Thursday, May 31, 2012

Does Blood Type Affect Diet Choices?

The Medical Tribune
Q: Does a person's blood type indicate the type of diet he or she should follow?
A: No. You may have heard of a diet based on the idea that blood type indicates whether your genetic ancestors were hunters, farmers or nomads. This in turn tells you whether you should eat meat, chicken, dairy foods, etc. Supposedly, eating appropriately for your blood type helps control weight while preventing cancer and other health problems. Although reports of such a diet may include vague references to someone's "research," no research supporting such claims has appeared in a scientific journal where it could be reviewed by experts.
Any weight loss that results from such a diet is probably due to the menus prescribed by the diet. These menus often contain calorie levels that are quite low, and many foods are restricted. Most experts agree that long-term weight control is best achieved by unrestricted access to a variety of foods, with emphasis on portion control, nutritional balance and regular exercise.
As for cancer prevention, a landmark report from the American Institute for Cancer Research concluded that a diet that emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans is the best approach.
Get your very own customized nutrition, workout, and lifestyle plan for your blood type with the US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning System Powered by WorkoutEngine.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sexual side effects of cancer: Here's what to do

10 Rules of Fat Loss

Bet you never thought cancer

could do THIS to you...

    Anyone suffering with cancer knows all too well about the sickening effects of the disease as well as the side effects of conventional treatments like chemotherapy.

    Extreme fatigue may be the easiest of these to manage. There's also the embarrassing hair loss… nausea and vomiting… and maybe excruciating pain…

    As if that weren't bad enough—cancer can put the squeeze on your sex life, too! You don't often hear about this, so keep reading! There are a few things you can do. . .

Continued below. . .

The hushed-up truth about DMSO
    For the first time, we're exposing the hushed-up truth about a secret, fast-acting compound that could completely redefine pain relief as we know it.

    For the next 24 hours only, a shocking underground video is being made available to you.

    (Although not offensive, it contains adult-oriented material and we suggest viewers be at least 21 years of age.)

    Its uses are practically endless!

    More importantly--what is it? And how can you get your hands on it?

    You'll get all the answers and learn about a special offer here. And for 24 hours only, it's free to you. So, for your health, watch it here now.

    Let's start by acknowledging that your interest in sex and even your sexual response will vary during different stages of your life. Men and women may both have less interest in sex as they age, and men over 40 may experience trouble with erections.

    By the same token, the American Cancer Society (ACS) confirmed that it's normal for cancer patients to lose interest in sex at times.

    Although a cancer diagnosis doesn't have to spell the E-N-D of your sex life, you should be aware of how the disease and treatments could affect you or someone you love.

    Cancer patients have often complained...
"I'm just not in the mood!"
    Let's face it—most of the time a cancer patient's first concern is just surviving the disease. The sense of fear and danger that accompany a cancer diagnosis can understandably throw cold water on normal 'fires of desire.' Stress can reduce the sex drive of healthy people, and cancer patients experience stress with a capital "S."

    Toss feelings of anxiety and depression in the mix and it's clear to see how an otherwise healthy sex life might take a nosedive!

    In some cases, people even become fearful that sexual activity could cause a relapse or some other harm. But gynecologist Dr. Erik Fangel Poulson said unless the cancer involves the genitals, there is no reason why a cancer patient should refrain from having sex.

    To help allay anxiety and fear, patients should be sure to discuss the feasibility of sex with a doctor or other medical professional.

    Another thing men with cancer often report is…
"I can't get my 'soldier' to stand at attention!"
    For men who have problems getting or keeping an erection, the medical term these days is erectile dysfunction. Back in the day, it was called "impotence" but that's now seen as too harsh, demeaning — and not very scientific.

    Erectile dysfunction or ED becomes more common as a man ages, and more common still if he has diabetes or blood vessel problems, such as high blood pressure.

    But cancer treatments can also damage delicate pelvic nerves and blood vessels. It can also upset a man's hormonal balance—all of which can affect sexual performance.

    What's more, feelings of anxiety related to ability to perform can affect arousal and ability to maintain an erection.

    The good news is normal sexual activity is usually not a problem after cancer treatments are finished. And in extreme cases, there are medicines and even surgical options (aaargh!) that can restore erectile function.

    One sure enemy of healthy sexual activity occurs when people say…
"It just HURTS down there!"
    Folks who have had surgery for cancer in the pelvic or stomach areas may find it hard or even painful to have sex for some time.

    Some women experience vaginal dryness that can make sexual activity uncomfortable. And having a mastectomy has been linked to loss of sexual interest, too.

    Men undergoing cancer treatment may feel pain in their genitals during sex. And if the prostate gland or urethra is irritated as a result of cancer therapy, ejaculation may feel painful.

    If cancer surgery involves the abdomen and pelvis, scar tissue can make orgasms a less than pleasurable experience.

    And some cancer treatments—such as chemotherapy and radiation—can cause pain and numbness in various body parts. Unfortunately, some prescription pain pills can also cause ED!

    Here's another thing to keep in mind if you are having chemo treatments and are sexually active: Chemotherapy drugs can damage semen. If a man undergoing chemo happened to impregnate his partner—it could cause birth defects in the unborn baby.

    Keep in mind that all the aforementioned are possibilities—not necessarilyprobabilities. It IS possible to maintain healthy sexual activity while undergoing cancer treatment.
You CAN keep the home fires burning!
    It's natural to be worried and anxious when battling cancer. But you'll only increase your anxiety if you don't talk about your concerns with your partner.

    Sexual intimacy is a natural part of the human experience. And it's more than just the physical act of intercourse.

    Sexuality also involves your need to feel loved, cared for, and close to another person. This becomes even MORE important when a person is diagnosed with cancer.

