Friday, November 30, 2018

The Rock Almighty Devotional and Praise with Skillet

NOVEMBER 30 from cdm

“Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment” (1 Corinthians 1:10).
The body of Christ accomplishes much more in unity than in division. We are stronger when we set aside our differences and work together.

Get Skillet on:

Hillsong Church Featuring: Hillsong Conference 2018 Highlights

Watch a taste of the experience at Hillsong Conference Sydney 2018 [Video below]


by Creflo Dollar 28 Nov 2018

If you’ve ever seen someone who always looks unhappy and mournful, it may be because of their attitude. God gave life as a gift; He wants us to enjoy it and make the most of it. A positive frame of mind enriches all of our friendships and dating relationships; more people want to be around a happy person than a miserable one. Someone who makes lemonade when life gives them lemons may be allowing biblical principles to govern their attitude.
Life will always have its ups and downs. How we process what happens colors our perceptions. God wants us to be happy, but He lets us decide whether we are or aren’t. “Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!” (Deuteronomy 30:19, NLT). We can either view our lives as a series of unfortunate events or as an exciting adventure.
Maintaining a good attitude makes each day go by smoother. Giving our best effort in everything we do causes us to stand out. Regardless of how others treat us, letting the proper motives guide us often sets us apart from others. “Whatever may be your task, work at it heartily (from the soul), as [something done] for the Lord and not for men” (Colossians 3:23, AMPC). A joyful heart affects how we view our surroundings and the people around us. “All the days of the afflicted are evil: but he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast” (Proverbs 15:15).
Our outlook determines the quality of our lives. The proverbial glass can either be half full or half empty, depending on whether we choose to be optimistic or pessimistic. When we face disappointment, counting our blessings helps us keep our perspective. “From his abundance we have all received one gracious blessing after another” (John 1:16, NLT). Sometimes it even helps to pause and make a list of all the good things we have but take for granted, and give thanks for them.
God’s blessings come in many different forms, and whether or not we recognize them can depend on whether we’re actively looking for them. Joy and peace of mind are blessings that many people don’t have because of a mindset that goes against His will for us. When we ask God to guide us in every situation and in all our friendships, and we trust Him in this area, He’ll honor that request. “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7).
We can lose our joy when we get so caught up in our busy schedules that we forget to stop and notice the little things. If we’re focused on what makes us stressed and anxious, we might completely overlook something like a beautiful sunrise or sunset, a field of flowers, a rainbow, or a warm spring breeze. These aren’t just small, insignificant details, but God’s way of reminding us of His presence. “Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad; let the sea roar, and the fulness thereof. Let the field be joyful, and all that is therein: then shall all the trees of the wood rejoice Before the Lord…” (Psalm 96:11-13). Capturing some of that joy just when we need it makes life sweeter.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Volt Athletics Presents: 4 Dimensions of Athletic Development, Part 2: Performance on US Sports Net

Volt HQ/

Student-athletes are high-performance sports cars, we (strength coaches) are the mechanics, the weight room is our garage, and the practice court is our test track. Just as high-performance sports cars need test runs and consistent evaluation to optimize their performance so do our student-athletes—that is why we have practice, scrimmages and exhibition games prior to the season beginning.

The first dimension discussed in my previous post was the mental/cultural component. To have increased success in our second dimension it is important to develop the mental/cultural dimension. The second dimension of athlete development is the performance component. As we like to say in regards to performance training, “Give them everything they need and nothing that they don’t.” It is our job to figure out just what that entails—we do so first and foremost through our performance testing.
Prior to allowing our athletes to put a bar on their backs or a dumbbell in their hands, we will assess mobility, flexibility, movement patterns, force production & absorption, strength, speed/agility, and fitness level. This is the student-athlete’s initial evaluation, or test drive, if you will—figuring out all the ins and outs of the new student-athlete. Below is a list of the performance tests we utilize:
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Wingspan
  • Body Composition
  • Functional Movement Screen (FMS)
  • Y-balance
  • Hop & Stop
  • Vertical Jump
  • Pro-Agility
  • 3/4 Court Sprint
  • 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test - Conditioning Test
  • Bench - load-velocity test (3 rep)
  • Squat - load-velocity test (3 rep)
  • Side note: will be adding Sparta Science LED Scan data
  • Download the Volt Athletics App to read the full article and more -

strength and conditioning coach. bodyweight workout, Advanced training techniques Bands workouts Bands workouts for biceps Biceps curls Biceps peak Curls Fitness advice James grage advanced training techniques James grage att, 

