Monday, July 31, 2023

Victory News! Biden Admin Contemplating Declaring A Climate Emergency?


US Sports Lacrosse: Improve your Lacrosse Team with these Drills


By Col Burn

If you look at the numbers, it’s safe to say that the sport of Lacrosse continues to be a growing sport. In the United States alone, participation grew over 3% in 2017 with over 825,000 people playing the sport. That was the 12th consecutive year of growth with a net increase of at least 20,000 players each of those years. Participants include boys, girls and men and women from the youth level up to the high school and collegiate years.

With the increase comes the need for more knowledgeable coaches who can teach the game the right way. Sure, some coaches have played the game and have a good idea of the types of drills and practice sessions needed. But for the more beginning level coaches, it’s helpful to have some drills to fall back on that can help improve your team. Here are five drills that we think can help.

Catching Drills

Catching drills are important because throwing and receiving are such important parts of the game. Start with some stationary drills between paired up players. Have them make some throws and catches from their left side and then their right side until they are comfortable.

Move to catching drills where the players are running. They need to learn to throw and catch while on the move while also alternating between their right and left hands.

Finally, have them practice making poor throws so it’s more difficult to make the catch. This will get them practicing extending to catch passes or moving their stick from one side to the other.

Clearing Drills

Goalies need to practice making clearing passes after a save. Practice this by having one player shoot the ball while another moves downfield towards the midfield line to receive the pass from the goalie. You can start with the goalies making passes to stationary players and then change it up by having receivers on the move catching the goalie passes.

Ground Balls Drill

Pair players up and roll a ball so that each player has an equal chance to get it. The goal is to have them battle for the ball and not allow the other player to win it. Some tips here is for players to practice using their body to box out the other and gain possession or kicking the ball loose from a scrum to get a better advantage. This drill will teach players how to aggressively gain possession of the ball for their team.

Feed the Cats: Sprints-Based Lacrosse 

Cradling Drills

Have players cradle the ball while running down the field. First using both hands and then switching to one hand and alternating between each hand. This is needed when a player needs to ward off a defender with their opposite hand.

Shooting Drills

These can be done in a variety of different ways to simulate game conditions. They should practice shooting on the move going to both their left and right, and sometimes with a defender in front of them. They can also practice shooting after scooping a ball off the ground or when coming from around the back of the net. You can also use cones to add specific target areas for players to improve accuracy.

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Today's Devotional: Resistance Training


Blessing in Opposition

How we manage conflict can powerfully affect those around us. 

From Intouch Ministries

July 31, 2023

Matthew 5:3-16

Contrary to popular—but poor—theology, salvation doesn’t guarantee an easy life. We cannot escape conflict and therefore should learn to face it with courage and wisdom. The joy of our faith is that God gives us all we need to deal with whatever comes our way—and He’s able to use difficult things for good in our lives. 

Consider the Lord’s example. Jesus was fully God, but at the same time, He was also fully human. That means He understood the sting of rejection, just as we do (Hebrews 4:15). Yet He was so fearless in challenging the status quo that religious leaders called for His death. He was at the center of controversy throughout His ministry, which is one reason He often slipped away for time alone with His Father. What a comfort to realize He understands when we, too, are in the midst of persecution. 

That awareness can also help us relate to Christ in a deep, new way—and to follow His example of faithfulness, even when we’re being criticized or rejected. Simply by being the person God created us to be, it’s possible to make an impact on those around us. It’s important not to give up. So ask God to help you persevere—and trust that He is at work!

Bible in One Year: Isaiah 36-39

Sunday, July 30, 2023

US Sports Basketball: Mastering Basketball Defense: Techniques, Drills, and Strategies for Success


Mastering Basketball Defense: Techniques, Drills, and Strategies for Success

  • By Justin Tran

Are you looking to take your basketball game to the next level? To become a true force on the court, you must master the art of defense. With the right techniques, drills, and strategies, your team can become an elite defense capable of shutting down even the toughest opponents. 

Defense is often an overlooked aspect of the game, overshadowed by the glamour of scoring and offensive prowess. However, a team's defensive performance can make all the difference between average results and achieving greatness on the court. As a basketball coach, educating your team on multiple defenses such as zone defense, press defense, and packline defense can give you an advantage.

