Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Tactical PE on US Sports Net Featuring: Bodycam Video Of Ventnor Police Shooting Of Amir Johnson From Police Activity

 ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) ** Ventnor, New Jersey — The Attorney General’s Office released video recordings from officer body-worn cameras related to the shooting on Aug. 6, 2020 in Ventnor, N.J., in which police officers fatally shot Amir Johnson, 30, of Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania.

The shooting remains under investigation by the Attorney General’s Office of Public Integrity and Accountability. However, the video recordings are being released pursuant to Attorney General Directive 2019-4, the “Independent Prosecutor Directive,” which governs use-of-force investigations in New Jersey and requires that such records, if requested, be released to the public once the initial phase of the investigation is substantially complete. Investigators met with relatives of Mr. Johnson to review the 911 audio recording and the video recordings from the body-worn cameras worn by three police officers. According to the preliminary investigation, at approximately 4:16 p.m., Ventnor and Atlantic City Police Department officers responded to a 911 call concerning a man behaving erratically in the vicinity of Wellington Avenue and West End Avenue. 

When the responding officers encountered the man, later identified as Amir Johnson, he was walking in and out of a marshy area along the roadway, while holding a broken glass bottle in his hand. The officers attempted to engage Mr. Johnson and offer him assistance, but he refused to comply with their commands, including repeated requests for him to drop the bottle. Instead, he continued to walk back and forth on the roadway, where officers had stopped traffic for safety reasons. 

 At approximately 4:30 p.m., Mr. Johnson advanced on officers with the broken bottle in his hand and multiple officers fired their weapons, fatally wounding him. He was rushed by ambulance to AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center, Atlantic City Campus, where he was pronounced deceased at approximately 6:00 p.m. The Attorney General’s Office previously released the identity of the police officers who fired at Mr. Johnson. They are Officers Michael Arena, Pierluigi Mancuso, and Robert Scarborough of the Ventnor Police Department. 

The investigation is being conducted pursuant to a state law enacted in January 2019 (P.L.2019, c.1), which requires that the Attorney General’s Office conduct investigations of a person’s death that occurs during an encounter with a law enforcement officer acting in the officer’s official capacity or while the decedent is in custody. 

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Tactical Workouts Lesson One: Train Like You Fight


Your life, and the lives of others, depends on how well you've prepared for the unexpected.

You can't train one way and compete another.

Doing your squats and deadlifts in the gym is great for general fitness. But if you're a tactical operator, be sure to put your gear on. When you are kitted up for an operation, your gear could weigh 40 to 70 pounds. And sometimes much more.

Gain Instant Access To Tactical Workouts!

That's why it makes sense to train like you fight and wear your kit during some workouts.

What's the likelihood of you having to grab a downed victim, or a fellow tactical operator? In a real-world situation, you'll need the power, strength, and endurance to move yourself plus the injured.

A smart tactical operator also sets his kit up in a way to minimize operational friction. In other words, anything that slows you down in the battlespace. If you position your rifle magazines in a spot that forces you to take your eyes off of the target, the results could be fatal.

So build your kit to your mission. Your gear should fit your body, reduce friction under stress, and allow you to access the tools you need. Equipment setup and load stabilization is critical for tactical athletic success.

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QUESTION : How should I adjust my backpack for a perfect fit?

ANSWER : Follow the steps below to ensure comfortable carrying no matter what you're doing.

1. Load some weight into the backpack so you can get a good feel of how it will fit while it's packed. Then loosen all of the straps and put it on with all of the straps loose.

2. Tighten the hip belt. To do this, you'll want the padded hipbelts covering the iliac crest, or the very top of your hip bones. Tighten the straps until they are snug but not too tight.

3. Tighten the shoulder straps by pulling the straps straight down. Again, don't pull it too tight, you want to make sure your shoulders aren't carrying most of the weight.

4. Tighten the "load lifter" straps. The load lifters help pull the weight of your gear closer to your body. Pull the load lifters until the straps are at about a 45° angle to the backpack's body.

5. Next, fasten and tighten the sternum strap. The sternum strap pulls the shoulder straps together to relieve some of the stress on your shoulders. Keep your sternum strap about an inch below your collarbones.

6. Now that everything is tight, you can loosen the shoulder straps a bit. you should be able to feel the weight of the backpack ease onto your hips. Ideally, about 65% of the weight will ride on your hips.

Learn more............

College Football on US Sports Net Featuring: Troy vs #18 BYU Highlights | College Football Week 4 Highlights | 2020 College Football Highlights

 BYU vs Troy Highlights (Troy vs BYU). Troy and BYU played in week 4 of the 2020 college football season.

