Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The 'Training Camp Meal Plan'...

Now most players aren't thinking of this. Many think that 'carbing up' means an extra order of fries at their favorite fast food eatery.
Well the smart athletes, and those are the ones I want to focus on here, will plan your meals like you would a date with Pamela Anderson in her prime.

Here is a sample meal guide with shopping list from the US Sports Strength and Conditioning System
Now the Meal plan:

Meal plan of 7 Days for Calories

Day 1 : Breakfast, 1 cup skim milk, 2 slices whole wheat toast, 2 tsp jelly, ½ cup apple juice, 1 pat of butter,

Lunch - 1 cup macaroni, 2 oz (56.6 grams) hamburger, 1 cup green beans, 2oz (56.6 grams) parmesan cheese,

Snack - 1 orange

Dinner - 2oz (56.6 grams) chicken breast, 1 large baked potato, 2 tablespoons sour cream, 2 cups broccoli, 1 cup skim milk

Day 2 : Breakfast, 1 cup oatmeal, ½ cup orange juice, 1 cup skim milk, 1 pat butter,

Lunch - Ham sandwich, 2oz (56.6 grams) ham, 2 slices rye bread, ½ c fruit cocktail, ½c peas/ ½c carrots,

Snack - 1 banana

Dinner - 1c spaghetti/meat sauce, 3oz (84.9 grams) ground beef, 1 cup skim milk, 1 cup green beans

Day 3 : Breakfast, 1 english muffin, 1 cup skim milk, ½ cup applesauce, 2 pats of butter,

Lunch - Tuna salad, 2oz (56.6 grams) water packed tuna, 2 slices whole wheat bread, 1 peach, 1/2 cup carrots,

Dinner - ..Hey where can I get a plan like this? Click Here to see more.

Nutrition Software Disclaimer:
This nutrition program follows ADA guidelines and is not to replace the counsel of a qualified Health Care Professional and is not designed for people with specific pathological conditions. Please consult your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. This sports nutrition program is for educational use only.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Countdown to Training Camp..Easy on the throttle 'playuh'

With High School, College, and even pro camps 7-14 days away. Your strength and conditioning programs should be winding down in a way.

Your max lifts on the power movements (Squat, deadlift, power cleans, clean and jerk, snatches, etc.,) should happen within the next 5 days and then take your weights down a notch or two and focus on muscle endurance. The good news is that with this version of recovery, you should get even a little stronger by the time you hit the sled in first sweltering practice next week or so.

Reduce your sprints during your speed, agility, and quickness workouts by 10%. If you were doing 15-150 meter sprints per workout go hard for 10-12. Or you can ditch one or more sprint workouts for a middle distance run 1200-1500 meters at 3/4 speed.

The only thing that you should increase at this time is stretching. Even though you have been training year round (or at least I hope you have) muscle pulls and strains or worse generally take place in the first week or two of camp. You can help yourself not become one of these statistics by making sure that you are maximally flexible during these two weeks leading up to camp.

Once camp starts, if your team does not have a structured, in-season lifting program, do 2-4 days a week of basic strength and power workouts with no Olympic movements in the program. You will do this for the duration of the season. Make sure your last workout of the week is at least 48 hours away from game day. During this period you are just trying to get stronger in the 1-5 rep range to help decrease recovery time after games and reduce the chances of injury.

Tomorrow we will get into training camp nutrition so that you can not only survive camp, but help possibly secure a starting spot in September.

Lastly, if you have done everything that you know to prepare for camp, don't stress. Football will be one of the most memorable times of your life. Enjoy the ride, go to the beach, buy your girlfriend some flowers, be nice for a day to Mom, Dad, and your annoying Sister. Yeah surprise her with niceness, it will really make her mad!

Attention Athletes!
Improve your Strength, Speed, and Agility.
The US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning System
"Serious Programs For Serious Athletes"