    First and foremost, it's vital to keep the lines of communication open with your partner. The ACS recommends that you make sure the person knows if you're feeling tired… weak… or if some part of your body feels tender and sore.

    Be sure to let them know you want to be touched. And let them know where it hurts, and where it doesn't.

    And remember, you can experience pleasurable touching whether or not you have sex. Very few cancer treatments damage the nerves and muscles involved in feeling pleasure.

    Although cancer and many of its conventional treatments can bring changes to some aspects of your sexuality—it doesn't mean you'll be consigned to a life of celibacy and unfulfilled longing.

    Regardless of the type of cancer or treatment you're experiencing, take comfort in knowing that an active, healthy sex life IS possible.

    And this is especially true if you keep talking to your doctor and your partner—and keep touching one another!
Online Publishing and Marketing

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Almost ALL terminal cancer patients made this mistake

This Was Done to Almost ALL Terminal
Cancer Patients Earlier in Their Lives

And reversing it cures some people once and for all!
    Warning... The American Dental Association doesn't want you to know this. But your very life may depend upon you paying heed.
  • A German physician states that in 40 years of treating cancer, 97% of his terminal cancer patients had this dental procedure
  • NO cancer cure can kill the highly toxic microbes associated with this dental procedure
  • The procedure is nearly universal — up to 60 million are performed every year.1
  • Scientists have warned of its dangers for over 100 years… yet today most people remain unaware of its dangers.
  • Chances are high that even your dentist knows nothing about its dangers.
    If you have cancer or any other type of health issue, this is for you.

    If you do not yet have health issues, this is for you too… consequences often hide for decades before emerging with a vengeance. Shouldn't you stop the collateral damage before it stops you?

Continued below. . .

The secret to curing cancer:
You've been throwing it in the trash!
    In 1921, a British doctor discovered that members of a remote native tribe were almost totally cancer-free. But when members of this tribe move away from their native land and change their diet, they get cancer just like anyone else.

    It's all thanks to a food most of us throw away as waste — a food that's rich inamygdalin — what most of us call Laetrile.

    Click here now and watch a video presentation about this cancer breakthrough. One cancer expert calls this overlooked food "the key to curing AND preventing cancer" — and you can benefit now — without going to a doctor or buying expensive supplements. This little throwaway food tastes great. Bill Clinton, of all people, eats a certain amygdalin-rich food all the time, and so can you. Click here now to watch the video!

    "You need a root canal" is now nearly as common as hearing you need a filling. Certainly dentists are aware that people don't want to lose their teeth. Once a tooth is seriously diseased, a root canal is the only treatment available to "save" the tooth.

    But just how safe are root canals? And what science backs up dental industry claims of its safety?
Are root canals safe?
The answer is clear...
    These questions have been asked — and answered — long ago, as it turns out. In the early 1900s, Weston A. Price, DDS, and Dr. Charles Mayo (founder of the Mayo Clinic) — along with a team of 60 of America's leading physicians — conducted research on 1,000 extracted teeth in which root canals had been done. Their findings were carefully documented into two volumes totaling 1,174 pages.

    Dr. Price was a brilliant dentist and researched root canals for the dental association of the day. Unfortunately, his work was deliberately buried for 70 years, and continues to be derided and suppressed by medical and dental professionals alike.

    Now the founder of the association of root canal specialists has joined Drs. Price and Mayo in speaking out about its risks.
Save a tooth, lose a life
    We covered the whole root canal story years ago in a Special Report called The Secret Poison in Your Mouth. But here are the highlights. . .

    Observing patients in his dental practice, Dr. Price became suspicious that root-canalled teeth always remained infected despite treatment.

    He once recommended to a woman who'd been wheelchair-bound for six years that she let him extract her root canal tooth — even though it seemed to be normal. She agreed. So he extracted her tooth and, as an experiment, implanted it under the skin of a rabbit. The rabbit developed the same crippling arthritis the woman had, and died ten days later from the infection.

    Meanwhile, the woman immediately recovered from her arthritis and could now walk without a cane.

    Dr. Price was similarly able to transfer other human diseases to rabbits by implanting fragments of root-canalled teeth.

    He discovered that root canal fragments taken from someone who'd suffered a heart attack would cause a heart attack in the rabbit within a few weeks — 100% of the time.

    Other diseases were transferred to the lab animals more than 80% of the time. Nearly every chronic degenerative disease has been linked to root canals:
  • Heart disease
  • Kidney disease
  • Arthritis, joint, and rheumatic diseases
  • Neurological diseases (including ALS and MS)
  • Autoimmune diseases (Lupus and more)
The cancer connection has been studied by Dr. Robert Jones. He found an extremely high correlation between root canals and breast cancer.2 His five-year study of 300 breast cancer cases showed:
  • 93% of women with breast cancer had root canals
  • 7% had other oral pathology
  • Usually these tumors occurred on the same side of the body as the root canal or other oral pathology.
    Dr. Jones found that toxins from the bacteria in an infected tooth or jawbone can inhibit the specific proteins that suppress tumor development.3 His findings were confirmed by a University of Michigan study about protein suppression.4

    The German physician Dr. Josef Issels, mentioned in the intro, found that 97% of his terminal cancer patients had root canals.

    Incidentally, NO cancer cure can kill the microbes inside a root canal. That may explain the reason some people effectively treat cancer with alternative treatments, then later regress and die anyway.

    It's also a reason many alternative doctors won't even start a treatment regimen till all root canals are removed. Read on to understand why…
How root canals breed deadly super-microbes
    Your teeth are the hardest substance in your body. So how can they possibly cause disease?