How To Build Chemistry Between A Quarterback & Receiver

Understanding the relationship between quarterbacks and wide

receivers goes a lot deeper than just being familiar with the playbook.

After watching numerous teams from the high school level and up, it’s

quickly become apparent the difference between strong and weak

chemistry. Obviously, the best solution to solving these potential issues

is through practice and getting reps together. After all, doesn’t practice

make perfect? In this article, I’ll take a more in-depth look at this

concept of chemistry between the two vital offensive positions.

General Importance

Taking a look at this idea of from a general standpoint, we realize the

most efficient and effective quarterback-receiver duos weren’t one-hit

wonders. You don’t form this magical tandem right off the bat. Over the

course of history, some of the most electric duos included Jim Kelly to

Andre Reed, Dan Marino to Mark Clayton, Peyton Manning to Marvin

Harrison, and so on. The commonality amongst all of these is the fact

that they played together for at least 10 seasons. When you go through

offseason workouts and entire seasons together for that long, chemistry

arises. This section wasn’t just designed to get you thinking of how

chemistry is needed to be truly great, but also that it isn’t a quick


Extra Reps Before/After Practice

During regular practice time, it is likely you’ll improve your skills vastly

over the course of the season. Particularly if you’re rather new to the

game, you will be amazed by how much you can learn and grow as a

player. Likewise, chances are players will be split into position groups

for a period of time at each practice. This time will be critical towards

developing a relationship with your teammates that play the same

position. The same logic can be applied to receivers catching passes

from their quarterback. However, I don’t believe you can ever have

enough practice at these two spots. Just as in basketball where you can

never shoot enough free throws before and after practice, this hard-

working mentality can be applied to football.

For any receivers and quarterbacks interested in taking advantage of

this extra time, I recommend doing some routes before and after

practices. Not only will this impress the coaches who might give the

players more playing time, but it will help develop chemistry. Each

player will start to understand more and more of how the other

operates on the football field

More in Common than Just Football

Yes, I understand that the reason you’re spending this extra time

practicing together is to score more points in the games, but this time

will be much better spent if you get along with each other. Especially for

some of the younger players, they might not play past high school. So,

with this being the case, shouldn’t you try to make some memories that

will last and gain a friend that’s there for you on-and-off the field? It’s

nice to have someone that’s willing to put in the work to be a better

football player, but in the end, having something in common other than

football can truly help broaden the overall relationship.

Trust and Timing

“The essence of football was blocking, tackling, and execution based on

timing, rhythm and deception.” This quote is from Knute Rokne, who

was the head coach at Notre Dame from 1918-1930. Since Rokne’s time

on the sideline, the game has changed tremendously. However, these

concepts of rhythm and timing still very much exist. Have you ever seen

an offensive unit get in a flow during a game where they seem to be

unstoppable? I, for one, can tell you that I’ve witnessed this countless

times. The dynamic of a pass play requires trust and timing between all

parties. The receivers have to trust their timing is perfect (thanks to

those extra reps!) and believe their quarterback won’t leave them in a

position where they’ll get blindsided by a defensive back. Likewise, the

quarterbacks must trust the receivers knows their route and will turn at

the correct time. Failure on the receiver’s part to accurately complete

this task will possibly result in an interception, which won’t only upset

the quarterback, but also force him to be hesitant in looking in that

receiver’s area in future opportunities. Without the proper trust and

timing, it is quite likely you’ll be witnessing a sub-par passing attack.

Respect for Each Other

Due to football’s tough nature, it isn’t uncommon to see things get a

little chippy on the sidelines. Even at the youth levels, players

understand how difficult it is to get regular playing time at some of the

skill positions, with one of these being quarterback. However, that

doesn’t give you the right to disrespect a teammate after a mistake.

Some of this falls on the coach for creating the proper culture, while

plenty is on the shoulders of the players. Ultimately, if you want players

to spend the extra time to build chemistry with their teammates, they

need to feel respected. It all goes back to the idea of this relationship

taking time to develop. There will be peaks and valleys, but the finish

line is only possible when both sides show respect.

Willingness to Work

The last concept I’ll bring up is the willingness to work. In the past, I’ve

heard people say the only way to build an elite quarterback-receiver

duo is through a couple of exceptional players. Yes, talent is essential,

but remember “hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.”

It’s not rocket science to see how dominant a tandem of Tom Brady and

Randy Moss can be, but how about the effectiveness that the Matt

Cassel-Dwayne Bowe duo had? What I’m trying to say is it all comes

down to a willingness to work. If you’re fourth on the depth chart at

receiver, then pull the quarterback aside and let him know you’d like to

change where you currently sit. Make him aware that you’re willing to

put in whatever extra work is needed to form the chemistry and create a

duo that can put up points in a hurry!

