Tuesday, July 31, 2018

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Minding Your Business-Online Store

Presented on US Sports Net By Yahoo Small Business!
By: Ross Crispin

Before you run a successful online store, first there are many factors needing consideration before you even think about opening online store. These factors range from the payment method, security, advertisement, to website building. Simply put, e-commerce hosting is not a game, and like everything else in life, you have to do your homework before you can be successful.

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To run a successful online store, first you have to have an idea on what type of business you want to do. The best strategy for online store lies in it being a niche market. Hence customers that come calling usually know what type of items they wanted; and good online store will have that specific product because the store specialize on the market.

But before you have customer come knocking to your online store, your store must first be known. Just like in real world, a store that is not known by anyone will not be able to sell its product. This is why online store need advertisement. There are many ways to advertise your online store including using twitter and email campaigns. The better the media of campaign you use, the higher the traffic it will generate. High traffic generally means high number of potential customers.

However, just advertisement is not enough. Once you have customer, you will need the tools for customer to do transaction with. You will also want your customer to know that your online store is reliable hence you might want to consider using e-commerce hosting. This is the hardest part for online store. The reason being you can hire a programmer to make a website for you and integrate tools that your customer may need; but you cannot buy credibility and reputation.

What your online store needs to encourage users to buy your products are credit card merchant account and PayPal with security features on your website. First of all, the most known payment tools are credit card. If you do not have a merchant account, how will you accept any credit card payment? Exactly, you can’t. Now the other method of payment which is quite well known is PayPal. For customer that wanted the added security, they may want to use PayPal instead of credit card payment and hence is the reason why your online store needs to have both type of payment tools. The usage of security feature in your website is just that, to provide security.

The very first thing a consumer will want to have before he or she buy a product is the security that their account will not be stolen when used for online transaction. For this reason, there is something called e-commerce hosting. This e-commerce hosting is basically a shopping cart hosted by trusted website on which customer may have their personal data stored hence the added security for both buyers and sellers.
All in all, it is not easy to run a successful online store. Additionally, it is an extremely good idea to use e-commerce hosting in order to induce purchase from customers.
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ESPN's Top 2019 Basketball Recruit Celebrates Top ACT Scores! and 5 Strength Training and Plyometric Methods to Improve Rebounding

ESPN's Top 2019 Basketball Recruit Celebrates Top ACT Scores and College Scholarships with In Full Motion and the Race to 36 team. [Video Below]

Presented on US Sports Net By CoachTube Basketball!

