Sunday, December 29, 2013

5 plant remedies for a stressed-out life

Five Plant Remedies for a
Hurried, Stressed-Out Life

Stress is often called the #1 killer. It’s hard to say for sure, because the damage stress does is indirect – death is a side effect. But there’s no question that stress can cause or exacerbate illness. The best alternative cancer clinics make it a top priority to reduce a patient’s stress levels.
The best “treatments” for stress are getting rid of the source, praying and meditating, and getting enough sleep. Back in 1997 there was a best-selling book called Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff – and it’s all small stuff. That advice is absolutely first class, and the older I get, the truer it seems.
But I don’t mean to trivialize the stress some people have to go through. If your kid is into substance abuse or your spouse is abusive (to name just two common problems), then you’ve got every right to feel like your ship is sinking.
I know a 70-year-old woman who’s raising four little kids born out of wedlock to her drug-abusing, unemployed daughter. It’s a fact that problems like this put you at increased risk of cancer. You need to take it seriously and find a way to not be overwhelmed in a situation that would overwhelm any normal person.
Let me tell you about some plant remedies that can help. . .
Continued below…

Breast Cancer Survivor was told:
“You’ll be dead in a year”
(Pssst!! That was 12 years ago!)
Doctors didn’t give Wiltrude much hope when they diagnosed her with cancer in the year 2000. Wiltrude, a German psychologist, never thought cancer would happen to her. But it did. And it came as a big shock.
One doctor told her, “You’ll be dead in a year.” Late stage breast cancer is virtually incurable using conventional treatments. Even M.D.s admit it. They talk about “buying you more time.” (Don’t count on it. The evidence shows you’re better off doing nothing than chemo.)
When Wiltrude told her doctor she was going to try alternative treatments, he said, “You are committing suicide with what you’re doing.” But she was determined to find a way to beat her cancer.
Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, this European woman came across a book by my good friend Bill Henderson, one of the smartest and wisest people I know when it comes to cancer treatment.
She tried Bill’s top, number one recommendation — a gentle treatment you can do at home for just $5.15 a day. What’s more, the cost goes down to $3.50 after six weeks because you just need a maintenance dose. And it even tastes good.
Not only has Wiltrude passed the five-year cancer survival mark, she’s survived for 12 years. We just interviewed her recently for this publication. The radiologist who tests her every year told her, “You’re the only one with this kind of result.”
You can find out more about Bill’s proven cancer treatment plan if you click here.
When I ask him about some of the treatments that top alternative doctors use, Bill sort of shrugs and says, “They’re fine, but why bother? My treatment works, you can do it yourself, and it costs practically nothing.”
He’s coached thousands of cancer patients with all different types and stages of cancer. Most of the people who follow the detailed, specific plan in this Special Report get over their cancer and live for years.
“Almost any kind of cancer is reversible,” says Bill. “I never give up on anyone.”

Adaptogens are a unique group of herbs that can improve the health of your adrenal system, your stress control center. These substances are called adaptogens because they have the unique ability to “adapt” their function to your body’s specific needs.
Adaptogens strengthen your response to stress, enhance your ability to cope with fear, and fight fatigue. Slowly and gently, with no jolts or crashes.
Their effects are initially subtle and small, but also real and undeniable.
If you’d grown up in China or India, you probably would’ve heard of them. They’ve been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine, as stress busters, energy boosters, and more.
Today, science has evidence to support their positive benefits and safety – something Big Pharma can’t hope to touch.
How do adaptogens work?
Think of an adaptogen as a thermostat. When it senses your room is too hot, it stops the furnace from blowing. And likewise when the temperature drops too low, it causes the furnace to blow out more warm air.
Adaptogens are whole plant extracts that work at the cellular level to help you overcome the detrimental effects of stress.
They can calm you down and energize you at the same time. Ideally, they don’t over-stimulate. They normalize imbalances and support your adrenal gland by neutralizing the dangers of stress.
Remember how during stress your body shuts down normal processes to preserve its “fight or flight” status? Well, adaptogens energize your body, eliminate toxic byproducts, and help you use oxygen better.
Most adaptogens grow in harsh climates at high altitudes and endure great challenges to survive. That’s why they produce chemical compounds that support your ability to adapt to changing conditions. To name a few of their benefits, they:
  • Support your immune system
  • Create peaceful mental focus
  • Control inflammation
  • Confer controlled energy
There’s a lot to like about adaptogens!
But it’s also important to recognize what adaptogens are NOT. They’re not tranquilizers, sleep aids or antidepressants. If anything, they tend to be energizers, not something to slow you down.
Five recognized adaptogens
Though these plants have been around for thousands of years, it’s still smart to work with your doctor or naturopath before launching headlong into adaptogens.
There are adaptogenic formulas available too, but here we’ll introduce you to a few individually.
To qualify as an adaptogen, the plant must:
  • Be backed by solid scientific evidence
  • Act in a non-specific way to normalize your body against all forms of stress
  • Enhance the immune function of your whole body
  • Be able to maintain and restore homeostasis (a steady state without wild swings)
  • Be safe and harmless, with no negative interactions with other substances, or with prolonged use
So what are these adaptogens? Let’s take a look…
  1. Asian Ginseng is the most potent – and treasured – medicinal plant on earth. It improves mental performance and ability to tolerate stress. Western herbalists say it restores and strengthens immune response, promotes longevity, and encourages normal cell growth. It’s an antioxidant, antidepressant, and can help lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Studies show it may protect against certain kinds of cancer and promote a sense of wellbeing.
  2. Holy Basil (also called Tulsi) is known in India for its anti-aging properties. Studies suggest it helps fight fatigue and stress, boosts immunity, and regulates blood sugar, blood pressure, and hormonal levels.
  3. Ashwagandha is sometimes called Indian ginseng. Dating back to Ayurvedic medicine, it regulates your immune system, eases anxiety, and slashes your cortisol levels. See Issue #139for more about this herb.
  4. Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea) – also called golden root – is a potent adaptogen. It creates a barrier to stress-related mental and physical fatigue. It was widely used by Russian cosmonauts, athletes and military personnel for many years, before ever becoming known in the U.S.