Just Do It!

You’ve probably heard this famous slogan from Nike, but I’ve put it here

as a closing statement to urge you to try to develop this chemistry with

your teammate. Nothing negative can be created from this extra effort. It

might not result in the next Jim Kelly-Andre Reed tandem, but it could

create something you’d never expect. Maybe you’ll form a long-time

friend or make you a harder worker in the classroom, you just never

know. Rather than attempting to decide whether or not to try, just do it!

Check out what Jim Harbaugh talked about to Patrick Willis and the 49ers about Team Chemistry.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The Rock Almighty Shaker Of Heaven and Earth What Does The Bible Say About Rioting and Looting?

 Good question family. As many believers are torn as some are led to believe and told that you are not a Christian if you don't support BLM and Antifa. Get the real truthful answer from the Bible. Along with the coolest and loudest Christ-Centered Rock N' Roll on the planet on the Rock Almighty! Shaker Of Heaven and Earth.

The Rock Almighty Episode 6 Brought to you by MaidenForm:
Mix and Match Panties, endless combinations to choose from!

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Monday, September 28, 2020

Joseph Prince Featuring: When You Have No Prayers Left and From The Kingdom Of Darkness

This excerpt is from: Activate The Covenant Of Grace When You Pray In The Spirit! 

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 Just a groan in the midst of your trial will reach God's throne and bring in His grace to protect and deliver you! In this most encouraging message, Joseph Prince shows you how you can activate your covenant with God Almighty and experience His saving power when you simply pray in tongues. Discover today how you can experience the same kind of amazing deliverance that God brought to His people in Moses' day when you 'groan' through tongues. Instead of putting up with the enemy's oppression, it's time to activate your covenant-and see the Lord lead you to victory and freedom!

From The Kingdom Of Darkness

Author Agwom Izang Itse

From the Kingdom of Darkness. Col 1:12-14; Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the legacy of the holy people in light: Who hath conveyed us from the intensity of haziness, and hath made an interpretation of us into the realm of his dear Son:

In whom we have recovery through his blood, even the absolution of sins:

Numerous things have occurred in this world, demise goes to the individuals who pause, accidental when nor where nor even how it comes, yet it goes to all. Numerous Ministers, of Gods Testimony, of His Son Jesus, are crying with severe tears for the dead and the loss of numerous who have passed on with no expectation of Salvation through the dismissal of the Blood of the Lamb. Reparation for them is far proceeded to be not, at this point accessible to them, whom have settled on their choice to follow bogus divine beings into time everlasting. These Ministers of the reality of the situation are not to blame for the lost that have kicked the bucket, yet the issue lyes with those that picked haziness as opposed to light. The individuals who have passed on in wrongdoing must likewise be brought up in transgression to be partaker of the judgment of man. There is no flaw in the priests of truth, they have carried out their responsibility to God and man to convey reality.

2Co 4:5 (Wesley) For we lecture not ourselves, yet Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your hirelings for the well being of Jesus. The issue isn't in us, neither in the principle they get notification from us. We lecture not ourselves – As capable either to illuminate, or pardon, or bless you. Be that as it may, Jesus Christ – As your lone insight, honesty, purification. Also, ourselves your hirelings – Ready to do the meanest workplaces. For the good of Jesus – Not for respect, intrigue, or joy. The Father hath made an interpretation of us into the realm of his dear Son. "Translated" has two explicit implications, 1.The interpretation of the body, as noted in sacred text. To shoulder, convey or expel starting with one spot then onto the next. To expel or pass on to paradise, as a person, without death.

"By confidence Enoch was deciphered, that he ought not see demise. Heb 16."

  1. Interpreted as of the soul.

Those hence made an interpretation of as to state, are likewise changed as to character. This is a change from the lustful psyche to the brain of Christ. A difference in mentality an adjustment in your points of view an adjustment in heart.

There are numerous that trust Col 1:12-14, is expressing that Christians, who have been made an interpretation of, are safe to assault by Satan and the powers of Darkness, this is a confusion and perilous conviction. The interpretation referenced here is interpretation of the dead soul to a live soul and not the passing of the body. An interpretation from a realm of untruths and duplicity to the Kingdom of Light and Truth. From being a hireling to Satan to the Servant of the Lord God Almighty. From being a captive to sin to being the Sons of God. Insofar as the Body is alive, it is an objective for Satan and the realm of Darkness. Still don't accept? Take a gander at Paul for instance; 2Co 12:7-10; And in case I ought to be magnified above measure through the wealth of the disclosures, there was given to me a thistle in the substance, the dispatcher of Satan to buffet me, in case I ought to be commended above measure.