The Truth About Cancer Featuring: Holiday Q & A with Ty & Charlene | Webinar #4 | It's All About You

We’ve been getting so much feedback from you, our loyal supporters… and if there’s one thing we keep hearing, it’s that you have TONS of questions about your health, nutrition, and more… especially during the holidays. ;-) [Video below] We wanted to get you those answers to help you live a long, healthy, and happy life. That’s why we hosted a special one-hour Holiday Q&A webinar Tuesday, November 27th just for you! You can purchase The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest docu-series any time using the links below: Silver Package: Own A Global Quest 9 part docu-series, written transcripts, and mp3 recordings: Gold Package: Receive the entire Global Quest docu-series silver edition PLUS all 131 full length and uncut expert interviews and survivor stories Every sale goes back to funding our mission to educate, expose, and eradicate cancer! Join us as we read your questions and provide our thoughts and feedback! We'll cover topics from Rigvir treatment (using viruses to treat cancer), digestive enzymes (The Gonzalez Protocol), organic and non-GMO food, coconut water, and more! Our mission is to educate the world, expose lies & empower people with life-saving knowledge. Help us and share the truth, by clicking the SHARE button above! -------------------------------------------------- About The Truth About Cancer -------------------------------------------------- The Truth About Cancer’s mission is to inform, educate, and eradicate the pandemic of cancer in our modern world. Every single day, tens of thousands of people just like you are curing cancer (and/or preventing it) from destroying their bodies. It’s time to take matters into your own hands and educate yourself on real cancer prevention and treatments. It could save your life or the life of someone you love. --------------------------------------- About Ty and Charlene Bollinger --------------------------------------- Ty and Charlene Bollinger are devoted Christians, health freedom advocates, health researchers, documentary film producers, and best-selling authors. After losing several family members to conventional cancer treatments, they set out to learn the truth about cancer and the cancer industry, working together tirelessly to help others to learn the truth that sets them free to live healthy, happy lives. Ty and Charlene's heartbreak and grief coupled with their firm belief that chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery were NOT the most effective treatments available for cancer patients, led them on a path of discovery. On their journey, they interviewed cutting-edge scientists, leading alternative doctors, and groundbreaking researchers to learn about hidden alternative cancer treatments. What they uncovered helped to create The Truth About Cancer and its three awe-inspiring docu-series: ”The Quest for The Cures”, “The Quest for the Cures Continues”, and “The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest.” Their message is clear: CANCER IS NOT A DEATH SENTENCE. THERE IS ALWAYS HOPE.

Tactical Bodyweight Workouts Present: Training of Para SF Commando | Toughest Military Training in India | Veer by Discovery on US Sports Net

To become a Para SF commando, soldiers have to go through one of the toughest military training in India. Watch this documentary [below] from Veer by Discovery to see the 36 hours stress test for Para Special Forces. पैरा एसएफ कमांडो बनने के लिए, सैनिकों को भारत में सबसे कठिन सैन्य प्रशिक्षण में से एक के माध्यम से गुजरना होता है। वीर बाइ डिस्कवरी द्वारा प्रस्तुत इस डॉक्युमेंटरी में देखें कि पैरा स्पेशल फोर्स के लिए 36 घंटे का तनाव परीक्षण टेस्ट में कैसे उन्हे बिना खाए पीये और सिर्फ़ 2 घंटे के नींद के साथ लगातार 36 घंटे तक ट्रैनिंग करनी होती है। In the 36 hours stress test during Para SF training, commandos are tested beyond their physical limits and mental fears. They are kept sleep deprived with only 2 hours of sleep. The commandos are tested with a continuous series of grueling exercise, a simulated battle situation. And when the body starts giving up, they have to do a speed march of 10 KM with a 30 KG battle load and their personal weapons. Apart from specialized weapons training and tactical warfare training, the commandos in Para Special Forces training are put through a tremendous amount of physical and psychological stress.

