Monday, January 29, 2024

The Rock Almighty Shaker Of Heaven And Earth. Come Join The Feast


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As a follower of Christ, you are invited to join the greatest party in the universe!

Feasting As Worship
From Intouch Ministries
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Gathering to celebrate God’s goodness honors Him and blesses us.
Leviticus 23:4-8
When the Israelites entered the Promised Land after years of wandering in the desert, God issued a strange command: Feast.

Music video credit:
HolyName - Fall On Your Knees (feat. Brian Head Welch & Brook Reeves)
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The Rock Almighty
Part of the US Sports Network

Sunday, January 28, 2024

US Sports Partner Spotlight: Concealed Carry's Complete Home Defense


This is an online video course that will provide you with the skills, knowledge, and tactics to prepare for and win a fight inside your own home. In total, this video training program runs over 8 hours long and is designed to comprehensively touch on every factor relating to strong home defense. The Course is Broken Into 3 Unique DVDs (or online streaming modules) Learn more now.....

Sunday Devotional: Please Be Patient With Me.......

In Touch Ministries


Works in Progress

God patiently guides drifting believers back into His will.

January 28, 2024

Isaiah 64:8-9

In a studio, the potter has complete power over the clay. The same is true of God: As our Creator, He can do with us whatever He chooses. That might sound scary, but remember that God’s sovereignty cannot be separated from His other attributes.

While the Lord is sovereign, He is also loving, gracious, and thorough—and that influences how He shapes us. Just as a potter works the clay with patience, God forms our Christlike character slowly—one experience at a time. He knows that spiritual maturity can’t be rushed.

And just as clay can slip from the middle of the wheel, we too might find ourselves off-center from time to time—whether due to an old wound, a new hardship, a recurring habit, or something else. However, we don’t have to worry. In His grace, God always maneuvers the drifting believer back into position and begins remolding. He never discards His vessels but patiently works to mold them.

Our Father is a personal Potter. His creations reflect Him, and His Spirit is poured into each believing vessel so He can be an intimate part of our life. The result is a work of true beauty—a saint dearly loved by the Lord.

Bible in One Year: Exodus 36-38

Thursday, January 25, 2024

The Rock Almighty Shaker Of Heaven And Earth. The God Of Second Chances

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God wants to take you away from habitual sin. All it takes is trust.

The Gift of Second Chances
From Intouch Ministries
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God’s desire to forgive and restore is always greater than our capacity to fail.
John 21:15-17
Before we discuss today’s verses, let’s look at one other passage. Take the time to read Matthew 26:69-75 and consider Peter’s emotions in that moment. The more people asked about his relationship to Jesus, the more emphatic his denials became. At first he said, “I do not know what you are talking about” (v. 70). Then he denied Jesus with an oath, and finally “began to curse and swear” (vv. 72-74).

Music video credit:
Rachel Rachel - You'll Never Know
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The Rock Almighty
Part Of The US Sports Network

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

The Rock Almighty Shaker Of Heaven And Earth. Our Most Potent Weapon

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There is a reason Jesus conveyed that acts of love are one of the most powerful things we can do as humans on Earth.

The Power of Love
From Intouch Ministries
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We can show others the heart of God by caring for them as He does.
Luke 15:11-32
In today’s well-known passage, Jesus tells a parable about a man with two sons. The younger son made an untimely request for his share of the inheritance and then left for a faraway place. After spending all he had, the young man decided to return home and beg for his father’s forgiveness. When he was still a long way off, his father ran to welcome him—no apologies necessary.

Music video credit:
Galactic Cowboys - 9th Of June
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Galactic Cowboys - Topic

The Rock Almighty
Part Of the US Sports Network

Monday, January 22, 2024

The Rock Almighty Shaker Of Heaven And Earth. By Yourself But Never Alone


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As believers we have Jesus living within us. So loneliness have a powerful enemy.

When Loneliness Overwhelms
From Intouch Ministries
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What should you do when you feel alone?
Hebrews 13:5-8
Solitude can be nice—relaxing, even—especially after a busy day or a long shift at work. Spending time alone can leave you feeling recharged and rested. But loneliness is different.

Music video credit:
Giant - Without You
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Giant - Topic

The Rock Almighty
Part of the US Sports Network

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Fearless With Jason Whitlock Highlight: Corey Holcomb SHOCKS Jason Whitlock

BlazeTV: Pro-America


Comedian Corey Holcomb and Jason Whitlock have a past. That's why Whitlock was completely shocked at the funny man’s reaction to his feud with ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith.
Get Fearless and more on Blaze TV

Cool Sports & Talk. US Sports Radio

Sunday Devotional: Down Goes Fear, Down Goes Fear!