Coachtube and Tom Izzo

Developing a strong defensive mindset and instilling effective defensive principles in your players can lay the foundation for success. In this article, we will explore the drills and strategies that can help elevate your team's defensive capabilities to an elite level. From individual defensive skills to team concepts and game planning, we will provide valuable insights and practical tips to enhance your team's defensive prowess. 

UConn head basketball coach Dan Hurley mentions the core principles of an elite defense, and toughness is a crucial component. Toughness on defense stands as an essential characteristic that separates great teams from merely good ones in the realm of basketball. The defensive end of the court demands players to exhibit unwavering determination, physicality, and mental resilience. 

Within the context of basketball, defensive possessions are moments of truth that put teams' drive to the test. It is during these instances that the true value of toughness on defense becomes apparent. Possession after possession, players must summon their inner strength, exhibiting quickness and agility to keep up with the relentless offensive attacks. 

In this demonstration, Coach Hurley presents a basketball drill designed to enhance and assess toughness. Positioned at the top of the key, he prompts a defender to challenge the ball handler's movement toward either side. Coach Hurley emphasizes the significance of physicality in this exercise, urging the defender to exert pressure by directing their chest into the ball handler's shoulder, ensuring they remain in front at any cost. This drill effectively enhances defensive recovery skills and communication on defense. To learn more about 2023 NCAA Champion Coach Dan Hurley’s and UConn’s defensive principles, click here!

1-2-2 Defense

Former Villanova men’s head coach Jay Wright's 1-2-2 defense is a formidable strategy designed to stifle opponents and disrupt their offensive flow. This defensive formation is characterized by its unique positioning of players, creating a barrier that is difficult for the opposing team to penetrate.

One of the notable strengths of the 1-2-2 defense is its ability to limit dribble penetration. The defenders in the wings work in tandem to close off driving lanes and deny easy access to the basket. Their positioning and communication enable them to effectively switch and provide support, discouraging opponents from attacking the middle. Simultaneously, the defenders near the baseline act as the last line of defense, contesting shots and securing rebounds.

The 1-2-2 defense is also renowned for its versatility. It can be modified and adjusted to address specific offensive threats or take advantage of a team's weaknesses when playing the opposition. Based on scouting reports, coaches can adjust player positioning and duties, which enables the defense to successfully counter various offensive schemes.

Coach Wright showcases Villanova's 1-2-2 full-court press, a dynamic defensive strategy that aims to overpower opponents and generate turnovers. This press defense positions defenders strategically, with one player pressuring the inbound pass, two guarding the wings, and two near the baseline. By employing this aggressive approach, Jay Wright's teams create chaos, confusion, and rushed decisions among opponents, resulting in steals, deflections, and turnovers that lead to scoring chances. To learn more about the Hall of Fame head coach’s defense at Villanova, click here!


Defending the Pick and Roll

Defending the pick-and-roll effectively requires a coordinated effort from the ball defenders, screener defender, and other defenders on the court. By employing tactics such as pressure, physical effort, navigation of screens, consistent ball pursuit, and smart decision-making, teams can neutralize the pick-and-roll offense. USC Women's Head Coach Lindsay Gottlieb emphasizes these key strategies for each defender position.

The ball defenders play a crucial role in defending the pick-and-roll. They need to apply pressure on the ball handler, using physical effort to disrupt their rhythm and limit their options. To navigate the screen, ball defenders must communicate with their teammates, making early and loud calls to initiate switches or defensive rotations. By maintaining consistent ball pursuit, they can stay engaged with the ball handler and minimize passing lanes. If they get temporarily beaten by the screen, their priority is to quickly recover and get back in front of the ball to contest shots.

On the other hand, the screener defender is crucial in preventing the pick-and-roll. They must inform their teammates of the impending screen and the defensive covering strategy, so early and clear communication is essential. The screener defender can successfully block the offensive player's rolling route if they are in the appropriate place before the screen is set. 

The remaining defenders on the court must exhibit solid early rotations to provide help defense and cover potential gaps. However, they must avoid overhelping, as it can create open scoring opportunities for opponents. Two-way stunts should be avoided, meaning they should refrain from leaving their assigned offensive player to help defend the pick-and-roll excessively. Click here to learn more about Coach Lindsay Gittlieb’s theories on defending the pick and roll.