Revolutionary Tactical Strength and Conditioning Program Provides A Simple Bodyweight-Training Blueprint to Help You Gain Strength, Boost Power, and Rebuild Your Body 

   Image result for Training of Para SF Commando | Toughest Military Training in India | Veer by Discovery

World’s Greatest Military Operators and Law Enforcement Professionals Reveal the Secret Bodyweight-Only Training System Used By Elite Tactical Athletes

TO: 👊🎖️Military Operators, Law Enforcement Professionals, and Prepared Citizens Serious About Building Tactical Muscle
RE: 💪Special Report by Joseph Arangio, Tactical Strength and Conditioning Coach

The Rock Almighty Devotional and Praise with Whitecross

NOVEMBER 29 from cdm

“Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus: That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 15:5, 6).
We’re empowered when we are of the same mind as Christ. The devil focuses his attacks on our thoughts, but being likeminded in the Lord keeps us safe.

Get Whitecross on:

A Celebration Of Legacy | Dr. Myles Munroe and Wealth Psychology

Today, (From) April 20th we celebrate the birth and the life of a great visionary and a phenomenal example of a leader. Happy Birthday to Dr. Myles E. Munroe [Video Below]

Wealth Psychology
By: Pam Kennett

Around 1910 an individual by the name of Wallace D Wattles wrote a book called The Science of Getting Rich. He also wrote a book entitled The Science of Being Well, which is fascinating but another story altogether. Wallace D Wattles contention was that "the ownership of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a certain way; those who do things in this Certain Way, whether on purpose or accidentally, get rich; while those who do not do things in this Certain Way, no matter how hard they work or how able they are, remain poor".

Today, Paul McKenna, leading hypnotist and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) master trainer, is serializing his book "I Can Make You Rich" in our national newspapers, complete with self hypnosis CD. So what have we learnt in nearly 100 years and numerous theories and textbooks on the subject and is it really possible to teach yourself how to get rich?

Paul McKenna builds on Wallace D Wattles and the work of Napoleon Hill in Think and Grow Rich. Napoleon Hill was commissioned by Andrew Carnegie to interview 400 of the richest people to learn how they created their wealth. By interviewing such individuals as Charles M Schwab, John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford and Woodrow Wilson, Napoleon Hill proved Carnegie's hypothesis and established that the real secret to wealth creation was that all wealth is created with the human mind. Defining further just what an individual could do to create this wealth, Hill identified a number of actions including having a real desire to pursue your purpose, faith (not so much spiritual but faith in your ability to reach your goal) and persistence to keep going in the face of adversity.

Paul McKenna gives a modern day twist. As a well known hypnotist and NLP Trainer, he is able to apply his skills to help individuals who may have a negative or destructive relationship with money. Beyond this much of what he says is in line with Napoleon Hill and Wallace D Wattles. He says that rich thinkers are those who live life according to their rules and their terms. Their bank balance may go up and down but they work from an inner belief that they will be wealthy. Poor thinkers on the other hand, may have big houses and wear fancy clothes, but their heads are filled with fears about the future and they mistrust those around them.

Rich thinkers work from a position of ‘abundance'. They understand there is enough to go around and enough opportunities for everyone. They don't feel the need to protect what they have from others. They realize that making money is neither a mysterious process nor a cosmic reward; it is just a skill, such as learning to juggle or ride a bike.

McKenna says that in order to develop a wealth mindset, you must be able to recreate and connect with your ‘rich moments'. You do this by thinking about something in your life that brings you a sense of pleasure, satisfaction and meaning. Next, you create a better relationship with money by spending less and growing your financial awareness through such techniques as categorizing your spending as A = essential, B = important, but not essential, C = everything else. For those individuals who have an unhealthy relationship to money, such as shopaholics, McKenna is in his element – he knows just how to change people's thinking by getting them to ‘associate' negative images with shopping so that people cease to get the same adrenaline rush they did when shopping for items they have no use for and can ill afford.

