Monday, October 31, 2022

US Sports Psyche: 12 Effective Ways To Countering Fear

  • Author Joey Ward
We can take action when faced with fear versus allowing fear to get the best of us. The following coping tools can be implemented immediately whenever you are faced with fear.

Identify the Fear In order to deal with our fears during times of crisis, we must first understand what those fears are. Demystify fear and identify whether it is realistic or not to make it less scary and more manageable.

Think Positively

Positive thinking is a way to regain control during times of distress and uncertainty when fear tries to dominate. Choose to not focus on potential negative outcomes. Make a conscious pivot away from the negative source/stressor and towards a more positive focus.

Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation practices improve mood, reduce stress hormones, slow breathing, decrease heart rate, and reduce frustration, all of which are associated with fear. Relaxation techniques include yoga, massage, aromatherapy, music, and art, among others.


Breathing helps you regain a sense of calm in the midst of fear. Breathing offers the opportunity to take the time to pause, refocus, and process what is happening and what you are feeling. Be Patient Fear can cause irrational thoughts and poor decision-making.

Take some time to just sit with your feelings so you can realize that the fear isn’t valid, help you reason through the fear and develop a solution to adequately address it.


Self-care is a way to address the mental and emotional impacts fear can have on the body. Self-care is about prioritizing the protection of well-being and happiness, particularly during periods of stress induced by fear. Methods of self-care include healthy lifestyle choices such as diet and exercise, meditation and other forms of relaxation, stress management, and journaling.

Get Informed

Fear is often fueled by the unknown. What we don’t know seems to cause us to panic and think about worst-case scenario situations, especially during a crisis. Manage fear with information from reputable sources. Once we understand a situation or scenario, we are in a much better situation to address it.


Being grateful can serve as a powerful means of refocusing attention and energy when in the midst of fearful situations. Gratitude can ground you in positive thoughts when fear tries to overwhelm and override. Humor In crisis situations we are often only surrounded by the negativity and severity of the situation at hand. It is hard to remain afraid when you’re laughing.


A little physical activity can produce a physical response in the body that is great for fighting against fear. When we engage in any kind of physical activity, there is a release of endorphins that cause an analgesic effect within the body.

Exercise reduces stress and boosts inner calm and mental clarity.


Meditation can be used to combat fear by intentionally choosing to focus on something other than the trigger causing the fear and regularly engaging in the practice as a means of redirecting and gaining control of your thoughts.

Through meditation, you can manage and calm your fears and thus manage distressing situations.

Talk it Out

Talking about your fears helps you to either realize the fears are not realistic or at the very least allows you to vent, instead of letting those fears fester in your mind. In talking through fears, we can often come up with solutions to address the core problem. ===========================================================

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US Sports Affiliate Partner Spotlight: Avantlink Affiliate Marketing!

 AvantLink's approach to performance marketing is simple, grow your business through quality partnerships. Three unique international networks feature category-leading merchant advertisers that are all backed by thousands of our accomplished affiliate partners.

Headquartered in Park City, Utah, AvantLink was founded in 2005 and is privately owned and supports approximately 35 employees. The company takes pride in being profitable and debt-free. It operates three independent affiliate networks in the US (Global Network), Canada, and Australia, all boasting leading advertisers and accomplished publishers.

Today's Devotional: Honor God By Honoring Your Marriage

From CDM

 “Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge” (Hebrews 13:4).

In today’s society, marriage isn’t honored or valued as it should be. The Holy Spirit is trying to lead us in this area, but we’re all free moral agents; sin still has consequences.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

US Sports Basketball: Defensive Strategies for Basketball


  • By Ryan Brennan

    Much like choosing your offensive strategies in a basketball game, calling the right defensive plays can be crucial in a win. When choosing a defense, you must evaluate both your team and opponents on the court and choose the best defense that fits their size, quickness and strength.

    Although some coaches decide to go with the same defensive strategy throughout a game or season, having multiple strategies can give your team an edge and keep your opponents guessing.

    However, you must be certain that your team is well prepared; otherwise, they will only end up confusing themselves.

