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Showing posts with label Breast Cancer coverup. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Breast Cancer coverup. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Curing Breast Cancer Without Surgery? Great Start to the New Year!

Consider This New, Easy Way To Treat Small Breast Tumors
(No Scars!)

In an earlier article I told you about a procedure doctors have been using since the 1990s to kill prostate cancer cells without surgery. Now it looks like this same innovative approach can be used on small breast tumors as well.
It’s exciting news (and not just because it’s almost painless, is an out-patient procedure, and leaves no scars). Nearly all women who are told they have early-stage breast cancer elect to have it cut out rather than take their chances on alternative treatments.
Although it’s a normal response, it’s also a panic response. I’d give alternative therapies two or three weeks, at least – and I bet you’ll be happy with the results. If you want to know what the best alternatives are, consider our Special Report Breast Cancer Cover-Up.

But if you’re in the majority who just wants to get rid of the darn thing, now conventional medicine has come up with a new way that sounds more reasonable to me than surgery. Keep reading to learn more. . .
Continued below…

The Amish Cancer SecretHow to cure just about any cancer the Amish way
Is it possible to cure just about any cancer the Amish way? Is it true that many Amish people easily get rid of cancer in just three or four weeks? Are the Amish onto something BIG?
To find out, I interviewed Jakob and Fannie, a young Amish couple from southern Minnesota. Jakob and Fannie are just two out of roughly 800 Amish people each year who travel 2,000 miles by train to go to a little-known cancer clinic.
They told me an amazing, lifesaving tip that everyone should know. . .but almost nobody does.
Click here and I’ll share it with you, absolutely FREE.

Cryoablation—also known as cryotherapy or cryosurgery—involves the use of controlled freeze-and-thaw cycles to destroy cancer cells in both malignant and benign tumors.
In 2012, IceCure Medical Ltd. of Israel successfully used their IceSense3 cryoablation procedure on four breast cancer patients to treat small, early stage breast cancer tumors (fibroadenomas).
Traditionally, a surgical biopsy was the only option for removing these tumors. But cryoablation provides a less invasive option that even the Food and Drug Administration approves for treating fibroadenomas.
IceSense3 has been developed specifically for breast tumors and uses ultrasound imaging to guide thin, hollow needles into the tumor.
Doctors then use liquid nitrogen or argon gas to cool the end of the needle to -274 F (-170 C). This turns the tumor into a ball of ice and allows your body to reabsorb the dead cells over time.
Use of the probe also helps ensure that only breast tumor cells are killed—leaving surrounding tissues unharmed.
Eisuke Fukuma, MD, PhD, Chairman of the Breast Center at Kameda Medical Center in Kamogawa City, Japan, is leader of a clinical trial that will eventually involve 30 small early stage breast cancer patients. Four have been treated as of the latest information I have.
In a company statement, Dr. Fukuma said “this procedure is an exciting step towards moving treatment of small, early stage breast cancer tumors from open surgery to a minimally invasive cryoablation procedure.”
What are the pros and cons
of this treatment?
Cryoablation has been used for years to treat both malignant and benign tumors. Over 400 published studies document the clinical value of cryotherapy to treat prostate cancer.
And recent studies show ten-year cure rates as high as 90% for low risk (presumably early stage) patients. This represents the same success rate as surgery or radiation treatments.
I actually think cryotherapy sounds like a more reasonable approach for early-stage breast cancer than for prostate cancer (see Issue #110 for my take on the latter). Situated deep within the body, the prostate is harder to reach with the probes and it’s more difficult to identify all the tumors and their precise locations.
But when treating breast cancer with freezing probes it sounds like it’s fairly easy to get where you want to go, kill only cancer cells, and get out with no damage to healthy tissue.
Recent technological advances have resulted in smaller probes that are easier to manage. These are ideal for use in treating breast cancer.
This new breast cancer treatment provides several advantages, including:
  • No hospitalization required—the procedure can be performed safely in a doctor’s office or breast center.
  • No anesthesia or sutures needed—this helps minimize any risk of infection or reactions to anesthetics, such as heart attack or stroke.
  • No invasive surgery involved—the 5 to 15-minute procedure helps speed recovery time.
  • No huge medical bills—cryoablation costs less than cancer surgery which may require lengthy hospital stays, anesthesia and prescription drugs.
  • No pain or scar tissue—most patients report minimal pain with the procedures and have little to no scarring within six months.
Now in all fairness, you must consider the less favorable aspect of cryoablation. In my opinion, it’s very minor, but I’ll mention it: It DOES involve the use of needles. Small and thin though they may be… some folks just can’t stomach them.
You’ll need to endure a needle for the local anesthesia as well as the one used to administer the gases to freeze the tumor cells. I don’t know why this would bother a person any more than being cut with a scalpel, but some people might have a different take.
U.S. researchers achieve similar results
In 2010, Peter J. Littrup, M.D., reported encouraging results in a study of 13 breast cancer patients who refused surgery. He’s an interventional radiologist and director of imaging research and image-guided therapy for the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute in Detroit, Michigan.
In a Science Daily article, Dr. Littrup explained that researchers inserted several needle-like probes through the skin at even spaces, which delivered the cold gas directly to the tumor.
A major difference between this study and prior methods of breast cryotherapy is the use of two or more probes to deliver the cold gas. Prior breast cryotherapy studies used only a single cryoprobe.
Littrup said early researchers also suggested that breast tumors larger than 1.5 centimeters could not be adequately treated with cryoablation.
But this assertion ignores the fact that men’s prostate glands—which average 5 centimeters—have been treated successfully with cryoablation for more than a decade!
When treating prostates with cryoablation, doctors typically use more than six probes to transfer the deadly cold temperatures throughout the whole gland.
Littrup’s team used this concept to attack breast tumors to ensure that the freezing gas saturated all areas of the women’s tumors.
Many medical professionals are encouraged by results of cryotherapy as a breast cancer treatment. One of the most positive results from the Michigan study is that the patients didn’t have to undergo additional surgery, aimed at proving the cancer tumors had been treated completely, following multi-probe cryoablation.
Although he stressed the need for more large studies on the use of this approach, Dr. Littrup said he believes cryotherapy will allow “accurate targeting of more difficult-to-see breast tumors.”
The American Cancer Society estimates that more than 40,000 people will die from breast cancer in 2013. Cryoablation could be a promising new treatment to help cut that number down to size!

