Friday, June 30, 2023

US Sports Partner Spotlight: The National Council on Strength and Fitness!


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Today's Devotional: The Most Powerful Thing A Human Being Can Do On Earth!

In Touch Ministries


The Result of Prayer

Increased intimacy with your heavenly Father is the richest reward of bringing your petitions to Him. 

From Intouch Ministries

July 1, 2023

John 14:16-18

Imagine what would happen if God gave us whatever we wanted as soon as we asked. We probably wouldn’t spend much time with the Lord, which is essential for knowing Him and having a relationship. 

The biggest benefit of prayer is that we develop intimacy with God—not that we receive whatever we requested. Think of Paul, who asked three times for his “thorn in the flesh” to be removed before God answered no (2 Corinthians 12:7-8). Paul was probably disappointed, but eventually he realized the situation drew him closer to the Lord. Then he was able to say, “I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me” (2 Corinthians 12:9). 

When we’ve been praying long and hard but don’t feel our words matter, that time with the Lord is not wasted. It sustains our relationship with Him. 

God is listening attentively to our cries, and His Spirit is our constant companion—even when we cannot “feel” His presence or involvement. So if you’re tempted to give up on unanswered prayers, remember that the Holy Spirit is there to teach us all things and even to intercede when we don’t know how to pray (John 14:26; Romans 8:26). He will help you persevere and enjoy the real benefit of prayer—time with your Father. 

Bible in One Year: Psalm 107-111

Crain & Company - Power 5 Schools That May Surprise You in 2023

 College football will be here before you know it, so we break down our Power 5 schools that may surprise you in the 2023 season. Want more? Check out DailyWire+ here:

FlashPoint: This Is the Solution! w/ Jim Caviezel, Nate Schlatzline & Pastor Landon Schott


Go Victory

Thursday, June 29, 2023

US Sports Partner Spotlight: Moosejaw!


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Today's Devotional: Who Is This God Character?


Attributes of God

There is always more to learn about the goodness of our Creator. 

From Intouch Ministries

June 30, 2023

Psalm 90:1-2

For us as believers, understanding as much as we can about the Lord deepens our relationship with Him. It also helps us to share our faith with others. With that in mind, let’s explore four attributes of almighty God.

1. He has the qualities of personhood. Mankind was created with the ability to feel, reason, and make decisions. And God has the capacity for emotion as well—Genesis 1:26 says we were made in His image. The Bible frequently makes mention of His feelings, like anger and love.

2. The Lord is spirit (John 4:23-24). Because of this, He has no limitations. He isn’t confined to a place, so we can worship Him anywhere. What’s more, His Holy Spirit indwells each believer, so we can enjoy His presence and guidance anytime (Psalm 66:18).

3. God is eternal (Isaiah 40:28). He always was, is now, and forever will be. Nothing existed before Him or will outlast Him.

4. Our Father is unchangeable (Malachi 3:6). His nature and attributes always remain constant. Yes, God experiences variety in emotions, but not in the essence of His character.

What a blessing that God would teach us about Himself through the Bible. Praise Him for His attributes, and continue seeking to know Him better through His Word.

Bible in One Year: Psalm 103-106



Yesterday, the White House confirmed that Former Vice President, Joe Biden uses a CPAP machine to sleep at night. Also, the bodycam footage from the Allen Shooting was finally released & it's crazy. Texas is in the middle of massive heat. But how does that compare to other countries?! Guest: Bryan Callen. Tune in!

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

US Sports Partner Spotlight: Mane Club


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Today's Devotional: The Great One


The Greatness of God

We can't even begin to comprehend the awesome majesty and power of our Lord. 

From Intouch Ministries

June 29, 2023

Isaiah 40:12-26

When you think of God, what comes to mind? Often, we tend to view Him in the way that best fits our particular need or situation. For example, if we struggle with guilt, we might focus on His forgiveness. The truth is, His character encompasses far more than we could ever comprehend or try to explain. Even if we had all the time in the world, we wouldn’t be able to do more than scratch the surface of how awesome He is. But today, let’s look at one attribute: His greatness. 