    There are a lot of different defensive plays and strategies out there. Listed below are a few tried-and-true strategies I recommend adding to your defensive playbook.

    The Man-to-Man Defense is Simple, But Important to Understand

    The main principle when defending man-to-man is to make sure every player on your team defends one opponent. Another big component of a man-to-man defense is a term called “help side defense.” This happens when a defender that is “two passes” away drops off his man to help offenders that are cutting or setting screens.

    The whole point of a man-to-man offense is to keep pressure on the ball at all times. However, for the defenders away from the ball, the defense is treated a bit like a zone defense. This makes it a very important defense to learn and memorize. It teaches great on-ball defense, which includes moving your feet, staying on your toes and knowing where to be at the right time.

    There are several drills to perform that will help teach your team the man-to-man defense. One of them is called the “one-one-one” drill. This is a very simple drill that will help improve your players’ on-ball defense, as well as “one-one-one defense.” You will need your team in two lines, one under the basket facing the free throw line (defender) and one at the free throw line facing the basket (offender). This can also be done at the three-point line instead of the free throw line. To begin, the defender must throw the ball to the offender, immediately closing out on the offender. The offender just needs to try and score, while the defender tries to stop them. The drill is over when the offender scores or is stopped, then it moves on to the next duo.

    Another drill is a “three-on-three” drill that will help improve your team’s defensive intensity. It’s more of a competition, so motivation can be made if the winners get some kind of reward. To set up, separate your team into three-man groups, trying to make the teams as fair as possible with at least one guard and one big man on each team. In this drill, points are only scored by the defense, if they stop the offense from scoring and get possession either through a defensive rebound, steal, block or a forced turnover. If the offense scores, the defense must walk off, while the former offense becomes the defense and competes for points. The team that was on the sidelines would become the offense. If the offense is stopped, they leave the court while the team on the sidelines becomes the offense.

    Browse The Full Catalog of Basketball Courses Here. Enter Ambassador Code: 11586773 For all available discounts and deals

    Keep The Court Organized With a Zone Defense

    A zone defense differs from the man-to-man defense because instead of guarding a player, each defender is given an area of the court (or zone) to guard. Any player that enters their area is their player to guard. Defenders move their position depending on where the ball goes.

    For the most part, you’re going to want to use this defensive strategy when you’re worried about giving up too many points in the paint. However, you need to understand that you will be giving up some pressure on the outside. There are several types of zone defenses.One zone defense is “Coach Marshall’s 2-3 Zone Defense.” For starters, when the offense is bringing the ball up, set two-point guards at the top of the three-point line close together, the two forwards on the outside halfway between the basket and three-point line, and your center underneath the basket. If the ball gets passed to the wing, the forward on that wing would defend the ball until the closest guard gets to him. Then that forward would retreat back to the low post. The key is to always have someone on the ball but have everyone else loosely guarding the entire floor.

    Combination Defenses Are Effective in Confusing Your Opponents

    The match-up zone is a type of “combination” defense, which combines aspects from the man-to-man defense as well as the zone defense. The on-ball defender will close out and play tight to the ball handler like a man-to-man. The zone that is seen away from the ball resembles a man-to-man help side defense. This is a great type of defense to confuse your opponent so they don’t really know what type of defense you are using.

    Don’t Let Your Opponents Beat You On An Out-Of-Bounds Play

    When defending an out-of-bounds play, you can use any type of defense. Most coaches use either a man-to-man defense or a zone defense. The “2-3 zone” is a great way to defend, causing a lot of traffic down low to prevent inside layups. The two guards will also help keep the offense from getting the ball up top.

    If you are using a man-to-man defense, there are a couple of things you need to pay close attention to. For example, a rule called the “step under rule” will be in effect. If one of your defenders is getting screened, they need to make sure to “step under” the screener. That means they take one step back towards the baseline in order to get inside positioning on the screener. This will avoid your defenders from getting pinned by the screener.


    Does Defense Really Win Championships?