In Touch Ministries


No Fear in Love

The perfect love of God compels us to courageously love others.

January 21, 2024

1 John 4:7-21

If you’ve ever enlisted in the military, joined a rescue team, or even given birth to a baby, you know people don’t take on dangerous tasks because they falsely believe the mission is safe. No, we agree to face potential peril because someone or something we love dearly is worth taking any risk.

This can help us understand why God so often tells His followers not to be afraid and then gives encouragement to boldly move forward in obedience, courage, and trust. While fear may spur us to action, love is a more powerful motivator. We will do out of love what we would never do out of fear.

So divine love compels us. God—who created this world, who took on flesh to walk among us and redeem us, who died to save us—has given us perfect love. And we demonstrate this love from God by loving each other. Even when we are afraid.

What a mission God has given us—to both receive His perfect love and demonstrate it to each other. In the process of carrying out that mission, we will find that where love abounds, there’s no room left for our fears.

Bible in One Year: Exodus 16-18

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Crain & Company Highlight On US Sports: Is Bill O'Brien the Right Hire for Ohio State?


Ryan Day has brought in Bill O'Brien to be Ohio State's offensive coordinator. We break down whether or not this was the right move for the Buckeyes.
Want more? Check out DailyWire+ here:

Cool Sports & Talk
US Sports Radio

The Rock Almighty Saturday On The Rocks With Kings' X


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I pray you are enjoying the winter wonderland in most of the world right now. Let Kings' X warm you up this weekend with their unique style of spirit-led rock! (Warning: there is a spattering of profane language in today's video. Parental discretion is advised. )

Do Not Be Afraid
From Intouch Ministries
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Our loving, faithful, and powerful God will never leave us, so we need not succumb to fear.
Isaiah 41:9-10
Throughout the Bible, God’s messengers and prophets tell His people to resist fear. Phrases like “Do not be afraid!” and “Don’t be anxious or worried!” abound. It’s enough to make us think perhaps the world is the safe and comfortable place we’re always dreaming it could be. With all these commandments not to be afraid—often backed up with the promise that God is with us—we might start to feel invincible.

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Eileen Swint

The Rock Almighty
Part of the US Sports Network

Friday, January 19, 2024

Dr. John Campbell On US Sports Net Featuring: Chronic inflammation and cancer

With Professor Angus Dalgleish, physician, oncologist, medical researcher, medical author. In this video Professor Dalgleish identifies that chronic inflammation may have many causes, but is a common pathway in the causation of many forms of cancer.
Get Dr. Dalgleish's books

Cool Sports & Talk
US Sports Radio

US Sports Partner Spotlight: BodyRock!


There is new research on why weight loss is so difficult to achieve for women over 35.
The Internet is filled with quick fixes to lose weight and you’ve probably tried many of them just to feel hopeless because none of them actually work.
While your social media feeds convince you that all your friends are living a happy and glorious life not struggling with anything, but in reality there is something deeper going on in private.
Your love handles don’t seem to be going away anytime soon… No matter what you do.
You need more energy during the day because life is so busy for you.
Well, we’ve got some answers for you.
Simply watch this groundbreaking video on a new 15 minute app that can help you lose weight and have more energy throughout the day.
Join over 10,000 people who have already used this unique app and have dropped 10 pounds or more fast.

US Sports affiliate partner

The Rock Almighty Shaker Of Heaven And Earth. Be Like Jesus. Merciful And Full Of Grace.


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God, through the sacrifice of Jesus, wants to give every human on Earth the opportunity of salvation. Even those you may not like.

Infinite Forgiveness
From Intouch Ministries
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Relationships work well when we become channels of God’s mercy and grace.
Matthew 18:15-22
Some people say the most difficult part of any job is not the task itself or the challenge involved but getting along with coworkers. Are you surprised? Getting along with other humans is where things likely fall apart. So, after Jesus drives home God’s intention that not even one of His little ones should perish, the immediate takeaway He gives the disciples is conflict management advice.

Music video credit:
White Heart - Invitation
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Real 80s CCM

The Rock Almighty
Part Of the US Sports Network

Thursday, January 18, 2024

The Rock Almighty Shaker Of Heaven And Earth. Great Things In Small Packages

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"Choose life" is not just an anti-abortion slogan, it is one of the main directions of the gospel itself.