For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it may withdraw from me.

Furthermore, he said unto me, My elegance is adequate for thee: for my quality is made flawless in shortcoming. Most happily in this way will I rather wonder in my ailments, that the intensity of Christ may settle upon me. Along these lines I enjoy illnesses, in censures, in necessities, in oppressions, in bothers for the well being of Christ: for when I am feeble, at that point am I solid. Paul was an evangelist to the gentiles, of which we as a whole are. "What's more, in case I ought to be commended above measure through the bounty of the disclosures" this entry is expressing that Paul, to be kept Humble, as we may be, was given a bug, to keep Him in Humbleness. The Word "disclosures" was not the Book of Revelations, yet otherworldly understanding into reality of the Gospel. Paul expresses this twice, "in case I ought to be magnified above measure." Thou we have all insight and information into the sacred writings we are altogether despite everything living in this realm of murkiness. John 17:16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. 2Co 4:3-4 But in the event that our gospel be stowed away, it is covered up to them that are lost:

In whom the divine force of this world hath blinded the psyches of them which accept not, in case the light of the superb good news of Christ, who is the picture of God, should sparkle unto them. I wish to take a gander at, 2Co 4:3-4, for a second, particularly the words,"In whom the divine force of this world hath blinded the psyches of them which accept not" "the lord of this world," " is Satan." If we look in the book of Revelations, after the letters to the holy places we see an example that is upsetting. Beginning with part 6 there is no notice of the Church until some other time in the prophecy's. This is upsetting provided that you saw, even thou the prediction's of disclosures are as yet available to all, nobody gives any consideration to them. The Bible is as yet available however man, not quite the same as today, who are fixated on prescience, won't hear any longer of Scripture, or overlooks it. Why? 1. The Church is Gone. The proclaiming of the gospel has changed course from the gentiles to the Jews, hence the 144,000 fixed Jews. The hours of the gentiles has been satisfied. Which isn't to state that the gentiles can't at present atone however that prescience must be satisfied as it is composed. Fire up 11:3 And I will give power unto my two observers, and they will forecast a thousand 200 and threescore days, dressed in rough clothing.

  1. The realm of murkiness has grabbed hold around the world. Fire up 11:10 And they that abide upon the earth will cheer over them, and make joyful, and will send blessings to each other; on the grounds that these two prophets tormented them that harped on the earth.

  2. Everybody is distracted with self protection. Fire up 6:15-17, And the rulers of the earth, and the incredible men, and the rich men, and the main commanders, and the strong men, and each bondman, and each liberated individual, concealed themselves in the caves and in the stones of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and conceal us from the substance of him that sitteth on the position of royalty, and from the fierceness of the Lamb: For the extraordinary day of his anger is come; and who will have the option to stand?

  3. Since man has dismissed reality, God has blinded them, so they can't see. 2Th 2:11-12 And for this reason God will send them solid daydream, that they ought to accept an untruth: That they all may be accursed who accepted not reality, however had joy in corruption.

Fire up 16:9 And men were burned with extraordinary warmth, and reviled the name of God, which hath control over these infections: and they atoned not to give him greatness.

In this statement,"Who hath conveyed us from the intensity of dimness", "power" isn't in the Greek language but instead means, the capacity of, Faculty of the brain, as showed by a specific method of activity; as the intensity of reasoning, looking at and judging; the thinking powers. "give commission" That is to mean, the capacity to control our reasoning, our brain and soul. We have been interpreted from the control of the methods for murkiness to the methods for Jesus Christ and His reasoning. Exemplary nature and Goodness and Truth is the Kingdom of God. We have been conveyed from the ruler of haziness, [Satan] who, by methods for transgression and un-conviction, keeps men in numbness, bad habit, and hopelessness. Has humankind become so visually impaired that they can't see? Have you additionally gotten blinded by the passing and obliteration of the previous hardly any years that Satan has likewise blinded your eyes to reality of Biblical Prophecy? What are you looking for that Jesus can't supply? Consider it.

I am a digital marketing guru and Gospel preacher

Sunday, September 27, 2020

The US High School Football Show Presented by Game Planner Pro Featuring: A Stud Two-way player our of LV and a most LIT GA Vs FL Matchup!


