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Friday, September 21, 2018

Minding Your Business- Recommended reading: Sports Marketing and Maximising The Value of Content

From the latest thinking in content marketing to setting up an effective decision-making structure, Marketing Week reviews the latest books for marketers.

Beyond Harvard

Mark H. McCormack
One of sports marketing’s most influential figures, Mark H McCormack turns to his colleagues and competitors for this series of anecdotes that analyse how each contributor has succeeded, both in business and in life.
Covering everything from negotiating tips to how the rituals of sport can be applied to the business world, the book’s central theme is why it’s better for marketers to under-promise and over-deliver. Contributors include Billie Jean King and Sir Martin Sorrell.
The Women's National Football Conference Kicks Off 2019! Get On Board Today!

One Mission

Chris Fussell
A former Navy SEAL, Chris Fussell uses ‘One Mission’ to create a practical guide for leaders looking to build the perfect business team. Applying lessons learned from the battlefield, this book looks at Fussell’s ‘team of teams’ model and how brands such as Under Armour have successfully applied it to big business.
With practical advice on how to shift leadership behaviour, achieving strategic alignment and setting up an effective decision-making structure, this book will quickly find itself occupying a prominent position on a CEO’s desk.

Content: The Atomic Particle of Marketing

Rebecca Lieb
Navigating the world of content as a marketer isn’t always easy. Step forward Rebecca Lieb’s ‘Content: The Atomic Particle of Marketing’, a book that claims to be the definitive guide to content marketing. With experience working on major campaigns for the likes of Facebook, NestlĂ© and Save The Children, Lieb addresses the IT infrastructure, tools and processes needed to maximise the value of content in this easy-to-digest guide.

Perennial Seller

Ryan Holiday
Making advertising that truly lasts in the public subconscious is tough, but with ‘Perennial Seller’ author and former director of marketing at American Apparel, Ryan Holiday, claims to have the solution.
Looking at the strategies that underpin the creation of something that’s built to last, he studies the advertising classics of genres such as film and retail. Holiday asks the question: if something doesn’t go viral, has it really failed? And how can you create an ad campaign that is truly remembered.

Twilight of the Money Gods

John Rapley
This detailed book documents the evolution of economics from necessity to being seen more as a science and religion.
Analysing all the great economic prophets – everyone from Adam Smith to John Maynard Kenyes is dissected at great length – Rapley asks whether we must reimagine how we treat economics for a new era.
The book is also a great opportunity to educate yourself on how different economic mentalities have shaped and transformed the Western world.

US Sports Youth and High School Football UTR Featuring: Monday Night in Compton !!! Hub City Tar Heels vs Wilmington Pilots 8U - Highlight Mix

Monday Night in Compton !!! Hub City Tar Heels vs Wilmington Pilots 8U - Highlight Mix [Below]
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Videos- TBDL Jumps/Muscle Activation

Devan McConnell 
Just thought I'd share a couple of videos I found interesting. A couple of our players are using a product with surface EMG built into them. Not sure what comes of it, but its been interesting watching what happens during different exercises and while on the ice. Watch Videos....

Off-ice Contributors to On-ice Success: An In-depth Review of the Research

Adam Virgile
 What does a game look like for the typical NHL positional player? It's pretty easy to figure out… just do some simple math on the stats from the NHL website. The typical position player will have 20-35 shifts/game, each lasting 60-90 seconds in duration. This appears simple, on the surface, but let's take a deeper look. 
Before we evaluate potential relationships between off-ice and on-ice performance, it's important to understand the on-ice requirements of elite hockey players. 
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Presented On US Sports Net by BPI Sports!