    First, the back story…

    A pulp chamber, a soft living structure housing blood vessels and nerves, resides in the center of each tooth. Surrounding the pulp chamber is the dentin — made of living cells that secrete a hard mineral substance. Finally, the white enamel is the outermost and hardest layer of your tooth.

    The roots of each tooth descend into your jawbone, held tightly in place by your periodontal ligament. Dentists are taught that each tooth has one to four major canals.

    But here's the catch…

    Each tooth has a maze of very tiny tubules, accessory canals, which would extend for three miles if stretched out. Weston Price identified at least 75 separate accessory canals in just one single front tooth.

    When your dentist does a root canal, he hollows out your tooth, then fills the chamber with a waxy cone called gutta percha, which cuts off the blood supply from your tooth so fluid can't circulate within your tooth.

    But your maze of tubules stays put.

    Meanwhile microbes -- removed from their normal food supply -- hide, move in and around these tubules like gophers in underground tunnels, where they remain safely out of the reach of antibiotics or your own immune defenses.

    In essence, these deadly organisms find a new home — one in which they grow and rapidly reproduce.

    Some dentists argue that these bacteria die off because the filling blocks their nutrient source.

    Unfortunately, it's proven that these bacteria are able to mutate and change their form. Price found that the challenge of their changed environment makes them more virile and toxic, similar to antibiotic-resistant super-pathogens.

    After they breed and fester inside your root canal without immune system interception, they spread out into their host any time they want. When they live in a colony, these microbes are actually quite smart.
A true toxin factory
    There is no scientific question about it…

    Multiple toxic anaerobic bacteria have been found and identified in and around root canals, using state of the art DNA testing. Many of these bacteria are profoundly dangerous.

    The non-profit Toxic Element Research Foundation (TERF) found anywhere from 11 to 40 different microbes on any single tooth. Bacteria such as Staph aureus, E. coli, Streptococcus intermedius, Candida albicans, and dozens more…

    Everyone with a root canal owns the 'perfect' incubator for pathogens that can then cause a variety of diseases, exploiting any weakness in their host -- you.

    This is known as the focal theory, which conventional dentists routinely deny.
Is it possible to stay healthy with a root canal?
    You may also be wondering why some people — maybe you — stay healthy long after a root canal.

    It's reported that about 25 to 30 percent of people seem to do fine with root canals. Dr. Price studied this enigma too.

    He found that those without degenerative diseases usually had strong immune systems, capable of protecting them. But when these same people suffered a severe accident, bad illness, or other severe stress problem, their immune systems could become compromised, making them suddenly ill.5
The "dead tooth" theory
    Do you believe the "dead tooth" theory your dentist promotes? Maybe you shouldn't…

    Dentists contend they can "sterilize" the dead tooth. But here are three problems with that assertion:
  1. Dr. Price found that not one of more than 100 disinfectants studied was capable of penetrating tubules. The same holds for antibiotics today. Price found itIMPOSSIBLE to sterilize a root-filled tooth, no matter how hard you try or how potent the antibiotic or antiseptic.
  2. No matter what they embalm the pulp chamber with, the tooth is still dead. And your body does not accept dead structures as safe. Instead, it launches an autoimmune response against the dead tooth… compounded by the presence of pathological bacteria and their toxins. Incidentally, if your dentist calls a root canal a "non-vital" tooth instead of a dead tooth, remind him that non-vital means dead!
  3. The American Dental Association insists it's proven Drs. Price and Mayo wrong — although there is absolutely no research to support their position. What's more, it strikes me as odd that they continue to deride more than 60 of the world's most brilliant doctors… while threatening dentists who expose root canal dangers with loss of their license.
    It's also interesting to note that patients who have heart surgery or hip replacements are told by their doctors to take an antibiotic before and after any dental treatments. For the rest of their life.

    Now, if your teeth are so sterile and the focal theory is total nonsense as claimed by endodontists, why on earth would this precaution be necessary?
What to do next…
    Cancer Defeated publishes what's probably the best one-volume guide to this whole thing. It's called The Secret Poison in Your Mouth. This Special Report goes into more detail on root canals and the whole range of dental problems that can cause cancer, heart disease, arthritis and more.

    The Special Report also explains in detail how to find a dentist who will help you remove your root canals and restore your mouth — and likely your whole body — to health. It's no good to go to a conventional dentist (some of them now like to call themselves "mercury free" because people have caught on to the dangers of bad dental work). You need to go to a dentist who's experienced in removing root canals and completely committed to holistic dentistry. They aren't that easy to find.

    The Secret Poison in Your Mouth also features some remarkable stories of people who totally turned around their health by getting rid of their dental problems.

    To I urge you to click here, learn more about our The Secret Poison in Your Mouth, and consider getting your own copy of the report.

    By the way, if you've had a root canal removed and seen a jump in your health, visit us on Facebook and share your story of improved health. We'd love to hear it. Just go to, click LIKE, and tell your story to the world!

Monday, May 21, 2012


(BOWIE, Md. – May 18, 2012) Forty-five current and former student-athletes, student-trainers, managers and cheerleaders were among Bowie State University graduates who received degrees in the 2012 Spring Commencement – Friday, May 18th in BSU’s Bulldog Stadium.  “Today is a great day to be a Bulldog.  It is always great when we are able to celebrate victories together.  And, today was a great victory for the Bulldog Nation.   Having our student-athletes graduate today is a testament to the commitment the entire University has put forth in the support of Academics and Athletics”, said Athletic Director Anton Goff.