    Everybody is aware of the saying, “Defense wins championships.” As cliché as it sounds now-a-days, defense really is an important aspect when it comes to winning. Without a good defense, especially in basketball, your team will be weak and forced to rely on your offense to win. Even if you have an outstanding offense, you will have a big chance of losing.

    The fact of the matter is that defense needs to be a common subject to teach youth basketball players. By teaching kids, the correct movements and locations for different defenses will prepare them for their basketball career ahead of them.

    Live Streams and Breaking Sports News!

    US Sports Affiliate Partner Spotlight: Ardent Outdoors!


    Ardent Tackle LLC is a designer, manufacturer, and marketer of

    freshwater fishing tackle and a distributor of D-Funk Products, Zbones headphones

    and WFT Gliss fishing line. With operations in St. Louis and Macon Missouri,

    Ardent is an American owned company that designs our products in the

    USA and manufactured overseas to deliver the highest performance at the

    lowest consumer cost. Our administration, engineering, quality assurance,

    shipping and receiving, and sales and marketing personnel are

    all employed in the USA.

    Every tackle item we produce is the result of professional angling input

    with the objective of ultimate performance at the lowest consumer price.

    Ardent reels are backed with a 3 year warranty which is 2 years longer

    than any competitor. Any reel returned to us for service under the Ardent

    warranty will be repaired and the reel will be professionally cleaned and

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    and returned to the owner at Ardent's expense within 10 business

    days of receipt. Repairs for equipment that is out of warranty are

    available for a minimal charge based on the repair required

    and the cost of return shipping.

    Ardent has numerous professional anglers fishing our tackle at

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    Today's Devotional: How It May Be Well With Thee

     From CDM

    “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth” (Ephesians 6:1-3).

    Under Old-Testament law, children were killed for disobeying their parents. Under New-Testament grace, obedience is still important, but the law is administered with love, not with the threat of punishment.

    Friday, October 28, 2022

    US Sports Psyche: The Next Essential Skill


    • Author Nan Russell
    "Remember, the feeling you get from a good run is far better than the feeling you get from sitting around wishing you were running." Those words from Olympic swimmer and author Sarah Connor capture the essence of a skill those wanting to thrive in the new world of work need.

    We live in a world with constant interruptions, interesting internet rabbit holes to explore, and mobile apps to try. There's more information than we can possibility absorb, consider, and read; more activities than we can ever do in a lifetime. Thriving in today's world requires us to self-manage, or we can drown in a sea of busyness, with our time used up and our results minimal.

    There is plenty to keep us busy - we know that. But, people who are winning at working know how to self-manage that busyness from the inside-out around their needs, desires, challenges, talents, and aspirations. They understand the choices they make determine the results they get.

    Self-managing people display common sense, but also uncommonly practiced behaviors that enable them to be winning at working. Here are 10 examples:

    1. They know what they want and work towards achieving it, using the power of incremental progress.

    2. They embrace learning, personal growth, and well-being. They compete with themselves, working to improve who they are, what they can do, achieve, or contribute.

    3. They're worthy of trust; they're dependable, reliable, and consistently good to their word. If they say they'll do it, they do it, or tell you ahead that they can't.

    4. They set boundaries for themselves, making time for what matters to them while understanding that life's ebbs and flows can change their priorities.

    5. They operate from the inside out with self-managing essentials such as self-trust, enhanced awareness, self-direction, and reflective choices.

    6. They invest time in fixing the problem, training the new person, figuring out new or better ways, and "stopping the bleeding" before moving forward.

    7. They do what needs to be done, whether they like the task or not.

    8. They're self-motivated and engaged, with what others might call "drive" or "passion." They want to make a difference with their work and life.

    9. They're contributors to the common good, not myopically self-focused, with a "big" team mentality; they help and assist others, build strong relationships, and share their knowledge and talents willingly.

    10. They use, enjoy, and invest their time thoughtfully. They have a make-it-happen mindset and are highly productive.

    Self-managing people who are winning at working do, while others talk of doing. They plan their day, while others let their day plan them. They motivate themselves, while others wait for someone or something to motivate them. They know the results they get are not about the time they have, but the choices they make in how they use it.