In this week’s episode of Muscle Intelligence, BPI Sports’ expert trainer, Tyrone Bell explains the difference between HIIT cardio and LISS cardio, as well as which is better for fat burning.
“Today we’re looking at the two forms of cardio out there: low intensity steady state (LISS) and high intensity interval training (HIIT). We’re going to look at how each of the approaches work on a physiological level and of course, what everyone wants to know: which is best for your fat loss goals.
Let’s have a look at the facts. First of all, LISS. LISS involves performing cardiovascular exercise at a steady, low-to-moderate state for the entire duration of the session. It requires your heart rate to be sitting somewhere between 60-70% of your max heart rate. You’re warm, but you’re not sweating. You can still hold a conversation during the session itself. Due to the pace of low intensity steady state, this cardio method requires oxygen as the energy source. Oxygen is pulled into your body with each breath, which binds to your fat stores to be burned as energy. This is what’s known as the fat-burning zone since oxygen and fat are fueling the activity.
If you were to increase the pace, moving out of the low-to-moderate pace and increase your heart rate, your body will move into another energy source, swapping fat for carbohydrates as its source of fuel. This is how HIIT works. High intensity interval training requires short, intense bursts of activity, pushing your heart rate up to 80-95% of your max heart rate, then returning to a lower recovery state and repeating this burst and recovery process for a set time duration. For example, bursts of sprinting followed by a lower, slower recovery pace.
As mentioned, the fuel source when performing HIIT is carbohydrates. This is why LISS held the podium as the best form of fat-burning cardio for so long. While fat is being burned during LISS, HIIT is believed to burn more calories overall. This is due to the EPOC effect that occurs post-HIIT. EPOC, or post exercise oxygen consumption, allows your body to continue burning calories hours after your cardio session has ended. This is why many now hold HIIT in the top position. In the long run, HIIT will have more long-term, fat-burning effects. Yes, LISS may burn directly from fat stores during the session itself, but HIIT burns more calories, even if it is from carbohydrates. More calories burnt ultimately supports a better fat-burning result over a 24-hour period. The ultimate HIIT payoff is believed to be that post-exercise oxygen consumption, the EPOC effect. Or is it?
Before you place HIIT in the first place, fat-burning position, we need to answer a very important question: just how much do you burn during this post-exercise oxygen consumption period?

When we look at the science, one 2016 study showed that if you burned 600 calories during a bout of high intensity interval training, you would then burn an additional 45 calories during the EPOC. That’s it. Only 7.5% additional calories to what you burned in the session itself. While the study rightfully concludes that every little bit counts, one 2017 metanalysis stated that “overall it appears that EPOC is unlikely to account for any apparent great fat loss potential.”
The science recognizes and backs the effect of EPOC all the way. However, it’s clear that you shouldn’t get caught up in the hype that EPOC is some epic, fat-burning magic. Remember, far more important than the minimal calories burned in the EPOC are the calories burned in the cardio session itself, whether it’s HIIT or LISS.
The next point that I think needs to be addressed and that I think helps determine which cardio type is best for you, is which cardio works best with your resistance training. You shouldn’t be doing cardio with the goal of burning fat without simultaneously following a resistance training program. But you need to be aware of how your cardio is affecting your resistance training.
Low intensity steady state cardio is exactly that – low intensity. If you’re a healthy individual, it has next to no stress on your central nervous system. It’s effect on the localized muscles used in the cardio activity itself doesn’t interfere with recovery, and if anything, it can actually help by providing blood flow and helping to shift any metabolic byproducts still present from a weight training session. You’d have to have an extreme amount of post-exercise muscle damage present for LISS to interfere with any recovery processes.
HIIT on the other hand, isn’t so user-friendly. HIIT is high intensity, which automatically stresses your central nervous system (CNS). Don’t get me wrong – CNS stress is what we do every time we weight train, but just like weight training, we need to carefully account for recovery to avoid over training. When it comes to performing HIIT, and the localized muscle groups being used are sore from previous weight training, good luck! Not only will your HIIT performance be down, but you’ll be seriously interfering with the recovery processes of those particular muscle groups.
When it comes to implementing HIIT into your weekly weight training schedule, recovery has to be taken into account far more than with LISS. Considering the EPOC effect is not the almighty savior, the recovery interference and the CNS stress from HIIT, has LISS taken back it’s first place position as the best form of cardio?
In my opinion, the fight for number one ultimately comes down to one’s lifestyle. Even if LISS is less straining on your CNS, it’s gonna be useless if the individual is so time poor that they can’t perform the length of LISS required to reach their fat-burning quota. Finding a way to schedule shorter, but equally calorie-burning HIIT workouts in and around someone’s busy week is going to be best.
Likewise, if someone is following a full-on, aggressive weight training program, LISS is the best call to make sure not to interfere with any localized muscle recovery. The ultimate take home point here is that both methods burn fat, and both have their pros and cons. The best method is the one that you’re going to be able to perform consistently.
While we’re battling it out between LISS and HIIT, and appearing to come to some equal ground, remember above of all else, more important than the cardio method you use is the food you eat. No method of cardio can ever beat a bad diet. Fat loss should always be addressed from a calorie deficit first, and then enhanced by further exercise, including HIIT, LISS or a combination of both.”
All readers are advised to consult their physician before beginning any exercise and nutrition program. BPI Sports and the contributors do not accept any responsibility for injury sustained as a result of following the advice or suggestions contained within the content.

iHealthTube Featuring: How Vegetables Supply Anti-Cancer Benefits

We all know that vegetables are good for us. But why are they when it comes to cancer and how can they provide benefits? Dr. Nalini Chilkov discusses the anti-cancer benefits of vegetables. [This Video and More Below]

The Way Juicing Fruits And Vegetables Can Improve Your Diet
By: Shaq Abd
Right now there are continues to be a large concern about the quick decline of health and fitness amongst people. If you have been living on instant food products for most of your life, you might be exposing one's body to extra stress and anxiety than typical. It is about time that you really started off keeping an eye on your food consumption or diet program.

While every person is aware of the need for taking vegetables and fruits, you can still find a lot of people that aren't too interested in the idea of taking its greens for any meal. Making the vegetables and fruit in fruit juice form is a great ideal especially if you don’t have much time to be seated for a proper meal.

The human body requires ideal nutrition in order for it to be effective. For individuals that are constantly on the run, adding fruit and vegetable juices on their daily meals is among the many choices that they could try out. Juicing is definitely an improvement that has been popularized to present an answer to the dilemma of being able to obtain the most out of vegetables and fruit.

There are various benefits that could be had by having fresh fruit and veggies juices in your diet. The fact is that, there are many elements in which fresh juices is usually greater than eating cooked or processed vegetables and fruit.

People who are suffering from intestinal issues are advised to go on a fluid diet plan considering that it’s quite easy on your human body to consider fluids. Our body is able to taking in nutritional ingredients even more efficiently every time foods are ingested in juice condition compared to when it is in solid form. This is mainly due to it doesn’t need a lot of effort to absorb beverage and break the constituents to simpler types. Because of solid meal, the stomach have to work on breaking up it down to make it a semi-liquid form before it's suitable for absorption in to blood stream.

Preparing fruit and veggies is likely to lead to nutrients in food to disappear. High temperature also can destroy the nutrients present in all of these food products. Research has shown that after green vegetables are exposed to high temperatures, the majority of their vitamins and minerals is likely go missing.

Juicing fruits and fresh vegetables helps to sustain their dietary value. It keeps digestive enzymes viable and useful by the human body. Without enzymes, a number of different processes in your body will certainly quit to operate. These chemical substances supply some type of a go-indicator for different substance reactions in the human body to start. Featuring: The Citadel Cadets and Ordinary People, Extraordinary Risks

Video on the Citadel's Corp of Cadets. The South Carolina Corp of Cadets enter rat week and prepare for months of constant training.[Video Below]

Tactical Bodyweight Workouts - Revolutionary Tactical Strength and Conditioning Program Provides A Simple Bodyweight-Training Blueprint to Help You Gain Strength, Boost Power, and Rebuild Your Body

World’s Greatest Military Operators and Law Enforcement Professionals Reveal the Secret Bodyweight-Only Training System Used By Elite Tactical Athletes

Ordinary People, Extraordinary Risks
By: Bill Treasurer

In the same way you learn leadership from leaders, law from lawyers, and art from artists, you learn most about risk-taking from risk-takers.

Emerson once wrote, "The great distinction between teachers sacred or literary is that one class speaks from within, or from experience, as parties and possessors of the fact; and the other class, from without, as spectators merely."