Current Student-Athletes
William Bailey – B.S. Business Administration – Men’s Track and Football
Rebekah Cabaltica – B.A. Fine Arts – Women’s Tennis
Lakisha Carney – B.A. Fine Arts – Women’s Track and Volleyball
Maro Erhie – B.S. Sociology - Football
Julius George – B.S. Communications – Football
Keith Harris – B.S. Sociology - Football
Kevin James – B.S. Communications – Football
Andre Johnson – B.S. Sport Management – Football
Delano Johnson – B.S. Child and Adolescent Studies - Football
Kimberly Jones – B.S. Sociology – Women’s Basketball
Seth Minter – B.S. Business Administration – Football
Bridgette Ogunmokun – B.S. Social Work – Women’s Track
Alonzo Williams – B.S. Sociology – Men’s Track
Maurice Wilson – B.S. Business Administration - Football

Former Student-Athletes
Solomon Adderley – B.A Fine Arts – Football
Aaron Bolds – B.S. Biology – Football
Jamese Cobb – B.S. Sociology – Women’s Track
Verra Diggs – B.S. Sociology – Women’s Bowling
Joshlyn Eggleston – B.S. Communication – Women’s Volleyball
Ralph Fertil – B.S. History and Government - Football
Jamin Gallman – B.S. Mathematics – Men’s Cross Country and Track
Aaron Henderson – B.S. Visual Communication, Digital and Media Arts - Football
Cindy Holland – B.S. Biology – Women’s Volleyball
Tanika Jeffers – B.S. Communications – Women’s Basketball
Lateasha Johnson – B.S. Business Administration – Women’s Volleyball
Luqman Lawal – B.S. Biology – Men’s Track
Tiana Lewis – B.S. History and Government – Women’s Basketball
Jeremy Marshall – B.S. Business Administration – Men’s Track
Shamika Patton – B.S. Sport Management – Women’s Cross Country and Track
Alexander Payton – B.S. B.S. History and Government – Football
Whitni Richardson – B.S. Psychology – Women’s Basketball
Kevin Thomas – B.S. History and Government – Football
James Washington – B.S. Psychology – Men’s Track
Taylen Washington – B.S. Communications – Football
Rodney Webb – B.S. Communications – Football
Lemar Williams – B.S. Business Administration - Football
Malcolm Womack – B.S. Mathematics – Men’s Cross Country and Track

Courtney Forbes – B.S. Communications
Andrea George – B.S. Communications
Christina Jackson – B.S. Business Administration

Athletic Trainers
Morgan Jones – B.S. Elementary Education

Tara Davenport – B.S. Sport Management (Managers/Athletic Operations Assistant Staff)
Stephanie Waters – B.S. Social Work

Former Student-Athletes Receiving Masters
Rasheda Spratley – Master of Arts in Human Resource Management – Track/Cheerleader
Darren Williams – Master of Arts in Human Resource Management – Football/Track

The ceremony ended another successful academic year for the school’s athletic program.  The graduating class included NFL free agent Delano Johnson of the Houston Texans, BSU SGA President and one-time Cross Country Champion Jamin Gallman, 2011-2012 BSU Athletic Department Male Student-Athlete of the Year and two-time NCAA Track All-American William Bailey, one-time Bowling Champion and first CIAA Bowler to bowl a perfect game Verra Diggs and Rebekah Cabaltica member of the Women’s Tennis team who won this year’s BSU team highest grade point average award.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

D.C. Divas @ Boston Militia Tonight 5:05pm EST on US Sports

Tune in Saturday for the Glory Days Grill Warmup Show @ 5:05pm EST- 6pm kickoff in Boston

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Are You Being Tricked Into Eating Cancer-Causing Foods?

    It's scary to think you don't know what you're really buying at the supermarket. But this is the reality for most everyone in America — and some countries beyond. It's almost impossible to tell if what you're buying is laced with genetically modified foods (GM foods), also known as genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

    Worse still, you may think you're vigilant about eating only "natural" or organic foods, but in a cruel twist of irony, most natural foods in America do contain some GM ingredients.

    And despite their hypey claims of the last decade-and-a-half, GM foods are increasingly being linked to disease — including cancer. There's only one way to be sure you're not slowly poisoning your system.

Continued below. . .

Breast Cancer Breakthrough BANNED!
U.S. Government Blocks Release
of Doctor's Life-Saving Book
    A mammoth discovery is wiping out most breast tumors better than anything seen yet in modern medicine. It makes surgery, radiation and chemotherapy look like something from the Dark Ages.

    A Cornell-educated doctor followed more than 25 years of case studies and PROVED this treatment can cure breast cancer. With the discovery I'm going to tell you about, almost every woman makes it and without losing a breast to surgery or taking any toxic chemicals. Even those with late stage cancer!

    You've got to include this treatment if you want to have any REAL hope of defeating breast cancer. Click here now and watch a new video presentation about this important discovery on Breast Cancer Coverup

Too good to be true
    I covered GMO foods for the first time in Newsletter #144, where we looked at the claims for bioengineered foods — and the accusations against them.

    The claims make GMOs sound like they will save the world. Advocates say GM foods will control pests and weeds, create seeds that resist drought, and supplement starving cultures with vitamins and abundant amounts of food.

    To date, some sixteen years later, none of those claims have been conclusively proven. Instead, we may be on the brink of an agricultural nightmare.

    Worse, substantial health problems linked to GMOs are starting to surface. Studies are uncovering links to fertility problems and birth defects. There's a cancer link that's been confirmed both by a Russian study and by British environmentalists. Significant organ damage also appears to result from eating certain GM foods.

    On top of all that, we're facing the destruction of biodiversity and the demise of farmers' livelihoods. Really, it's a threat to our basic freedoms — the ability to choose what we eat and to know what we've chosen.

    At the heart of all the controversy is Monsanto, the giant seed company working to pump the world full of genetically modified crops.
"Worst company of 2011"
    Greed and a total disregard for human welfare appear to rule Monsanto, assuming recent allegations against the company hold water.

    In the past, Monsanto has gotten well-deserved flak for suing small farmers for patent infringement when GM seed traits spread into fields surrounding GM crops. Monsanto has also been found guilty of polluting American rivers and landfills with toxic waste. And then recently, Monsanto was declared the worst company of 2011 by the Natural Society for its threat to both the environment and human health.

    Right now, the government of India is in the process of suing Monsanto on bio-piracy charges. They claim the biotech giant failed to get approval before attempting to create GM versions of local eggplant varieties, thereby violating the Indian Biological Diversity Act of 2002.

    The company shows a long pattern of fraud and apathy toward health and sustainability. From where I sit, it looks like it's all about money. After all, records show the company spent $1.4 million lobbying the federal government last year. $2.5 million was spent the year before, and $1.9 million the year before that (small change for this big company, though.)

    Monsanto's lobbying efforts are targeted toward Congress and the U.S. Department of Agriculture to make sure no hint of GM crop regulation is ever passed. This especially includes disclosing on the packaging when foods contain GMOs.
What you can do to protect yourself
    By some measures, at least 70 percent of the food in your typical American grocery store is laced with GM foods. You just don't know it, thanks to the massive lobbying efforts of U.S. lawmakers by Monsanto to prevent labeling requirements.

    That doesn't mean there's no hope. It was a grassroots effort that got GM foods out of Europe and other countries, not legislation. Consumers rejected GM foods, forcing food manufacturers to remove GM ingredients. According to EU law, all foods with any amount of GMOs or GMO ingredients must be labeled.

    As of this writing, GM foods are banned in Germany, Ireland, Hungary, France, and Peru. Peru even went to the effort of passing a monumental 10-year ban on all GM foods — and this was despite previous governmental pressure to legalize GMOs.

    The problem is, you have to know which foods to reject. That's not easy, since Monsanto has fought tooth and nail against labeling laws.

    Which means our only answer is education.

    Here's what you can do to protect yourself right now:
  • Buy organic products whenever possible. Just keep in mind you're only guaranteed to be buying GMO-free if there's a label that says "100% USDA Organic." By definition, foods that carry this label must be free of all GM organisms.
  • Don't eat processed foods. Most contain soy and corn products, and these are almost guaranteed to be heavy with GMOs.
  • Use the Non-GMO Shopping Guide when deciding which brands and products to buy. I suggest you print it out and take it with you when you go to the store. If you have an iPhone, download the free app called "ShopNoGMO."
  • Don't buy something simply because it has one of the following labels: natural, naturally made, naturally grown, all natural, or any derivative of those terms. The use of the word "natural" is not regulated and products with those labels often contain substantial amounts of GMOs.
  • Avoid processed foods, and anything with maltodextrin, soy lecithin, and high fructose corn syrup. Also, avoid aspartame (NutraSweet) and Milk with rbGH.
  • Avoid non-organic varieties of zucchini and crookneck squash, as well as papayas from Hawaii.
  • Look at the PLU code on the produce stickers of the fruits and vegetables at the supermarket. Organic produce has five digits, starting with the number 9. Conventionally-grown produce has four digits, starting with the number 4. GM fruit has five numbers, starting with the number 8.
Push now for truth-in-labeling
    I won't deny it's a nice idea to use science to fix the world's problems, especially when it comes to our food supply.

    But evidence against bioengineered food continues to mount, and if something isn't done soon there's a real risk these problems will only escalate. There's hope, at least. For starters, polls over the last 16 years show between 85% and 95% of Americans want mandatory labels on GMO foods.

    And we're already seeing some progress. A bill was recently introduced in Vermont that would require food to be labeled as GM food whether it was made entirely or even partially with GMOs. The bill would also forbid use of the misleading slew of "natural" labels. In April of this year, the Vermont House Agriculture Committee voted in favor of the bill. They now await judiciary approval. California has a similar bill underway.

    It's said that a Monsanto executive once remarked, "If you put a label on genetically engineered food you might as well put a skull and crossbones on it." To him, that means it would merely alarm people for no reason. To me, a skull and crossbones sounds like truth in labeling.

    There's no question we need truth-in-labeling. And the only way to get it is by action at the grassroots level. One of the things you can do is put pressure on big supermarket chains and natural food retailers to implement their own labeling practices.

    Personally, I look forward to the day when we can once again be sure of what we buy in the store. In the meantime, I urge you to take the steps listed above to protect yourself from the potential threats of GM food.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Watch out for this overhyped natural cancer cure

Online Publishing and Marketing

Should You Believe the Internet Rumors about This "Miracle Cancer Cure"?

    Do you believe everything you read on the Internet? I hope not...

    For the past six years, a report has been circulating around the Internet that asparagus is the miracle cancer cure everyone's been looking for — supposedly based on a Cancer News Journal article that appeared in 1979.

    This Internet report gives testimonies of people with cancer who were taking 2-4 tablespoons of asparagus puree twice daily to cure cancer.

    So it's high time to sort fact from folklore...

Continued below. . .

Why The Chinese Don't Get Sick Like We Do

    Do you know that Chinese men and women often escape dreaded diseases that kill over 1.2 million Americans a year?

    4,000 years of traditional medicine and modern science now prove that many diseases Western medicine fails to treat could be cured by Chinese healing secrets.

    Millions of Chinese men and women live by and believe in the powerful, yet safe healing remedies of Traditional Chinese Medicine to help them:

  • Erase high blood pressure with an ancient stretching secret
  • Cure rheumatoid arthritis with a "thunderous" herb -- 80% success rate
  • Reduce an enlarged prostate with a proven, no-drug therapy—88% success rate
  • Shrink cancerous tumors in breasts, lungs and livers with this medicinal plant
See for yourself how this 4,000-year-old miracle could help you relieve some of your worst pain and debilitating diseases without depending on prescription drugs.