These Little Ones
From Intouch Ministries. Get daily devotions with the app:
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Every life is precious in God’s sight—and should be in our sight as well.
Matthew 18:10-14
“What do you think?” Jesus asks His disciples in Matthew 18. “If any man has a hundred sheep, and one of them goes astray, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains, and go and search for the one that is lost?” (v. 12).

Music video credit:
Holy Soldier - Tear Down The Walls
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The Rock Almighty
Part Of the US Sports Network

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Dr. John Campbell Highlight on US Sports: Child excess deaths, 8%


This is a very important debate and I will try to make my speech as short as possible. I congratulate the hon. Member for North West Leicestershire on raising this issue and on his determination to highlight the challenges that we are facing. On the one hand, we might have expected that the pandemic would shorten the lives of a number of our more frail citizens and thus have expected a fall in deaths post-pandemic, and we saw that. The ONS reported roughly 608,000 deaths in England and Wales in 2020, 586,000 in 2021, and 577,000 in 2022—that was higher than 2019 when there were about 531,000 deaths, so that does warrant further inspection. We expect a fluctuation year on year, and we also expect....
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The Rock Almighty Shaker Of Heaven And Earth. The Greatest Of All Time!


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True greatness is the fruit of genuine humility.

Who Is Greatest?
From Intouch Ministries
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Christ’s followers find purpose and joy when they trade their earthly mindset for an eternal one.
Matthew 18:1-6
If you’ve spent time around little children, you can attest to the innate human desire to be best, fastest, strongest. “Watch me run! I’m the fastest in the world!” sounds adorable coming from a little boy—but those same words from a grown man would be unsettling. For better or worse, most of us learn to hide our hubris from the world.

Music video credit:
Angelica - Only A Man
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Real 80s CCM

The Rock Almighty
Part of the US Sports Network

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

The Rock Almighty Shaker Of Heaven And Earth. Strength Gained In Waiting


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Now more than ever waiting for your breakthrough is tough. But with God we are called to persevere, with the knowledge that all things work for good for those who believe.

Looking Forward
From Intouch Ministries. Get more with the app:
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Because God promises a glorious future, Christians can find the strength to wait—even when it’s difficult.
Joel 1:1-20; Joel 2:1-32; Joel 3:1-21
More often than not, waiting involves a lot of stress—especially when we don’t know how long it will be until the holding pattern ends. During the wait, we sometimes turn away from God and yearn for a time when things felt easier. But what if we turned towards God and looked forward instead?

Music video credit:
PETRA - Counsel Of The Holy
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Danyael L. Johnson

The Rock Almighty. Part of the US Sports Network

Monday, January 15, 2024

The Rock Almighty Shaker Of Heaven And Earth. The God Of Abundance


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Jesus was serious when he said: "I have come so that they (You) may have life and life abundant."

Living Abundantly
From Intouch Ministries:
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Our best life is found when we trust God completely and live surrendered to His will.
Proverbs 3:5-12
God created us with a longing to know that we matter. He also designed us to find the fulfillment of that desire through His Son.

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The Rock Almighty
Part Of the US Sports Network

Sunday, January 14, 2024

US Sports Net Today! College Hoops And More!


US Sports Net Today!
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Sunday Devotional: How To Be Fruitful And Multiply (It ain't just about making babies)

Video Credit:
ACC Digital

Sunday Devotional: How To Be Fruitful And Multiply (It ain't just about making babies)


God’s Guide to a Fruitful Life

Is the character of the Savior increasingly evident in you?

January 14, 2024

Proverbs 3:1-4

Jesus told His disciples, “I am the vine, you are the branches; the one who remains in Me and I in him bears much fruit” (John 15:5). As we live the Christian life in dependency on the Holy Spirit, two things will become evident in us.

1. We treasure God’s Word. When we value something, we think about it, study it, and learn all we can about it. By studying the Bible, we learn about God’s character, plans, and promises. Scripture meditation develops our ability to think biblically and deepens our relationship with the Lord. One of the indications that we treasure His Word is a change in behavior—decisions will increasingly be guided by His principles, and actions will reflect the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).

2. We adorn ourselves with kindness and truth. These two virtues are to be our constant companions. God’s truth has the power to expose ungodly attitudes and behaviors, not only in us but also in others. When this happens, kindness helps to protect relationships from damage. What’s more, it can prevent discord and division in churches. God wants us to speak the truth to one another—but to make sure we do it with loving compassion.

As we walk with the Lord, He’ll grow His fruit in us and teach us to follow Him.

Bible in One Year: Genesis 46-48