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Presented on US Sports Net by Game Planner Pro!
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Great athlete, a great matchup, and great instruction for football coaches on today's US High School Football Show: Be sure to like, subscribe and click on notification bell to stay up-to-date on more cool sports, talk, music, and fun from US Sports Network 
Part one: He Got Next !! 🔥 6'0 180 | Justyn Rhett '23 Bishop Gorman High (Las Vegas, NV ) From Under The Radar - 
 Part two: Multiple Fronts and Stunts in the 4-3 Defense. As a young graduate assistant, Greg Vandagriff earned his chops under the tutelage of former NFL head coach and current Tampa Bay Defensive Coordinator Mike Smith in a program that TCU head coach Gary Patterson helped build. At Tennessee Tech, Coach Vandagriff learned the best of the 4-2-5 from Coach Patterson's lasting influence on that program while being mentored in the 4-3 by Coach Smith, one of the NFL's best defensive minds. Coach Vandagriff has meshed all of these experiences together to create the M43 defense, a multiple even front defense. In his 10 years as DC at Woodward Academy in Atlanta, Coach Vandagriff's defenses has surrendered less than 13 points a game. Join coach Vandagriff in this course as he clinics coaches about the flexibility of his M43 defense and its multiple fronts and stunts to frustrate any offensive scheme. Get this course and more @ 
Part three: Game Was HYPED ! Georgia HSFB 🔥 #9 In The Nation Lowndes H.S v Lee County | Action Packed Highlights From Under The Radar:

Friday, September 25, 2020

The StrengthCast PowerShow Ep. 6 Featuring: The Healthiest Blood Orange Cocktail 'Evah'

 Welcome to another StrengthCast PowerShow Athletes and Warriors. On this week's show we once again with the help of our pals at BBcom, bring you another cocktail recipe formulated to help your swole. And fabulous Marlie from FitTrack shows you an effective fat burning, and body sculpting workout you can easily execute anywhere. Pandemic or not, we got your back with StrengthCast! 

Part one: You have to be an early riser to catch a glimpse of that summer sunrise. But in case you missed it, we’ve recreated a bright, supercharged cocktail for your sunlit rest days. 

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 Part two: Our Personal Trainer, Marlie, explains why our newest and FREE 14 Day Program will help you lose up to 10 lbs while eating delicious meals. Download the program for FREE:

Keeping Your Mind And Body Healthy While Stuck At Home

  • Author Richie Jaynes

If working from home is new to you, or not working from home for those of you whose positions didn’t allow for a work from home transition, can be a difficult adjustment for many. Days seem to blend together, schedules are abandoned, quarantine snacks become the highlight of your day and before you know it you might find yourself in a rut.

The temptation to binge on that Netflix show you’ve been missing for months or to bundle up in bed to wait out social distancing may be too great for many of you to resist. But for those of you looking to maintain a semblance of normalcy during these uncertain times, here are three ways you can tune into your mental and physical health while stuck at home:

  1. Stick To A Schedule

Waking up early is one of the habits of highly successful people.

While getting up with the sun may be the last thing some of you want to do, getting up early is recognized as one of the habits found in most successful people. In a poll by Vanderkam, 90% of executives say that wake up before 6am on weekdays. Getting up early can allow for peaceful time to set intentions, organize your schedule, workout or meditate before starting your day.

Waking up when the sun rises may also have bonus benefits for your mental health, evidence suggests that sunlight exposure in early morning can improve symptoms of depression and combat seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

Bonus Tip, Read! Checkout one of our recent favorites: What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast: And Two Other Short Guides to Achieving More at Work and at Home from Laura Vanderkam

Work When You’re Most Productive

Not a morning person? No worries, it’s important recognize when you feel most productive and plan your day around your most energized and motivated time. If your co-workers aren’t on the same schedule you can utilize features like email scheduling to have your messages arrive early am so that your communication stays on track as well as your productivity.

Plan Your Day At Night

Cleaning out your email box is an easy and mindless task you could tackle at night to decrease morning email anxiety. Some find that habits like bullet journaling in the evening can help set intentions for the coming day and limit morning stress. Whatever it is that helps you feel organized and calm when in the office, it’s important to remember to stick with it while at home so that working from home doesn’t become stressful.

Don’t have weights at home? A baby can work in a pinch 😉

2.Stay Active

Staying active isn’t just good for your body, it’s good for your mind. In fact, studies show that just 30 minutes of physical activity can have a tangible impact on depression, anxiety and stress.

Staying active at home can become pretty challenging but there are some great free resources available that require no equipment. You Tube yoga instructor Adriene of Yoga with Adriene has some really great quick routines that you can do with just a mat. She just published a new series Yoga for Uncertain Times that uses moves that help address the impact of the loneliness a lot of us are feeling during social distancing.

On Instagram I shared a few moves you can do from anywhere in your home to keep your heart pumping and your blood moving.

Not A Fitness Buff? Play Games!

Remember when everyone was suddenly a home bowler when Nintendo released the Wii over a decade ago? Now might be a great time to dust off your old gaming system. No Wii? No worries. Basketball, gardening, yardwork, even carrying laundry up and down the stairs are good ways to keep your body moving.