5 Strength Training and Plyometric Methods to Improve Rebounding

You may think rebounding is based off of athleticism or height, but this belief is false. Rebounding is a developed skill that anyone can acquire through proper training – specifically, strength and plyometric training. Since rebounding has many components to it, there are many drills you can do in order to improve your rebounding ability. This article will highlight what I believe to be the best training methods for turning any athlete into a strong rebounder.
#1: Squats
This is essential for athletes to work out their entire lower body. Squats are great for increasing muscle endurance and strength. The endurance will allow basketball players to jump higher, run faster and run longer. Leg strength contributes to staying low and boxing out your opponent. When you are able to hold your man and push them back, you will give yourself a better chance of grabbing the rebound. Almost everyone is familiar with the squat technique; start with your feet hips width apart and back straight. Push hips back with weight on heels until your knees are parallel to the floor. Use your leg muscles to push back up. In order to keep your body guessing, it is good to perform different squat techniques. Here are some variations of the squat.
-       Body weight squat - Squat at high repetitions with your body weight. This method will increase muscle endurance while weighted squats will increase muscle strength.
-       Back squat – Squat with the barbell rested behind your head on your shoulders and neck.
-       Front squat –Squat with the barbell in front of your body with elbows parallel to the ground.
-       Goblet squat – Squat with a dumbbell or weight plate held between your legs. Lower until the weight touches the ground and come back up.
-       Overhead squat – Hold the barbell with a grip that is much wider then shoulder width. With arms fully extended overhead, perform squat. Note: this is one of the hardest squats because it requires good balance from the core and shoulders.
#2: Pull-ups
Pull-ups are one of the best exercises basketball players can do. They are especially useful for rebound improvement since the pulling motion is similar to the motion of pulling down a rebound. Pull-ups strengthen the back and arm muscles used when ripping down a rebound so you are more powerful during a basketball game. You can find a pull up bar at any gym, buy one for your home, or improvise with anything that will allow you to safely pull yourself up. Grab the bar with hands facing away from your face (or you can do chin ups when the hands face towards you). Using your back muscles, pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar; lower yourself until arms are straight. Aim for at least three sets for 8-12 reps. If you are experienced with pull-ups, try wearing a weighted vest or attached a weight plate between your legs. If you cannot complete pull-ups on your own, get a partner to help support you or use the assisted pull-up machine at your gym.
#3: Plyometrics
Vital for increasing timing and muscle reaction, plyometrics train your muscles to contact quicker and more explosively when jumping for a rebound. This explosiveness will also help you beat your opponents to the ball. Furthermore, plyometrics can increase your vertical jump, which is a huge component for becoming a better rebounder. Here are a few simple plyometric drills you can do pretty much anywhere.
-       Squat jumps – Wearing a weighted vest, lower into a squat position and explode off the ground. Imagine yourself jumping higher each time in order to grab a rebound. Do three sets for 8-12 reps.
-       Box jumps – Stand about 1-2 feet away from a sturdy box at an appropriate height for your abilities. Standing still, lower into a position similar to squat and jump up and forward onto the box. When landing, make sure you land gently on the balls of your feet so that less pressure is put on your knees. Again, wear a weighted vest to make this more challenging. Do three sets for 8-12 reps.
-       Broad jumps – Start with feet hip distance apart and lower down to get more power. Jump as far forward as you can. Land softly and repeat this action as quick as you can. Limiting time on the ground trains your muscles to contract quicker. Do three sets for 8-12 reps.
#4: Weighted jumps
Weighted jumps are a sub category of plyometics because they train your muscle fibers to react more quickly. These exercises are ideal for basketball players specifically to increase vertical jump.
-       Weight plate jumps- Hold a 5-10 pound plate over your head and try to touch the backboard. Complete this for 12-15 reps and go to the other side of the basket. Once you have completed two sets with weight, take a ball and repeat the drill. You will find it much easier to touch the backboard since the ball is significantly lighter than the weight.
-       Weighted vest jumps - Stand at the foul line and throw or bounce the ball at the backboard. Wearing a weighted vest, jump as high as you can and reach the ball at its peak. Finish the lay-up or throw an outlet pass; complete 5 sets of 5 reps.
-       Weight put backs- Stand in the center of the key about two feet in front of the basket. With arms extended holding a 5-10 pound plate overhead, jump straight up. Next, pivot towards the basketball and jump again as to finish the put back lay-up. Do three sets of 10 repetitions.
#5: Core
Your core is where all of your strength and power come from. The stronger your core, the stronger and more efficient your other muscles will become. If your core is weak, your other muscles will not be able to perform as efficiently. Therefore, a strong core is necessary to complement the exercises mentioned above.  A strong core is also crucial for boxing out and moving your opponent. Most people think core is purely abdominals. However, training your core involves strengthening your back and shoulders as well. Do this routine 3-4 times a week and you will have a stronger core in no time.
·      25 push-ups
·      1 minute plank
·      1 minute wall sit
Repeat this cycle 4-5 times. Also, you can add in any abdominal drills you like to supplement these exercises.
For more rebounding drills and exercises, check out this course by Michigan State’s Tom Izzo on CoachTube.

If Your Trainer Or Strength Coach Is Not A Member Of StrengthCoach.com It's A Disservice To You!


You want to learn, network and grow as a professional.
Is it even possible in such an intimidating environment filled with so much conflicting information?