Today’s passage tells us God is greater than creation (v. 12), for it was by His hands that everything we see came into being. He is higher than the nations or any idol fashioned by the finest craftsman (vv. 17-20). In fact, God is above the world and all mankind (vv. 22-23), surpassing even the heavens and galaxies. 

Our Father’s thoughts and ways are far grander than our own (Isaiah 55:9)—and lofty, compared with what we can understand. Psalm 93:1 says, “The Lord reigns, He is clothed with majesty; the Lord has clothed and encircled Himself with strength.” 

Consider the awesome God we serve. He truly is worthy of our praise. As we grasp even a fraction of His greatness, our response should be one of humble worship. After all, who are we that a God like this would desire our friendship—so much so that He sent His Son to die for our sins?

Bible in One Year: Psalm 95-102



Bodycam footage of a 2022 arrest shows a white man cry after he got a black man arrested. The Biden administration is going to run on “Bidenomics” platform. Also, authorities approved new traffic congestion pricing for Manhattan & Roseanne Barr joins to discuss her viral interview with Theo Von. Tune in! Guest: Bryan Callen


Victory News: Kari Lake Continues Battling For Election Integrity

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FlashPoint: They're Coming for your Kids!? w/ Kari Lake (6/27/23)


Go Victory

Hold The Line w/ Sean Feucht: The Ziklag Moment | Sermon at Life Center Ministries

 Sean speaks at the Life Center Church in Harrisburg Pennsylvania, about trusting in God's plan, even in the midst of adversity.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

US Sports Partner Spotlight: Invideo


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Today's Devotional: Relax, God Has Your Back!


God’s Love Comforts Us

Jesus went to the cross and died in our place so that we could become children of God. 

From Intouch Ministries

June 28, 2023

Romans 8:38-39

Our heavenly Father wants us to know how much He loves and cares for us. In fact, today’s passage says that nothing can separate us from His love. He has made this clear through:

Revelation of Himself. In Scripture, we learn that God made us in His image and has a purpose for us. Sin separated us from Him, but He has a solution to our problem.

Provision of a Savior. We were trapped by our sinful nature and under a sentence of eternal death—separation from God forever. But because of our Father’s great love for us, He sent His only Son to bear the penalty we deserved (Romans 6:23). Jesus rescued us from sin and reconciled us to the Father. What we could never do for ourselves, He did for us. 

Adoption of Believers. When we place trust in Jesus Christ as our Savior, we become children of God. The separation between us and Him is gone; instead of being enemies, we are family. The indwelling Holy Spirit serves as both evidence that we belong to God and assurance of His unending love. 

The Father’s care for us shines brightly through the cross—it was because of love that He sent Jesus to earth to die in our place (1 John 4:9-10). Once we accept the gift of salvation through Christ, nothing can separate us from God’s love. What a comfort that is in times of need. 

Bible in One Year: Psalm 90-94

Crain & Company - ARNOLD | Netflix REVIEW

 Check out our review of the NETFLIX three-part docuseries about Arnold Schwarzenegger’s life and career. Want more? Check out DailyWire+ here:

Victory News: More Saber Rattling From China And N. Korea?


Go Victory



New York City Mayor, Eric Adams turns on the Biden administration and BLM after a deadly day on Juneteenth. CNN obtains tape of Donald Trump discussing classified documents. Also, we give you the timeline of what happened with Hunter Biden. And we have a dumb-ass anti-gun take on a TikTok podcast. Guest: Josh Firestine.

The Matt Walsh Show: The Plot By LGBT Activists To Stigmatize Sanity And Normalcy


Today on the Matt Walsh Show, LGBT activists have been pushing the word "cisgender" to describe normal people who identify as the sex that they actually are. Elon Musk says that the word will now be considered a slur on Twitter. He's right that it is a slur, but it's also a psy-op. Part of a plot hatched decades ago by pedophiles and other depraved lunatics to stigmatize normalcy. We'll discuss. Also, we have the latest on the story of the lost submersible that set out to explore the wreckage of the Titanic. In our Daily Cancellation we'll deal with the story of the life coach who learned to love herself by abandoning her cancer stricken husband. 

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Monday, June 26, 2023

US Sports Partner Spotlight: Fanatics!