Make A Stand Up Desk.

You don’t have to invest in a fancy stand up desk to keep your blood moving during the work day. You can find a variety of ways to create a stand up work station. Does your kitchen have an island that could fit a laptop? Maybe a stack of books and an ironing board? Get creative! Standing up can help increase focus while working, increase productivity and it help keep your blood flowing which can help energy levels and mood.

Got a handyperson around the house? Try a couple of these tutorials for creating a standing work station.

Life Hacker: Make Yourself a Standing Desk This Weekend

Bob Villa: Six DIY Standing Desks

3.Stay Connected

Modern technology has made it incredibly easy to stay connected with friends and family no matter where they are in the world. Use tools like Skype, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts, WhatsApp, Facebook Workplace and Trello to stay connected with friends and colleagues at work. Positive social support can improve our resilience in coping with stress. Check-in with your friends, family, and neighbors regularly.

Send Letters Or Mail Small Handmade Gifts

If technology isn’t your thing, you can mail small handmade gifts, treats or notes to loved ones to let them know you care. Small acts can help keep us connected and keep our hearts and minds strong. Want to send Hemp Lyfe to a friend or family member whose feeling stressed? Use code: STAYCONNECTED to take 30% off on us.

Richie Jaynes has years of business leadership and even more years of Business success.At the age of 27, Richie became one of the top producers in, a nutrition company that has pioneered the world of Athletic and Well-Being supplementation. Richie has recruited and lead a team of over several thousands of people and his team has generated sales in excess of several hundred million dollars. Make sure to check out his latest company

US High School Football Live Presented by Game Planner Pro Featuring: Wilmington @ Western Brown (OH) & (TX) North Shore Vs Shadow Creek

 LIVE from Kibler Stadium, Western Brown High School, Mt. Orab, Ohio.


Presented on US Sports Net by Game Planner Pro!
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Texas High School Football:

North Shore vs Shadow Creek

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Chris Beat Cancer Featuring: Saray Stancic, MD on healing MS, Code Blue, and What's Missing From Medicine

 CHRIS BEAT CANCER: A Comprehensive Plan for Healing Naturally is a USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and Publishers Weekly Bestseller! Available in hardcover, e-book, and audiobook, read by yours truly. :) Get it on Amazon here:

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How Can Cannabis Help People With Multiple Sclerosis?

  • Author Alex Wilks

With the accessibility to shop for herbs and even buy CBD on-line, there are so many innovative ways that people are using weed to medically treat their conditions. One ailment, in particular, that’s greatly benefiting is the demyelinating disease of the central nervous system, also known as multiple sclerosis (MS). With ongoing and frequent pain, muscle elasticity, fatigue, and inflammation, MS has a detrimental impact on a patients’ quality of life. This is why, as a consequence, many people are now starting to look for alternative therapies that will positively affect their functional mobility. Have you ever considered weed to help manage your MS symptoms?


Those who suffer from multiple sclerosis — an inflammatory immune condition — possess stiff muscles and spasms that keep them from freely moving their limbs, however, since CBD products are taking the world by storm these anti-inflammatory drugs are starting to change the lives of those who are fighting the fight against auto-immune diseases, such as MS.

Short for cannabidiol, CBD is a compound derived from the cannabis plant that’s helpful in the treatment of anxiety, cognition, movement disorders, and pain. In fact, many people buy CBD on-line as an all-natural way to begin to treat their aches and irritations. So, backed by recent studies, and thousands of years of cultural usage, CBD pills, tinctures, and distillates are able to commission real, life-changing results.


One of the most debilitating symptoms of MS is the crippling pain that can occur as a result of the inflammation of neural tissues, muscle spasms or exerting pressure on the musculoskeletal system, so patients are often encouraged to smoke weed to alleviate the soreness. You can also benefit from marijuana pills, ointments, and edibles, which help the body by offering elicit feelings of relaxation and a coach-locking body high that will allow your brain to focus on things other than your chronic pain.


Have you ever felt down or hopeless? Many people who suffer from MS withdraw from the world because of their reduced mobility, so depression can commonly surface as an emotional dysfunction due to the condition. While willpower, determination and a good support system can often help a person gain a certain degree of control over their cognition, sometimes the side effects worsen in susceptible individuals undergoing MS-related changes. That’s why so many MS patients are using cannabis to counteract the parameters of depression! Smoking weed to feel less depressed is a well-known phenomenon and since both THC and CBD have euphoric effects that cause relaxation and stimulation, cannabis possesses the power, to some degree, to change mental perspective. The key in this is to not use weed as a self-prescribed treatment and to ask your physician if you could benefit from either of the above cannabis compounds.

