Eve’s original nature became corrupted with a nature that sins.

Genesis 5:3 And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth:

And thus, mankind was no longer made in God’s image but after the image of Adam, which is a morally depraved image. While his son would be born with the likeness (outward features) of his father and mother, his soul would be subject to moral disorder. And subsequently, a person’s sinful character would be formed and described in the following manner according to Webster’s dictionary. The peculiar qualities, impressed by nature or habit on a person, which distinguish him from others; these constitute real character, and the qualities which he is supposed to [possess] constitute his estimated [character] or reputation. [Hence,] we say, a character is not [formed] when the person has not acquired stable and distinctive qualities.101

However, some may argue that every human being is still made in the image of God at birth. Is this true? Please go to the book of Colossians, and we’ll find out.

Colossians 3:10

And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him:

The words of him that created him are to be taken as an analogy of the spiritual man or born-again Christian to Adam in the Garden of Eden before the fall. As Adam was created in God’s image so the new man, the new creation, the Christian at the new birth, was recreated in God’s image. 

So, to say that God initially created mankind in body and soul after His image and likeness is correct. To say that the nature that I now possess, along with its propensities and inclinations, is from God is incorrect. Therefore, the insinuation by the person running for political office that God made him gay is unscriptural. However, what we can say is true in this sense is that the whole universe of things was made by Christ. And all created beings are without independent existence apart from God.

Some insinuate that there are other verses that support the conjecture that God made them in whatever way their actions indicate. Let’s begin by going to the book of Psalms.

Psalms 100:3

Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.

This verse talks about the Jews who Know (to know by experience) that the Lord (Yahweh) he is (the one true) God. We are then told that Yahweh made them and not they themselves. This means that "Jehovah constituted us as a nation, His chosen people,"102, and not we ourselves (how altogether of God's grace, not of our working even in part103).

As we can clearly see, these verses do not pertain to Yahweh, making each of those who are members of the Jewish nation in a certain actionable way. The next verse that we will look at tells us that God created a nation of people whom He would mold into a certain form.

Isaiah 43:1

But now thus saith the Lord that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine.

The book of Isaiah embraces all that was seen during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and [Hezekiah,] that is, during the whole prophetic life of the prophet.104 This includes the whole collection of prophecies delivered in the course of his ministry.105 In this instance, he is communicating the thoughts of the Lord to the children of Israel who are currently under captivity to Babylon.

They are reminded by God that He created (brought them into existence) and formed (to mold into a form) them. In order to mold someone into a certain form, they would need to believe in the one who desires for changes to take place in their life and subsequently obey his instructions as delineated in the Mosaic Law.

The psalmist also assured them that they had nothing to fear. Their God will see to it that they will be redeemed (ransomed by means of a price) from their captivity and restored again to their homeland. The price will be the destruction of Babylon in the place of the ransomed captives.

Those who claim that God made them a certain way believe that their perspective is supported by the verses found in Psalms 139.

Psalms 139:13-14

For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

This psalm has been attributed to King David. However, there are certain aspects that appear to indicate that it was written by someone else either during the Babylonian Captivity or after it ended. "In the first twelve verses of this [psalm] the author celebrates God's perfect knowledge of man's thoughts and actions; and the reason of this wonderful knowledge, namely, that God is the Maker of man.106 Now, let’s take a look at these verses.

This person goes on to say that God hast possessed (owned; created) my reins (kidneys; the whole body; conscience; personality; inward parts). There it is. What meaning should be used when talking about this persons’ reins? I would say that it depends on the context or what do the other verses that accompany it talk about.

He goes on to say that God has covered (woven) him in his mother’s womb. The word woven means that God had put his parts together, as one who weaves cloth or who makes a basket.107 With this additional insight, we could suggest that the word reins refer to either the whole body and/or the inward parts.

However, he that said God made him in a particular way would say that God has possessed (created) his reins (his personality).

This appears to be a possible conclusion, but unfortunately, it doesn’t take into account certain things. One of which is that the person who wrote this psalm was not only Jewish but someone who believed in Yahweh as He revealed Himself to him as his ancestor Abraham.

Romans 4:1-3 What shall we say then that Abraham our father, as pertaining to the flesh, hath found? For if Abraham were justified by works, he hath whereof to glory; but not before God. For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.

Abraham, as to what he achieved by his flesh (circumcision), was found not to be justified (declared righteous; accepted as righteous) by his works (his own efforts). However, because he believed God (of trust in and acceptance of God's blessings108; of his unwavering assurance that what God had promised he would perform109, i.e., that he would be a father of many nations; that his posterity should be like the stars of heaven110, and that unto him and his descendants would be given land for an inheritance), it was counted unto him (put to his account; credited to his account) righteousness (to regard and treat him in connection with this as a righteous man; as one who was admitted to the favor and friendship of God110; a seal of righteousness was put on him).

Abraham, at one time, was an unbeliever whose sin nature characterized his thinking, speaking, and actions. And at some point in time, he believed in what God declared to him and subsequently in Him as the one true God. This caused him to become a new person, one who had become a friend of His. So, with these thoughts in mind, we could say that the Lord possessed (owned; created) his reins (his personality).

What this suggests is that the psalmist’s personality was owned and thus created by Yahweh through cultivation and development by means of many areas such as obedience in following the godly instructions given by Israel’s leaders along with adherence to the tenets of the Mosaic Law. This tells us that the psalmist’s new personality was formed by the appropriation of divinely instituted principles.

We could conclude that at birth, sin or the sin nature is passed on. However, when someone believes in Yahweh in the Old Testament or repents to God the Father and believes in His Son in the New Testament, they become a new person whose new personality is developed as they appropriate God’s perspective for spiritual growth.

Now that we know what sexual practices are condoned by God and which ones are not, along with the fact that all of us have a sin nature that has inclinations and passions in many areas, especially in the sexual realm, which is the result of the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, we have a significant question before us. How do we as Christians learn how to no longer be in subjection to the cravings and desires of our flesh? We’ll find this out in the next chapter.



99Adam Clarke's Commentary.

100 The Pulpit Commentary.

101American Dictionary of the English Language. 6 October 2021 .

102 Bible Exposition Commentary/Old Testament, 2004. BIBLESOFT. WEB. 2 October 2021

103 Jamieson, Faucet, and Brown Commentary Pc Study Bible version 5, 2005. BIBLESOFT.

WEB. 2 October 2021


105Adam Clarke’s Commentary Pc Study Bible version 5, 2004. BIBLESOFT. WEB. 3 October 2021

106Adam Clarke's Commentary.


108Weust’s Word Studies from the Greek New Testament.






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Sunday & Thursday Worship - Domingo & Jueves 7:00PM                   

My name is James Rondinone. I am a husband, father, and spiritual leader.

I grew up in Massachusetts and began my own spiritual journey early on in life.

I attended Bible college, having completed a two-year Christian Leadership Course of Study and graduated as valedictorian (Summa Cum Laude).

Studying and teaching the Word of God has been a passion of mine for over 20 years.