Mastering the art of defense is essential for taking your basketball game to the next level. Offense frequently takes center stage, but defense can be the deciding factor in winning championships. USC Women's Head Coach Lindsay Gottlieb shares valuable insights on defending the pick-and-roll, emphasizing pressure, navigation of screens, and consistent ball pursuit. Meanwhile, Jay Wright's 1-2-2 defense, which he used to coach the men's team at Villanova, is renowned for suffocating opponents and forcing turnovers. By implementing these strategies and techniques, your team can become a dominant force on defense, shutting down even the toughest opponents.

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Today's Devotional: It's Not Just A Cute Hymn.....


Sunday Check-in With Dr. Stanley: He’s Got the Whole World

No matter what is happening in our world, we can live with peace and hope because our God is always in control. 

From Intouch Ministries

July 30, 2023

Daniel 2:20-22

How many of us have listened to the news and wondered, What in the world is going on? Without a firm foundation of biblical truth, we can easily be overcome with fear and despair. Thankfully, though, Christians can find peace in the knowledge that our God is sovereign over every nation and ruler on earth. 

An omnipotent hand is orchestrating a good and glorious plan: the Lord is the one who “removes kings and establishes kings” (Dan. 2:20). Nothing that the Lord does is carried out in isolation. He’s working all things according to His divine plan. We tend to think that a ruler has to be righteous for God to use Him, but Proverbs 21:1 tells us that the Lord can direct the heart of any national leader wherever He wishes. In fact, He describes two pagan kings—Nebuchadnezzar and Cyrus—as “My servant” (Jeremiah 25:9) and “My shepherd” (Isaiah 44:28). Unbeknownst to them, God guided their paths to fulfill His purposes for Israel. 

The Lord’s plans for this world are moving along according to His divine purposes, and no unrighteous ruler can thwart Him. Just remember, “He’s got the whole world in His hands.” 

Bible in One Year: Isaiah 31-35

Saturday, July 29, 2023

US Football Presented by CoachTube: Training a Championship QB


Training a Championship QB

by Todd Dodge
Training a Championship QB


Having the quarterback who stands at the middle of the field in December and raises the state championship trophy begins with clear expectations.  Beyond being an accurate passer, Coach Dodge shares the characteristics that he must see from his quarterback.


Coach explains the aspects of training a quarterback including his “3 camera” coaching point to help the quarterback understand the “stroke” of throwing a football which helps with accuracy. 

Dodge spends a good portion of the presentation covering how the quarterback’s footwork must match the concept. Coach demonstrates how they think about calibrating their passing game with proper footwork illustrating their methods with drill and game film. 

He shares how they drill the quarterbacks in all aspects of developing their technique including RPO execution.

If you are looking for a comprehensive approach laid out step-by-step for developing your QB, this course has you covered. Book this course.....

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Today's Devotional: You Are Designed For Progress

Formula for Personal Growth

Living out the Word we've learned is how we—and our world—are changed. 

From Intouch Ministries

July 29, 2023

James 1:22-25

Growing in Christ involves far more than just attending church, tithing, and listening to a sermon. In fact, many believers do all this but remain stagnant in their walk. For us to become more like Jesus, two things are necessary: instruction and involvement. 

The first of these, learning truth, is vital to a healthy walk with God. In fact, Jesus proved the importance of instruction by devoting much of His time on earth to it. So how can we gain understanding? One of the most important ways is to read the Word of God. Scripture instructs us that just as newborns crave milk, we are to desire His Word so that we might grow. Pray that your spiritual thirst will become insatiable. 

Simply listening to the truth, however, doesn’t mean that we’ve acquired it. Some people love attending Bible studies and expanding their knowledge, but their lives remain unchanged. Just as today’s passage teaches, we have to apply the Word to our life. Remember that actual growth requires action. As James 2:26 states, “Just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.” 

If we’re truly maturing, our life will be increasingly Christlike, and our desires will align more closely with God’s heart. Make sure that you are listening and responding to His truth. 

Bible in One Year: Isaiah 28-30

Friday, July 28, 2023

Supercharge Your Performance: How to Optimize Testosterone for Athletes


  • Author Dickson Okorafor

Hey there! Are you an athlete looking to enhance your performance and take your game to the next level? Well, you're in luck because today we'll be discussing a key factor that can make a significant difference in your athletic performance - testosterone.