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American Cancer Society. 2013. Cancer facts and figures. Report available online at
Boyles, S. 2010. Breast cancer treated by freezing tumors. WebMD. Retrieved from
Irby, W. 2012. First breast cancer patients treated with minimally invasive IceSense3 Cryoablation procedure. Retrived from
National Cancer Institute. 2003. Cryosurgery in cancer treatment: Questions and answers. Retrieved from
Society of Interventional Radiology (2010, March 20). Freezing out breast cancer. ScienceDaily. Retrieved from /releases/2010/03/100316101347.htm

Health Disclaimer: The information provided above is not intended as personal medical advice or instructions. You should not take any action affecting your health without consulting a qualified health professional. The authors and publishers of the information above are not doctors or health-caregivers. The authors and publishers believe the information to be accurate but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. There is some risk associated with ANY cancer treatment, and the reader should not act on the information above unless he or she is willing to assume the full risk.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

How botched-up dental work gives you cancer

Cancer Defeated Publications

How botched-up dental work
gives you cancer

Getting all the mercury amalgam fillings removed from your teeth is one of the easy no-brainers when it comes improving your health. Mercury is an obvious, clear-cut toxin. Only our dysfunctional medical-government complex could manage to pretend that mercury fillings are safe.
In the Alice in Wonderland world of government regulation, discardedmercury fillings are classified as toxic waste. Dentists must follow strict regulations for how they handle mercury fillings before they put them in patients' mouths and after they take them out. If they don't follow the regulations, dentists can be fined for contaminating the workplace and the environment.
Continued below…

The Invisible "TOXIC TRIGGER"
for Cancer and Arthritis...
. . .that no drug or supplement can stop!
It doesn't matter how careful you are about your diet, lifestyle and supplements — you may still be racked with illness if your dental work harbors poisons and infections. On the other hand. . .
Patients have tossed their wheelchairs, junked their medicines, reversed "hopeless" cancer -- and more -- just by getting rid of the secret poison in their mouths.
It's an absolute, proven fact that mystery ailments like fatigue, diabetes, even blindness can disappear when you eliminate this hidden trigger for disease.
But picking the right "biological dentist" is not easy. A lot of unqualified and half-qualified dentists are now claiming to be "mercury-free." They can do you a great deal of harm. The process of removing old fillings and root canals can release so much toxic material, you're better off leaving it alone than going to the wrong dentist. You need to know who are the top experts in the field and how to reach them. We can help.
Now Cancer Defeated publishes a compact 55-page Special Report to give you all the resources you need to get rid of root canals, mercury amalgam fillings and cavitations. This report will put you on your way to healing cancer AND avoiding it.