It's Overwhelming Out There...
Anthony Renna, host of The Strength Coach Podcast
I can remember when I first started out as a trainer, I couldn't believe how much conflicting information there was about Strength and Conditioning and Personal Training! 
I was trying to absorb as much information as I could but it was pretty confusing, I wasn't sure who to believe or who I could trust.  The internet was (and still is) filled with snake oil salesmen padding their resumes (amazing how many people claim to have worked with pro athletes and Olympic champions) trying to make a buck selling “magic” training formulas.
The peers I had been working with in my big box gym seemed to be mostly concerned with their own bodies, and trainers who had been there the longest were not interested in teaching anyone that might be their competition. 
They certainly weren't interested in learning anything new.  I wasn't sure where to turn. 
A lot of trainers face the same problems:
  • Overwhelmed by all of the information on the internet
  • Waste too much valuable time searching for answers to questions
  • Take a chance and overpay for DVD's that end up over-promising and under-delivering
  • Get books that are outdated with authors that you can't get in touch with for questions
  • Have no one to connect with to talk about industry topics
  • Can't find good mentors to help with advancing in their career
It's frustrating!
According to many sources, the career "life" expectancy for trainers is anywhere from 1-3 years.
They end up leaving the business for good.
I know, I was at that point. 

I really felt all alone in my pursuit to become a better trainer.

Coach Boyle was someone who had been already been working in Strength and Conditioning for 20 years, working with all kinds of athletes at Boston University, the Boston Bruins, the US Women's Soccer and Hockey teams and lots of pro football players. 

He was still in the trenches, which is important for me when I am looking to learn from someone.  Fitness business expert and StrengthCoach.com frequent contributor Alwyn Cosgrove likes to say, “Been There, done that, still DOING it”.   That's Coach Boyle.
I had just read his first book, Functional Training for Sports, and his philosophies and methods really resonated with me.  His work made sense.
Coach Boyle started his own forum to be able to answer so many of the questions he was getting and it was filled with strength coaches who had been working in high schools, colleges and the pros. There was so many amazing discussions about every topic and situation imaginable in Strength and Conditioning.  It was incredible.

strength and Conditioning coach, Abs Agility Balance Bicep curls Box jump Calf raises Core strength Deadlift Eccentric strength Endurance Leg extensions Olympics Pushups Skiing Speed Split squat Strength Training Winter olympics, 

Nine Cancer Cures That The Medical Mafia Doesn’t Want You To Know About

Are you health-conscious? If yes, good for you. If your health is not a priority, you are definitely doing it wrong. There is nothing wrong with curing a disease with food.Is it the things you read in The Journal of the American Medical Association? [Video Below]

Long-Term Prevention Through Immune Support
By: Isaac Eliaz

Whether you’re talking about a cold or the flu, there are various recommendations for preventing and treating them. If you start early on prevention, you'll likely be among the lucky people who sail through the winter without catching either. By far the best defense is prevention. A strong immune system will prevent a cold or the flu and speed up recovery time if you do in fact get sick.

One of the best preventive measures is medicinal mushrooms, which are well-documented for their ability to enhance immune function and help combat infection, especially on a long-term basis. Medicinal mushrooms are literally immune system coaches, and it is more efficient to train your immune system when you are not already sick. The beauty of medicinal mushrooms is that they are also highly beneficial in times of distress and when your immune system is under an increased risk.

The best way to use medicinal mushrooms is to take them regularly at a maintenance dose and then increase the dosage when you are at greater risk or when you have a cold. At times of distress or if there is an increased risk for colds and flu, doubling the dosage of medicinal mushrooms is extremely beneficial.