Testosterone is a hormone produced by the body, mainly in the testicles for men and ovaries for women, and is responsible for the development of male physical characteristics. However, it's not just about physical appearance; testosterone also plays a crucial role in muscle growth, bone density, and energy levels.

As an athlete, having optimal levels of testosterone can help boost your athletic performance. Testosterone can increase muscle mass, strength, and endurance, which are all important factors for success in various sports. Additionally, testosterone can also improve recovery time, allowing athletes to train harder and more frequently.

But how exactly can athletes optimize their testosterone levels? Well, there are several ways to naturally boost testosterone, such as exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy diet, and getting enough sleep. However, some athletes may turn to testosterone replacement therapy or other performance-enhancing drugs, which can have potential risks and limitations.

It's important to note that excessive or improper use of testosterone can lead to negative side effects such as acne, mood swings, and even heart disease. Furthermore, the use of performance-enhancing drugs is prohibited in most sports and can result in disqualification or even legal consequences.

Testosterone is a crucial factor in athletic performance, and optimizing its levels can provide significant benefits for athletes. However, it's important to do so safely and responsibly, and to always prioritize overall health and well-being. So, let's dive deeper into the topic and learn more about how to supercharge your performance by optimizing your testosterone levels!

Natural Ways to Boost Testosterone Levels

Testosterone is a hormone that plays a crucial role in athletic performance, muscle growth, and overall health. While there are synthetic methods to increase testosterone levels, natural strategies can be just as effective and are often preferred due to their lack of side effects. Here are some dietary strategies, lifestyle changes, and supplement options that can help boost testosterone levels in athletes:

  1. Dietary Strategies

Consume More Protein

Adequate protein intake is essential for building and maintaining muscle mass. Research suggests that increasing protein intake can also help boost testosterone levels. Foods such as lean meats, eggs, and dairy products are excellent sources of protein.

Eat Healthy Fats

Healthy fats such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are crucial for the production of testosterone. Foods such as nuts, seeds, olive oil, and avocado are excellent sources of healthy fats.


Adequate intake of vitamins and minerals such as zinc, magnesium, and vitamin D are essential for testosterone production. Foods such as oysters, spinach, and salmon are excellent sources of these micronutrients.

  1. Lifestyle Changes

Get Enough Sleep

Poor sleep quality can lead to decreased testosterone levels. Getting enough sleep (7-8 hours per night) can help regulate hormone levels and boost testosterone production.

Reduce Stress

Chronic stress can lead to increased cortisol levels, which can suppress testosterone production. Incorporating stress-reducing activities such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing can help reduce stress levels.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise, especially resistance training, has been shown to increase testosterone levels. Incorporating compound exercises such as squats, deadlifts, and bench press can help boost testosterone production.

  1. Supplement and Herbal Remedies

D-Aspartic Acid (DAA): DAA is an amino acid that has been shown to increase testosterone levels in both athletes and non-athletes. It works by stimulating the production of luteinizing hormone, which is responsible for testosterone production.


Ashwagandha is an herb commonly used in traditional Indian medicine. It has been shown to improve testosterone levels and increase strength and muscle mass in athletes.


Fenugreek is an herb that has been shown to increase testosterone levels in both men and women. It works by inhibiting the conversion of testosterone to estrogen.

There are several natural strategies that athletes can use to boost their testosterone levels. These include dietary strategies such as consuming more protein, healthy fats, and micronutrients, lifestyle changes such as getting enough sleep, reducing stress, and exercising regularly, as well as supplement and herbal remedies such as D-Aspartic Acid, Ashwagandha, and Fenugreek. By incorporating these strategies into their routine, athletes can optimize their testosterone levels and improve their athletic performance.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Athletes

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is a medical treatment that involves supplementing the body with exogenous testosterone to increase its levels in the blood. This therapy is commonly used to treat low testosterone levels, also known as hypogonadism, in men. However, in recent years, TRT has gained popularity among athletes as a means to enhance their athletic performance.

TRT works by replacing the body's natural production of testosterone with synthetic or bioidentical testosterone. This increased level of testosterone in the bloodstream can lead to increased muscle mass, strength, and endurance, which can improve an athlete's performance in their sport.

TRT is recommended for athletes who have low testosterone levels due to a medical condition, such as hypogonadism. In these cases, TRT can be beneficial in restoring normal testosterone levels and improving overall health. However, TRT should not be used by athletes who have normal testosterone levels as it can lead to negative side effects, including decreased fertility, acne, and an increased risk of heart disease.