But as long as the filling is in your mouth, mercury is perfectly safe, according to the government of the United States and the "scientists" it has put in charge of your health.
In Sweden, the government will actually pay half the cost of having your mercury fillings removed! The Swedes figure it saves money for their health system in the long run, compared to treating heart disease, cancer, and arthritis caused by mercury poisoning. Norway, Germany and Austria have all outlawed mercury fillings.
You probably know that mercury fillings are dangerous, but there are a couple of other dental problems I bet you don't know about.
My good friend Bill Henderson, author of Cancer-Free, says, "At least 60% of the cancer patients I deal with have root canal-filled teeth (some as many as 10 or 11 such teeth). There is no question that these teeth cause cancer and many other degenerative conditions. If you have any root canal-filled teeth, you must have them removed immediately by a 'biological' dentist' if you want to recover from your cancer."
Bill Henderson thinks there's a clear correlation between botched dental work and cancer. He says he's known cancer patients to get completely well just by having their teeth fixed, without doing anything else, or at least not much.
While it's easy to figure out you need to have your mercury fillings and root-canaled teeth removed, it's not so easy to figure out who should do it. It's hard for a dentist to safely remove mercury fillings without releasing a large amount of mercury into the mouth and saliva. The patient runs the risk of inhaling mercury-contaminated vapor and swallowing mercury "down the hatch" into the stomach. There's a huge potential to take in more poison by having the fillings removed than by leaving them in place.
Only a small, embattled group of dentists called "biological dentists" have taken the danger of mercury fillings seriously enough to figure out a safe way to remove them. They've developed a protocol and trained other dentists how to do it.
We publish a Special Report called The Secret Poison in Your Mouth: Banish the hidden causes of cancer, heart disease and arthritis, written by M.L. Sarlin. The report gives you all the resources you need to locate a biological dentist who can help you. There's a lot more to it than you'd imagine. It would be a bad idea to surf the internet for a few minutes and pick just anyone who calls himself a "mercury-free" or biological dentist.
I had my own mercury fillings removed about 18 years ago by a dentist who followed the protocol and I've never had any regrets. The safety measures have been greatly refined and improved since then. I think some of the most significant advances have been in the detoxing steps you need to take in the weeks and months following the filling removal.
All the while, biological dentists have been subjected to fierce persecution from the American Dental Association. In some cases they've been denied the right to practice. And in many cases they keep their activities quiet, so you can only find out about them by word of mouth.
My dentist was censured for being critical of mercury. He was only allowed to continue in practice after agreeing to stop teaching patients about mercury's dangers. If a patient comes to him and asks for mercury-free treatments, including filling removal, he'll do it, but he's not allowed to take the initiative and tell patients this should be done.
At the same time, ever greater numbers of patients have started to demand non-mercury fillings (which any dentist can do), so it's become something of a fad for poorly qualified dentists to advertise themselves as "mercury-free".
So, weirdly, the best-qualified dentists are denied the right to practice while regular dentists with no training in the area are able to profit from the new demand for mercury-free dentistry.
A dental problem most peopledon't know about
While you've probably heard about the dangers of mercury amalgam fillings, and you may have heard the dangers of root canals, there's another dental condition most people don't know about called cavitation.
When dentists extract a tooth, they leave behind a membrane. This membrane can become infected and lead to a hole in the jawbone — called a cavitation. The gum heals over the wound from which the tooth was removed, and the patient thinks everything is just fine, but an infection festers inside the tightly sealed gum and lingers for years, even decades. It releases a steady stream of toxic bacteria into the bloodstream and can lead to a state of chronic inflammation related to arthritis, heart disease and other ailments.
Advocates of the cavitation theory believe the condition is common where wisdom teeth have been removed, although a cavitation can form where any tooth has been removed. If they're right, you could have a nasty, even fatal infection beneath that nub of gum where you used to have a wisdom tooth. Cavitations can also form at the base of root-canaled teeth.
Some doctors call cavitations a "hidden gangrene." In a book entitledThe Roots of Disease, Robert Kulacz, D.D.S. and Dr. Thomas Levy write, "In a review of 112 patients who were explored for possible cavitations, it was found that nearly 90% (313 out of 354) of wisdom tooth extraction sites had cavitated."
The dangers of mercury amalgam fillings and root canals are well established. You'll see the evidence if you order your own copy of our new Special Report, The Secret Poison in Your Mouth.
Cavitations are another story. This is a new, controversial theory. I first heard of it just a couple of years ago. I'm bringing it to your attention because I think it's another possible explanation for the "mystery diseases" that mainstream medicine can't explain or treat. I'm learning more and I may eventually seek treatment for the four sites of my long-gone wisdom teeth.
If you decide to take action and have the sites of your wisdom teeth examined and, if necessary, disinfected, most biological dentists won't do it for you. They either haven't bought into the theory or it's too far out and they don't want to invite more problems with the authorities than they already have.
The Secret Poison in Your Mouth will help you find someone to do this work if you choose. The procedure to fix cavitations is somewhat involved — the gum has to be cut open where the wisdom teeth used to be, the region has to be treated, the wound stitched shut, and then you have to return to have the stitches removed.
As often happens with new alternative treatments, there are people who say they've experienced huge improvements in their health, but there's no broad body of evidence to support the treatment. The Special Report provides what information we've been able to gather on the subject. Meanwhile, if you've got mercury amalgam fillings, that's a danger beyond dispute and I urge you to get the report.

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Health Disclaimer: The information provided above is not intended as personal medical advice or instructions. You should not take any action affecting your health without consulting a qualified health professional. The authors and publishers of the information above are not doctors or health-caregivers. The authors and publishers believe the information to be accurate but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. There is some risk associated with ANY cancer treatment, and the reader should not act on the information above unless he or she is willing to assume the full risk.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Cure deadly breast cancer with oxygen!?

Cure One of TheDeadliest Breast Cancers
With Oxygen!?
A breast surgeon laughed at
this safe home treatment , until
it saved his wife’s life when no scalpel could...
It’s a remarkable story that most breast cancer surgeons would rather not hear....
While they’re telling women that breast removal surgery is a must to survive breast cancer, there’s one breast cancer surgeon who sings a different tune.
This doctor experienced a stunning change of heart after a double mastectomy—removal of both breasts—failed his own wife. Her cancer came back and they were told it was “hopeless.”
The treatment she agreed to next wasn’t chemotherapy or radiation (she’d already tried those, and they didn’t heal her cancer either!) but a treatment he never learned about in medical school...
What saved her life was an all-natural oxygen therapy available without a prescription and backed by six decades of research—including studies in major medical journals—and thousands of success stories.
To his amazement it actually worked...
Watch this free video to see the proof for one easy treatment that’s so safe you can use it at home for a fraction of the cost of surgery, chemotherapy or radiation. This breakthrough discovery is bringing countless women with breast cancer back from death’s door.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Breast surgeon sees the light, embraces alternatives

Cancer Defeated Publications

Why This Breast Surgeon Changed Her Stance
About What Causes Cancer

How YOU Can Radically Slash
Your Risk of Becoming a Victim

She was trained as a board-certified breast surgeon – performing breast reconstructive surgeries on women who’d had full mastectomies from breast cancer. And she was a spokesperson for the American Cancer Society and fought for insurance coverage for breast reconstructive surgeries.
At one time she firmly believed there was no known cause – and no known cure – for breast cancer.
Then it struck her mother… a person who’d religiously followed all conventional advice… never missing an annual mammogram and regularly examining her own breasts. Her mother’s cancer was caught “early” by American standards, was less than 1 cm, and had not spread to her lymph nodes. Here’s what happened, and how it radically changed this surgeon’s mind about cancer. . .
Continued below…

Wipe Out 20 Years of Aging in 6 Months?
July 1990: Medical College of Wisconsin researchers revealed they found a way to reverse up to 20 years of aging in just 6 months – in a group of men as old as 81.
They lost 14.4% of their body fat... gained 8.8% lean body mass… their skin thickened... and their bone density increased. And it was backed up, peer reviewed, and published in one of the world’s most respected medical journals. 
Find out why this anti-aging miracle sat on the shelf for 22 years… Plus how you can get all details on how to ramp up your body’s production of this age-reversing compound all on your own – without a doctor. These long-held secrets are now out in the open. But for how long?

In theory, this surgeon’s mother shouldn’t have died…but five years later, she did.
And that started a radical shift in Dr. Christine Horner’s thinking. Especially when she noticed that the women coming to her for surgery were ever younger. She began to search for a reason why.
From there, she discovered many things women could do to avoid being stalked and hunted down by this killer. She quit her practice and wrote a comprehensive book detailing her discoveries.
Her book, Waking the Warrior Goddess, tells the story of her transformative “breakthroughs” and her shift to an understanding of natural ways to be well.
In it, she creates a 30-step program (in chapter 29) that you can start by yourself or with other “warrior goddesses” for new control of your life and health. And let me say right now that most of her 30 steps will reduce the risk of ANY kind of cancer for ANYONE, woman or man.
Many of these potent strategies can singlehandedly lower your breast cancer risk. Combine a bunch of them, and you may be able to slash your risk to near zero.
Who this savage killer is…
Breast cancer is a voracious killer willing to stalk any woman out of her teens. But like a lion on the savannah, its preferred targets are “slow easy targets”.The disease prefers older women with junk food diets, who carry around extra flab, and have suffered a major emotional trauma.
It’s even better if the prospect drinks a lot of alcohol, stays up half the night, works the night shift, and thinks organic fruits and vegetables are a waste of money. Thriving on stress, hating exercise, and burning the candle at both ends all add fuel to the fire. Again – let me stress that the same is true for other types of cancer.
Dr. Horner’s book will teach you how to become as unattractive to this monster as possible. She wants you to know you are FAR from powerless...
You can radically lower your risk, and improve your chances of survival even if you already have cancer.
Start with one thing…
Dr. Horner urges you to start with just one thing, and then add another every day, week, or month, until you’re implementing all 30 points in her plan.
Grab a friend or a group and make the journey together. The program is easy and stress-free, and with a friend by your side it’s even better. If you have teenage daughters, invite them to join in, too.
As the Chinese proverb says, “Be not afraid of going slowly; be afraid only of standing still.”
She prefers to call her plan 30 “customs”, rather than points or steps, emphasizing that every new thing you add will lower your risk of this dreaded disease.
Here are 12 from her list of 30:
  1. Eat fresh, organically grown fruits and vegetables every day, including cruciferous veggies such as broccoli and cabbage at least three to four times per week. Women who eat the most cruciferous vegetables have a 40% lower breast cancer risk. A major part of Nature’s anticancer pharmacy, they contain phytochemicals, fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins. Check out your local farmer’s market, health food store, or national chains like Whole Foods and Sprouts. Also CSA’s (Community Sponsored Agriculture), which are basically co-ops that sell locally grown foods. If you enjoy gardening, grow some of your own food organically. The “organic” part of this equation is especially important, as many pesticides, fertilizers, and herbicides cause cancer. And these days, genetically modified organisms are also a potential wild card for your health.
  2. Eat organic whole grains and seeds every day. Whole grains are conspicuously absent from the traditional American diet. But that doesn’t mean YOU should skip them. Realize that each plant contains its own blend of unique “medicines”. Be creative and have fun!
  3. Avoid health-destroying fats. Eat only those that promote your health – raw nuts, coconut oil, olive oil, avocado, macadamia nut oil, omega-3 fatty acids. And avoid anything with trans-fatty acids. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and gamma linolenic acid (BLA) are two other healthy fats that help you sidestep cancer. They’re rare in foods, so must be taken in supplement form.
  4. Eat two to three tablespoons of flaxseeds every day. Research shows that flaxseeds are one of the most powerful medicinal foods you can eat. Make sure they’re organically grown. Grind them in a coffee grinder and sprinkle on vegetables and salads, add to smoothies, include as a grain in muffins, or take in supplement form.
  5. Eat exotic Asian food like maitake mushrooms often. They’ve been part of Japanese medicine for thousands of years, and contain an army of therapeutic weapons against breast cancer. Maitake mushrooms stop tumor growth, make tumors shrink, and prevent them from spreading. They stimulate your immune system. When women with Stage 2 to 4 breast cancer were given maitake mushrooms, 68.8% of their tumors shrank. Eat them as a gourmet food, or take as a supplement.
  6. Drink green tea every day. Eight to 10 cups a day can lower your risk of breast cancer. And may extend your life if you already have cancer. Sip throughout the day, and it may not be so hard to drink that much. It can also be taken in supplement form if you dislike the taste or get too wired from the caffeine. (Green tea has much less caffeine than do black tea or coffee, but eight to ten cups is still a lot by my standards. Personally, I think the supplements are the most practical way to get the amount Dr. Horner recommends.)
  7. Consume turmeric every day. It’s extraordinary for fighting breast (and other) cancers. In fact, it’s considered the #1 anticancer spice. It inhibits cancer several ways… especially blocking the cancer-promoting action of the inflammatory COX-2 enzyme. It can be used as a spice, or taken as a supplement. Turmeric and green tea enhance each other’s anticancer effects. If you decide to take it as a supplement, look for curcumin, the concentrated extract of turmeric’s active ingredient.
  8. Avoid sugar. It’s a potent poison. Use stevia instead. Cancer loves sugar; it’s the preferred food of tumors. And it causes your insulin levels to spike, leading you straight to breast cancer, diabetes, and obesity. High insulin levels can increase your breast cancer risk by up to 283%.
  9. Lower your body fat. Obesity is linked to 20 to 30 percent of all postmenopausal breast cancers. Fat cells produce estrogen, especially after menopause. Environmental toxins are linked to obesity… they disrupt your normal weight-control signaling. (Another reason to eat organic foods. And I might add that monosodium glutamate – MSG – likewise leads to obesity. This additive – under many different names – is found in most processed foods.)
  10. Strictly limit your alcohol intake. F. Scott Fitzgerald once wisely said, “First you take a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes you.” Even one alcoholic drink per day can be risky if you’re low in folate. So if you take a glass a day, also take a folic acid supplement to reduce your risk. Never regularly indulge in two or more alcoholic drinks per day. Alcohol boosts your levels of estrogen and prolactin, and both stimulate cell division in your breasts that can turn into cancer.
  11. Throw out your toxic cleaning materials and cooking pans. Manufacturers are not required to list harmful chemicals, even though most products contain them. There’s an effective non-toxic alternative to replace every toxic cleaner. Also watch out for other home toxins – in furnishings, construction materials, dry cleaning, personal care products, lawn and garden products, and more… If you live in a new home, it’s likely the building materials will give off high levels of gases – “outgassing” -- so it’s a good idea to buy a good air filter. Outgassing levels are much lower in older homes. Certain houseplants can absorb toxins, so put a few in each room. And keep the temperature cooler to lower outgassing.
  12. “Early to bed, early to rise…” An Irish proverb states, “A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book.” Go to bed by 10:00 pm, and be up by 6:00 am. You’ll be following Nature’s rhythms, letting your body claim its highest surge of melatonin, which is hugely protective against breast cancer. For the other 18 action steps, consult Christine’s book, Waking the Warrior Goddess.
Final thoughts about this book…
Do I completely agree with everything Dr. Horner says? No. I think she’s wrong about a few things, including her soy recommendations.
And while most Americans could afford to decrease their protein, I don’t necessarily think ALL meat is bad. Some organic chicken, and even moderate amounts of grass fed beef, are thought to be healthy and are certainly hormone-free.
But you can be sure that eating conventional factory-farmed animals that were fed fattening (and GMO) corn and injected with a slew of drugs will be bad for your health.
Most doctors have absolutely no idea how to create extraordinary health. Do these things, and you’ll be way ahead of them. These steps could save your life.
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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The amazing healing power of light

Who Needs Drugs When
You've Got Light?

Last year, we brought you our first report on ultraviolet blood irradiation, also known as UBI (see Issue #235). It continues to be an astounding therapy for a host of diseases, including cancer.
According to Tom Lowe, an entrepreneur and researcher who connects medical professionals with UBI devices, UBI therapy has been overlooked for decades as a viable cancer treatment -- a terrible loss for millions of patients who could benefit. It’s also a quick, drug-free cure for most infections, even serious ones like polio. Let’s take a look…
Continued below…

Cancer Defeated Publications br>
“The Only Side Effect is Chronic Good Health”

That’s what Australian researchers reported after gathering case studies from doctors who used this natural compound in the treatment of cancer and other diseases. Recent studies indicate that this therapy shows promise in destroying cancer cells, leaving healthy ones unharmed. One Florida oncologist reported that in 30 out of his 40 patients with stage 4 cancers, this common compound shrunk tumors by half or more.

Why did the mainstream turn its back on this safe and effective cancer treatment? Discover the answer and how to get all the details on the treatment, HERE.

Mr. Lowe cited some remarkable stats at the 40th Annual Convention of the Cancer Control Society in September of 2012:
  • UBI therapy is backed by 70 years of history
  • It boasts virtually no side effects
  • Treatment is relatively inexpensive
  • The efficacy rate falls between 60 and 80 percent
On top of that, ultraviolet blood irradiation has demonstrated a positive effect on over 60 diseases. And according to William Campbell Douglass, author of a book about UBI therapy called Into the Light, it has brought about remarkable results in both prompting cancer remission and extending the lives of patients who have been diagnosed with cancer.
Powerful healing results first seen
seven decades ago
Though most commonly known as UBI, or ultraviolet blood irradiation, this is a treatment that goes by scores of other names: Biophotonic therapy, photo-oxidation therapy, photopheresis, ultraviolet blood therapy or UVB, hematologic oxidative therapy, extracorporeal photopheresis, and photo-luminescence.
It first came about in 1928 when Emmitt K. Knott, a scientist, began experimenting with light. He assisted in the case of a woman dying of sepsis (infection). Knowing that light kills bacteria and viruses, he withdrew a small amount of her blood, exposed it to light, put it back in her body, and miraculously, the woman lived.
The treatment was studied for the next two decades by scientists at prestigious schools like Georgetown University. A Dr. Henry Barrett reported treating over 110 cases of disease with UBI by 1940. The treatment was even cited in a 1949 issue of Time Magazine, which called it the “miracle of the future.”
But then the 1950s hit and all attention in the medical world began to focus on antibiotics and vaccines as the main tools to fight infections. However, in Russia and Germany, practitioners have continued to take an interest in UBI. Currently around 3,000 European providers offer it to their patients. The U.S. has only around 250 practitioners skilled in UBI treatment.
Twenty years ago, Yale University reignited interest in UBI after using it to treat T-cell lymphoma. The researchers even got FDA approval for the treatment. From there, Johnson & Johnson purchased and named it TherakosTM Photopheresis System. They now administer it in over 200 centers around the world and have treated more than 600,000 patients. Cost ranges between $2,500 and $4,000 per treatment, and patients require an average of 10 treatments total.
That’s interesting because, according to Tom Lowe, you only need a minimum of four treatments (depending on your illness). And many alternative doctors will give you the treatment for a much lower price.
Not to beat around the bush: $2,500- $4,000 per treatment is a ripoff. Mainstream medicine strikes again!
How UV light supercharges the immune system
Here’s how it works: Using a butterfly needle and a syringe, between 40 and 60 cubic centimeters (cc) of blood is withdrawn from your arm. Then it gets mixed with saline solution and passes through 26 seconds of ultraviolet light before being re-infused back into your body.
That’s it. As you can see, this isn’t a $4,000 procedure. But it does deliver $4,000 of value!
The logic behind diluting the blood is that one study showed light couldn’t penetrate more than five blood cells deep (30 microns, or 1 ml). So diluting the blood makes the therapy much easier to administer, not to mention more effective. The calculated mixture works out to be about 12 percent blood and 88 percent saline, which still absorbs 99.9 percent of the UV light. It also means less clotting time, a lower chance of problems, lower disposal quantities, and fewer staffing/nursing costs.
Now, we all know that putting something dank out in bright sunlight for a few hours is bound to kill the smell, lighten the stain, or eliminate bacterial spread. UBI treatment works the same way. The type of activated light from the 400-780 nanometer point on the visible spectrum (white light) flat-out kills bacteria and viruses.
UBI tears apart the DNA strands of the offending particles and sends them back into the body where they exhibit a vaccine-like response. Many people wonder why the treatment requires only 40 ccs of blood at one time, but researchers in this field counter by pointing out it only takes 1 cc of a vaccine to get an effective immune response.
It helps that bacteria and viruses in your bloodstream will absorb five times as much photonic energy as your red and white blood cells. That’s exactly how the UV light exposure kills infecting organisms. The fragments of those killed-off infectious agents are what stimulate the vaccination-like response in your body and go on to heighten your immune response. From there, your supercharged immune system is able to launch a new attack on harmful agents throughout the body.
Now of course, the body has to respond to the treatment. But assuming it does, then any form of virus or bacteria in your blood gets eradicated. And along with ramping up your immune system, the treatment also improves circulation and oxygenates tissues.
If you turn to UBI to treat an autoimmune disorder like lupus, allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, or even a rash, it has a balancing effect that is helpful in 50 to 60 percent of cases. Other benefits to treatment include anti-inflammatory effects, stimulation of red blood cell production, and improvement in blood flow.
It’s even known to cure shingles in two days. Two days! If you’ve ever had shingles – one of the most painful diseases known – you can appreciate what a blessing it would have been to have access to this therapy.
It should be in every doctor’s office in the country – not in a mere 250. And it should cost maybe $100, not $4,000. (Again: The original UBI therapy offered by alternative doctors doesn’t cost anywhere near the price of Johnson & Johnson’s new FDA-approved boondoggle.)
UBI is definitely useful as a cancer therapy, though several practitioners recommend using it as part of a multi-pronged approach. It’s an ideal adjunctive therapy for cancer in that it adds oxygen to the body, cuts pain, reduces inflammation, and decreases infections. Lifestyle, immune system, nutrition, and detoxification all go hand-in-hand with UBI.
One to two treatments per month are recommended. And several practitioners also view ozone therapy (see Issue #226) as a treatment that complements the effects of UBI.
An ideal treatment to add
to any pro-health regimen
The biggest argument against UBI is that “light simply can’t do that.” And there’s very little new research about it, including dissenting comments. You won’t even find anything about it on Quackwatch, the website run by mainstream docs known for lambasting virtually all alternative therapies—both the good and bad ones.

    To the best of my knowledge, UBI is a really effective therapy, and an absolutely safe one. So why aren’t more hospitals and doctors using it? For starters, there’s the ever-present challenge that it’s not mainstream, not officially accepted. There’s also a good dose of skepticism and ignorance out there, plus there’s not enough money to support more research. And of course, it’s not currently business-driven and is being held back as a widespread treatment by the FDA (although it’s not actually illegal -- doctors can legally administer UBI under section 21).

    Is it worth a try? Absolutely. To learn more about where you can access treatment, visit

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“Blood irradiation therapy.” Article: Wikipedia.
“First Patient Enrolled In Therakos Phase Two Study For Treatment Of Graft-Versus-Host Disease.” Products & Operating Company: Johnson & Johnson News page: Press Release published 6 December 2011.
Into the Light, by Douglass, William Campbell. Rhino Publishing, SA: Republic of Panama. 1993.
“The Light Fantastical.” By Mark Crislip for Science-Based Medicine. 2 November 2012.
“Therakos: Photopheresis.” Located 19 October 2013.
“UVB UltraViolet Therapy.” Oxygen Healing Therapies, Located 19 October 2013.
“Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation.” Patient Care: Therapies, The Riordan Clinic.
“Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation.” Treatments at the Wycoff Wellness Center. Located 19 October 2013.
“Ultraviolet Irradiation of Blood.” G.I. Levashenko Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 33, No. 3, 1999, pp. 141-143.
“What The Heck is UBI (Ultraviolet Blood Irradition Therapy) and Why Am I Hooked To An IV?” By Kevin Gianni, The Renegade Health Show #915. Published 27 January 2012.
“When Medicines Have Failed: BioPhotonic Therapy – The Cure the Time Forgot.” Physicians UBI Awareness Center.
Cancer Defeated Publications