    If you want to be winning at working and thrive in today's crazy, busy world, the next essential skill you need to learn is the art of self-management.

    (c) 2015 Nan S. Russell. All rights reserved.

    Nan Russell is an award-winning author of four books. Her latest is Trust, Inc.: How to Create a Business Culture that Will Ignite Passion, Engagement, and Innovation (2014). More about her and her work at

    Live Streams and Breaking Sports News!

    US Sports Affiliate Partner Spotlight: ShareASale Affiliate Marketing Platform


    Who We Are

    Of #1 importance to ShareASale, is the set of values that we represent. We believe in fair business practices, socially responsible individuals, and a general concept of “doing the right thing.” It is our goal to hire like-minded professionals and grow a positive, socially altruistic workplace. Additionally, we operate with a customer-first mentality and are always prepared to go the extra mile for our clients.


    The Awin Group Story

    In 2017, Awin acquired one of North America’s largest platforms, ShareASale. ShareASale has been a pure-play affiliate marketing network, successfully growing its business by nurturing relationships, building cutting-edge technology and guiding clients to success in affiliate marketing since 2000. As a leading network in the US, ShareASale is known as a fair and ethical business partner with a goal of supporting performance-based partnerships.

    With over 20 years of affiliate marketing experience for both Awin and ShareASale, our trusted platforms offer a global community of people, technology and business intelligence insights. No matter what type of partner, level of service, or tools your business needs, the Awin Group provides solutions to drive sustainable growth.

    Part of the Axel Springer and United Internet Groups, with Commission Factory, Awin and ShareASale are powered by 17 offices worldwide, over 1,000 employees, 241,000+ contributing publishers and 21,200+ advertisers. Connecting businesses with customers around the world across the retail, telecommunications, travel and finance verticals, the Awin Group generated $16 billion in revenue for its advertisers and $1.3 billion for its publishers globally in the last financial year.


    Together, we are affiliate marketing. Get started today!

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    Today's Devotional: Trash This Spirit

     From CDM

    “But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth” (Colossians 3:8).

    The spirits of anger and strife aren’t from God. In His grace, He has given us the Holy Spirit to help us in this area.

    Thursday, October 27, 2022

    US Sports Football: Gabe Fertitta - OL Outside Zone Fundamentals & Variations


    Gabe Fertitta - OL Outside Zone Fundamentals & Variations


    In this course, Offensive Senior Analyst Gabe Fertitta talks about the offensive line outside zone fundamentals and variations. He demonstrates variations by showing the game film and drill work. 

    Get it on Apple TV

    Simply click ‘Book This Course’, place your order, and you’ll immediately be logged into the training with full access. Take away Gabe Fertitta's insight on offensive line zone fundamentals and variations today! Be sure to enter ambassador code: 11586773 for all available discounts

    The Coach

    Lauren's First and Goal

    Proceeds from the sale of these courses benefit the missions of Lauren's First and Goal

    Gabe Fertitta - Florida State University - Senior Analyst (Offense)

    Gabe Fertitta joined the FSU staff in February of 2022 and serves as a senior offensive analyst.

    Fertitta spent the 2021 season at Louisville as a quality control assistant following an incredibly successful run as head coach at Catholic High School in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Fertitta was 43-8 in four seasons leading Catholic, taking the Bears to the state championship game all four years and winning state titles in 2017 and 2020. He was twice named District 5-5A Coach of the Year. He also was head coach at St. Stanislaus on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi for three seasons, including a 12-1 record with a trip to the third round of the state playoffs in 2013, and has a 59-25 overall record as a high school coach.

    He gained collegiate coaching experience as offensive coordinator at Itawamba Community College in 2010, with current FSU offensive coordinator Alex Atkins coaching the offensive line, and as a graduate assistant at Mississippi College in 2005. Book this course and enter ambassador code 11586773 for all available discounts

    Live Streams and Breaking Sports News!

    US Sports Affiliate Partner Spotlight: Hitchfit!