TRT can be administered in a variety of ways, including injections, gels, and patches. The most common method is injections, where testosterone is injected directly into the muscle tissue. Gels and patches are also used, and they are applied directly to the skin, where the testosterone is absorbed into the bloodstream.

The benefits of TRT for athletes include increased muscle mass, improved strength, and endurance, which can lead to improved performance in their sport. However, there are also risks associated with TRT, including an increased risk of heart disease, acne, and decreased fertility. It is important to note that TRT is banned by most sports organizations and can lead to disqualification and sanctions if detected in athletes.

TRT can be an effective treatment for athletes with low testosterone levels due to a medical condition, but it should not be used by athletes who have normal testosterone levels. TRT can improve athletic performance, but it also comes with risks, and athletes should carefully consider the potential benefits and drawbacks before deciding to undergo this treatment.

The Ethics and Legality of Testosterone Optimization in Sports

Testosterone is a hormone that plays a critical role in the development of male sexual characteristics, including muscle mass, bone density, and body hair. For athletes, optimizing testosterone levels can improve athletic performance, strength, and endurance. However, the use of testosterone in sports has been a controversial topic due to its potential for abuse and ethical implications.

In terms of rules and regulations, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) prohibits the use of testosterone and other performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) in sports. Athletes found to have violated this rule may face suspension, fines, and even a lifetime ban from the sport. WADA has established strict testing protocols to detect the use of PEDs, including testosterone, and has implemented a comprehensive program to educate athletes and coaches about the dangers of using these substances.

Different sports organizations and governing bodies approach testosterone optimization for athletes differently. For example, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has a zero-tolerance policy towards PEDs and has implemented rigorous testing procedures to ensure fair competition. In contrast, some professional sports leagues, such as Major League Baseball (MLB), have faced criticism for their lax approach to PEDs, including testosterone.

The ethical considerations of testosterone use in sports are complex. On the one hand, optimizing testosterone levels can improve an athlete's performance, which can lead to greater success, fame, and financial rewards. On the other hand, the use of PEDs can create an unfair advantage over athletes who choose not to use these substances. Additionally, the health risks associated with testosterone use, including liver damage, heart disease, and infertility, are a serious concern.

Athletes must balance the potential benefits of testosterone optimization with the risks and implications. Many athletes have argued that they have a right to make their own decisions about their bodies and that testosterone optimization is no different from other legal supplements or training methods used to improve performance. However, others argue that the use of PEDs undermines the integrity of the sport and violates the spirit of fair competition.

The use of testosterone in sports is a complex issue that involves both ethical and legal considerations. While testosterone optimization may offer potential benefits for athletes, it also presents significant risks and ethical implications. It is up to athletes, coaches, and governing bodies to weigh these factors carefully and make informed decisions that promote fair play and protect the health and well-being of athletes.

Case Studies and Examples of Testosterone Optimization in Sports

Testosterone is a hormone that plays a critical role in an athlete's performance. Many athletes have attempted to optimize their testosterone levels to achieve peak performance. Here are some examples of athletes who have successfully optimized their testosterone levels:

LeBron James

LeBron James is one of the most famous basketball players in the world. He has been known to take supplements and eat foods that naturally boost testosterone levels, such as zinc, vitamin D, and magnesium. His intense workout regimen also helps him maintain high levels of testosterone.

Serena Williams

Serena Williams is one of the greatest tennis players of all time. She also focuses on optimizing her testosterone levels through diet and exercise. Williams eats a diet rich in lean protein and healthy fats, such as avocados and nuts, which can help increase testosterone production. She also regularly lifts weights and does other strength-training exercises.

Usain Bolt

Usain Bolt is the fastest man in the world. His intense workout regimen and focus on nutrition help him maintain high levels of testosterone. Bolt eats a diet rich in protein and healthy fats and avoids processed foods and sugars. He also does strength-training exercises to build muscle and boost testosterone levels.

Analysis of how testosterone optimization has impacted the performance and careers of notable athletes:

The use of testosterone optimization in sports has been a controversial topic. Some athletes have been accused of using performance-enhancing drugs, such as testosterone, to improve their performance. Here are some notable examples:

Lance Armstrong

Lance Armstrong is a former professional cyclist who was accused of using testosterone and other performance-enhancing drugs. He was stripped of his seven Tour de France titles and banned from competitive cycling for life.