    Rhodiola contains a phytochemical called salisdroside that helps fight anxiety and aging. It suppresses cortisol production. Studies show it:

    • Restores normal sleep and eating patterns
      following stress
    • Fights physical and mental fatigue
    • Protects from oxidative and heat stress,
      radiation, and toxic chemical exposure
    • Protect your heart and liver
    • Boosts oxygen usage
    • Improves memory
    • Extends longevity
    • Helps with weight loss
  5. Eleuthero is used in traditional Chinese medicine for muscle spasms, joint pain, fatigue, and insomnia. Germany has approved its use for chronic fatigue and impaired concentration. Herbalists say it improves mood and memory.
As with anything new, proceed slowly and listen to your body. I find that ashwagandha, for example, makes me feel hyper. It’s just an individual side effect. Perhaps few others have the same reaction. In the grand scheme of things, adaptogens are certainly a far cry better than coffee, sugar, alcohol… or any number of other damaging ways to deal with the stress in your life.
But as I mentioned at the beginning of this article, the best thing is to identify and get rid of the causes of your stress, not to medicate, even with a natural substance.
When your “fight or flight” response
is always turned on…
Your body is hard-wired to deal with stress to protect you from predators (lions and tigers and bears), or other aggressors. The response is supposed to go away after the danger has passed. But in civilized societies we’re exposed to non-stop stress.
While the problems we face are rarely life-threatening, our bodies respond to them as if they were. So we spend our lives as though we’re surrounded by big cats that want to eat us.
You face relentless demands on your time, resources, and emotions. And yes… even the technology that’s supposed to make your life “easier” has now firmly sucked you into its grip. Gotta answer those emails and comment on all those Facebook posts!
When you experience a perceived threat, your brain sets off a “fight or flight” alarm. A combination of signals prompts your adrenal glands to release an outpouring of hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol.
Adrenaline boosts your heart rate, spikes your blood pressure and increases your energy. (You’re ready to “fight” those lions and tiger and bears, even if the “threat” is just a cop giving you a ticket or a bill you didn’t expect.)
Meanwhile, cortisol (your primary stress hormone) pumps extra sugar into your bloodstream. And curbs all “nonessential” functions… and that includes your immune, digestive, and reproductive systems.
Your stress-response system is supposed to be self-limiting. A threat passes, and you get back to normal. But in today’s s world, for many of us, the pressure never stops.
Chronic stress disrupts nearly all your body’s processes, and puts you on the fast track to associated health problems, including:
  • Depression
  • Cancer
  • Heart Disease
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Auto immune diseases
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Eczema
  • Anxiety
  • Weight gain/trouble losing weight
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Memory Impairment
  • Common Cold
And that’s why it’s critical that you learn healthy ways to identify and cope with the stressors in your life. Because these coping skills could save your life.
What’s stressing YOU out?
Many people can’t even define stress, let alone have a hint that it might be slowly “killing” them.
Stress is any condition or feeling experienced when demands exceed your resources to carry them out. In other words, when your life feels out of control.
Some people appear to relax through everything, while others fly off the handle at every little thing.
Are you burning the candle at both ends? What does it take to yank your chain? How do “happy” events play into stress?
In 1967, psychiatrists Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe studied whether stress contributes to or causes illness. Their survey of 5,000 medical patients queried whether the patients had experienced any of a series of 43 life events in the previous two years – from happy celebrations to major trauma.
Each event was assigned a “weighted” score for stress. The more events, the higher the patient’s score… and the larger the total weight of the events, the more likely the person was to become ill.
Interestingly, this list was updated in 2001, and while many events remained, there were also newcomers to the “top 10” highest weighted events, many of them related to financial strains.
Here’s the 1967 and 2001 lists side by side. Do you see yourself in any of these?
  1. Death of Spouse
  2. Divorce
  3. Marital Separation
  4. Jail Term
  5. Death of close family member
  6. Personal injury or illness
  7. Marriage
  8. Fired at work
  9. Marital reconciliation
  10. Retirement
  1. Death of Spouse
  2. Jail Sentence
  3. Death of immediate family member
  4. Immediate family member commits suicide
  5. Getting into debt beyond means of repaying
  6. Period of homelessness
  7. Immediate family member seriously ill
  8. Unemployment (of head of household)
  9. Divorce
  10. Break-up of family
Other events included a birth in the family, son or daughter leaving home, a new job, a move, getting married, and even holiday celebrations.
One has to wonder why the death of a child is not listed anywhere, because it doesn’t take much imagination to see how traumatic it is to lose a child. Perhaps the event isn’t that common, compared to those above.
Without going into tons of detail, the two psychiatrists assigned the death of a spouse with a score of 100, and everything else was lower.
Many of these life events are out of your control, but not all.
If you already have a moderate or high risk of illness due to recent events, you’ll want to do everything in your power to avoid piling more stressors on.
For example, when you retire, lose a close family member or spouse, or a child goes off to college, avoid taking on other new obligations like a new job, a move, or a new course of study. Don’t pile stress on top of stress. Some things can wait, even positive things.
Avoid using coffee and sugary snacks as coping mechanisms. Or alcohol. Quick fixes they are. But the crash is never far behind. And in reality, they’re counter-productive to truly addressing your stress.
I’ve been meditating for almost forty years and it’s been a lifesaver for me. I can calm myself down in the face of almost anything. And I’ve also become skilled at eliminating sources of stress or avoiding them in the first place. Perhaps most useful, at the ripe old age of 61 I know my own limits. I can’t solve every problem, save everybody, fix everything. I’m not superman.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas From US Sports Strength and Conditioning

Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication. 
I am humbled and privleged to be part of your successful village.
I look forward to a prosperious, healthy, and strong 2014 for you!
So relax, eat, drink, and be merry during this Holiest of Holidays
Please accept this small token of my appreciation to be able to work with you whether in person here in Falls Church, VA or in all of the places around the world where we train online. 
Click Here To Recieve Your Free Gift
And now a warm holiday message from US Sports Strength and Conditioning
We Wish You a Merry Christmas! 
Title: "We Wish You a Merry Christmas!"
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How botched-up dental work gives you cancer

Cancer Defeated Publications

How botched-up dental work
gives you cancer

Getting all the mercury amalgam fillings removed from your teeth is one of the easy no-brainers when it comes improving your health. Mercury is an obvious, clear-cut toxin. Only our dysfunctional medical-government complex could manage to pretend that mercury fillings are safe.
In the Alice in Wonderland world of government regulation, discardedmercury fillings are classified as toxic waste. Dentists must follow strict regulations for how they handle mercury fillings before they put them in patients' mouths and after they take them out. If they don't follow the regulations, dentists can be fined for contaminating the workplace and the environment.
Continued below…

The Invisible "TOXIC TRIGGER"
for Cancer and Arthritis...
. . .that no drug or supplement can stop!
It doesn't matter how careful you are about your diet, lifestyle and supplements — you may still be racked with illness if your dental work harbors poisons and infections. On the other hand. . .
Patients have tossed their wheelchairs, junked their medicines, reversed "hopeless" cancer -- and more -- just by getting rid of the secret poison in their mouths.
It's an absolute, proven fact that mystery ailments like fatigue, diabetes, even blindness can disappear when you eliminate this hidden trigger for disease.
But picking the right "biological dentist" is not easy. A lot of unqualified and half-qualified dentists are now claiming to be "mercury-free." They can do you a great deal of harm. The process of removing old fillings and root canals can release so much toxic material, you're better off leaving it alone than going to the wrong dentist. You need to know who are the top experts in the field and how to reach them. We can help.
Now Cancer Defeated publishes a compact 55-page Special Report to give you all the resources you need to get rid of root canals, mercury amalgam fillings and cavitations. This report will put you on your way to healing cancer AND avoiding it.