    Fitness Model Abs at 59

    fit and fabulous over age 50

    Fitness Model Abs at 59. After going through her first Hitch Fit transformation a couple years ago, Piper is BACK! This time, the goal was getting into amazing shape for her 60th birthday (which is coming up soon!). She wanted to build muscle, get body fat even lower, and get in the best shape of her life.
    Mission accomplished! Piper got in absolutely amazing shape, and even gained the confidence to do a bikini photo shoot on the beach in Mexico at our Hitch Fit/Rockbody Retreat in May 2022!

    Amazing and inspiring job Piper! You are such a great example to women in general, and especially to women in their 50’s and 60’s who think that incredible changes can’t happen to their health and body. Those six pack abs…wow!!
    Piper’s Before and After Fitness Stats: 
    Starting weight: 135
    Ending weight: 123
    Starting body fat: 28.85%
    Ending body fat: 18.73%

    bikini body at age 60

    Piper’s Before and After Get Fit for 60 Photos: 

    fitness model abs at 59

    get in shape for 60

    fit over 60 before and after

    get in shape for 60

    Piper’s Fitness Model Abs at 59 Story:

    Get Fit for 60

    “I was so happy with my first transformation and all that I accomplished, which is what prompted me to do a second transformation and take it to an even higher level of fitness.
    Wow – looking at the after pictures from my first transformation, I am really happy to say, I love seeing more muscle and definition in my body!
    I have not seen this since high school and truly never in my life because I didn’t have weightlifting or a better lifestyle (food and similar) back then.
    My competitive side wishes I would have had this knowledge so I could have been better in sports!!  I could have been faster and stronger.  Now I get to be able to keep up with my children and grandchildren and go on more vacations with my husband!!
    I started a second transformation because I wanted to build more muscle and get in the best shape of my life.  Primarily because I want to live a healthy and long lifestyle, but I also want to feel and look good for my 60th birthday that is happening in a few short months.
    Now I have to come up with a goal for my 70th!  My grandmother learned to drive a car when she was 50 and learned to stand on her head when she was 60, so I have to keep up the tradition.  Maybe a 5k when I am 100?!!!
    I said this back in 2019 when I finished my first transformation, and will say it again.  I learned how to eat right and how to work out correctly. This has had the most profound impact on my life.
    Starving yourself and running twice a day every day is just not healthy.   But I thought I was eating good things and just needed to eat less and do more cardio since I was getting older.  I figured I was older and life just changes and you accept that, right?!   No way!  You don’t have to.  It isn’t a light switch and you have to work at it, but aren’t you the best investment you can make?
    Your health, your emotional and mental state are lifted and you look at life differently.  It is truly worth it, I promise!
    I don’t hide from pictures anymore at all costs.  I also thought my bikini and shorts days were over.  So not true!  I am proud of myself for losing 40 pounds of fat and gaining 6 pounds of muscle. (June 2019 – June 2022)  I am happy with the skin I am in!

    fit women at 60

    I even had my first fitness photo shoot at the recent Hitch Fit and Rockbody retreat in Mexico! Never in a million years would I have ever dreamed of having the confidence to do that!  I was terrified, I won’t lie and definitely could not have done that without Diana and Stephen (the photographer) by my side to help me. But I did it!
    My husband (Jim) and I were recently talking about how blessed we are to have Micah and Diana in the Kansas City area. They are so amazingly talented, knowledgeable and truthfully artists with helping people learn to live a fit and healthy lifestyle.  Just as important, they care about their clients and it shows every single day in all that they do.
    Our lives have been forever changed in the most positive of ways with all that we have learned from them.  We are able to live life to the fullest and experience things we would have never dreamed possible. And for decades longer!!  They have become close friends and family.
    Through our transformation journeys we have gained in every aspect of our lives including happiness, health, spirituality, friendship and have expanded our family.  We love our Hitch Fit and Rockbody Retreats family.  We are so looking forward to joining the retreat again in Mexico next year!”

    fit couple over 50

    Program Choice: Fitness Model

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