We read many stories about real life risk-takers, including those from risk's outer edges. However, even the extraordinary examples will be put in service to the ordinary risk-taker. Lessons from risk's extreme edge can be applied well within its inner fold. Common truths are often most magnified through uncommon feats.

Just as courage, composure, and commitment are required of a fighter pilot, so too are they required of the young entrepreneur opening a business, the professor breaking free from the confining prejudices of an academic discipline, and the soldier defying an unjust or immoral order. Courage, composure, and commitment are equally required of the local politician taking a stand on an unpopular issue, the addict reaching out for help (and the jaded cynic reaching back), the young mother leaving the deadly comfort of an abusive relationship, and the volunteer firefighter running into a burning house.

Right Risk happens every day, everywhere. The promise woven into all Right Risks is our own relevancy. Each of us wants to feel that we have lived a life that matters. We want to make a difference for ourselves, for our families, for our communities, and for our world.

When the choices we make, and the actions we take, are reflections of our higher self, we are ennobled with the knowledge that our life has been worthwhile, at least to ourselves. In the end, the only person we will spend our entire life with is ourselves. We are a lot easier to live with when we are proud of who we are. And we are most proud of ourselves when we take Right Risks.

Consider the following questions:

* In what areas of your life do you tend to take more risks (i.e., physical, intellectual, interpersonal, or emotional)? How might you be able to "borrow" from this area in order to take more risks in the areas of your life where you tend to avoid risk?

* Review the four main criteria for a Right Risk-passion, purpose, principle, and prerogative. Based on these criteria, do you think your risk is a Right Risk, or something else?

*Take out a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle of the page. On the left, list some risks that turned out well. On the right, list the risks that turned out badly. Place check marks next to the risks on either column that met the criteria of having been Right Risks. Of those checked, which, if any, do you regret having taken?

©2013. Bill Treasurer. All rights reserved.
Bill Treasurer is a professional speaker and the Chief Encouragement Officer of Giant Leap Consulting. His most recent book, Leaders Open Doors, became the top-selling leadership book on Amazon. Bill has worked with thousands of executives from top organizations, including NASA, UBS Bank, Spanx, Hugo Boss, the Pittsburgh Pirates, and the US Department of Veterans Affairs. Sign-up for your complimentary workbook "Go Team Go" at

The Rock Almighty Devotional and Praise with Argent Hold Your Head Up 1973 The Midnight Special


“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7).
Taking grace to the extreme confuses us and causes wrong-thinking. It’s certainly important to submit ourselves to God, but if we think He causes tragedy, we won’t know what to submit to and what to resist.

MEL TALK Featuring - Panel Discussion and Q&A | MEL2018

 Panel Discussion and Q and A | MEL2018 [This Video and More Below]

Unity of Faith

And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.
Ephesians 4:11-13

Till we all come in the unity of the faith. What this scripture means is simply this: If we’re ever going to become truly powerful in the kingdom of God, if we’re ever going to be any great threat to the devil, we’re going to have to grow up—together.
It won’t be enough for just a few of us to grow up on our own and say, “Too bad” about everyone else. It doesn’t work that way. We’re a part of each other. The Bible calls us one body...the Body of Christ.
Let me give you an example. When I began teaching God’s revelation on the laws of prosperity, I started getting an amazing amount of flack. Preachers started calling me and chewing me out because I wouldn’t borrow money and things like that. Finally God said to me one day in prayer, Don’t teach on the laws of prosperity anymore until I tell you to.
“Why not?” I asked.
There’s strife in the camp, He told me. Other preachers are mad at you and in strife over it.
I didn’t realize then that the level where we stopped would affect us all. I didn’t realize that even I wouldn’t be able to go on and operate in the additional laws of prosperity until the rest of the Body would go with me.
We’re not islands unto ourselves. I can’t do anything without affecting you. You can’t do anything without affecting me. We’re joined together by God but held together by one another (Ephesians 4:16). We can only grow up…together!
Learn to walk in love. Refuse to fall prey to division and isolation. Feed on the Word daily and encourage your brothers and sisters by feeding it to them too, so we can all grow up to be “a perfect [or mature] man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.”
Scripture Reading:
1 Corinthians 12:13-28
© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications    All rights reserved.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

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