Mushrooms naturally contain Beta glucans, which are simple polysaccharides (sugar/carbohydrate molecules) that enhance immune function by boosting macrophage activity. Beta glucans can be cultivated in yeast cells and extracted and added to mushroom products for a booster effect. Thus, when you select a mushroom product, it is important to choose one that contains additional Beta glucans for the best benefit. Additional herbs that are valuable for immune health include Echinacea and Goldenseal. Various Chinese herbal formulas such as Yin Qiao San, Gui Zi Tang, Ge Gen Tang can also be effective, depending on the specific characteristics of the flu or cold. Tonifying and adaptogenic herbs, such as Astragalus, Ginseng, and Eleutherococcus (Siberian ginseng) are also powerful defenses, but consult an herbalist knowledgeable in TCM herbology before taking them.

Finally, when you have a cold or the flu, high dosages of vitamin C and zinc are quite helpful. Daily doses of Vitamin C can boost the immune system, offering potential protection from viruses and colds. Vitamin C is a nutrient that has been demonstrated to have a substantial impact on human health. Taking a dose of up to 1,000 mg of Vitamin C can strengthen your immune system and that, in turn, can help you avoid colds and nasty viruses.

Zinc helps to eliminate already existing free radicals and helps to prevent new ones from forming. Zinc is the most important mineral to the thymus gland, which orchestrates the immune function in the human body. Supplementation with zinc increases the ability of the immune system to fight viral infections and enhances the ability of the immune system to do its job.

Research continues to show how important these vitamins and supplements are for your immune system, and since most of us are deficient in the winter, a daily supplement can boost your immune system even more. For more immune-boosting health tips, download a complimentary wellness guide by visiting www.dreliaz.org/cold-flu-report.

Dr. Isaac Eliaz is a respected author, lecturer, researcher, product formulator, and clinical practitioner. He has been a pioneer in the field of integrative medicine since the early 1980s. Dr. Eliaz is a frequent guest lecturer on integrative medical approaches to health, immune enhancement, and cancer prevention and treatment. www.dreliaz.org/cold-flu-report.

Good Cops, Great Cops-The importance of mindset in policing | Chip Huth | TEDxTacoma and Speeding and Radar

In the wake of recent high-profile events, police departments and the communities they serve are facing many complex challenges. There are currently many options on the table for meeting the evolving expectations of our citizens; however, behavioral prescriptions, revised legal mandates, and technological applications each have limited ability to affect the law enforcement culture in meaningful ways. What is needed is a shift in the way the police see themselves in relationship to their respective communities. What follows this change in mindset are opportunities for law enforcement to engage and partner with the community to build relationships that can be leveraged to instill safety, security and hope. [Video Below] Charles “Chip” Huth is a Captain and watch commander with the Kansas City, Mo. Police Department. During his nearly quarter-century career, he has executed or supervised more than 2,500 high-risk tactical actions. He is past President of the National Law Enforcement Training Center, a non-profit organization in Kansas City, and an Army veteran. He is a widely known expert in police tactics and provides police training to agencies throughout the United States. Mr. Huth is a sought after speaker in law enforcement and corporate venues. In 2008, Mr. Huth became a licensed trainer of the Arbinger Institute’s programs within the Kansas City PD. Since 2010, he has been deployed to Arbinger’s clients as a master facilitator and senior consultant to help organizations and their leaders eliminate conflict and create high-trust, high-performance cultures. He is co-author of the book Unleashing the Power of Unconditional Respect – Transforming Law Enforcement and Police Training. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx

Bodybyboyle Online Strength And Conditioning Service

Speeding and Radar
By: Kenneth Vercammen

It is well established that the prosecution of a defendant for a motor vehicle violation is a quasi-criminal proceeding. In such a proceeding the burden of proof is upon the state to establish all elements of the offense beyond a reasonable doubt.
In every charge of a speeding violation, the complaint or summons should specify (l) the speed at which the defendant is alleged to have driven, (2) the speed which is prima facie unlawful, and (3) the time and place of the alleged violation.
A sign showing a speed limit is merely notice of the law or an ordinance or regulation prohibiting a greater speed. The sign itself does not set the speed limit. There can be no conviction for violation of the edict of a posted sign, but only for violation of the statute, ordinance, or regulation having the force of law. There are many unauthorized signs in the state which may serve as a warning but have no effect in creating an offense.