    Here's the short version of the story: Despite all the buzz, asparagus can't be considered a miracle cure for cancer. The original 1979 article is nowhere to be found, as far as the Cancer Defeated research staff can determine. If anyone has a copy, kindly forward it to me and I'll publish a correction.

    The cancer-cure claims don't have published support in a respected journal, but there ISanother side to this story…

A plethora of health benefits

    The Egyptians, Greeks and Romans valued asparagus for its medicinal value in addition to enjoying it as a food. The second century physician Galen attributed cleansing and healing properties to asparagus.

    Asparagus can neutralize ammonia, protect small blood vessels, act as a diuretic… plus its fiber is a natural laxative.

    Modern studies show the ancients were right to place high value on asparagus. By eating only a few calories you benefit from many nutrients. Let's take a closer look at why it's one of Nature's most perfect foods.
Nutrients galore!
    The National Cancer Institute's The Glutathione Report names asparagus as the one food that tested highest in glutathione (GSH) — a phyto-chemical that's an antioxidant with cancer-fighting properties. Alternative health experts rate glutathione as one of the most valuable antioxidants. Your body makes its own glutathione, but less every year as you age, and it's not easy to find it in the form of food.

    Asparagus is also rich in cancer-blocking vitamins A (as beta-carotene) and C, as well as selenium. All three nutrients have been singled out in studies as fierce cancer fighters, which you probably knew, assuming you're not brand new to alternative health. There's more: Asparagus contains vitamin E, zinc and manganese, anti-inflammatory saponins, flavonoids, and inulin.

    What's inulin? It's a carbohydrate that supports digestion by encouraging the growth of the friendly bacteria Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli in your intestinal tract.

    Asparagus is also an excellent source of the anti-inflammatory vitamin K… plus vitamin B1, B2 and B3, bone-building copper, and phosphorus.

    It contains another B vitamin, folic acid. You can get 135 micrograms of folic acid — half your Recommended Daily Allowance or RDA — in just six spears of asparagus.

    One cup of asparagus contains more than 11% of the RDA of dietary fiber and nearly 10% of the RDA of protein… serving to stabilize digestion, curb overeating, maintain proper blood sugar, and prevent constipation. All with just a 43-calorie hit.

    Add in potassium, fiber, thiamin, vitamin B6, and rutin (a compound that strengthens capillary walls) — and you have one powerful health-promoting food.

    Notice I said food — not supplement. I'll explain why that's important in a moment.

    But it's the glutathione that probably spurred the Internet rumors of asparagus as the world's most amazing cancer cure.
The truth about glutathione, cancer,
and those Internet stories
    At least one published study estimates the amount of glutathione in fresh asparagus averages 28 milligrams per 3½ ounces.1

    Your body is under constant oxidative stress from inhaled and ingested toxins, the stress of living, and more. To combat this stress and its collateral damage, you need many types of antioxidants, not just familiar ones like A, C and E.

    Enter glutathione. It's a very special peptide molecule that's been dubbed the "Master Antioxidant" for its unique role in maintaining vitamins C and E in their active form. In other words, glutathione recharges other antioxidants and keeps them doing their job better and longer.

    Many longevity scientists believe your glutathione levels are a top predictor of how long you'll live. This stands to reason, when you consider the amazing role glutathione (GSH) plays in essential body processes.
You lose 8-12% of your GSH per decade —
Are YOU deficient?
    GSH acts as a sentry, protecting your genes from attack. Scientists estimate that each of your cells withstands 10,000 free radical hits every day. GSH disarms these free radicals before they can wreak havoc, and can help clean up already-existing damage.

    Studies show that glutathione strengthens your T cells — which help modulate your immune system and attack pathogens, while protecting your tissues and controlling autoimmune responses. An overactive immune system can trigger allergies and autoimmune disease processes.2 Common allergies as well as serious problems like rheumatoid arthritis are autoimmune diseases — diseases in which the immune system attacks healthy tissue or harmless invaders like dust and pollen.

    Glutathione guards against cellular toxins and helps eliminate carcinogens. It's constantly policing around your cells, seeking to stop disease, toxins, viruses, pollutants, radiation, drugs, and oxidative stress.

    However, age has a negative impact on your GSH levels. Scientists estimate that after age 20 the average person's glutathione levels go down 8-12% per decade.

    And cellular dysfunction may occur following the loss of as little as 30% of your glutathione.

    So when your glutathione is deficient, toxins overload your liver and are stored in fat tissue, most often in your central nervous system, breasts, and prostate.

    Many researchers attribute the spike in neurological disease and cancer to glutathione deficiencies. Environmental toxins, poor dietary habits, and pharmaceuticals can cause a rapid depletion of your glutathione levels.

    Speaking of glutathione's role in cancer, Jeremy Appleton, ND, Chairman of Nutrition at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon and senior science editor ofHealthnotes offered this…
"If you look in a hospital situation at people who have cancer, AIDS or other very serious disease, almost invariably they are depleted in glutathione. The reasons for this are not completely understood, but we do know that glutathione is extremely important for maintaining intracellular health."
Should you take a glutathione supplement?
    People have tried glutathione for a host of conditions — including cancer, high blood pressure, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, cataracts, and male infertility.

    The question to ask is, "How effective is it as a supplement?"

    And the answer is, "Not very."

    Here's why…

    In theory there may be a compelling argument in favor of GSH therapeutic use. But this nutrient is not very bioavailable whether taken as an oral supplement, nasal spray, or even intravenously. And the amount of research on GSH as a supplement is very limited.

    As often happens, your best bet is to eat your glutathione in the form of whole foods like asparagus — with its other naturally occurring nutrients and precursors.

    For optimal GSH production, you also need adequate vitamin D. Do you know your levels? Most people are woefully deficient, even in mid-summer, when daylight hours are at their peak and your skin can easily make vitamin D when you expose it to sunlight.

    Optimal vitamin D levels should be between 60 and 100 ng/ml 3,4. The only way to know what your D levels are is to have them tested. It's best not to try to guess, especially when vitamin D is connected to so many health issues — including glutathione production.

    You can and should consume glutathione/GSH precursors such as the amino acids glycine, glutamic acid, and cysteine. Your body can synthesize its own glutathione if you provide it with these building blocks.

    Best food sources for these amino acids include avocados, onions, garlic, turmeric, spinach, and cruciferous veggies, although even these special foods are still low in critical amino acids. Why not combine them with asparagus for a one-two punch?

    Other good precursors are high quality, non-denatured animal products like raw whey protein made from the milk of grass-fed cows, other cultured raw grass-fed dairy products, and raw organic eggs — which offer bioavailable amino acids and more cysteine than any other food source. But be sure these are raw, grass fed, and organic.
What scientific studies DO say
about asparagus and cancer
    Although we'd have to say the Internet rumors are overblown based on current studies, there are some encouraging preliminary studies about asparagus as an anti-cancer agent.

    Here's what science currently suggests:
  • We've known for some time that chronic inflammation and oxidative stress raise the risk for many types of cancer. So you could logically conclude that the anti-inflammatory nutrients in asparagus make it an excellent dietary choice for people trying to prevent inflammatory-related diseases like cancer.
  • A study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association in 2010 showed that vitamin B6 combined with folate and methionine can reduce lung cancer risk by as much as two-thirds. Asparagus contains B vitamins and folate. You can get methionine from meat, poultry, fish, cottage cheese and yogurt, eggs, garlic and onions, lentils and beans, and sesame seeds.
  • Researchers in Nanjing, China in 2009 identified a compound called Asparanin A in asparagus — and also discovered it arrests the growth of liver cancer cells and may even cause the death of those cells.
Healthy conclusions about asparagus
    Since asparagus contains so many nutrients, it deserves a regular place in your healthy diet — along with other fruits and veggies. As already noted, it's best to get most of your nutrients from whole foods. Think of the meaning of the word supplement… and optimize your diet with increased fruits and vegetables today. Then let supplements be supplements.

    To top it off, asparagus is on Environmental Working Group's list of the "Clean 15" — fruits and vegetables that have the best pesticide scores, if you don't buy organic.
How to buy and prepare
    Some asparagus are thick and some are thin. We recommend thick ones for roasting or steaming, thin ones for grilling or sautéing.

    To maximize your health value, eat asparagus raw.

    Before eating or cooking, snap the woody stem off… it should self-select the right spot for you (much harder to find if you cut it with a knife).

    Asparagus is easy to prepare. One of the easiest ways is to snap the bottom ends off, wash, put in a long baking pan, drizzle olive oil and your favorite seasonings on top — garlic or garlic powder, balsamic vinegar, lemon pepper or lemon zest, or Parmesan (not all of these at once!). Play around with it a little to find your personal favorite.

    Why not get in on spring's favorite veggie and find out what it can do for your health?
Online Publishing and Marketing

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

50 Links You Need if You Dream of a Career in Sports

Posted on Monday May 7, 2012by 
Hollywood is recession-proof, so the saying goes, and it seems to be true. But doesn’t it seem like sports never seem to be doing bad for themselves either? Not one but two major sports leagues have recently had lockouts while players and owners haggled over how to divvy up all the profits they are rolling in. In other words, a career in sports would be an excellent choice for a high school or college-age person weighing their prospects for the future. Whether you want to be the next Kobe or the next Costas, we’ve laid out 50 websites you’ll want to visit to make your dreams of a sports career a reality.


Skip the general job websites and stick with these .coms tailored to people looking for openings in the sports industry.
  1. This should be your first stop for job opportunities like payroll specialist for the Miami Dolphins and vice president of business development for the NFL.
  2. More than 7,000 employers post sports jobs at WorkInSports, which claims to have more traffic than all its competitors combined.
  3. This is really a job listing and recruitment network rolled into one. It’s great for helping backup players find teams around the world that need talent, as well as letting trainers and coaches find openings.
  4. See for yourself how many online hires this site has set up by viewing their homepage. Today’s jobs include camp instructor for the Washington Wizards and event coordinator at University of Phoenix Stadium.
  5. This company specializes in placing people from underrepresented groups like African-Americans, women, and gays and lesbians. They work with a wide range of sports jobs.
  6. For women specifically, this site offers job postings, resume and career counseling, and updates on sports jobs fairs, with a special section for pro athletes reentering the work force.
  7. Like the name suggests, this group wants to help you find a career in sports, from college sports to internships and full-time contracts with pro teams.
  8. Use the site’s “Career Control Room” to get an idea where you might find a place at the hub for America’s sports news, then view available opportunities.
  9. Choose your category, like “fitness/coaching,” “media/PR,” or “management,” your desired position, and your location, and Sportscareers hooks you up with sports jobs in your area.
  10. With its job listings and message board, “the gathering place for journalists” is a great resource for interacting with other sportswriters and keeping your finger on the pulse of American sports.
  11. Game Face is a career placement company for sports marketers that can help you first break in, then move up at your company.
  12. There’s a monthly fee to search sports job listings, but consider it an investment with the potential for magnificent returns.
  13. Sports companies don’t come any bigger than IMG. Set your sights high and try to become one of their 3,000 employees worldwide by checking their job postings.