Alex Wilks is a reporter and writer for a number of publications including Daily Hive, Vancouver Is Awesome, Surrey Now Leader, The Chrono, and Toke Club.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

US High School Football: How To Force More Turnovers As A Defensive Back

How to Force More Turnovers as a Defensive Back

  • By Brandon Ogle

Turnovers have the chance to win or lose a game. Every weekend, I hear coaches from all ranks discuss this concept in their press conferences. They talk about how a certain turnover here and there or the total differential impacted the final result of the game. It’s tough to say one or two plays can decide a game, but the influence turnovers have on momentum put them in that type of place. Throughout this piece, I’ll give young defensive backs an idea of how they can make these game-changing plays.

Importance of Turnovers

After a game, former NFL quarterback Tim Hasselbeck said, “I thought the offense did ok at the start. But the biggest thing is the turnovers, and not protecting the football, whether it’s in the pocket or the interception…it’s tough to win when the defense is scoring off your offense.” One of a football coach’s biggest pet peeves for the offensive unit is turning the ball over. No matter where the ball is turned over, it kills any momentum for an offense. If it’s turned over in the red zone, then points are basically taken off the board. Meanwhile, if it’s given away in your own territory, then points are handed over to the opponent. Essentially, there is nothing good that comes away from turnovers for the offense. However, with this, we’ve seen more and more defensive coaches stress their players to force these turnovers at all costs, whether it be an interception or a forced fumble!


The most common way defensive backs will create turnovers is through interceptions, or INT’s. These not only help in winning that elusive turnover battle, but they also have the ability to get in a quarterback’s head. If the QB throws an INT when targeting a certain receiver, he might be hesitant when the situation presents itself later on knowing the defensive back is looming. An INT can occur anywhere on the field. Throughout the next few sections, I’ll provide drills in forcing the turnover on different routes. Along with this, defensive backs need to work on their pure catching skills. It isn’t their primary responsibility, although it is increasingly necessary to capitalize on your opportunities because you never know when the next one will come. To add on to this, remember that the play doesn’t end when an interception occurs. Rather, try to make something more happen. If you are the interceptor, then begin to look up-field for blocks and get some yardage back. Meanwhile, if you’re just another defensive back on the field, start setting up the blocks and create a lane.

Jump Ball Drill

If you’re going up against some big or athletic receivers, then the quarterback is likely going to trust their ability and toss up a pass for them to go get. This jump ball drill is designed to not only defend the pass, but also possibly nab it out of the air. Start with a QB at midfield with a receiver covered by a defensive back on one side. For this drill, I recommend playing from about the 10 to 15 yard line since jump balls are often tossed in the red zone. Then, have the QB receive the snap and take a one-step drop before lobbing it into the corner. It is the defensive back’s reasonability to backpedal, maintain leverage and then leap to grab the ball at the high point. The key throughout this is to keep the passes high enough where the defensive back has to jump. At the same time, make sure the receivers are making a realistic effort to do the same, while it’s the defensive back’s job to hold position and get there first.

Defending the Deep Ball

Every team loves to try a few deep passes in an attempt to catch the defense sleeping or take advantage of a speedster on the outside. Likewise, the cornerback might not always have safety help in case he gets beat. This puts the corner in an interesting position as he must play off a little to avoid getting beat early, along with staying mindful of the potential short cross. Defending the deep ball is all about body control, which this drill will emphasize. The defensive back will line up approximately five yards off the line of scrimmage. Then, upon snap of the football, the defensive back will backpedal five yards. At this time, he should be reading the eyes of the quarterback. If they stay on that receiver, prepare to turn, drive your feet into the ground and sprint deep at which point you’ll nab the ball at its highest point. While sprinting deep, try to maintain an idea of where the ball is out. Occasionally, the ball will be underthrown, which will force you to quickly halt movement and make a play on the ball. In the end, this drill should teach you the basics of body control!

If you do opt to play bump ’n’ run coverage, I’ve included a link to a course from CoachTube. It is taught by college football coach Grant Cain and goes through a number of different defensive back drills, with the bump ‘n’ run one coming into play with defending the deep ball.

Tipped Pass

In the majority of games, there will be a few tipped passes. These aren’t always the easiest to intercept, but they are still opportunities nonetheless. The core trait to learn here is concentration. Even though the trajectory of the ball might change slightly, try your best to maintain focus on the ball.

The tipped pass drill starts with a defensive back on one specific yard line on the sideline, a coach in the middle of the field on that same yard line, and a tipper in-between the two. The defensive back will start running toward the coach, who will throw a pass. The tipper must get a slight hand to the ball to change the movement slightly. As a side note, try to avoid having the tipper completely bat the ball up or something of that sort. Those situations won’t arise nearly as often in an actual game as a minor deflection would. At the point of the tip, the defensive back should adjust and complete the interception before running it past the coach to complete the drill.