But as long as the filling is in your mouth, mercury is perfectly safe, according to the government of the United States and the "scientists" it has put in charge of your health.
In Sweden, the government will actually pay half the cost of having your mercury fillings removed! The Swedes figure it saves money for their health system in the long run, compared to treating heart disease, cancer, and arthritis caused by mercury poisoning. Norway, Germany and Austria have all outlawed mercury fillings.
You probably know that mercury fillings are dangerous, but there are a couple of other dental problems I bet you don't know about.
My good friend Bill Henderson, author of Cancer-Free, says, "At least 60% of the cancer patients I deal with have root canal-filled teeth (some as many as 10 or 11 such teeth). There is no question that these teeth cause cancer and many other degenerative conditions. If you have any root canal-filled teeth, you must have them removed immediately by a 'biological' dentist' if you want to recover from your cancer."
Bill Henderson thinks there's a clear correlation between botched dental work and cancer. He says he's known cancer patients to get completely well just by having their teeth fixed, without doing anything else, or at least not much.
While it's easy to figure out you need to have your mercury fillings and root-canaled teeth removed, it's not so easy to figure out who should do it. It's hard for a dentist to safely remove mercury fillings without releasing a large amount of mercury into the mouth and saliva. The patient runs the risk of inhaling mercury-contaminated vapor and swallowing mercury "down the hatch" into the stomach. There's a huge potential to take in more poison by having the fillings removed than by leaving them in place.
Only a small, embattled group of dentists called "biological dentists" have taken the danger of mercury fillings seriously enough to figure out a safe way to remove them. They've developed a protocol and trained other dentists how to do it.
We publish a Special Report called The Secret Poison in Your Mouth: Banish the hidden causes of cancer, heart disease and arthritis, written by M.L. Sarlin. The report gives you all the resources you need to locate a biological dentist who can help you. There's a lot more to it than you'd imagine. It would be a bad idea to surf the internet for a few minutes and pick just anyone who calls himself a "mercury-free" or biological dentist.
I had my own mercury fillings removed about 18 years ago by a dentist who followed the protocol and I've never had any regrets. The safety measures have been greatly refined and improved since then. I think some of the most significant advances have been in the detoxing steps you need to take in the weeks and months following the filling removal.
All the while, biological dentists have been subjected to fierce persecution from the American Dental Association. In some cases they've been denied the right to practice. And in many cases they keep their activities quiet, so you can only find out about them by word of mouth.
My dentist was censured for being critical of mercury. He was only allowed to continue in practice after agreeing to stop teaching patients about mercury's dangers. If a patient comes to him and asks for mercury-free treatments, including filling removal, he'll do it, but he's not allowed to take the initiative and tell patients this should be done.
At the same time, ever greater numbers of patients have started to demand non-mercury fillings (which any dentist can do), so it's become something of a fad for poorly qualified dentists to advertise themselves as "mercury-free".
So, weirdly, the best-qualified dentists are denied the right to practice while regular dentists with no training in the area are able to profit from the new demand for mercury-free dentistry.
A dental problem most peopledon't know about
While you've probably heard about the dangers of mercury amalgam fillings, and you may have heard the dangers of root canals, there's another dental condition most people don't know about called cavitation.
When dentists extract a tooth, they leave behind a membrane. This membrane can become infected and lead to a hole in the jawbone — called a cavitation. The gum heals over the wound from which the tooth was removed, and the patient thinks everything is just fine, but an infection festers inside the tightly sealed gum and lingers for years, even decades. It releases a steady stream of toxic bacteria into the bloodstream and can lead to a state of chronic inflammation related to arthritis, heart disease and other ailments.
Advocates of the cavitation theory believe the condition is common where wisdom teeth have been removed, although a cavitation can form where any tooth has been removed. If they're right, you could have a nasty, even fatal infection beneath that nub of gum where you used to have a wisdom tooth. Cavitations can also form at the base of root-canaled teeth.
Some doctors call cavitations a "hidden gangrene." In a book entitledThe Roots of Disease, Robert Kulacz, D.D.S. and Dr. Thomas Levy write, "In a review of 112 patients who were explored for possible cavitations, it was found that nearly 90% (313 out of 354) of wisdom tooth extraction sites had cavitated."
The dangers of mercury amalgam fillings and root canals are well established. You'll see the evidence if you order your own copy of our new Special Report, The Secret Poison in Your Mouth.
Cavitations are another story. This is a new, controversial theory. I first heard of it just a couple of years ago. I'm bringing it to your attention because I think it's another possible explanation for the "mystery diseases" that mainstream medicine can't explain or treat. I'm learning more and I may eventually seek treatment for the four sites of my long-gone wisdom teeth.
If you decide to take action and have the sites of your wisdom teeth examined and, if necessary, disinfected, most biological dentists won't do it for you. They either haven't bought into the theory or it's too far out and they don't want to invite more problems with the authorities than they already have.
The Secret Poison in Your Mouth will help you find someone to do this work if you choose. The procedure to fix cavitations is somewhat involved — the gum has to be cut open where the wisdom teeth used to be, the region has to be treated, the wound stitched shut, and then you have to return to have the stitches removed.
As often happens with new alternative treatments, there are people who say they've experienced huge improvements in their health, but there's no broad body of evidence to support the treatment. The Special Report provides what information we've been able to gather on the subject. Meanwhile, if you've got mercury amalgam fillings, that's a danger beyond dispute and I urge you to get the report.

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Health Disclaimer: The information provided above is not intended as personal medical advice or instructions. You should not take any action affecting your health without consulting a qualified health professional. The authors and publishers of the information above are not doctors or health-caregivers. The authors and publishers believe the information to be accurate but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. There is some risk associated with ANY cancer treatment, and the reader should not act on the information above unless he or she is willing to assume the full risk.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Cure deadly breast cancer with oxygen!?

Cure One of TheDeadliest Breast Cancers
With Oxygen!?
A breast surgeon laughed at
this safe home treatment , until
it saved his wife’s life when no scalpel could...
It’s a remarkable story that most breast cancer surgeons would rather not hear....
While they’re telling women that breast removal surgery is a must to survive breast cancer, there’s one breast cancer surgeon who sings a different tune.
This doctor experienced a stunning change of heart after a double mastectomy—removal of both breasts—failed his own wife. Her cancer came back and they were told it was “hopeless.”
The treatment she agreed to next wasn’t chemotherapy or radiation (she’d already tried those, and they didn’t heal her cancer either!) but a treatment he never learned about in medical school...
What saved her life was an all-natural oxygen therapy available without a prescription and backed by six decades of research—including studies in major medical journals—and thousands of success stories.
To his amazement it actually worked...
Watch this free video to see the proof for one easy treatment that’s so safe you can use it at home for a fraction of the cost of surgery, chemotherapy or radiation. This breakthrough discovery is bringing countless women with breast cancer back from death’s door.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Bluefield State Eases Past Bowie State 79-61 in Sheetz / Herb Sims Classic Finale

BLUEFIELD, W.Va. - Junior Denver Clyde (Glen Burnie, Md.) recorded her third straight double-double (20 points and 10 rebounds) and junior teammate Alisha Burley (Baltimore, Md.) added a career-best 14 points, but Bluefield State earned the 79-61 victory in the final game of the Sheetz / Herb Sims Classic.

In addition to Clyde and Burley’s output, Lady Bulldogs junior Ashley Castle was the only other player to score in double figures adding 10 points to go along with five rebounds and a team-high two assists. Junior Jasmine McIntosh was second on the team in rebounds, grabbing eight.

Bowie State senior Alessandra Flores Conway (Hagerstown, Md.) recorded the games first two points and Bluefield State’s Shae Mebane created the only tie of the afternoon at two. BSU graduate student Uchechi Ahaiwe (Riverdale, Md.) popped a short jumper followed by a Flores Conway free throw to give the Lady Bulldogs an early 5-2 advantage.

The Lady Blues went on a 16-5 run to take an 18-10 lead at the 10 minute mark of the first half. The Lady Bulldogs countered with an 11-4 that ended with a Burley 3-pointer to pull Bowie State within one at 22-21 with 7:04 remaining in the first half. However, that’s as close as the Lady Bulldogs would get for the rest of the game.

Bluefield State (4-9) extended the lead to 41-31 by halftime while holding Bowie State scoreless over the final 2:11.

Sophomore Alauna Jackson (Ellicott City, Md.) scored her only points of the game for the Lady Bulldogs at the 17:00 minute mark of the second half to narrow the deficit to 43-38.

The Lady Blues pushed the lead back up to double-digits on a pair of free throws by Hope Smith and stretched its lead to 20 points (79-59), outscoring the Lady Bulldogs 25-12 over a span of 10 minutes.

Bowie State (5-3) continued to play hard but Bluefield State made a living at the free throw line over the final 20 minutes. In total, the Lady Bulldogs were 9-of-13 from the free throw line (69.2 percent) compared to 22-of-34 (64.7 percent) for the Lady Blues. Of the 22 Lady Blues free throws, 14 (of 24) were made in the second half alone.

The Lady did hold advantages in rebounds (47-40), second chance points (18-13) and bench points (32-25).  

Bluefield State was led in scoring by Kearah Jefferys and Shay Gravely with 22 and 11 points respectively, while Smith and Mebane hauled down team-highs of 12 and 10 rebounds respectively for the Lady Blues.

The Lady Bulldogs will break for Christmas before beginning conference play on Thursday (January 2nd) at Livingstone as part of a CIAA doubleheader with the men. Game time is set for 5:30 pm in the New Trent Gymnasium in Salisbury, N.C.

This popular snack food is a cancer-beater

Eat More of This Snack to Lower
Your Cancer Risk!

When you’re searching for a healthy snack, would you be more likely to choose a piece of fruit… some crunchy popcorn… or a handful of nuts?
Believe it or not, the nuts may be your best choice—especially if you’re looking for natural ways to keep cancer at bay. It seems like every week there’s more good news about nuts. Keep reading to get the latest. . .
Continued below…

Cancer Defeated Publications
Could Your Daily Diet
Actually Cause Cancer?
It's an alarming and little known fact, that the foods you love to eat daily can actually jumpstart and accelerates the growth of cancer in your body.
Food is what really matters... and eating the wrong foods can create allergies and suppress your immune system. Your diet is key to giving you the maximum amount of energy and fuel needed to get through your hectic day.
By eating the wrong kinds of food you actually weaken your immune system and could spark a chain reaction that creates the perfect environment for cancer cells to attack and thrive.
But now, there's a revolutionary way to eat to eradicate your risk of cancer, heart disease and even Alzheimer's.
Keith Scott-Mumby MD, the world's "Number One Allergy Detective", introduces his amazing world-class food regime, that's been proven to be the best immunity and cancer fighting diet, for the last 32 years.
Click here to discover the optimal foods to boost and strengthen your immune system and design your own personal anti-cancer diet!

Recent research points to regular nut consumption as a factor in lowering risk of pancreatic cancer in women.
Results reported in the British Journal of Cancer came from a team of Harvard researchers examining data from the long-running Nurses' Health Study.
The investigation followed more than 75,600 women and found that those who ate at least one ounce of tree nuts two or more times a week had a reduced risk of pancreatic cancer when compared to study participants who did not include nuts in their diet.
And if you’re wondering whether a certain type of nut is better than others—you’ll be happy to know the health benefits were tied to many kinds, including:
  • Almonds
  • Brazil nuts
  • Cashews
  • Hazelnuts
  • Macadamias
  • Pecans
  • Pine nuts
  • Walnuts
Could the lower risk
be tied to other factors?
Lead study author Ying Bao, MD, ScD from the Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School said in a statement that “the reduction in risk was independent of established or suspected risk factors for pancreatic cancer including age, height, obesity, physical activity, smoking, diabetes and dietary factors.”
Dr. Bao’s team took painstaking efforts to represent participants’ long-term diet by calculating the cumulative average of nut consumption.
Because people often change their diets after being diagnosed with a major illness, the investigators stopped updating all dietary variables when participants reported a diagnosis of stroke, heart disease, angina, or cancer.                                             
The team began tracking the women in 1980 and followed up every four years through 2010.
In addition to the decreased risk of pancreatic cancer, the study also demonstrated that women who included nuts in their diet tended to weigh less than those who avoided them—despite the high fat content!
This is important, because the most common objection to nuts is their high fat content. Regular readers of this newsletter know the fats found in nuts are good for you. (See Issue #328 for more.)
As always, let me repeat that no one food or supplement is a “miracle cure” for cancer. Nuts are one of a wide range of cancer-fighting foods you want in your life. This recent study is especially exciting because it shows nuts help you fight one of the most dreaded types of cancer. . .
Here’s why you should be concerned
about having a healthy pancreas…
Your pancreas is an organ that sits behind your stomach. It serves two main functions:
  1. To produce digestive enzymes, and
  2. To produce and release insulin, the hormone that helps get sugar from your blood into your cells
It’s easy to see how problems with your pancreas could cause problems with digesting different foods… difficulty in stabilizing blood sugar levels… unintended weight loss… and a variety of other problems.
And any problem with the pancreas is a matter of life and death. You can’t survive without it.
According to estimates from the American Cancer Society, more than 45,000 Americans were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2013 (the final figure isn’t in yet). About 38,000 people die each year from the disease. In fact, very few people survive this type of cancer. Unlike, say, breast cancer and prostate cancer – which even the bunglers in conventional medicine can often cure if they catch it early enough – pancreatic cancer is widely seen as a death sentence.
As with any type of cancer, your diet and lifestyle will influence pancreatic cancer development and progression.
But the new study suggests that including nuts as part of an overall healthy diet may be a simple and tasty way to reduce your pancreatic cancer risk.
So what makes nuts such an awesome cancer-fighting food?
Researchers aren’t completely sure why nuts fight cancer and boost health. But what they do know is that nuts contain unsaturated fatty acids, minerals and plenty of other disease fighting nutrients. Consider these examples:
  • Almonds—provide the richest source of vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant to help fight cell-damaging free radicals that are linked to cancer.
  • Brazil nuts—pack more than 100 percent of the daily value for the mineral selenium, which may help prevent bone, prostate, breast cancer and other cancers, according to the National Institutes of Health.
  • Macadamia nuts—contain the greatest amount of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats per serving.  The fats in these nuts are ‘good fats’ that lower LDL (‘bad’) cholesterol levels and reduce blood pressure.
  • Peanuts—Technically a legume rather than a nut, peanuts have a high folate content—a mineral essential for brain development and protection against cognitive decline.
  • Pistachios— rich in the antioxidant gamma-tocopherol, a type of cancer-fighting vitamin E; University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center researchers found that eating two ounces of pistachios daily may reduce lung cancer risk.
  • Walnuts—rich in vitamin E and also an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which help fight inflammation.

So why not grab a handful of your favorite type of nut to snack on today? Far from being a diet disaster—this delicious treat is sure to provide a healthy dose of cancer-fighting nutrients!
I always recommend eating raw nuts rather than roasted and salted nuts. Cooking destroys some of the nutritional value, and the oils added for roasting are often NOT healthy fats. But this study didn’t take note of the difference, so apparently even roasted nuts confer some protection against cancer. No doubt most of the participants in the study ate roasted and salted nuts because that’s what most people eat.

Bluefield State 79 - Bowie State 61 (WOMEN'S Bb FINAL)

BLUEFIELD, W.Va. - Junior Denver Clyde (Glen Burnie, Md.) recorded her third straight double-double (20 points and 10 rebounds) and junior teammate Alisha Burley (Baltimore, Md.) added a career-best 14 points, but Bluefield State earned the 79-61 victory in the final game of the Sheetz / Herb Sims Classic.

Complete story to come later

Bowie State vs Bluefield State (12/21/13 at Bluefield, WV)

Official Basketball Box Score
Bowie State vs Bluefield State
12/21/13 4:00 pm at Bluefield, WV

VISITORS: Bowie State 5-3
                          TOT-FG  3-PT         REBOUNDS
## Player Name            FG-FGA FG-FGA FT-FTA OF DE TOT PF  TP  A TO BLK S MIN
02 SMITH,ReVen......... *  0-0    0-0    0-0    1  2  3   2   0  0  1  0  0  10
03 CASTLE,Ashley.......    4-14   0-1    2-2    1  4  5   3  10  2  4  0  1  29
05 BURLEY,Alisha.......    5-16   2-5    2-2    0  3  3   2  14  2  2  0  0  30
10 FLORES,Alessandra... *  1-4    0-0    1-2    0  0  0   2   3  0  2  0  0  10
11 HEARD,Robin.........    0-0    0-0    0-0    0  1  1   0   0  0  0  0  0   3
14 DAVIS,Ashley........ *  0-2    0-1    0-1    0  0  0   1   0  0  0  0  0  10
23 McINTOSH,Jasmine....    2-6    0-0    0-1    5  3  8   1   4  0  2  0  0  32
24 CLYDE,Denver........ *  8-13   2-3    2-3    5  5 10   4  20  1  1  0  0  31
32 JACKSON,Alauna......    1-5    0-0    0-0    4  2  6   1   2  0  2  2  0  11
33 GOODMAN,Moriah......    1-1    0-0    0-0    0  1  1   3   2  0  0  0  1  12
34 BONAPARTE,Briana....    0-1    0-1    0-0    0  2  2   0   0  0  1  0  1   8
55 AHAIWE,Uchechi...... *  2-6    0-0    2-2    3  2  5   1   6  0  0  2  0  14
   TEAM................                         2  1  3
   Totals..............   24-68   4-11   9-13  21 26 47  20  61  5 15  4  3 200

TOTAL FG% 1st Half: 12-29 41.4%   2nd Half: 12-39 30.8%   Game: 35.3%  DEADB
3-Pt. FG% 1st Half:  2-5  40.0%   2nd Half:  2-6  33.3%   Game: 36.4%   REBS
F Throw % 1st Half:  5-7  71.4%   2nd Half:  4-6  66.7%   Game: 69.2%    1

HOME TEAM: Bluefield State 4-9
                          TOT-FG  3-PT         REBOUNDS
## Player Name            FG-FGA FG-FGA FT-FTA OF DE TOT PF  TP  A TO BLK S MIN
01 Tanasia Blake.......    0-0    0-0    0-0    0  0  0   0   0  0  0  0  0   1
05 Ashley Reid......... *  2-6    0-1    0-0    0  2  2   0   4  2  1  0  2  30
11 Tasia Nolan......... *  3-5    0-0    3-4    0  2  2   2   9  1  0  0  1  23
13 Ariel Paige.........    0-0    0-0    0-0    0  0  0   2   0  0  1  0  0   8
15 Kearah Jefferys..... *  7-12   2-2    6-10   1  3  4   2  22  5  2  0  2  30
22 Shay Gravely........ *  3-8    1-4    4-8    0  1  1   1  11  2  0  0  1  30
23 Tenika Jackson......    0-0    0-0    0-0    0  0  0   0   0  0  0  0  0   2
24 Jenaya Abernathy....    2-4    0-0    2-2    1  2  3   2   6  0  0  0  0   9
30 Tonya Jackson.......    1-1    0-0    0-0    1  3  4   2   2  2  0  1  0  11
32 Andrea Hauser.......    3-8    2-5    0-0    0  0  0   0   8  0  0  0  0  12
34 Shae Mebane......... *  2-12   0-0    4-6    3  7 10   1   8  0  2  1  2  20
55 Hope Smith..........    3-5    0-0    3-4    7  5 12   4   9  2  3  1  3  24
   TEAM................                         1  1  2
   Totals..............   26-61   5-12  22-34  14 26 40  16  79 14  9  3 11 200

TOTAL FG% 1st Half: 15-36 41.7%   2nd Half: 11-25 44.0%   Game: 42.6%  DEADB
3-Pt. FG% 1st Half:  3-8  37.5%   2nd Half:  2-4  50.0%   Game: 41.7%   REBS
F Throw % 1st Half:  8-10 80.0%   2nd Half: 14-24 58.3%   Game: 64.7%    7

Saturday, December 21, 2013

15th Ranked Glenville State Rolls to 130-85 Victory over Bowie State Lady Bulldogs

15th Ranked Glenville State Rolls to 130-85 Victory over Bowie State Lady Bulldogs

BLUEFIELD, W.Va. -     The 15th ranked Lady Pioneers of Glenville State College rolled to a 130-85 neutral site victory over Bowie State University in the opening game of the Sheets / Herb Sims Classic hosted by Bluefield State College. Bowie State’s record sets a 5-2 while Glenville State improves to 8-1.

Five Lady Bulldogs scored in double figures with graduate student Ashley Davis (Odenton, Md.) leading the way with a personal season-high 18 points on 8-of-12 shooting, to go along with two steals, four rebounds and one assist. Junior Ashley Castle (Brooklyn, N.Y.) recorded 15 points on 6-of-11 shooting and added three assists before fouling out of the game. Junior Denver Clyde (Glen Bernie, Md.) notched her third double-double of the season (13 points and 12 rebounds), while senior Alessandra Flores Conway (Hagerstown, Md.) and sophomore Alauna Jackson (Ellicott City, Md.) chipped in 12 points apiece.

As a team, the lady Bulldogs committed a season-high 28 turnovers but won the battle on the glass, holding a 44-42 advantage. Glenville State scored 41 points off BSU turnovers and the Lady Pioneers benched outscored BSU’s bench. 72 to 25.

The first half featured five ties and seven lead changes with Bowie State’s largest lead (15-12) coming at the 15:38 mark on a jumper by Castle. A Clyde jumper with 12:34 left in the opening period created the games’ final tie at 23. From that point, the Lady Pioneers slowly inched away to take its first double-digit lead of the non-conference contest at 35-25 following a jumper by Tasia Bistow. Bowie State was able to trim the deficit to five twice but went into halftime trailing 58-49.

The Lady Bulldogs shot well in the first period, hitting 19-of-34 field goals (56 percent) and 8-of-10 (80 percent) from the charity stripe. On the flipside, the Lady Pioneers were 18-of-43 from the field (42 percent) over the first 20 minutes, which included 10-of-23 (44 percent) behind the 3-point line. Glenville State converted 12-of-17 first half free throws (71 percent).

Glenville State outscored Bowie State 24-10 over the first five minutes of the second half to create a very comfortable 82-59 cushion. The Lady Bulldogs scored just 10 points over the next 5:06, sending the BSU starters to the bench for the remainder of the game.

The Lady Pioneers held BSU to five field goals of the final 10 minutes of play. Bowie State’s field goal shooting dipped to 37 percent in the second half on 11-of-30 shooting from the field. However, the Lady Bulldogs did stick their free throws, making 13-of-14 in the second half and 21-of-24 overall (88 percent).

Glenville State was paced by Kenyell Goodson with 22 points, while Tiffani Huffman and Fossett added 17 and 15 points respectively. Briauna Nix and Madison Martin chipped in 14 and 11 points respectively off the bench and Bistow rounded out the Lady Pioneers double figure scores with a dozen points and a game-high five assists.

Bowie State will play their final game before the Christmas break on Saturday (12/21) versus host Bluefield State College at 5 pm