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Today's Devotional: Fit To Serve?


The Requirements of Servanthood

Before we can share God's love, we have to slow down and see the needs of the people around us.

From Intouch Ministries

June 27, 2023

Luke 19:1-9

Yesterday, we learned that believers have all been given gifts so they can serve the body of Christ. In fact, Jesus Himself is our best example of a servant (Matthew 20:28). Today, let’s look at three things in the story of Zacchaeus that can help us to serve as the Lord did. 

1. Awareness: Though surrounded by a crowd, Jesus stopped and took notice of one particular man perched in a tree. Zacchaeus was hated and rejected because he was a tax collector. Despite his wealth, something was missing in his life, and Christ recognized his need. People all around us are searching for hope, but we’re often too preoccupied to notice. 

2. Availability: Jesus was heading to Jerusalem to carry out the most important act in human history: our redemption. Yet He stopped to have a meal with a spiritually needy man. What could be so important that it prevents you from giving others the thing they need most—your time? 

3. Acceptance: Although Zacchaeus was a notorious sinner, Jesus didn’t say, “Clean up your act, and then I’ll come to your house.” We’re called to love people, not to fix them. 

How are you doing at serving those around you? Maybe it’s time to slow down and open your spiritual eyes to see if there’s someone you can help. God places opportunities all around us, but if we’re not looking, we’ll miss them. 

Bible in One Year: Psalm 85-89  

Victory News. Americans Concerned About Biden's Fitness To Govern


Go Victory

Today's Devotional: Your Gifts Are To Be Given


Our Gifts for His Kingdom

God has given every believer the ability to make a difference in the world. 

From Intouch Ministries

June 26, 2023

1 Corinthians 12:4-26

We know we’re supposed to serve others, but some of us just don’t know how. Or maybe we don’t feel we have the right qualities to make a difference in someone else’s life. Yet the Lord has gifted each of us in unique ways, with a purpose in mind. 

Today’s passage explains this idea by using the human body as an illustration: Each person has gifts and purposes that make the entire system function well. Every part is crucial, even though some may be less noticeable than others. Paul writes, “The parts of the body which seem to be weaker are necessary; and those parts of the body which we consider less honorable, on these we bestow greatest honor … so that there may be no division in the body, but that the parts may have the same care for one another” (vv. 22-23, 25). 

One person who took this communal perspective to heart was Peter. In a letter, he defined himself as “a bond-servant and apostle of Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 1:1). He was no longer a man motivated by self-interest. Once He followed Jesus, he saw himself as a servant of God. We, too, are called to serve the King of Kings—with whatever abilities we are given, whether it’s teaching, sweeping, or listening.

Bible in One Year: Psalm 79-84

Sunday, June 25, 2023

FlashPoint: Revealing What's Behind Their Agenda... (6/22/23)

Go Victory


Saturday, June 24, 2023

US Sports Partner Spotlight: Cardboard Cutout Standees


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Friday, June 23, 2023

Today's Devotional: The First One You Can Submit To

In Touch Ministries


Keeping a Clear Mind

Have you submitted your mind to the Lord?

June 24, 2023

Romans 12:1-2

The human mind is an amazing creation of God. Nothing on earth can match its capabilities or creativity. It generates feelings, thoughts, words, attitudes, and behaviors—who we become and what we achieve are largely due to how and what we think. So, doesn’t it make sense to let the One who created us guide our thought processes? 

To do that, we need to align our mind with God’s Word and allow His Spirit to influence us. As this happens, God gives discernment, empowering us to look beyond the surface and view situations as they really are—in other words, as He sees them. Then we can distinguish not just between right and wrong but also between good and best. 

Yet such clear, focused thinking doesn’t just happen. We must deliberately choose and diligently maintain it. So let’s carefully consider what we allow into our mind. Ask yourself, Is this helping me become the person God wants me to be, or is it hindering the process? 

Though we have a responsibility to participate in the transformation, a renewed mind ultimately comes from the Lord. True change requires full dependence on Him, not on our own abilities and strength. Ask God to help you lean on Him and fill your mind with His Word.

Bible in One Year: Psalm 71-75

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

US Sports Partner Spotlight: BTCC Exchange


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