Barry Bonds

Barry Bonds is a former baseball player who was accused of using testosterone and other performance-enhancing drugs. He holds the record for the most home runs in a single season and in a career, but his achievements have been tainted by allegations of steroid use.

Caster Semenya

Caster Semenya is a South African runner who has high levels of testosterone due to a condition called hyperandrogenism. She was banned from competing in women's races for several years, as her high testosterone levels were considered an unfair advantage.

Examination of controversies and debates surrounding testosterone use in sports through real-world examples

The use of testosterone in sports has been a controversial topic for many years. Some athletes argue that testosterone optimization is a natural way to improve their performance, while others believe that it gives an unfair advantage. Here are some real-world examples of controversies and debates surrounding testosterone use in sports:

The Russian Doping Scandal

The Russian doping scandal involved the use of performance-enhancing drugs, including testosterone, by Russian athletes. The scandal resulted in the suspension of many Russian athletes from international competitions, including the Olympic Games.

The Debate over Hyperandrogenism

The debate over hyperandrogenism, or high testosterone levels, in female athletes has been ongoing for many years. Some argue that high testosterone levels give female athletes an unfair advantage, while others argue that it is a natural condition and should not be penalized.

The Use of Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is used to treat low testosterone levels in men. Some athletes have been granted exemptions to use TRT, as they have low levels of testosterone due to medical conditions. However, some argue that this gives them an unfair advantage over other athletes.


When it comes to optimizing testosterone for athletic performance, there are several strategies that athletes can use to increase their levels naturally. These include eating a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients, getting enough sleep and rest, engaging in regular exercise and weight training, and managing stress levels.

In addition, there are some supplements that athletes can consider taking to support healthy testosterone levels, such as vitamin D, zinc, and magnesium. However, it's important to note that these supplements should not be used as a replacement for a healthy diet and lifestyle.

The key to optimizing testosterone levels for athletic performance is to focus on maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle. By doing so, athletes can support their natural testosterone production and achieve optimal results in their sport. And, as always, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or supplement regimen.

Dickson Okorafor is a blogger and writer with over ten years of experience in the health and beauty niche. He has been writing for many websites and publications. When I'm not writing, I enjoy reading health, fitness, and beauty materials, including taking part in related community activities.

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Today's Devotional: Are You On The Rock?


Jesus, Our Rock

Our compassionate Savior offers spiritual, physical, and emotional refuge for the hurting. 

From Intouch Ministries

July 28, 2023

Malachi 3:6

Yesterday, we learned that God’s character never changes—Jesus Christ always remains the same. What a comfort for believers! And the better we know Him, the easier it will be to turn to Him for refuge. So today, let’s learn more about His nature. Jesus ...

Forgave others. He showed mercy, not judgment, to those who recognized their sin. 

Comforted the hurting. He visited Mary and Martha, who were mourning the loss of their brother Lazarus (John 11:1-45). 

Provided for needs. After spending three days healing, He was concerned that the large crowd hadn’t eaten. He could have sent all 4,000 away to find their own food, but He provided more than enough to satisfy their hunger (Mark 8:1-9). 

Interceded for His disciples. Just before He was crucified, Jesus asked the Father to protect and sanctify His followers, including you and me (John 17:15-20). 

Strengthened believers and gave them power to do God’s work. In Acts 1:8, the Lord sent His disciples out to share the gospel, assuring them, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.” 

Jesus still forgives, still comforts, still provides, still intercedes, and still empowers. What a blessing that we can find refuge in our amazing Lord!

Bible in One Year: Isaiah 23-27

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Thrivetime Show: Dr. Judy Mikovits | What Is Neuralink? "We Put a Chip In Your Brain to Control Your Mind. The Idea (of Neuralink) Would Be to Achieve Symbiosis Between Our Biological Mind & Our Digital Mind." Elon Musk On: mRNA, Artificial Intelligence"


Dr. Judy Mikovits | What Is Neuralink? "We Put a Chip In Your Brain to Control Your Mind. The Idea (of Neuralink) Would Be to Achieve Symbiosis Between Our Biological Mind & Our Digital Mind." Elon Musk On: mRNA, Artificial Intelligence & More Learn More About Dr. Judy Mikovits: