Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Big Train Beat Riverdogs, Will Face Redbirds TONIGHT AT 7:00 IN TOWSON!

Big Train Beat Riverdogs, Advance to Championship
Hunter Renfroe homered once again to help the Big Train beat the Riverdogs.

We'll see you in Baltimore, because the Big Train beat the River Dogs 10-5 to advance to the CRCBL League Championship Series.

Jordan Gross (Tulane) got the start, and brought his A-Game; giving up just six hits over 7.1 innings. Gross picked up his second win on the season as the offense backed his efforts with 10 runs.

Clutch offensive performances included multi-hit games from each of the first five Big Train hitters, as well as multi-RBI games from Hunter Renfroe (Mississippi State) and Colin Kish (Florida Southern). Renfroe,Kish, and Adam Barry (Cal State Northridge) homered, and Renfroe hit his 18th total homer of the season, a league record.

Make sure to come out to Towson TONIGHT as the Big Train face the Baltimore Redbirds at Calvert Hall College High School. Due to the double elimination format, the Big Train will have to defeat the Redbirds tonight to force a championship game tomorrow. If the Redbirds were to defeat the Big Train tonight, the Redbirds would be champions of the CRCBL.

Big Train Win 3-0, Eliminate First Seeded Express


Big Train Win 3-0, Eliminate First Seeded Express:
Will Face Vienna at Noon in Bethesda TODAY
Bo Logan was in command on the mound on Monday night.

Bo Logan (Florida Atlantic) came up big when it counted. The Big Train needed a big game from their starting pitcher and Logan did it all. In seven innings of work, Logan gave up five hits and no walks and struck out seven.

With that kind of pitching performance, the Big Train needed very few runs to win the game and they got a couple in the seventh inning. The first came on an Adam Barry (Cal State Northridge) single that scoredMichael Bass (UNC-Wilimington) after he had stolen second base. Barry then came around to score on an error by the Express.

The Big Train added a run in the ninth inning when Hunter Renfoe(Mississippi State) hit a mammoth home run to left field.

The play-by-play and box score can be viewed here.

The Big Train will play the Vienna Riverdogs at 12pm today at Povich Field. ALL TICKETS WILL BE JUST $5.00, so make sure to come out and support the team as they try to win their fourth straight CRCBL title! The winner of that game will face the Baltimore Redbirds at 7pm the same night in Towson.

Monday, July 30, 2012

T-Shirts Instead of Tailgating at #OccupyRockville TONIGHT at 7:00!

Baseball Express


Due to constraints on permits at Knights Field in Rockville, tonight's #OccupyRockville event will not include tailgating in the parking lot before the game as was stated in this morning's Big Train Newsletter.

However, the Big Train will instead be handing out Big Train Summer Camp T-Shirts to Big Train fans in attendance! Make sure to get out to the game early (7:00 is first pitch) to get yours and to cheer on the Big Train as they try to win their fourth straight Cal Ripken Sr. Collegiate Baseball League Championship!

Amazing non-toxic liquid kills cancer cells

Online Publishing and Marketing
     Thanks so much for (those of you who purchased) my new report, How to Cure Almost Any Cancer at Home for $5.15 a Day. I've learned much of what I know from other excellent writers and researchers, including someone named Tanya Harter Pierce.
       Tanya and I see eye to eye on the best cancer treatments and her book Outsmart Your Cancer is a valuable companion to my report.
       If you or someone you love has cancer, this 505-page softcover book is one of the best purchases you can make. Please scroll down and take a look!
Best wishes,
Bill Henderson

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Dear Friend,
If you or a loved one ever gets cancer, there's one cancer treatment above all that you'll want to remember.
It's one of the world's most powerful cancer cures, according to research by Jim Sheridan, a scientist at the Detroit Institute of Cancer Research. Its cancer-killing ability was also confirmed by researchers at the National Cancer Institute.
Some experts believe this treatment may outperform every other cancer treatment that exists!
Independent cancer treatment expert Tanya Harter Pierce confided, "I could find more complete recoveries from cancer with [this treatment] than I could find on any other cancer treatment."  
These are documented recoveries, from virtually every kind of cancer, at every stage--even advanced cancers. And in each of these cases, the tumors not only shrank and the cancer got better, but all of the cancer went away completely!  
Even more amazing, patients didn't travel to alternative cancer clinics to get this treatment. They didn't even see a doctor at all. That's because this cancer treatment is available over the counter, without a doctor's prescription.  

Robert tried it and cured Stage Four stomach cancer 

Robert was 54 years old when he was diagnosed with Stage Four stomach cancer. The cancer had metastasized, or spread, to his bones, his liver and his lymphatic system. Doctors told him they couldn't cure the cancer but might be able to help him live a little longer. They recommended four aggressive chemotherapy drugs plus radiation, right away. 
But Robert couldn't stand the idea of spending his last months enduring harsh treatments that would leave him feeling (and looking) worse than he already did. Instead, he wanted an alternative cancer therapy. And when he discovered this treatment was completely free of side effects, he decided to try it. 
Two months later, Robert returned for a stomach scan. The doctor couldn't believe what he saw: The tumor had shrunk 39 percent. And other tests revealed the cancer in his liver was completely gone!
Six months after that, Robert's stomach cancer had vanished. Even the bone and lymphatic cancer disappeared! Amazed, the doctor declared his Stage Four stomach cancer "in remission." More than two years later, Robert is still cancer-free. 
If you or a loved one ever needs this amazing treatment to cure cancer, it is readily available and surprisingly affordable. What's more, it may be the easiest-to-use cancer treatment on the planet!  

Cure virtually any cancer with an amazing liquid that you drink! 

That's right, the cancer treatment that cured Stage Four cancer is nothing more than a liquid that you drink.  
Instead of dramatically changing your diet or swallowing a bunch of pills, all you do is mix a little non-toxic liquid with water and drink it several times throughout the day. It's that easy.  
Hundreds of patients have used this amazing liquid to send their cancers into remission. And many of these patients learned the secrets of getting and using this liquid from alternative cancer treatment expert Tanya Harter Pierce.
Tanya has spent seven years studying how to properly use this liquid treatment to cure cancer. She is sought after by doctors the world over. She has shared her discoveries with countless cancer patients on the phone and in radio interviews.
Now for the very first time, Tanya has revealed how you can get this treatment and use it at home to cure yourself or a loved one in Outsmart Your CancerThe secrets inside have helped cancer patients use this liquid to cure virtually every kind of cancer: prostate, breast, liver, brain, kidney or colon cancer, even America's deadliest cancer-- lung cancer.  

Arch's lung cancer, tonsil cancer and neck cancer vanish! 

"I credit Outsmart Your Cancer with what seems to be a cure of my three cancers: lung, tonsil and neck. The section of the book dealing with [this liquid cancer treatment] and a recommendation by a doctor caused me to order and take this material. I was given a 15% chance of living by a panel of oncologists (cancer specialists); to date I have survived for more than three years with no evidence of cancer in repeated CAT-scans." -- Arch, cancer survivor 

Pam's aggressive breast tumor gone! 

Pam's doctors told her she would die a "horrible death" if she refused their orders to get a mastectomy. But not only did Pam keep her breasts, she got her tumor to disappear at home. 
"A doctor burst through the door after he read [my ultrasound], and he told me this was the fastest-growing, most aggressive cancer he had ever seen. It had spread all through my breast.Outsmart Your Cancer was what I depended on to get me through this situation and know what to do with [this liquid cancer treatment]... Everything I needed was there and it was a Godsend. The last scans that I had... they couldn't find any cancer." -- Pam, cancer survivor 

John's melanoma disappears! 

John had surgery to remove melanoma from his back. After one of John's lymph nodes tested positive for cancer, his oncologist told him he needed interferon or the cancer would spread. 
"My oncologist... told me originally that I would have a 35% chance of [melanoma] going to internal organs through my bloodstream, and after the Interferon it would only go down to about 33%. I would be bedridden for up to a year. So I went for [the liquid cancer treatment].  I've been taking that for a year now.  My last test did not find any cancer." -- John, cancer survivor 
These are just three of the hundreds of patients who have used this liquid treatment to cure even Stage Four cancers safely instead of enduring toxic cancer drugs like chemotherapy.  
By now you probably know that when chemotherapy kills cancer cells it also destroys healthy cells. It's why cancer patients get violently ill after treatment. But this liquid kills cancer cellswithout harming healthy cells. Patients feel just fine during treatment. How it works is truly remarkable...

Cancer-killing breakthrough wins Nobel Prize 

The cells in your body need energy in order to survive. Healthy cells gobble up oxygen to make energy, but cancer cells gobble up sugar. Scientist Otto Warburg discovered this and won the Nobel Prize in 1931.  
Five years later, another scientist had the idea for this liquid cancer treatment. He began developing this formula to target and kill cancer cells. It works naturally, by blocking cancer cells' ability to feed on sugar. Cancer cells literally starve to death.       
Studies by cancer researcher Jim Sheridan confirmed this liquid treatment cured cancer in up to 80 percent of laboratory subjects without side effects. But that's not all, researchers at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) got even better results during their own laboratory tests. 
In 1990, NCI researchers found this liquid killed virtually 100% of cancer cells within 48 hours.The researchers tested lung cancer cells, melanoma cells, colon cancer cells and others. And the incredible results were even confirmed by Dr. Ven Narayanan, who was then head of drug testing for NCI.  
But sadly, when drug companies could not patent this liquid treatment and make a profit, it was ignored completely!  
In Outsmart Your Cancer, Tanya explains how to get this liquid without a prescription right away. Even more important, she explains the "do's and don'ts" of using it to send cancer into complete remission. For instance:  
In Chapter 12 of Outsmart Your Cancer, discover how often you need to drink this liquid to ensure hungry cancer cells NEVER get fed. Tumors fall apart and cancer can disappear in a matter of months.
You'll also discover WHICH liquid formula will work best to cure your cancer. There are two different formulas.One works better for certain cancers. Tanya gives you full details. 
Then, you'll get the names of key supplements you should AVOID at all costs while taking this liquid or risk throwing cancer cells a life-line. Follow this simple secret and this liquid is strong enough to cure even hard-to-reach cancers, like brain tumors. 

4 year old Scott's brain tumor dissolved! 

Scott was only 4 years old when he started having seizures. Brain scans showed he had a brain tumor. Doctors recommended surgery, even though it could permanently damage his ability to speak. Instead, Scott's parents gave him this liquid cancer treatment to drink, following the secrets you'll find in Outsmart Your Cancer
Three months later, Scott's seizures stopped. The tumor shrank and soon doctors could no longer see it on brain scans. At last report, Scott was 14 years old and cancer-free! 
This liquid cancer treatment has cured many children like Scott. And it is far easier for children to drink this non-toxic liquid than undergo dangerous chemotherapy, radiation or surgery. Turn to Chapter 12 for crucial information on using this liquid to cure children with cancer. But that's not all... 
You can even use this liquid treatment to cure beloved family pets of cancer. Get full details for curing cancer in cats, dogs, even horses! Outsmart Your Cancer can help you or anyone you love beat virtually any cancer.  

To uncover these secrets on your own is virtually impossible,
not to mention it would take hundreds of hours 

Doctors are prohibited from telling you how to use this liquid cancer treatment. You already know it's illegal in the U.S. for an M.D. to use any alternative therapy to treat cancer.  (Tanya is a retired psychotherapist, so she's in the clear.)  
Even the makers of this liquid face restrictions. They can sell you the liquid, but they can't describe what it can do for you because it hasn't gone through the FDA's approval process. Tanya does not manufacture, market, or profit from the sale of this treatment, so she has more freedom to tell you about all the ways it can help you.
Outsmart Your Cancer tells you how to get this liquid treatment for as little as $75 a month. Plus, this newly updated second edition gives you 48 pages with more than nine key secrets for using this liquid to cure virtually any cancer.  
This vital information makes Outsmart Your Cancer a life-saver, but it's not the only reason this alternative treatment guide can save your life or the life of someone you love... 
The second edition of Outsmart Your Cancer details 21 of the most successful, safest treatments Tanya discovered since she began investigating alternative cancer treatments in 2001. 
Since then, Tanya has dug through thousands of pages of research on 37 different alternative cancer therapies. She has interviewed prominent doctors and scientists and talked to hundreds of cancer patients.
Though almost every one of those 37 alternative treatments provides some benefit, 21 treatments have produced record numbers of cancer recoveries. In Outsmart Your Cancer,Tanya reveals all 21 treatments and how to use them successfully! 
Get your own printed copy or digital download of this newly updated incredible guide, Outsmart Your Cancer. Discover little-known, hard-to-find secrets of using each of these 21 leading alternative cancer treatments to cure cancer. Don't delay, printed copies of the first edition sold out in just 5 days and we expect these to go just as fast.

Get the secrets of using 21 leading alternative cancer therapies! 

Outsmart Your Cancer details 21 of the most successful, safest treatments Tanya discovered in her research. It also tells the secrets of using each of these treatments the right way. For instance, you'll discover how: 
  • Jerry cured prostate cancer at home! Doctors recommended surgery for Jerry's large prostate tumor. Instead, he took ionic minerals. In his own words: "Three years later, they still can't find the tumor, and I feel wonderful!" The ionic minerals annihilate large tumors almost anywhere in the body by wiping out high numbers of cancer cells in just a few days. But you MUST take a high-dose mineral supplement for success. All the facts, in Chapter 16.
  • Advanced brain cancer disappeared! Pamela's tumor was an aggressive brain astrocytoma. Radiation and surgery couldn't knock it out. But when she started taking a doctor's special amino acid therapy, her tumor disappeared within three months. The FDA refuses to approve this safe therapy, but you can still get it under certain circumstances. Complete details, in Chapter 8. 
  • Herbal tea wiped out "incurable" cancer! Minerva was supposed to die of stomach cancer. But she drank a tasty herbal tea and lived 21 more years. This tea was discovered by a Canadian nurse from a patient who had used it more than 100 years ago. Many versions are now available at health food stores. But only ONE was developed by an M.D., using the original clinical research. The full story, in Chapter 4.
  • 83 percent are still cancer-free 18 years later! In a medical study, 180 patients suffering from 30 different kinds of cancer took an extract of a common seed. An astounding 83 percent went into remission and were still cancer-free 18 years later. There were no toxic side effects, either. Many cancer patients think you can get this treatment only in Mexico or Germany, but a handful of doctors in the U.S. CAN legally give it to you or your loved one. Turn to Chapter 6.
  • Rare leukemia gone! A French diplomat's wife was given three weeks to live because of a rare leukemia. But she tried a French biologist's treatment that blocks CKF--the chemical that cancer cells give off to become invisible to your immune system. Within months she recovered completely! Chapter 15 tells you how to get this treatment and use it at home.
  • 100 percent of advanced cancer patients went into remission because of energy waves. Yes, you heard that right: Energy waves cured terminal cancer. Sixteen patients with various advanced cancers were exposed to energy waves (similar to waves that are received by your radio) for a few minutes each day. Four months later, every single patient was cured! Machines for this therapy are readily available, but not every one is effective. In Chapter 14, discover how to find one that works.
  • Stage Three melanoma vanished: cures hopeless uterine cancer, too! Doctors said Della Mae would die of uterine cancer. But she took a combination of wild herbs and lived 50 more years, dying of natural causes at age 99. Jeanette used the same herbs for Stage Three melanoma. In one month, her cancer was gone. These herbs are available only from a group of skilled doctors. See Chapter 3.
  • Fruits and vegetables prevent cancer, but cure it? Tens of thousands of patients and more than 200 medical articles confirm this German doctor's diet sends cancer into complete remission. The cancer industry has covered up this food cure for over 60 years. Now you can use it yourself, once you know how. Turn to Chapter 5.
  • "Hopeless" pancreatic cancer whipped! People assume pancreatic cancer is a death sentence. But William whipped his own pancreatic cancer and stayed cancer-free for nearly 40 years! The incredible enzymes that saved him have helped more than 33,000 cancer patients with lung cancer, breast cancer, melanoma and much more. Information on how to get this treatment in Chapter 7.

The shocking failure of chemotherapy 

The 21 alternative cancer treatments you'll discover in Outsmart Your Cancer have routinely cured thousands of cancer patients in all stages of cancer. In fact, many patients have recovered completely and have enjoyed 10 years, 20 years, even 50 years of living cancer-free! 
Sadly, patients who've submitted to conventional treatments often struggle to survive even five years without a cancer recurrence. Here's surprising proof that conventional treatment is failing our loved ones:  
During a 14-year review of chemotherapy, oncologists examined the results of all of the randomized, controlled clinical trials of chemotherapy. The oncologists concluded that chemo improves five-year patient survival rates by only 2 percent. And, according to the oncologists themselves, that is "the upper limit of effectiveness."  
Two percent! Any other medical treatment with such a dismal success rate would be branded a complete failure. Yet many conventional doctors still tell cancer patients that if they refuse chemo, they're making a deadly mistake! With Outsmart Your Cancer, you'll have the life-saving TRUTH at your fingertips. 

If you get cancer, drop everything and do this first... 

Before you talk to any doctor about conventional cancer treatment, please turn to Chapter 22 ofOutsmart Your CancerYou'll discover a list of eight questions to ask your doctor. Their answers will help you honestly evaluate any conventional treatments he or she recommends for your particular cancer case.  
Outsmart Your Cancer gives you the same help for rating alternative doctors and alternative treatments, too. In Chapter 23, you'll find a set of guidelines for choosing the absolute top alternative treatment for your particular cancer case. 
The mother of a two-year-old little girl who survived deadly cancer with an alternative treatment in Outsmart Your Cancer said it best:
"Take courage, then take charge." 
Outsmart Your Cancer makes it easy to take charge of any cancer situation you or a loved one could ever find yourselves in. It wipes away the confusion and misinformation surrounding cancer treatments.
You'll get the secrets of using 21 leading alternative cancer treatments, including more than nine key secretsof beating cancer with what's probably the easiest, most powerful alternative cancer cure on the planet, the amazing liquid that you drink!   
You'll discover how this amazing liquid and each of these 21 cancer treatments work and which cancers they work best for. You'll learn exactly how to find and use each treatment. 
You'll receive complete information, including names, phone numbers and addresses, for each at-home treatment. And for the treatments that require a qualified doctor's supervision, you'll get a list of leading doctors.  
Just as important, when you need courage, Outsmart Your Cancer gives you that, too... 

You'll get a FREE CD with 12 inspirational stories
of cancer survivors

Just listening to the amazing stories on the CD Everyday Miracles: How 12 Ordinary People Outsmarted Their Cancer will inspire you. You'll hear 12 cancer survivors describe in their own words their personal battles with cancer. You'll hear exactly how they beat their cancers using the alternative cancer treatments revealed in Outsmart Your Cancer. For example: 
  • Betty used to work with breast cancer patients, then she became one herself.Betty had seen the devastating effects of chemo, radiation and disfiguring surgery on women with breast cancer.So, when she learned she had a breast cancer she used an alternative approach to shrink her tumor. Betty explains exactly the all-natural diet that she used. (The same diet in Chapter 13 of Outsmart Your Cancer.) Plus, Betty reveals which supplements she used.
  • LaVaughn battled stomach cancer and his conventional doctors. Chemo for stomach cancer almost killed LaVaughn. He was in the hospital with a 106-degree fever, a staph infection and double pneumonia. What's worse, doctors wanted to keep giving him poisonous treatments.
But LaVaughn had had enough of their medicine. Against his doctors' wishes (they said he'd die), LaVaughn went home and started using an alternative cancer treatment that's in Chapter 16 of Outsmart Your Cancer. His cancer (and both infections) disappeared completely. Three years later, he's healthy as an ox. 
  • Michelle was told her two-year-old daughter would die of leukemia. Doctors gave little Sydney a 5 percent chance of surviving Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.  Desperate, Michelle started giving her the amazing liquid drink in Chapter 9 of Outsmart Your Cancer. Soon, Sydney's blood tests showed all of the leukemia was gone. At last report she was eight years old, in second-grade, and perfectly healthy!
  • Plus 9 other exciting, hope-giving survivor stories...
This inspiring CD is YOURS FREE when you order the newly updated second edition ofOutsmart Your Cancer today through this special offer. Plus, we'll also give you a FREEtranscript of all 12 survivor stories when you order Outsmart Your Cancer. Remember, printed copies of the first edition sold out in just 5 days and we expect these to go just as fast.
    Better yet, when you order today you'll also receive... 

Second FREE BONUS--an exclusive interview with
Dr. Julian Whitaker, M.D.

In your SECOND FREE BONUS, you'll get an exclusive interview with Dr. Julian Whitaker about his all-time top recommendations for cancer patients. Dr. Whitaker is a living legend in alternative medicine, or as he calls it, "good medicine."
On page one of this special report, Dr. Whitaker reveals his #1 recommendation to cancer patients who visit his clinic. 
You'll also learn important ways to prevent cancer and all chronic illnesses such as diabetes. For instance, on page 5, Dr. Whitaker reveals his simple secret for losing weight. Dr. Whitaker himself used it to lose 30 pounds without eating any less. 

Plus, you'll get a third FREE BONUS --
How to Put Out the
 "Fire" Behind Your Cancer

In your THIRD FREE BONUS, you'll discover how some food is causing cancer, and how other foods can cure it.    
For instance, on page 4, you'll find seven cancer-fighting fruits and one immune-boosting spice that every cancer patient should eat every week. 
Then on page 3, you'll discover how one important enzyme can teach your immune system to fight cancer. And flip to page 2 to learn the four hidden causes of cancer and then discover five ways to stop them in their tracks. 

Order your own personal copy of Outsmart Your Cancer 

There's so much more I'd like to tell you about the 506 pages of life-saving information you'll get in Outsmart Your Cancer. In addition to discovering the secrets of how to cure cancer safely with 21 top alternative cancer treatments, you'll also find some surprising ways to avoid a cancer diagnosis in the first place. For instance: 
  • Make your body immune to cancer. How to use your natural "cancer control mechanisms" to prevent cancer -- even if the disease runs in your family. Many, many decades of research prove this is true. Turn to Chapter 2.
  • Cut your child's risk of leukemia. Research shows children exposed to one common thing at home had a 300% HIGHER risk of the leading childhood cancer. By not doing this one thing, you can cut your child's risk of leukemia dramatically.
  • The shocking link between root canals and cancer. Twenty-five years of research on 5,000 experiments show a surprising connection between root canals and degenerative diseases such as arthritis. And now newer research also shows a link to cancer. If you have had a root canal, here's what to do in Chapter 21.
  • The bitter-sweet truth about your food. A common sweetener in everything from juices to chewing gum is causing breast and brain cancer. How it slipped through the cracks at the FDA and what you need to know to avoid it. Turn to Chapter 2.
  • And much, much more.

Get your copy of this life-saving new book now!

You can choose to receive the new edition of Outsmart Your Cancer as a printed softcover book -- OR you can choose to receive it as a digital download, start reading it just minutes from now, and save shipping & handling to boot!  It's up to you -- a softcover book in a few days or digital download right away.
No matter which one you choose you get all the free bonuses:
FREE BONUS #1: Everyday Miracles: How 12 Ordinary People Outsmarted Their Cancer -- interviews with cancer survivors in CD/audio form and as a written transcript (a $7.95 value, yours FREE)
FREE BONUS #2: The Special Report with Dr. Julian Whitaker, Interview with a Living Legend (a $7.95 value, yours FREE)
FREE BONUS #3: The Special Report How to Put Out the "Fire" Behind Your Cancer (a $7.95 value, yours FREE)
We'll ship the three bonuses right along with your softcover book or download them if you choose to buy Outsmart Your Cancer in that form (including a downloaded audio file of the 12 interviews, and the written transcript).
So click on the "order" button now and make your choice.
But don't delay!  Printed copies of the first edition sold out in just 5 days, and this second edition has 10 more treatments and more than 69 pages of additional life-saving information.

Examine Outsmart Your Cancer for 90 days at no risk 

You take absolutely no risk when you decide to examine the newly updated second edition ofOutsmart Your CancerIf you order the print copy and don't feel satisfied for any reason just return the book during the first 90 days and I'll give you a FULL REFUND, no questions asked. And you get to keep the CD, transcript and two FREE BONUS reports!  
If you order an instant digital download you can't really send the book back, but that's okay. I'll give you your refund anyway.
You have no doubt heard the saying, knowledge is power. Well, that's never been truer than when it comes to cancer. 
This amazing liquid cancer treatment and each of the 21 cancer treatments you've just discovered could save your life or the life of someone you love. But only if you know the secrets of where to get them and how to use them correctly!  
Outsmart Your Cancer is your how-to guide for choosing and using the best treatment for your cancer.
Until conventional doctors finally embrace these alternative cancer cures, you're on your own. But you're certainly not aloneOutsmart Your Cancer gives you the knowledge, the power and the courage you need to become cancer-free for life. I urge you to order this breakthrough book right away. Order now. 

Help Big Train #OccupyRockville TONIGHT at 7pm!

Help the Big Train #OccupyRockville TONIGHT at 7!
OccupyRockville .

After a 15-2 loss to the Baltimore Redbirds last night, the Big Train will look to bounce back and take down the number-one seeded Rockville Express tonight at 7:00pm at Knights Field (Montgomery College Rockville). It's an elimination game, meaning win or go home, so the Big Train need all the fans we can get!

That's right, it's time to bring out the secret Big Train weapon,#OccupyRockville. This experiment was first tested back on July 22, and it saw great success, but this is the playoffs, and the Big Train are calling on YOU to help bring the home crowd of Povich Field into enemy territory.

Fans who participate in the most substantial fan movement of the season can also participate in the Big Train tailgating party an hour before first pitch. Bring your grills, chairs, beverages and other party materials to the Knights Field parking lot and party like a baseball star!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Secret found in milk helps cure cancer

Online Publishing and Marketing

Here's how to cure cancer—
the 'milky' way!

    Well, it's not exactly milk that can be an effective cancer treatment, but certain components found in both human breast milk and cow's milk are highly effective cancer treatments.

    One of them is bovine colostrum, the first breast secretion a newborn calf receives from its mother within the first 24-48 hours after birth. This remarkable substance is one of the most potent immune boosters you can take. Keep reading and I'll explain. . .

Continued below. . .

FREE book with more than
350 alternative cancer cures

. . .as a gift for members of our new "gold club"
    Which hushed-up cancer cure are you not hearing about?

    The answer to that question is "none" — if you have a copy of The Complete Guide to Alternative Cancer Treatments. Hundreds of stunningly effective, cancer-beating treatments are saving lives around the world. There are so many potential and proven ways to defeat cancer, no one has ever collected them all into one place—until now. . .

    But now every breakthrough, life-saving cancer treatment on earth is right at your fingertips. I'm pleased to announce that the Cancer Defeated team has gathered every single alternative cancer treatment on earth into one place. . .

    And I want to send you this remarkable book for FREE.

    Click here to watch a presentation about the most exciting, ground-breaking source of information in the history of cancer treatment. . .

    Colostrum contains essential nutrients that help build a powerful immune system and encourage growth. And that's not just true for baby cows — it works for humans, too — adults included.

    In fact, the colostrum from cow's milk is much higher in immune factors than a human mother's colostrum! It's the immune boosting properties that make colostrum an important cancer fighting weapon.

    Colostrum, by the way, is found in the breast milk of ALL mammals in the hours after giving birth. Most of the research has been conducted on cow's milk.

    According to Dr. Daniel G. Clark, author of the book Colostrum, Life's First Food, "bovine colostrum rebuilds the immune system, destroys viruses, bacteria, and fungi, accelerates healing of all body tissue, helps lose weight, burn fat, increase bone and lean muscle mass and slows down and even reverses aging."

    Now that's an impressive résumé!
The best OFFENSE really is a good DEFENSE!
    You might already know that your body experiences abnormal cancer cell growth all the time. But if your primary defense against illness—your immune system—is healthy and strong, it simply destroys these cells before they have a chance to spread and do lasting harm.

    One of the reasons the risk of cancer goes up as we age is that our immune systems wear out. Children naturally have stronger immune systems.

    So a key way to fight cancer cells is by strengthening your immune system. And colostrum could be a perfect way to help do this!

    Scientists have found that bovine colostrum contains compounds that can cause apoptosis—that is, natural cell death, the same as healthy cells experience. Cancer cells don't die off the way healthy cells do, so inducing this natural process is a major goal of cancer treatment.

    What's more, colostrum is full of immune boosting transfer factors. These include hydrogen peroxide and protein molecules (antibodies) called immunoglobulins.

    Your cells naturally produce hydrogen peroxide to control metabolism and to fight germs. In his book Alternative Medicine, author Burton Goldberg explains that your immune system unleashes these substances to attack, destroy and remove invading pathogens.

    But there's another compound in bovine colostrum that's a superstar germ fighter in its own right…
The first food may be the BEST food
to kill cancer cells!
    Human colostrum contains a rich supply of the protein called lactoferrin. This single strand of amino acids has a remarkable ability to bind to iron.

    Why is that important? Because in doing so, lactoferrin prevents cancer cells from using the iron for nourishment. Researchers believe this type of milk protein actually helps starve cancer cells to death!

    Lactoferrin is found abundantly in the first breast milk from a mother who has just given birth. It immediately strengthens a baby's immune system.

    But it's not only found in "new milk." It's also found in the subsequent milk supply of both humans and cows. Mother Nature knew EXACTLY what newborns would need to stay strong and healthy!

    Now scientists are finding out exactly why this is so. A review of lactoferrin clinical studies published in the journal Biochemistry and Cell Biology showed that bovine lactoferrin significantly inhibited colon, esophagus, lung, and bladder cancers in laboratory rats.

    In one study, Japanese researchers found that lactoferrin stopped tumor growth in laboratory mice. It also prevented cancer from spreading in these animals.

    The researchers studied the effects of bovine-derived lactoferrin on cells intended to mimic either skin cancer or leukemia. They injected mice with experimental cancer cells that are known to spread easily from the original tumor to other organs and tissues.

    When researchers dispensed lactoferrin after tumors formed—they found it immediately started working to suppress tumor growth.

    Plus, they realized the spread of cancer cells to the lungs and liver was significantly less than in control animals that did not receive lactoferrin!

    What's even more amazing is that this one protein also has antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties too.

    And just think—all of this is part of what bovine colustrum can do to help protect you from cancerous growths!
Colostrum could be your
all-in-one medicine cabinet!
    A report from Zoltan Rona, M.D., published in the American Journal of Natural Medicine, says that bovine colustrum can also play a role in:
  • Correcting leaky gut syndrome
  • Healing wounds
  • Metabolizing fat for weight loss
  • Reducing major symptoms of allergies and autoimmune disease
  • Reversing heart disease
  • Treating diabetes
    So you might be wondering, "How can I get my hands on this stuff?" Well, bovine colostrum is commercially available in powder, capsule and chewable supplements.

    Dr. Rona says the highest quality colostrum is produced organically and should be free of pesticides, herbicides, hormones, steroids, antibiotics and other chemicals.

    Improper processing often produces colostrum products that are not biologically active. Dr. Rona said the substance can also be weakened when it is formed into tablets or provided in a less concentrated liquid form.

    Dr. Rona recommends powder as the best form of colustrum for enjoying optimal health benefits.

    If you decide to try it, you may find that you've stumbled on a total immune system enhancer that can help keep you healthy for years to come! Of course, we cover colostrum and lactoferrin in our new Complete Guide to Alternative Cancer Treatments. This 460-page book is free to people who join our Alternative Cancer Research Institute.

    In our last issue we reported on a very surprising cause of cancer deaths. I didn't know anything about this one till Mindy McHorse, one of our talented contributors, drew my attention to it. If you missed this important news, scroll down and read it now.

Big Train Roll Past Aces; Second Round Game in Towson TODAY at 6:00!

Big Train Roll Past Aces into Second Round
Ryan Doran pitched six solid innings for the Big Train last night.

The Big Train advanced to the second round of the playoffs in dramatic fashion last night, defeating the Alexandria Aces 3-2 with a late rally.

Ryan Doran (San Diego State) took the mound for the Big Train, and did everything he could to keep the Big Train in last night's elimination game. Doran gave up just two runs on three hits over six innings while striking out six in what was probably his final start of the season.
After falling behind 1-0 in the top of the second inning, the Big Train got their first run on the board in the bottom of the fourth. Colin Kish(Florida Southern) hit a two-out double to score Michael Bass (UNC-Wilmington) and tie the score at one.

The Big Train found themselves trailing once again after the Aces pushed across another run in the top of the sixth inning.
Ethan Miller (San Diego State) came in to relieve Doran in the seventh, and would be just what the doctor ordered. Miller pitched two perfect innings and kept the deficit at one headed into the bottom of the eighth.

Hunter Renfroe (Mississippi State) led off the bottom of the eighth and reached on a throwing error by the shortstop. He then advanced all the way over to third base on an error by the catcher and was able to score on an Avondre Bollar (San Diego State) single to tie the game and help keep the Big Train season alive.
But the Big Train rally wasn't finished yet. Cole Norton (St. Mary's (CA)) brought Bollar home on a double off the center-field fence. Norton was the designated hitter in last night's game as it was his first game back from a hamstring injury that had kept him out of a week of action.

Miller threw his third straight perfect inning to eliminate the Aces from the playoffs in the ninth.
Click here for the box score and play-by-play of last night's game.
The Big Train play their second-round game tonight in Towson at 6:00PM. They will take on the Baltimore Redbirds at Calvert Hall High School. Come out and support the Big Train as they try to roll to the their fourth straight CRCBL Championship!
Big Train Play in Towson at 6:00pm TODAY!
The second of Brendan Hendriks' two homers in Towson this season.

The Big Train and the Baltimore Redbirds have had an interesting season against each other so far, and it's sure to get more interesting in the playoff game on Sunday evening.

The Big Train and Redbirds first faced off in Towson on the first night of the season. The Redbirds jumped out to an early 5-0 lead in the first inning before the Big Train were able to tie the game in the fourth with help from a Brendan Hendriks (San Francisco) home run. The Redbirds eventually pulled away again and went on to win by a score of 9-5.

The Redbirds came to visit Povich Field on June 17th and were able to get past the Big Train once again. Though Hunter Renfroe (Mississippi State) hit his first two home runs of the season, the Big Train's offense could match the Redbird's as they went on to win 6-4.

Ten days later, the Big Train rolled into Towson looking for revenge but came up empty once again. The Redbirds were able to take a 2-0 lead early, but the Big Train tied the score in the sixth inning after a two-run home run by Hendriks. The game went into extra innings and the Redbirds were able to escape on a walk-off home run in the tenth inning.

The next match-up between the two teams was supposed to be played two days later but was moved after storms damaged Povich Field. The game was eventually started on July 3rd but was suspended with the Big Train leading 4-3 in the bottom of the fourth inning after a home run by Avondre Bollar. The game was picked up on the final week of the season where the Redbirds took the lead back quickly until Hendrikswas able to tie the game on a two-run single in the ninth inning. But once again, the Redbirds escaped after a home run in the tenth inning.

On the second to last day of the season, the Redbirds and Big Train faced off one more time in Towson and this time it was the Big Train's night. Renfroe homered in the first inning but after three innings the game was all tied up at three. From there, neither team was able to score until Adam Barry (Cal State Northridge) smashed a home run in the tenth inning to win the game for the Big Train.

With the last three games between these two teams going into extra innings, tonight's game is sure to be exciting so make sure you come out and support the Big Train as they try to roll to their fourth straight CRCBL Championship!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

(Bethesda Big Train) Home Playoff Game TONIGHT at 7:30 pm vs Alexandria!

Big Train Open Playoffs at Home Tonight!
Hunter Renfroe and the Big Train look to swing for the fences tonight vs. Alexandria.

The Bethesda Big Train (25-16, 3rd Seed) will open the 2012 Cal Ripken League playoffs at Shirley Povich Field tonight at 7:30 pm against the Alexandria Aces (20-21, 6th Seed).

During the regular season, the Big Train and Aces spilt their regular season matchups two game to two:

First Game: 6/15 at. Alexandria
Score: Loss, 7-6
Notes: Aces led 7-0 after 6 innings...Big Train scored 2, 1, and 3 in the 7th, 8th, and 9th...Middleton 3/5, HR, 3RBI.