Rip at Ball to Create Fumble

Although interceptions are the more common avenue for defensive backs to record turnovers, forcing fumbles is another possibility. The tip I usually have for this is to urge defensive backs to secure the tackle first. Make sure that you’re confident you can bring the ball carrier down. Then, while they’re going down, get a hand in there and try to rip the ball out. There are many ways for players to practice this, but a lot of it comes from game experience. Based on what I’ve always seen and learned, this is the best course of action. Forcing a fumble as a defensive back shouldn’t be your primary goal. Chances are unless the situation is perfect, it will be a tough task to complete and could even lead to the ball carrier breaking the tackle. So, with this said, remember to wrap up first because you never know if one of your teammates may get in there to help finish the tackle and lead to a forced fumble.

Momentum Shifted!

Throughout the entirety of this article, a common theme I’ve attempted to portray is this idea of momentum. Football is truly a game of changing momentum. One minute, it may seem like your team is in control and before you know it, the opposition seems to have the upper hand. One of the main shifters of this is turnovers. They can disrupt rhythm, confidence and affect a complete game. The key is to capitalize on your opportunities and don’t let them slip away!

Monday, September 21, 2020

The Rock Almighty! Shaker Of Heaven & Earth Ep. 4 Featuring: Leviticus and Guardian

 We keep rockin' on for the King Athletes and Warriors!

On today's show we kick off your week in a big way with classic Christ-centered LA Rockers Guardian and Swedish rockers Leviticus. Watch the entire show as you will catch the timeless wisdom of Billy Graham and some great motivational quotes based on scripture. After you delve into today's Rock Almighty, the devil is in big trouble! Let's get after it!

The True Gospel

  • Author Don Preece

The true gospel. What does that really mean? Many in today's society teach that the gospel is simply that Jesus Christ, the son of God, died for the sins of the world on the cross at Calvary and rose again three days after for our justification. That is just it, the true gospel. That is indeed the case. However, many preachers and bible teachers will go on to add that we must follow many rules in the bible or the commandments of God as well in order to please God. This is incorrect teaching. All that one must do in order to please God is to truly believe God and that his son Jesus indeed did die for the sins of the world, then was indeed raised the third day from the death to justify all that would believe and trust only in him.

Many say they believe the gospel, yet still attempt to keep a set of rules or commandments in order to please God with works. We must indeed keep the commandments of God, or the law of God, but this law is kept only through faith. Anyone who trusts in any work to please God or in order to be saved is not truly in faith. For example, the bible tells us that we are not to lie. This is one of the commandments. And this is true, but this commandment, as well as all other commandments are kept either by works, or through faith. Works will not save us, only faith. So how can we keep the commandment not to lie by faith, and not the actual work of not lying according to the natural meaning? Well in order to understand how this is even possible, one must study the word of God and have their blind eyes opened in order to see the truth.

In order to understand the bible correctly, we must have read it and must use God's definition of the words in order to see how these commandments are kept through faith. For example, 1 John 2:22 tells us who God defines as a liar. This verse states, "Who is a liar, but he that denieth Jesus is the Christ, he is a liar and an antichrist". So a liar is one who doesn't believe Jesus is indeed the Christ, the Son of God. Therefore, when we believe in Jesus, we keep all the other commandments, including not lying, through this spiritual truth and the understanding of what God means by the words in the bible. We must let the bible interpret the bible. For those who are still seeking to please God with fleshly works, they are still blind, and cannot see God's hidden wisdom and the truth that one must do in order to please God is to believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ his son. We must have our blind eyes open to see this truth and believe in Jesus. This is the true gospel.

True Gospel Bible Study

Sunday, September 20, 2020

The Rock Almighty Shaker Of Heaven and Earth Ep. 3 Featuring Bloodgood & Giant

 “But let him who glories glory in this: that he understands and knows Me [personally and practically, directly discerning and recognizing My character], that I am the Lord, Who practices loving-kindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth, for in these things I delight, says the Lord” (Jeremiah 9:24, AMPC). 

God practices loving-kindness because it’s His character. We must allow this to amplify our confidence in His love for us. 

 From CDM - 

The Rock Almighty on US Sports Net Presented by Champion Athletic! 

Extra 20% off Select Champion Kids' Sweats! Discount at checkout. 

Saluting service members with an additional 10% off. 

Giant - I'm A Believer 

Atomic Opera- Joyride 

BLOODGOOD "Lamb of God" 


P.K. Mitchell - Nothing But The Blood 

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