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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Are liquid detox diets a good idea?

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Dubious Liquid-Detox and Anti-Cancer Diets

    Liquid cleanse and detox diets are all the rage these days, promising everything from weight loss to extreme energy to cancer prevention.

    It's this last one that got my attention. And that's why I'm writing about this today. What I have to say may not sit well with some cancer experts (many of whom are well-meaning amateurs) -- but you need to know an all-liquid crash diet, especially at home without supervision, may not be a good idea. Let's take a look. . .

Continued below. . .

The First Time Ever... Harvard Scientists Reverse Aging
    In 2010, a group of researchers at the Dana-Farber institute of Harvard University Medical School figured out how to switch on what's being called the "immortality gene".

    What the scientists saw "... was not a slowing down or stabilization of the aging process." Instead, they "saw a dramatic reversal..."

    This story is being reviewed here (with an interesting update)...

What really happens in a liquid-cleanse
    First, let me tell you exactly what I'm talking about. There are dozens — hundreds, probably — of different detox programs and strange, short-term liquid diets that claim every medical benefit under the sun.

    In terms of cancer, the theory behind a detox cleanse is that we all have toxins trapped in the folds of our gastrointestinal tracts. The toxins can come from anywhere — herbicide- and pesticide-treated foods and chemically-produced household products are major culprits.

    As the theory goes, if those toxins find their way to your intestines and stay lodged there for too long, they'll either turn into eventual cancer or knock you sideways with some other chronic disease. Colon cleansing in itself (also known as colon therapy) is now a popular offering at alternative healthcare facilities. The goal, of course, is to remove these long-lodging toxins, along with putrefied waste that gets stuck in your bowels.

    Colon hydrotherapy done by a professional usually involves tubes that inject water and sometimes herbs up into the colon via the rectum. For the record, I believe this is a useful cancer therapy, although it's only supported by case studies and anecdotes, not large studies.

    But liquid cleanses approach things from the other end — they're taken by mouth. That's what I'm talking about here.

    Most liquid cleanses involve keeping to a liquids-only diet for a specific number of days. The idea is that the bowels don't have to work as hard to push out liquid waste, which frees them up to unclench, reenergize, and push out old solid waste.

    Liquid cleanses also force you (usually) to avoid foods that stress your body. Your organs respond in turn with improved function. That goes for not only the bowels but the kidneys and liver as well.

    Some of the liquid-cleanse diets I've read about include
  • Prune juice fasts — seven straight days of prune juice and nothing else
  • Diuretic diets — purported to help fluid retention
  • Fasting diets — where you fast for a day every few days and then resume eating
  • Laxative tea diets — where different herbal concentrations taken in tea form are used to purge your gut of everything
    Others that sound more nutritious include a cleansing program that combines a vegan diet with whole food nutritional supplements, and a liquefied all-vegetarian diet (whole fruits and vegetables pureed into drinkable meals — a "juicing" approach). I'm no expert in this subject, but a liquid diet that provides good nutrition sounds like a better idea than one — for example — that requires you to live on water, lemon juice and a dab of honey for some long period of time.

    I don't lump careful eating plans like the Gerson Therapy with short-term liquid cleanses that provide almost no nutrition at all. The real cancer diets provide you with plenty of healthy nutrients. They can be followed for a lifetime (and you'll live longer if you do.) Not so the water-plus-a-dab-of-honey fasts.

    If you'd like to know more about the Gerson Therapy — one of the first natural cancer treatments and still one of the most renowned — you can get an introduction in either of two reports we publish, Natural Cancer Remedies that Work and Breast Cancer Cover-Up.

    Short-term liquid fasts are another story. The general belief in conventional medicine is that liquid cleanses are dangerous and ineffective, except for the brief fasts required just before colon surgery or a colonoscopy. The thinking goes that longer-term liquid cleanses leave you nutritionally depleted with such a low daily calorie intake that your mood and energy levels get affected in a negative way.

    I doubt if most liquid cleanses last long enough to put the average person at risk for some kind of nutritional deficiency. The lack of nutrients might leave you vulnerable to infections for a time. If you insist on doing a liquid fast, I suggest doing it in warm weather rather than during the winter cold and flu season. Old and frail people are obviously at greater risk of infection any time and I wonder if a liquid fast — especially an unsupervised one — is a good idea.

    Critics say you're also at risk of losing muscle mass, which could slow your metabolism and make it harder to lose weight in the future. I haven't seen any hard evidence for this. But here's a charge I can believe: According to most sources, even if you lose weight on one of these cleanses, you're bound to gain it back quickly.

    I don't think short-term crash diets are an effective weight-loss plan.
Your body already knows what to do
    The biggest bone of contention critics have with these diets is that they're not backed by medical science. This is true, but that's not what concerns me. Plenty of effective alternative therapies aren't yet backed by "medical" science. Which by the way, doesn't mean they've been disproven, it just means nobody has put together an institutionally-funded, white-coat lab study yet.

    What does concern me though, is that most of these diets leave your body without real nutrition for several days at a time.

    According to Charlotte Kikel, a nutrition consultant and clinical herbalist in Austin, TX, you have an internal clock that sends your body a message to move your bowels every eight hours — assuming there's something inside that needs to be moved.

    This doesn't mean you should head to the bathroom every eight hours. Your body knows when it's time to go, and your clue to whether it's all working well is when you have easy movements with no straining, along with well-formed, solid stool.

    The most effective ways to prompt healthy bowel movements and keep your gut clean, meaning you push toxins right on through, are:
  1. Drink plenty of fluids — especially water
  2. Boost your fiber intake, preferably from plant-bases like vegetables and fruit instead of grain
  3. Exercise — hands down one of the best ways to keep your bowels moving
    I'll share another secret I recently learned from my own nutritionist that works like magic for me: Magnesium is a natural laxative — that's why it's found in pharmaceutical laxatives like Phillips Milk of Magnesia. However, most magnesium supplements are designed to PREVENT the laxative response because some customers get diarrhea — and that's NOT why most of us take a magnesium supplement!

    For example, magnesium aspartate is the most common form of magnesium in supplements. It's actually designed to prevent you from going! But if you take magnesium citrate (not easy to find, but it's available), you'll probably experience the laxative effect — and most of the time it doesn't take many pills to do the job. Plus you get plenty of healthy magnesium to boot.
Unplug and empower your system
    There may be some nutritional wisdom in certain cleansing programs. Success stories I've read talk about people learning to revamp their approach to eating. They say that by taking away their normal daily consumption habits, they grow less attached to bad behavior — like regular snacking or high-sugar cravings — and learn to be aware of their bodies and what they really need.

    I say fine if it does lead to long-term changes in your eating habits. But that's in doubt.

    A short-term liquid diet is not a magic bullet. But there is real power in mindful eating and breaking bad eating habits.

    If you're bent on trying a liquid diet, my advice would be to do it under the guidance of a nutritional professional. Your body's nutrition is too important to experiment on just to see if something works.

    Better yet, think of your daily eating habits as a regular opportunity to cleanse your bowels. The most important "bowel cleanse" you'll ever find is something you were born knowing how to do, and that's have a bowel movement.

    The best full body detox, according to Charlotte Kikel, is to eat the natural things nature intended. That gives you the natural feature most liquid-cleanses promise.

    After all, the foods you eat and avoid have one of the biggest single effects on whether you develop cancer in your lifetime. In my experience, the real strength of liquid detox diets isn't what you drink while you're on the diet, but instead comes down to the bad foods you learn you can live without.

    Personally, I had quite a bit of success changing my eating habits under the guidance of skilled clinicians, under an eating plan that lasted weeks and essentially became permanent — although at the start they didn't tell me I'd have to eat that way for good.

    Probably just as well, it would have been too discouraging at the beginning. I thought it was temporary, and that kept me going. I thought I could go back to my old ways after getting rid of my toxins. By the time I learned it was the program for life, I'd adjusted to the new way of eating.

    The motto is "eat for life" — not for a crash fad diet that's going to last for just a few days or a week. But take your new eating habits one day at a time. . .or one week at a time. Don't set yourself to climb Mt. Everest.

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Sunday, September 9, 2012

The medicinal food that's worth its weight in silver

Worth Its Weight in Silver...
This Food Shrinks Tumors by
75% and Much More

    At one time, this "gem" of a food was so highly treasured for its health benefits that it was literally worth its weight in silver!

    Now extracts of this natural food have been proven effective against a variety of cancers. Not only that — the extracts reduce blood sugar, making them a valuable supplement for diabetics. And it looks like they prevent or reduce high blood pressure, so they're worthwhile for cardiovascular patients as well! What IS this wonder food? Keep reading and I'll explain. . .

Continued below. . .
Shocked doctors were forced to eat crow
after their patients tried

The 31-Day Home Cancer Cure
    "Congratulations! You're cancer free!" declared Rev. Cobus Rudolph's doctor after Rev. Rudolph used the secrets found in The 31-Day Home Cancer Cureto get rid of his "hopeless" stage four colon cancer.

    "You're a miracle from God!" said Richard Wiebe's doctor after he used the same secrets found in The 31-Day Home Cancer Cure to get rid of so-called "terminal" brain cancer.

    "Are you the terminal patient I saw two months ago? You look great!" That's what Kevin Irish's doctor exclaimed after Kevin used these secrets to get rid of his stage four lung cancer.

    "Well, I know the cancer is here somewhere!" That's what Frank Woll's doctor said when he couldn't find the cancer with a magnifying glass. A month before, the doc had said they'd have to cut off half of Frank's ear and part of his neck!

    These four men got TOTALLY WELL with the secrets of The 31-Day Home Cancer Cure. Watch this important video presentation and see for yourself.

    It originated high in the mountains of northeastern Japan, usually at the base of oak trees, but sometimes also under maples and elms. It only fruited once a year, late in the season — from early September to late October.

    Popular in Asia for the past 3,000 years, it's also found in Europe, the northeastern United States and Canada.

    This highly esteemed food, Grifola Frondosa, is also known as the "dancing mushroom" because people were said to dance for joy when they found it.

    Besides "dancing mushroom" it goes by the names "hen of the woods", "sheep's head", "cloud mushroom", and "king of mushrooms" (because of its large size).

    You may have heard it called the maitake mushroom.

    The maitake mushroom is a polypore, meaning it lacks the gills on its underside that we often associate with mushrooms. Instead it releases its spores — the "seeds" that propagate the mushroom -- through small pores.

    Maitake mushrooms grow in layers of curved caps, and can become quite large. Their fruit body can spread to a width of several feet and weigh as much as 40 or 50 pounds. Some 100 pound specimens have been reported!

    For thousands of years, Asian healers have used edible mushrooms in soups, tonics, teas, prepared foods, and herbal formulas as an adaptogen and to promote health and longevity. Maitake held elite status in Japanese and Chinese cuisine.

    Until recently, maitake was merely the subject of folklore and traditional Chinese medicine. But since the 1980s, modern researchers have been studying its medicinal effects on a variety of health issues.

    A great deal of evidence suggests maitake mushrooms are the most promising medicinal mushroom.
King of mushrooms unleashes your immune army
    Maitake mushrooms are high in amino acids and in vitamins B-2, D, and niacin, as well as the minerals magnesium, potassium, and calcium. They're even rich in fiber.

    But Maitake's real claim to fame is its polysaccharide fiber called beta-1,6-glucan, which stimulates the immune system naturally and lowers blood pressure. Beta 1,6-glucan is a protein bound polysaccharide — a large and complex molecule comprised of smaller sugar molecules.

    Beta glucan stimulates your immune system and activates the white blood cells and proteins that attack cancer cells… including macrophages, T-cells, natural killer (NK) cells, neutrophils, and interleukin-1 and -2.

    These immune system cells play a central role in boosting your general resistance to disease and preventing free radicals from wreaking havoc on your body. They help your immune system respond rapidly to illness, and they also remove cellular wastes and speed tissue damage recovery.
This giant Japanese mushroom
has cancer-fighting abilities
    Research now shows this powerful Japanese mushroom can help you beat cancer.

    Maitake researchers have found three ways this food can fight cancer:
  1. Keeping healthy cells from becoming cancerous
  2. Helping prevent metastasis
  3. Slowing or stopping the growth of tumors.
    Published studies support all three of these benefits.

    The precise cancer fighting mechanism of maitake molecules is still unclear. Some researchers think that instead of attacking tumors directly, they stimulate production of more T cells to fight cancer cells.

    At the forefront of this promising research is Hiroaki Nanba, PhD and professor of microbial chemistry at Kobe Pharmaceutical University in Japan. Not only is he a four-time author, but he's also the world's premier medicinal mushroom researcher.

    In one study, Dr. Nanba gave the mushroom to cancer patients who took no anticancer drugs. Yet they saw a regression in their tumors.
The Maitake D-Fraction extract
    Maitake also contains a highly-concentrated cancer-fighting compound called D-Fraction.

    Maitake D-Fraction® is a patented extract of the maitake mushroom, rich in beta-glucans, marketed as a dietary supplement in the U.S. and Japan. The terms "D-Fraction" and "MD-Fraction" simply refer to a concentration of maitake polysaccharides.

    Even tradition-bound Memorial Sloan-Kettering's experts now recognize the anticancer power maitake can exhibit. They completed trials in 2009 which suggest maitake can help breast cancer patients.

    A phase I/II human trial showed that maitake extract stimulates breast cancer patients' immune systems… which includes macrophages, which engulf and clean up cellular debris to keep cells healthy, and Natural Killer (NK) cells, which are your body's "special ops forces" to search and destroy tumor cells. The study was published in the Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology.1

    An earlier study published in the Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients (Feb/March 1996) involved 165 patients with advanced cancer who used maitake D-Fraction. It was found to be effective against leukemia, as well as stomach and bone cancers.2

    Tests on lab mice showed that extracted human bladder cancer cells exposed to either maitake or the cancer drug interferon, or both, responded better after 72 hours than those that received no treatment. The treatment reportedly shrank tumors by 75 percent. But the research is considered preliminary.

    The study was performed at New York Medical College in New York, by Dr. Brandon Louie and his colleagues. It was funded internally by the college, and published in theBritish Journal of Urology International, a peer reviewed journal.

    Maitake D-Fraction can also hold back production of other immune cells, restoring a healthy balance to your immune system and priming your body to respond "perfectly" to health threats.

    Dr. Nanba and his associates also report some spectacular case studies, although these may be "best cases" and not necessarily representative of a broad selection of patients.

    Dr. Nanba observes that D-Fraction is most effective against breast, liver, and lung cancers.

    Of course, if you were a member of our platinum club, the Alternative Cancer Research Institute, you'd already know about maitake mushrooms, D-Fraction, Dr. Nanba's exciting work, and much more. Members receive a free 460-page book called The Complete Guide to Alternative Cancer Treatments. The book aims to collect every alternative cancer treatment that exists, and so far we’ve identified more than 350. The book is constantly updated, with new treatments and new information added on our members-only ACRI website.

    In fact, the book has a whole section on "Mushroom and Yeast Treatments" with 16 entries. Mushroom remedies and formulas are among the most powerful medicinal substances known to science, and the research on this subject is especially exciting. If you’d like to know more about the Alternative Cancer Research Institute, just click here.
Control your blood sugar, lose weight,
lower your blood pressure…
    Maitake, like many other foods, makes valuable contributions to other aspects of your health besides cancer prevention. Whole foods treat your whole body.

    Beta glucans lower blood sugar in animal studies and may do so in humans as well.3

    Maitake can lower blood sugar naturally due to its alpha glucosidase inhibitor, a specific polysaccharide called the X-fraction that appears to be the active compound with anti-diabetic properties.

    Researchers believe mushrooms may work to lower insulin resistance and improve insulin sensitivity… which may prove especially valuable for people who are overweight, or those who have diabetes or hypoglycemia.

    When eaten as whole foods, mushrooms are low in calories and high in fiber, which may increase feelings of fullness and therefore decrease overall food intake and help promote weight loss. Of course, if you cook your mushrooms in butter or other oils, the calorie count will mount.

    In one study, Yokota gave 30 overweight adults maitake mushrooms with no other dietary changes. During the two month study, participants lost an average of 7 to 13 pounds. And one participant lost a staggering 26.4 pounds.4 That's a remarkable result. Usually it requires real sacrifice to achieve that kind of weight loss.

    Animal studies demonstrated that powdered whole maitake can lower blood pressure and prevent blood pressure increases, even in animals with well established high blood pressure. Researchers conclude that maitake may suppress the development of high blood pressure as well as lowering already high blood pressure.5

    More than one study suggests that maitake may prevent and treat liver disorders. In one animal study, researchers fed rats a high-cholesterol diet fortified with 20-percent dried maitake powder. The animals on maitake accumulated less fat in the liver than did the control animals.6 Other studies suggest similar protective results.
Maitake edibles
    You can eat maitake as a food — if you can find a source. The story goes that those who know where to find them, only reveal it in their wills — and never before they die.

    Besides their medicinal value, maitake mushrooms are reputed to be quite tasty.

    You may be able to find fresh ones in season — at least Amazon has a listing for them (though they are not available as this is published). Maybe later in September or October they will be. You can also search for dried mushrooms in stores or on the Internet.

    The easiest option is to take maitake as a supplement.

    Standardized beta-glucan extracts (MDF and maitake D-Fraction) show particular promise for their anti-cancer benefits and ease of use. Extracts, whole maitake powder, or a combination have been shown effective for many health issues.

    Typical recommended daily doses for disease prevention range from 12 to 25 mg of the extract taken with 200 to 250 mg of whole powder, or 500 to 2500 mg of the whole powder taken by itself.

    However, you're wise to start slowly and build up, to avoid stomach upset at the outset.

    Even though it's "worth its weight in silver," life is priceless, and this may be a good way to enhance your longevity and fight disease. So it's worth considering adding it to your lifestyle.

    Have you used maitake to support your health? What results have you seen? If you have a personal case study of using maitake to shrink a tumor, sound off on our Facebook page, and share it with the world. Others love to hear your story. You'll find Facebook links at the top and bottom of this email.

Lady Bulldogs Volleyball Drops Saturday Matches vs. UMass-Lowell and Goldey-Beacom


WILMINGTON, Del. -- Playing the first of two matches of the day, the Bowie State Lady Bulldogs volleyball team was overpowered 3-0 by the University of Massachusetts-Lowell in a tri-match hosted by Goldey-Beacom College.

UMass Lowell dominated the opening set against Bowie State with a 25-5 victory. Brooke Peterson and Ella Merrill each tallied four kills, while Olivia Parkins dished out 12 assists. The River Hawks compiled a jaw-dropping .700 attack percentage.

The tune didn't change in the second frame as UMass Lowell cruised to another win, 25-9. This time, Merrill tied with Jamie Muntz for the lead with three kills each, while Sierra Brown landed three service aces. The squad's accuracy improved in the middle set, hitting .706. Through two frames, UMass Lowell did not commit an attacking error.

With a wave of momentum on their side, the River Hawks finished off the match with a 25-7 result in the third. Bowie State committed seven attacking errors and landed only one kill in the final frame.

Merrill led all players with nine kills in the match. Parkins and Carolyn Eddy split time setting: Parkins totaled 17 assists and Eddy had 13. Eddy also added a career-high five service aces in the win.

Freshman Yaje Ngundam paced Bowie State with four kills on 29 attempts Sophomore Paige McIntosh and junior Kasi Eisenzimmer added three and two kills respectively for the Lady Bulldogs. Eisenzimmer accounted for seven of Bowie State’s nine assists to go along with one service ace and one dig.

WILMINGTON, Del. – The Lady Bulldogs, who also lost to UMass-Lowell earlier on Saturday in a three-set match, were led by freshman outside hitter Yaje Ngundam, who posted 14 kills with eight digs. Bowie State captured the first set 25-23 but dropped the next three by scores of 25-7, 25-12 and 25-21.
Bowie State sophomore Paige McIntosh ended the match with seven kills and seven digs while junior Brelyn Finley contributed three kills, a service ace and one dig. Junior Kasi Eisenzimmer once again led Bowie State in assists with 20 to go along with nine digs and two service aces. Redshirt freshman Marissa Martinez led both teams with 21 digs for the Lady Bulldogs.

Kadi McCoy tallied a match-high 19 kills for Goldey-Beacom (3-2) and contributed 11 digs and Taylor Moyer contributed 18 kills with a .485 hitting percentage. Monica Dempsey tallied 26 assists along with six digs and three kills while Jamika Townsend posted 17 assists with nine digs and five kills for the Lightning.

Bowie State (0-5) will play the first of three straight home matches beginning with their first conference contest of the season against Chowan University – Sunday, September 9th at 2 pm in the Lady Bulldogs’ A.C. Jordan Arena.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Chemotherapy causes cancer!

New Discovery:
Chemotherapy Causes Cancer

    You probably don't need much convincing about the dangers of cancer drug therapies…

    ...but a new study suggests that chemotherapy treatments may unintentionally CAUSE cancer cell growth!

    How can this be? Keep reading and I'll explain. . .

Continued below. . .

How Carolyn Reversed
Her Alzheimer's by
Disobeying Her Doctor
    An all-natural protein melts away the brain-clogging mineral that triggers memory loss, dementia and Alzheimer's — and cuts brain cell death in half! And yet this Nobel Prize-winning discovery is being ignored by 99% of doctors.

    That's why I'd like to tell you about Carolyn.

    Click here to see how she reversed her Alzheimer's without drugs — and in just a few weeks!

    If you or someone you care about is suffering from memory loss, dementia or Alzheimer's, then you know how cruel these diseases can be. The emotional and physical toll they take on the patient — as well as on the entire family — can be devastating.

    That's why the news of the breakthroughs I'm about to reveal could literally have a life-changing effect on you.

    Best of all, these solutions are available and being used successfully right now — even while most doctors still throw up their hands when it comes to memory loss, dementia and Alzheimer's, using words like "hopeless" and "irreversible." It's hard to believe, I know. . .

    So please click here to see how Carolyn reversed her Alzheimer's with this remarkable discovery!

    A research team led by Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center was surprised to find that chemotherapy drugs can make healthy cells go rogue and turn into something called fibroblasts.

    Fibroblasts are cells that help strengthen connective tissue, help wounds to heal and assist in collagen production. But according to study results published in Nature Medicine, the scientists noticed something strange in healthy fibroblasts located close to cancer cells targeted by chemotherapy treatments.

    The research team found that chemotherapy drugs caused these normal cells to pump out more of a protein called WNT16B.

    Problem is…the excess WNT16B caused nearby cancer cells to GROW and invade surrounding tissues.

    This could help explain why secondary cancer sometimes resurfaces months or even years after chemotherapy treatments. And that's not all...

    The researchers noticed that high levels of this protein also caused these cancer cells to become resistant to the chemotherapy drugs!

    Surely the last thing Big Pharma wants to know is that its chemo drugs can actually grow mutant cancer cells that are immune to chemo!

    But there seems to be little chance conventional medicine will suspend the use of these drugs. The researchers suggested adding another drug to the chemo treatments—that is, one to suppress the excess WNT16B protein.

    So in this case, mainstream medicine holds true to form in its search for additional ways to market synthetic poisons.

    The best thing to do is take preventive measures against the disease. One new study suggests a first step may be to alter your diet…
The food/cancer connection
    You probably know all too well that many foods are laced with chemicals and other substances that are known carcinogens.

    So you won't be surprised to learn a recent study from Great Britain determined thatfood is a controllable risk factor that likely accounts for 35 to 45 percent of all cancer cases!

    The study, published online July 23 in the journal Gut, specifically examined how antioxidants affected pancreatic cancer risk.

    Dr. Andrew Hart of the University of East Anglia led the research team that tracked the long-term health of more than 23,000 study participants. They ranged in age from 40 to 74 and had their dietary activity tracked between 1993 and 1997.

    Each person kept a food diary tracking the kind of food, amount and preparation method for every food eaten during a seven day period.

    After 10 years, 49 participants had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The number increased to 86 by 2010.

    The researchers determined that people whose diets had higher intakes of selenium and vitamins C and E were 67 percent less likely to develop pancreatic cancer!

    In spite of the impressive results, the researchers were cautious about stating that these findings establish a "cause and effect" relationship. The team said these findings merely suggest that a diet featuring plenty of antioxidant rich foods reduces the risk of pancreatic cancer.

    If this is so, you're probably wondering…
What to eat—and what NOT to eat!
    If foods can impact your risk of disease, it's probably a good idea to review some of the best and worst choices you can make. Let's start with some nutrient-rich food choices…

    Research shows selenium, combined with vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene, helps block chemical reactions that create free radicals. These molecules cause cell damage that can lead to cancer.

    If you're interested in bulking up on selenium-rich foods, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) says some of your best choices include:
  • Brazil nuts
  • Eggs
  • Fish (tuna, halibut, sardines, flounder, salmon)
  • Grains (wheat germ, barley, brown rice, oats)
  • Meat and poultry
  • Mushrooms (button, crimini, shiitake)
  • Shellfish (oysters, mussels, shrimp, clams, scallops)
  • Sunflower seeds
    Please note that total selenium intake from all sources should be no more than 200 mcg. per day. Selenium is a good thing, but there's such a thing as too much of it. Brazil nuts are especially rich in selenium, they taste great, and all you need is two or three each day to give yourself a therapeutic dose.

    As for foods rich in vitamin C and beta carotene, you should stock up on plenty of brightly colored fruits and vegetables like carrots, cantaloupe… citrus fruits... pineapple, broccoli… and red, orange and green peppers.

    Some of these same foods as well as your leafy greens are also rich sources of vitamin E.

    As for the less healthy options, you probably already know to limit or eliminate foods like these. . .
  • Fried and processed foods—frying food in oils causes an unhealthy chemical change. Investigators from the University of the Basque in Spain discovered that compounds released from cooking oils significantly increase the risk of various cancers and brain damage.
  • Grilled meats—a report in the June 2007 Harvard Health Letter states that cooking meat at high temperatures causes a reaction that forms cancer causing heterocyclic amines.
  • Recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) —this U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved synthetic hormone helps increase a cow's milk production. But the American Cancer Society says milk from rBGH-treated cows has higher levels of a hormone called IGF-1that may cause tumor growth in your prostate, breasts and colon. If a conservative, mainstream outfit like the ACS warns against it, you KNOW there's a problem.
  • Refined sugar—a study published in the February 2004 Journal of the National Cancer Institute highlights a strong association between a high sugar diet and women's colorectal cancer risk.
    Your ultimate goal should be to reduce exposure to substances that destroy your immunity—and bulk up on those that help build a natural cancer shield.

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American Cancer Society. 2011. Recombinant bovine growth hormone fact sheet. Retrieved from

Condliffe, J. 2012. Chemotherapy can make cancer growth worse. Gizmodo. Available at

Harvard Health Letter. 2007. Tips for safer and healthier grilling, from the Harvard Health Letter. Available at

National Institutes of Health. 2012. Dietary Supplment Fact Sheet: Selenium. Available at

Preidt, R. 2012. Antioxidants may help cut cancer risk, study suggests. Health Day. Available at

Rarbark, S. 2012. Study suggests diet and cancer have a connection. Miami Herald. Available at

Sunday, September 2, 2012



BOWIE, Md. – Bowie State University Athletic Director Anton Goff announces the hiring of Ashley Cook as the new head coach of the Lady Bulldogs softball program.  “We’re very excited to have Ashley (Cook) added to our staff. She comes highly recommended and had great success, not only here as a former student-athlete, but also in high school as well as the AAU circuit”, said Goff.

Cook is a 2011 graduate of Bowie State after earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Fine Arts and currently works full-time at Calvert Memorial Hospital as the E-Marketing Specialist.

Cook played two seasons with the Lady Bulldogs (2007 and 2009) and helped guide Bowie State to two CIAA Championships during her time wearing the black and gold. Cook averaged .342 at the plate in her first season and .443 her final collegiate season.
I'm very excited to be coming back to the Bulldogs program as Head Softball coach”, said Cook. “I would like to build upon the tradition that has been established and continue the program's success. I'm looking forward to getting out on the diamond and meeting the team to plan for the upcoming season.

Belmont Abbey 3 - Bowie State 0 (WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL FINAL)


WASHINGTON, DC – Belmont Abbey College swept Bowie State University in three straight sets in the season opener for both teams, defeating the Lady Bulldogs 25-10, 25-8 and 25-11.

A very young Bowie State team was held to a minus .236 attack percentage and managed only five kills on 55 total attacks. On the other side of the net, the Crusaders wrapped up the match with .483 hitting percentage and knocked down 37 kills.

Bowie State sophomores Remi Anderson and Paige McIntosh accounted for two kills each. Fellow sophomore Briana Flowers and freshman Yaje Ngundam recorded one kill each in the setback. Junior Kasi Eisenzimmer paced the Lady Bulldogs with four assists and three service aces, both team highs. Redshirt freshman Marissa Martinez picked up a team-high five digs.

Caitlin Hankins led Belmont Abbey with a match-high nine kills and Hannah Schellenberg added seven kills in the Crusaders victory. Kay Schellenberg accounted for 28 assists to go along with two service aces and three digs.

This causes three-fourths of all breast cancer

Online Publishing and Marketing

Radiation causes three-fourths of breast cancers — and damages your heart, too!

    A top doctor estimates that about three-quarters of all breast cancer cases in the United States are induced by radiation — including medical X-rays, and including mammograms to detect breast cancer.

    Dr. John W. Goffman, M.D., Ph.D. published that finding in a 1996 book calledPreventing Breast-Cancer: The Story of a Major, Proven, Preventable Cause of this Disease. He was a retired Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of California, Berkeley.

    While the medical profession doesn’t generally accept his exact figure of three-fourths, it’s a medical fact that X-rays cause cancer. This is very well known and accepted. It’s not controversial. Those painless, invisible rays that doctors aim at your chest or a broken bone or an arthritic joint are extremely dangerous. The reason is that X-rays cause healthy cells to mutate, and mutated cells are a well-known cause of cancer.

Continued below...

Breast Cancer Breakthrough BANNED!
U.S. Government Blocks Release
of Doctor's Life-Saving Book
    A mammoth discovery is wiping out most breast tumors better than anything seen yet in modern medicine. It makes surgery, radiation and chemotherapy look like something from the Dark Ages.

    A Cornell-educated doctor followed more than 25 years of case studies and PROVED this treatment can cure breast cancer. With the discovery I'm going to tell you about, almost every woman makes it and without losing a breast to surgery or taking any toxic chemicals. Even those with late stage cancer!

    You've got to include this treatment if you want to have any REAL hope of defeating breast cancer. Click here now and watch a new video presentation about this important discovery…

    In spite of that, we’re seeing a big, bitter debate over whether women between the ages of 40 and 50 should receive an annual mammogram. In 2009, a task force at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services set off a firestorm by recommending that regular mammography screening shouldn’t start until age 50. This led some people to think the government is out to kill women by denying them mammograms.

    Cheer up. This is one occasion where the government got it right.

    I think the test is of doubtful value for women of any age, but now even establishment medicine agrees that it’s a costly, nearly useless exam for most women under 50. The reasons are complicated, but basically the test detects very few tumors and saves very few lives, and meanwhile it exposes women to massive amounts of dangerous radiation.

    According to Robert Aronowitz, M.D., of the University of Pennsylvania, "You need to screen 1,900 women in their 40s for 10 years in order to prevent one death from breast cancer, and in the process you will have generated more than 1000 false positives and all the overtreatment they entail."

    In other words, the test is incredibly inaccurate. A false positive means the test indicates you have cancer when in fact you don’t. It means return visits to the doctor, additional tests, biopsies, missed time at work, and several days of terror during which you think you’ve got cancer. After the age of 50 (or after menopause) the test is somewhat more useful, but nothing to brag about.

    And let me underline this: women under 50 endure a thousand false positives for every life saved by a "true positive" — a mammogram test where the woman indeed has cancer and is treated successfully.

    Meanwhile, 10 years of screening exposes you to about half the radiation you would have received had you been standing a mile away from the center of the atomic bomb that destroyed the whole city of Hiroshima. In other words, you’re bombarded with one heck of a lot of deadly, cancer-causing radiation. If it weren’t a medical test they’d call it murder.

    My friend Bill Henderson recommends a test you can do by mail, from your home, that he says is more accurate and useful. You can get the details in a Special Report we publish called How to Cure Almost Any Cancer at Home for $5.15 a Day. (Click on that link to learn more about the report.) The test doesn’t specifically reveal which body part has cancer cells, but it lets you know you’ve got cancer somewhere — and you can proceed to get rid of it with the inexpensive home treatments Bill recommends.

    It really is an amazing home system for defeating cancer. I’ve known Bill for years and he’s a man of high integrity. He’s not in this for the money. He wants to help people. You owe it to yourself to learn about his approach.

    Even better is a breast cancer screening test called thermography, that I explain in detail in my book Breast Cancer Cover-Up. Thermography is completely safe, involves NO RADIATION, and detects breast cancer as much as ten years earlier than a mammogram! Breast Cancer Cover-Up goes over all your testing and treatment options for this dreaded type of cancer. If I do say so myself, it's a must read for every woman who has breast cancer or wants to be prepared just in case.

    Meanwhile, I could go on at great length about mammograms (and I will in a future issue). But for now what I find depressing about this debate is that so many poorly informed consumers demand MORE of the very treatments that are killing them.

    The problem is not just mammograms or breast cancer. ALL X-rays of any kind increase your risk of cancer no matter what part of the body is exposed. Why do you think the technician leaves the room while the picture is being taken? The procedure is deadly. And generally we Americans get X-rayed far more than necessary.

    In the past couple of decades the medical and dental professions have made an effort to reduce the number of X-rays and the dose of radiation per X-ray. You should do your part by avoiding them when you can.

    Most readers of this newsletter know that radiation is used not only to detect problems like tumors and fractures but also to treat cancer. High doses of radiation damage and kill existing cancer cells, but as I just said, they can also cause surrounding healthy cells to mutate. It’s very likely that radiation treatment actually increases your risk of more cancer sometime in the future — either a return of the original type of cancer or the birth of a new type you didn’t have before.

    The American Cancer Society — a strong supporter of conventional treatments -- provides some evidence for this on its website. The ACS explains that radiation therapy has the potential to cause DNA mutations that could lead to the development of cancer. It explains that some studies have associated radiation therapy with increased cases of thyroid cancer and early-onset breast cancer.

    The ACS also notes that patients with Hodgkin disease who receive radiation therapy are at an increased risk because the treatment "often delivers lower radiation doses to many areas of the body."

    In the opinion of the ACS, radiation’s benefits generally outweigh the risk, but they admit additional research is needed to maximize the benefits while minimizing the risk of secondary cancers.
Radiation even damages your heart!
    Besides the cancer dangers, published studies confirm a link between radiation therapy for cancer and damage to the heart. Dr. Gofman saw this years ago. He wrote, "Medical radiation, received even at very low doses, is an important cause of death from Ischemic Heart Disease; the probable mechanism is radiation-induction of mutations in the coronary arteries, resulting in dysfunctional clones (mini-tumors) of smooth muscle cells."

    Dr. Gofman was speculating, but a 2007 study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute suggests he was on the right track. The study found that radiation therapy poses a long-term heart disease risk for breast cancer survivors.

    The researchers compared breast cancer treatment options for 4,414 ten-year survivors of breast cancer and found that 21 percent of the group had some form of cardiovascular disease, with heart failure being the most common.

    In general, those patients who were treated with radiation therapy between 1970 and 1986 had about two to three times the risk of heart disease. Although doctors employ radiation more carefully now, it’s a cancer treatment to avoid if you can.

    I’ll give you my take on radiation, as well as most forms of chemotherapy (and keep in mind that I’m not a doctor). Cancer is a systemic disease. The whole body is sick. So merely destroying a tumor or killing cancer cells does little more than buy you time. In all too many cases, the cancer comes back.

    That’s why in this newsletter and in the reports we publish we’re always talking about sound nutrition, detoxifying the body and strengthening the immune system. In the seven years we’ve been publishing cancer information, every bit of evidence we’ve seen indicates this approach is at least as effective as the conventional treatments — and makes you a lot less miserable.
Online Publishing and Marketing

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Bowie State University Football: Vs Assumption Box Score and Scoring Summary.

Listen to the Audio Archive from US Sports Radio and BSU TV
Assumption vs Bowie State (Sep 1, 2012 at Bowie, MD)
Assumption (0-1) vs. Bowie State (1-0)
Date: Sep 1, 2012  • Site: Bowie, MD  • Stadium: Bulldogs  •  Attendance: 1064
Score by Quarters Score 
Assumption  14 0 0 6 20 
Bowie State  0 7 7 10 24 
1st 11:57 ASM  Sean Daigle 17 yd pass from Bobby Jordan (Tad Beuchert kick) 
      1 play, 17 yards, TOP 0:06 7 - 0 
 04:11 ASM  Nick Bolio 1 yd run (Tad Beuchert kick) 
      11 plays, 64 yards, TOP 6:00 14 - 0 
2nd 01:59 BSU  McINTYRE,Reginald 22 yd pass from JOHNSTON,Jared (DIAZ-AVILES,Mario kick) 
      8 plays, 0 yards, TOP 3:14 14 - 7 
3rd 10:39 BSU  McNEIL,Douglas 1 yd pass from JOHNSTON,Jared (DIAZ-AVILES,Mario kick) 
      9 plays, 60 yards, TOP 4:13 14 - 14 
4th 01:54 BSU  DIAZ-AVILES,Mario 37 yd field goal 
      12 plays, 65 yards, TOP 5:14 14 - 17 
 00:33 ASM  Scott Simonson 31 yd pass from Bobby Jordan (Tad Beuchert kick failed) 
      4 plays, 75 yards, TOP 1:12 20 - 17 
 00:05 BSU  McNEIL,Douglas 16 yd pass from JOHNSTON,Jared (DIAZ-AVILES,Mario kick) 
      4 plays, 65 yards, TOP 0:24 20 - 24 
Kickoff time: 1:00 pm  • End of Game: 4:04 pm  • Total elapsed time: 3:04
Referee: Sam Warren  •  Umpire: Keith Anders  •  Linesman: Tim Price  •  Line judge: Quentin Terry  •  Back judge: Bashan Hameed  •  Field judge: Frank Trevino  •  Side judge: Otis Moore  •  Scorer: Tasha Reeves  • 
Temperature: 88  • Wind: NW 8 mph • Weather: Partly Cloudy
Next Assumption Game: 9/7 vs. Saint Anselm - 7 pm
Next Bowie State Game: 9/6 at Benedict* - 8 pm
*CBS Sports Network Game of the Week