McKenna also touches on the need to define a ‘higher purpose' for your wealth. What is it you will do with that extra £1 million? What do you want to achieve? This is particularly important in any culture which may have negative associations around money and rich folk. Having a higher moral purpose makes us feel better about wanting to be rich. ‘It's not that I want money for money's sake you understand, it's because I want to save the world."

There is not just the wealthy mindset though. John Asaraff, serial entrepreneur, who recently appeared in the film, The Secret, interviewed 5 multi millionaires who between them had been responsible for establishing dozens of successful businesses. They believed that to become rich you also needed: to be passionate about your goals - money is often the by-product of success for millionaires but money is not the goal; to be focused; to undergo huge personal sacrifice; to have a strong work ethic, to have high levels of energy and good health.

Beyond the right mindset, the vision, the energy and good health, you also need practical wealth creation skills. This is particularly important for individuals who are not fortunate enough to be born to entrepreneurial parents. Loral Langemeier, author of The Millionaire Maker, defined a number of ‘wealth cycles' which individuals need to establish to become rich. One of these is about ‘investing in yourself' by placing a certain amount of your monthly income in an investment account to accumulate and buy passive investments which will in turn produce more income. These techniques are even more powerful when taught to individuals who have taken time to understand the thinking behind wealth creation.

It is a huge step to get your mind sorted – to understand you have the ability to be wealthy just like everyone else. Another matter altogether is to know you have the right be wealthy. Perhaps McKenna's approach and techniques will help us on our journey; after all, he is a very wealthy individual himself.

Pam Kennett is Founder and CEO of WealthBeing. WealthBeing is a wealth education and coaching company which helps individuals develop practical skills and knowledge in wealth building. Pam has trained with Loral Langemeier, the Millionaire Maker in the US and is based in London, UK. For free resources and downloads visit or contact Pam direct at Copyright (c) 2007 WealthBeing

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Yahoo Small Business Presents Trending Sports News on US Sports Net Featuring: Predicting studs and duds for NFL Week 13

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CoachTube Football Presents Prep1Force Featuring: 2019 WR Dominick Blaylock 2018 Highlight Remix

From PrepForce:
You can follow high school football and basketball players that list your favorite school on PrepForce - Follow Dominick Blaylock and follow all players that list your favorite school here

Presented on US Sports Net By CoachTube Football!


Installation of the Complete Passing Game

This Ebook will take you from the general philosophy of installation and into the Play Action Passing Game, RPO's, Sprint Out passing game, and then but not least the straight dropback game for the three and five-step attack and from the gun.  As with any passing attack, whether it be from Under Center, Gun, and Pistol Offenses the key is to make it simple for your athletes to learn but complex enough to cause your opponents difficulty during the week to prepare for you.
The following information is designed to also give you the necessary mechanics for installing the passing game.  Multiple formations and motion shifts which have been illustrated to gain a strategy advantage, always keep one more offensive threat available then defenders have to stop on any given pass or run play.  This Ebook is approx 200 pages with alot of information on how to install a passing attack.

Coach Credentials
Jerry CampbellClovis West (CA) High School Football Coach
Since 2002 Jerry Campbell Football has made available a comprehensive look at College Football Coaching, High School Football Coaching, youth football training and developing skill in all aspects of the game of football. Coach Campbell's Football Coaching Videos, Manuals, Books, and DVD's have been written and produced to be thought-provoking, as well as a guide to help coaches evaluate and enhance their philosophies, knowledge, preparation, and schemes. Coach Campbell's Offensive football books, defensive football books and kicking game football books are filled with X & O diagrams that feature detailed explanation and coaching points. Coach Campbell's Football books and football DVD's can be used to install a complete football offense, defense and kicking game packages into your own program, or use Coach Campbell's football books and football DVD's to enhance what you are currently doing. In either case, your knowledge on the game of football is guaranteed to improve. Book This Course........