Speed-measuring radar in various forms has been accepted since State v. Dantonio 18 N.J. 570 (1955), where the N.J. Supreme Court held it is not essential that the court determine the precise speed at which the vehicle was being operated when the alleged offense occurred, and that the operator of the vehicle must be adjudged guilty if the evidence established, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the drive exceeded the statutory speed limit.
It is not necessary for the trial court to make a particular finding as to the precise speed in excess of the speed limit at which the defendant was traveling at the time of the violation. State v. Bookbinder 82 N.J. Super. 179, 183 (App. Div. 1964).
However, if the defendant is found guilty, the trial court should determine the quantum of excess was so many miles per hour in exercising its discretion as to the penalty to be imposed within the statutory limitation. The precise speed a motorist was traveling thus is material only on the question as to the penalty to be imposed, not on the question of guilt or innocence.

State v. Readding 169 N.J. Super. 238 (Law Div. 1978), restated the general rule that in order for the radar speedometer reading to be admissible into evidence, it should be established that: (l) the device is scientifically reliable; (2) the particular speedometer used in the case being tried is accurate; (3) the operator is qualified; and (4) the device was operated properly in the case being tried.

How Radar Operates

In State v. Wojtkowiak 170 N.J. Super. 44 (Law Div. 1979), rev'd on other grounds, 174 N.J. Super. 460, Judge Wells examined in detail the K-55 Radar, and his conclusions were incorporated by the Appellate Division. This case should be read and reread for a detailed explanation of Radar by a Court.
The traffic radar method speed detection measurement depends upon the Doppler effect. Simply stated a radio wave which strikes a moving object is reflected from that object at different frequency from that of the incident wave. A radar which transmits waves and receives reflected waves can determine their frequency difference and calculate the speed of the object which produced the reflective wave.
Courts have accepted as scientifically reliable MPH Industries' K-55 Traffic Radar -- the primary system employed for the purpose of measuring the speed of motor vehicles in New Jersey.
In State v. Wojtkowiak 174 N.J. Super, 460 (App. Div. l980), the appeals court held in all future cases the state should adduce evidence at the municipal court level as to (1) the specific training and extent of experience of the officer operating the radar, (2) the calibration of the machine was checked by at least two external tuning forks both singly and in combination, and (3) the calibration of the speedometer of the patrol car in cases where the K-55 is operating in the moving mode.
MPH Industries, manufacturer and distributor of the K-55, sets forth the following eight points an officer must be able to testify to:
- The officer must establish the time, place and location of the radar device at the time he made the reading.
- The officer must be able to identify the vehicle.
- The officer must identify the defendant as the operator of the vehicle
- The officer must testify that he made a visual observation of the vehicle and that it was going at an excessive rate of speed.
- At the time of the radar reading the officer must testify that the vehicle was out front, by itself, nearest to the radar.
- The officer must state his qualifications and training in radar use.
- The officer must establish that the radar was tested for accuracy both prior and after its use.
- If used in the moving mode, that at the time of the radar reading the patrol speed indicated on the unit compared to the speedometer of the police vehicle.

Qualified Operator?

While it appeared to the court in State v. Wojtkowiak Supra that the K-55 Radar is an accurate and reliable tool for the measurement of speed, its accuracy and reliability in any case are no better than the skill of the person operating the radar. Id. at 174. The court made this emphasis as a warning to all police departments that proper courses of instruction be developed before the K-55 Radar device is employed in any municipality.
A calibration check is accomplished with the use of two tuning forks and their accuracy must be the subject of the documentary proof. Use of the K-55 does not eliminate the need for such proof. State v. Wojtkowiak 170 N.J. Super. at 50, n.1
In State v. Overton 135 N.J. Super 443 (Cty. Ct. 1975), four external tuning forks were used to test the radar unit 12 times within a period of approximately 90 minutes. The court noted there is authority to the effect that a radar unit should be checked for accuracy each time it is set up at a different location. MPH Industries argues this is not necessary with moving radar.
In State v. Readding 160 N.J. Super 238 (Law Div. 1978), the court reiterated the decision in State v. Overton 135 N.J. Super. 443 (Cty. Ct. 1975), where the court found there are three universally accepted methods of testing the accurate operation of a radar speed measuring device:

l. By use of the internal tuning fork built into the machine itself (which the court found to be improper).
2. By running the patrol car with a calibrated speedometer through the "zone of influence" of the radar machine.
3. By use of external tuning forks calibrated at set speeds and which emit sound waves or frequencies identical to those which would come from a vehicle traveling through the Radar bearer at the same speed for which the tuning fork has been cut.

It is also important to recognize that in State v. Readding 160 N.J. Super. 238, the court stated: the proper operation of the device must be proved, usually by detailed reference by the qualified operator to the procedures called for by the manufacturer of the device.

Tuning Forks

Before a radar speed reading is admissible, the state must establish the machine was operating properly. MPH Industries' test procedure uses two tuning forks: First, the lower-speed fork is struck on wood or plastic and the ringing fork is held in a fixed position two to three inches in front of the antenna with the harrow edge of the fork facing the antenna front. This will cause the Patrol Monitor Window to display the fork's speed. While continuing to hold this ringing fork in place, the higher-speed fork is struck and held next to the lower-speed fork (both forks must be vibrating while being held an equal distance from the antenna). The target should then display the "speed" difference between the two forks. For example, if the forks used are 35 mph and 65 mph, then the target window will display the difference, which is 30 mph.

Admissibility of Evidence

The state must establish through documentary evidence the tuning fork itself was accurate. The state must produce and be able to admit into evidence certificates as proof of the accuracy of the devices used for testing the proper operation of the machine.
In State v. Cardone 146 N.J. Super. 23 (App. Div. 1976), the court held that while certificates do not have to satisfy the normal rules of evidence, an Evidence Rule 8 hearing still can be held, at which the court can determine preliminary issues of admissibility of evidence. In such a hearing, the rules of evidence -- except for Rule 4 or a valid claim of privilege -- do not apply. Id. at 28.
The Cardone court found that the certificates of calibration and accuracy of the radar machine -- and for the tuning forks used to test the machine -- were properly admitted in evidence, even though no proof was offered to qualifying the certificates as records made in the regular course of business. The certificates were used solely as evidence of proper operating conditions or as a prerequisite to the admissibility of the radar reading, and the defendant made no effort to prove the internal calibrating device or the tuning forks were inaccurate.
In State v. Readding, supra, the Superior Court exonerated the defendant, stating:
It is entirely possible for a particular RADAR device to function properly and record accurately a 50 m.p.h. but inaccurately at higher speeds......
Accuracy of the particular speedometer should be established by more than one test.

Division of Weights and Measures should inspect Tuning Forks and Measuring Devices.