Playing college ball is pretty much a prerequisite for a career as a professional athlete. Use these sites to connect with recruiters and land a spot with a respected program.
  1. Cracking the “featured athletes” section on Takkle, the Facebook of college sports networking, can be a springboard for a mention in Sports Illustratedor, better yet, an offer from a top school.
  2. PrepChamps is a free service that lets high school athletes create a profile with their stats and highlight videos to raise their visibility with coaches.
  3. For athletes in some of the smaller sports like swimming and volleyball, beRecruited is a great site for networking with coaches and researching schools and scholarships.
  4. This site helps put athletes in front of coaches from teams overseas and helps them make the transition to a new place when they are signed by a team.
  5. This paid service connected more than 400,000 college coaches with athletes last year. Even if you decide not to hire them, sign up for the free monthly newsletter for helpful tips on getting picked up.
  6. National Scouting Report boasts a 90% success rate for finding offers for prospects and claim to be referenced by more college coaches than any other recruiting service.
  7. With specific programs designed for kids from 3rd grade all the way through 12th grade, it’s never too early to get on the path to a career as an athlete.
  8. For more than 25 years, College Prospects of America has been helping talented high school athletes and coaches find each other. It’s a very respected group with agents determined to help you get signed.
  9. It’s a relatively new player to the recruiting game, but CRN is a solid agency for athletes in a number of college sports.
  10. The home of a helpful guide to college recruiting called The Making of a Student Athlete, this site delivers lots of helpful resources for players and their parents.
  11. One hundred percent dedicated to soccer recruiting, this is a must-use resource if you want to increase your exposure to football clubs around the world.


These links are great resources for learning how to become a sports journalist, agent, scout, and more.
  1. Interview with Tom Jolly, Times sports editor: Former New York Timessports editor Tom Jolly gave this great interview to Sports Networker about how he broke in and his suggestions for others who want a job in sports.
  2. How to become a sports broadcaster: Former play-by-play man and sports talk host Michael Madden penned this lengthy, informative article on making it into “the booth.”
  3. Can a complete novice become a golf pro?: If you dream of a life on the PGA Tour links, you’ll want to follow the story of Dan McLaughlin, a former photographer trying to turn pro by practicing for 10,000 hours.
  4. CNBC’s Darren Rovell interview: Here the Sports Network has their gem of an interview with Sports Business Report host Darren Rovell on starting a career in sports.
  5. David Falk interview: Read Rovell’s conversation with super-agent David Falk (Michael Jordan’s agent) if you’re interested in becoming the next Scott Boras.
  6. When to turn pro in tennis: This is an insightful article for anyone considering trying to turn pro in tennis. It discusses the path two current stars took to get where they are today.
  7. Bill Simmons and Will Leitch: Stories of a Sports Blogger: This article lays out how two of the biggest names in sports blogging got their start. Hint: it starts with a love of the game.
  8. Interview: Carlos Gomez, MLB scout: This author and scout for the Arizona Diamondbacks lays out how he got his job, what life is like as a scout, and his favorite things about the job.
  9. This health and fitness site that partners with the Lance Armstrong Foundation has a wealth of how-to articles for starting a career in sports, from coaching to sports medicine.
  10. How to become a general manager: This ESPN article tells the story of how Masai Ujiri of the Denver Nuggets became the first African-born GM in NBA history. It will give you an idea of what it takes to become a team’s general manager.
  11. So You Wanna Be An Olympian?: This is the entertaining story of one professional athlete’s attempts to make the Beijing Olympics. It’s a required read for anyone who dreams of standing atop the winner’s podium one day.
  12. Becoming a professional fisherman: Professional bass fishing is a growing sport, and one that many outdoors lovers would kill to do for a living. But before you get ahead of yourself, read fishing star David Walker’s advice here.
  13. The 10 Best Starter Jobs In Pro Sports: Take a look at Forbes‘ picks for the 10 best jobs from which to launch your career in sports.


Virtually every profession related to sports has a national group dedicated to professionals in that field. Check out their web pages for job postings and to connect with others in the biz.
  1. If your goal is to become a sports nutritionist, visit the website of the National Association of Sports Nutrition for info on becoming certified or to sign up for distance learning courses.
  2. The home of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association is the start of your journey on a career path to becoming a team trainer.
  3. This is the official site for the only national organization for professionals in the sports event industry to network and find industry news and upcoming events.
  4. Check out the “Careers” tab on the site for the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance if you are interested in a career in physical education.
  5. If you can’t get enough of college rec sports, why not make it your life’s work? Your future colleagues in the National Intramural-Recreational Sports Association are waiting for you.
  6. Were you born to wear the black and white? If so, check out the page for the National Association of Sports Officials and soon you’ll be a man or woman in uniform.
  7. Any legal students out there looking for a specialty that’s not terribly dry? Give a thought to sports law and check out the site for the Sports Lawyers Association.
  8. Join some of the biggest names in sports marketers who serve groups like NASCAR, the PGA Tour, and CBS Sports here at the National Sports Marketing Network.
  9. The North American Society for Sport Management caters to sports marketing, sports personnel management, and more. The students tab is the place you’ll want to click.
  10. Can you roll a 215 with one hand tied behind your back? Then strap on those dorky shoes and join the Professional Bowlers Association.
  11. More and more athletes are recognizing the power of the mental aspect of sports. If sports psychology interests you, poke around the Association for Applied Sport Psychology website.
  12. Want to hear your voice booming out across stadium speakers reaching thousands of spectators? The National Association of Public Address Announcers is the place to start.
  13. This is the home of the Sports Photographers Association of America, created to help sports photogs connect and succeed. Check them out if you want to get as close to the game as possible without putting on a jersey.