Second Game: 6/25 at. Alexandria
Score: Win, 4-3
Notes: Back and forth until Bass had a 2RBI come from behind, game winning single in the top 9...Carlson's first Big Train start, 5 innings, no hits...Renfroe solo HR and Bass 3RBI.

Third Game 7/16 at. Bethesda
Score: Loss, 6-3
Notes: Aces had a 4-run 4th inning all runs unearned...Led 4-3 until tacking on two more in the 9th....Bollar was 3/4, 2B, 2RBI and Middleton HR.

Fourth Game 7/18 at. Bethesda
Score: Win, 4-3
Notes: Big Train trailed 3-0 after 5 innings...2RBI single from Medzienowski in 5th...Walk-off single from Bass in bottom 9th...Only walk-off win of season.

Should the Big Train advance in this win or go home match, the team would travel to Baltimore tomorrow to play the Redbirds.

Tickets to this evenings game are available at the gate or can be purchased online by clicking here.
VIDEO: Hunter Renfroe & Hugh Adams 
Jersey Retirement Ceremony
Hunter Renfroe Number Retiring  
Friday night's pregame festivities were closed out by a special jersey-retiring ceremony for both Hugh Adams (Florida Atlantic University) andHunter Renfroe (Mississippi State), enshrining them in Big Train history as the first two league players to ever have their numbers retired. 
Hugh Adams has pitched for the Big Train for seven years now, dating back to his sophomore year of high school when he became the youngest player in CRCBL history at the age of 16. Adams has posted an outstanding 1.72 ERA over his Big Train career. Adams' contributions to the Big Train have extended beyond his stellar performance on the mound, as he served as a batboy starting in 1999, the Big Train's inaugural season. Adams was joined by his parents as well as two grandmothers in last night's ceremony that ensured no other Big Train player will ever wear #40.
Hunter Renfroe joined the Big Train last season, and has since developed into one of the most highly-touted prospects in the country. After setting the Big Train team record in home runs back in 2011 with eight, Renfroe proceeded to outdo himself (as well as the rest of the league) this year, breaking league records in home runs (17, league record was 9), RBIs (52, league record was 45) and after scoring four runs in last night's game, runs scored (48, league record was 45). Renfroe will go down as an all-time league great, and his #11 will join the #40 on the right-field fence. Renfroe will also have his number sit up on the left-field stadium light pole, a kind gesture made by his host mom, Becky Crowley. 
Both Hugh and Hunter were accompanied by family; Hugh his parents and two grandmothers, and Hunter with his parents who made a surprise visit from his home state of Mississippi to share in the special day with their son.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Shocked doctors forced to admit cancer cure works

From the desk of Lee Euler, Editor and Publisher

Shocked Doctors
Forced to Eat Crow

. . .after patients use
The 31-Day Home Cancer Cure

Kevin Irish Image
“Congratulations! You're cancer free!”
declared Rev. Cobus Rudolph's doctor after Rev. Rudolph cured his stage four colon cancer at home

Richard Wiebe Image
“You’re a miracle from God!”
said Richard Wiebe’s doctor after he cured his terminal brain cancer at home

Kevin Irish Image
“Are you the terminal patient I saw
two months ago? You look great!”
remarked Kevin Irish’s doctor after Kevin cured his stage four lung cancer at home

Frank Woll Image
“Well, I know the cancer is
here somewhere”
said Frank Woll’s doctor while looking through a magnifying glass. But Frank’s deadly skin cancer was gone—totally GONE!—after he cured his cancer at home

     You’re invited to see a free video presentation with all the details on these amazing cures that happened thanks to the the secrets of the 31-Day Home Cancer Cure.

     You can see the proof for yourself, presented by Ty Bollinger, one of America’s top experts on alternative cancer treatments. In the free video, Ty tells you about the 31-Day Home Cancer Cure so that you won’t have to watch someone you love die in misery from outdated cancer treatments.

     Ty knows exactly what’s it’s like to go through that, because he lost seven close family members to cancer, including his mom and dad. When his mother passed away, it was the last straw. He set out to find a way to beat cancer. He invested 7 years in learning about the treatments that really work. And now he wants to share what he learned with you in this free video.

     If a doctor told you the important information that’s in this video, he’d lose his license and might even go to jail. Ty isn’t a doctor and he doesn’t have that problem. He's free to tell you the truth.

     He also doesn’t sell the treatments or make money off of them – unlike establishment doctors who will bill you as much as $850,000 for chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. After they’ve taken your money, you’re almost sure to die anyway -- because only two out of 100 cancer patients survive once the cancer has spread from where it first started.

     That's why it makes sense to at least consider the proven alternatives Ty has uncovered. I'm not asking you to believe it yet – first take a look at the proof.

     The 31-Day Home Cancer Cure costs so little that just about anybody can afford it – even uninsured patients on Medicaid. No wonder the cancer industry hates it!

     The 31-Day Home Cancer Cure could save you or a loved one from dying an early death from cancer. There IS a better way to beat cancer than suffering through the misery of chemo and radiation. But I want YOU to decide if this is on the level. . .if this amazing treatment plan can save you the way it saved the four people at the top of this page. Click here and see the video!

     As you’ll find out, it really is amazing how many doctors have been forced to eat crow after their “incurable” and “terminal” patients used the 31-Day Home Cancer Cure!