The Municipal Judge’s Benchbook Speeding Monograph, in the section on RADAR covers the issue of "Who certifies Tuning Forks." The section reads: "The proper entity to certify tuning forks and RADAR equipment is the Division of Weights and Measures in the Department of Law and Public Safety." The section also states "N.J.S.A. 51: 1-84 requires that all weights and measures used in trade shall be tested and sealed at least once in a year."
This Division was initially set up by N.J.S.A. 51:1-42 to establish a uniform system of weights and measures in the state. N.J.S.A. 52:17B-24 sets forth that the Division of Weights and Measures shall be headed by the a superintendent, and N.J.S.A. 51:1-55 provides the State Superintendent shall be the custodian of all standards of weights and measures. A standard operating procedure for the N.J. State Police to have tuning forks tested annually by Weights and Measures to be certified as accurate. N.J. State Police S.O.P. - Radar Operation April 25, 1983, page 5.
In State v. Kalafat 134 N.J. Super. 297 ( App. Div. 1975), the court held that in a speeding case "the Superintendent of Weights and Measures has the duty of providing a standard measure and of certifying approved measures." Id. at 301, referring to a measured distance. The State Department of Weights and Measures routinely calibrates tuning forks for the State Police and many municipalities in Central New Jersey.
State v. Van Syoc 235 N.J. Super. 463, 465 (Law Div. 1988), aff'd o.b. 235 N.J. Super. 409 (App. Div. 1989). In VanSyoc, defendant, an attorney appearing pro se, failed to object to the introduction of K-55 radar unit evidence of excessive speed until the trial had been concluded, and he then argued that the charge against him should be dismissed because the State had failed to demonstrate that the K-55 unit was being operated in the manual mode, as required. VanSyoc supra, 235 N.J. Super. at 465.
Upon de novo review, Judge Steinberg found that defendant, an experienced trial attorney, failed to object to the introduction of the radar evidence because he perceived a tactical advantage in withholding his objection. Ibid. The judge then held that defendant had waived his right to object, noting that if an objection had been interposed in a timely fashion, the State would have been in a position to supply the missing evidence. Id. at 466. In sustaining the conviction, the judge observed that "[t]rial errors which are induced, encouraged or acquiesced in, or consented to by defense counsel ordinarily are not a basis for a reversal on appeal." Id. at 465.

The 'Pace' or 'Clock' Method

A "pace" or "clock" is performed by an officer in a patrol car with a calibrated speedometer for a duration of distance or time wherein the officer accelerated to a speed equivalent to the suspect's, and then keeps a steady distance behind the suspect's vehicle following that vehicle. It is essential that the patrol car's speedometer be calibrated and that the certificates of calibration both before and after, be admitted into evidence.
An officer may also sometimes admit he was unable to get a good "clock" but may say that his vehicle was going 70 mph, for example, and he was still losing ground to the offender. The obvious shortcoming to "clocking" as vehicle is that the officer's objective judgment may be brought into question, the interference by other traffic, or other non-reasonable factors. It is for these reasons that the "clock" method is used less frequently than radar and laser speed detection.

Laser Speed Detection
The landmark case on Laser speeding tickets is In the Matter of the Admissibility of Motor Vehicle Speed Readings Produced by the LTI Marksman 20-20 Laser Speed Detection System 314 N.J. Super. 233, 714 A.2d 381; (Law Div. 1998) aff’d 326 N.J. Super. 110. (App. Div 1999)

Reginald Stanton, Assignment Judge wrote: …the general concept of using lasers to calculate the speed of motor vehicles is generally accepted within the relevant scientific community and is valid. Despite the fact that the testing conducted was far from perfect, it was adequate, and I am satisfied from the totality of the evidence presented to me that the laser speed detector produces reasonably uniform and reasonably measurements of the speed of motor vehicles under conditions likely to be present on New Jersey highways when the detector is used for law enforcement purposes. The error trapping programs and mechanisms built into the detector are fully adequate to prevent unreliable speed measurements when used for law enforcement purposes. Accordingly, under the broad teaching of cases such as Romano V. Kimmelman, 96 N.J. 66, 474 A.2d 1 (1984), and State v. Wojtkowiak, 170 N.J. Super. 44, 405 A.2d 477 (Law Div. 1979), reversed on other grounds, 174 N.J. Super. 460, 416 A.2d 975 (App. Div. 1980), speed readings produced by the laser speed detector should be received as evidence of the speed of motor vehicles without the need for expert testimony in individual prosecutions arising under the motor vehicle laws.

The Law Division held admissibility of such readings shall be subject to the rules set forth below:

1. Expert testimony in support of admissibility shall not be required, except as specifically set forth below.

2. Appropriate training of the law enforcement officer operating the laser speed detector shall be shown in each case.

3. Pre-operational checking procedures recommended by the manufacturer of the laser speed detector shall be shown to have been made in each case.

4. Speed measurements shall be admitted whether made in daylight or at night and within any temperature range likely to be found in New Jersey, even if made under conditions of light or moderately heavy rainfall, but speed measurements taken during heavy rain or while snow is falling shall not be admitted without the support of adequate expert testimony in the individual case.

5. Speed measurements made at any distance up to 1,000 feet shall be admitted, but measurements made at any distance in excess of 1,000 feet shall be admitted only with the support of adequate expert testimony in the individual case.

This case was affirmed State v. Abeskaron (In re Admissibility Hearing of the LTI Marksman 20-20 Laser Speed Detection Sys.), 326 N.J. Super. 110. November 24, 1999


It is no defense to argue unlawful arrest, selective enforcement, custom and usage, non-ownership of car driven, ignorance or mistake of law, lack of precise speed proved, defective speedometer or cruise control. Obey the law, follow speed limits and you will have no need to know about Radar.

About the Author

Kenneth A. Vercammen is a trial attorney in Edison, Middlesex County,

New Jersey. He has lectured on traffic and criminal law for the New Jersey State Bar Association, New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education and Middlesex County College. He often lectures for the New Jersey State Bar Association on personal injury, criminal / municipal court law and drunk driving. He has published 55 articles in national and New Jersey publications on municipal court and litigation topics. He has served as a Special Acting Prosecutor in seven different cities and towns in New Jersey and also successfully defended hundreds of individuals facing Municipal Court and Criminal Court charges.

In his private practice, he has devoted a substantial portion of his professional time to the preparation and trial of litigated matters. He has appeared in Courts throughout New Jersey several times each week on many personal injury matters, Municipal Court trials, matrimonial hearings and contested administrative law hearings.

Since 1985, his primary concentration has been on litigation matters. Mr. Vercammen gained other legal experiences as the Confidential Law Clerk to the Court of Appeals of Maryland (Supreme Court),with the Delaware County, PA District Attorney Office handling Probable Cause Hearings, Middlesex County Probation Dept as a Probation Officer, and an Executive Assistant to Scranton
District Magistrate Thomas Hart in Scranton, PA.
Kenneth A. Vercammen is a trial attorney in Edison, Middlesex County, New Jersey. He has lectured on traffic and criminal law for the New Jersey State Bar Association, New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education and Middlesex County College.

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Don't Serve the Problem

Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him.
Isaiah 55:7

You can't win a victory as long as the problem is the biggest thing in your life!
The Lord woke me up to that fact a few years ago. At that time I was facing some difficulties in my ministry that seemed so big to me, I thought about them from morning till night. Even though I was standing against them, I was thinking more about those problems than about the scripture promises I was standing on.
Then I saw something in Matthew 6:24-25: "Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life...."
I'd read that scripture hundreds of times, but that day I saw something I'd never noticed before. I saw that immediately after Jesus said, "No man can serve two masters," He said, "Take no thought." Suddenly it hit me: We serve our thoughts!
That's why Isaiah 55 says for us to forsake our thoughts, and by the Word, take God's thoughts. That's why 2 Corinthians 10:5 says to cast down thoughts that challenge the Word and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.
Do you want deliverance from your problems today?
Then quit serving them! Quit allowing them to consume your thought life. And don't wait until circumstances change to do it. Instead, realize that circumstances won't ever change until you switch from wrong to right thinking.
I know that's not easy to do, especially in the midst of heavy darkness and trial. But you can do it if you'll do these three things:
First, remember you aren't alone. You have the Word (God's thoughts). You have the Holy Spirit to strengthen you and you have the mind of Christ.
Second, get around people who are full of faith. Instead of rehearsing your problem, let them do the talking. Make yourself listen. Join in with their faith and resist darkness.
Third, praise God. Do whatever it takes to make yourself praise. When you begin to praise, God's presence will turn back those worried thoughts and make them fall!
Your problems are not the biggest thing in your life. Jesus is. Serve Him with your thoughts and He will set you free!
Scripture Reading:
Isaiah 55
© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications    All rights reserved.

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