Sunday, October 27, 2013

8 best plants nutrients for breast health

Cancer Defeated Publications

8 Plants and Herbs Scientifically Proven To Support Breast Health

October is the American Cancer Society’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month. What they mostly want you to be aware of is slash-burn-poison conventional treatments and the "urgent" need to spend money on the search for a cure (which never materializes and probably never will, given their way of doing things; the War on Cancer is the opposite of the moon program - it’s never going to land anywhere).
 But breast cancer is a big deal, in view of the sheer numbers of women who are affected - about 50,000 newly diagnosed cases each year. One woman out of eight will get this disease. So by all means, let’s do something about breast cancer during these last few days of October - something useful.
To be specific, I want to give you the lowdown on what may be the eight best plant substances you can take for breast health (plus some good news - now they’re all combined in one supplement, although you can get them from foods if you prefer)…

Continued below…

"How to Make a Cancer Tumor
Dissolve in 40 Seconds"
There's an amazing video that shows how a woman's cancer tumor was dissolved in 40 seconds!

    The orange-sized tumor disappeared in front of everyone's eyes without surgery - and without anyone ever touching her
body - while a video camera filmed the ultrasound screen showingthe tumor dissolving in real-time.

    The video footage is incredible. Click here to watch the 5-minute video that will convince you that cancer is, indeed, curable

    The touch-free healing practice that dissolved the tumor is justone of the top natural cancer cures that health practitioners have hailed as the "best of the best." In the video, you'll discover 5 equally powerful natural cancer cures that deliver stunning results. You're not likely to hear about these from your doctor.
You should consider these eight ingredients scientifically proven to help you keep your breasts healthy…
  • Quercetin
  • Turmeric rhizome extract (BCM-95®)
  • Astragalus membranaceus root extract
  • Scutellaria barbata extract
  • DIM
  • Mushroom complex — Coriolus versicolor, Reishi, and Phellinus linteus
Take them one by one…
Quercetin is the flavonoid that gives fruits and vegetables their colors. It’s an antioxidant, able to scavenge free radical destroyers that tamper with DNA and cause cellular death.
Quercetin also supports cholesterol within a healthy range, has antihistamine and anti-inflammatory qualities, and protects your cardiovascular system and your cells.
Studies show you’ll be healthier if you eat more fruits and veggies. Quercetin is one of the reasons for that. For food sources, try citrus, apples, onions, and dark berries like blueberries, blackberries, and bilberries.
Turmeric is a spice often used in Asian dishes, part of the ginger family. It's well-established that turmeric is a strong anti-inflammatory. Now, early trials seem to show that turmeric can help stop faulty cellular division.  I can believe it, on the grounds that cancer rates are often lower in countries where turmeric consumption is high. We can’t be sure, but turmeric may be one of the reasons if not THE reason.
The highly absorbable, patented form of turmeric called BCM-95® is recommended, for its particular ability to support cellular health.
Astragalus boosts your immune system… which is an important virtue in itself.
 It also seems to be able to "light up" rogue cells so your immune system can easily detect and destroy them. One study showed that Astragalus helped create higher quantities of interferon and leukocytes in the blood stream.
Astragalus has both immune modulating and adaptogenic actions, working synergistically. In plain English, this means it has the capacity to tune your immune function up or down, as appropriate.
Scutellaria barbata is a potent herb whose roots, leaves and stems may be rich in the flavonoid wogonin and other powerful phytochemicals.
Studies showed that nine different Scutellaria extracts significantly stopped rogue cells from spreading in human breast, prostate and brain cells. Not surprisingly, using higher doses of the substance, for a longer time, resulted in more of those cells being killed.
Incidentally four leaf extracts were effective at triggering the death of rogue cells in the brain. When all four were taken together in low doses, they blocked unwanted cellular growth and division in the brain by nearly 50 percent. Individually, they did not.
DIM. 3, 3’-Di-Indolylmethane (DIM) is an active byproduct of cruciferous vegetables. Cruciferous veggies include cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, rutabaga, turnip, bok choy, and Brussels sprouts. Though your mother probably didn’t know about the amazing compounds they contain, she had it right about their health benefits.
As you hit middle age, it’s much more important to eat them… as both men and women can experience hormonal and metabolic changes that kick estrogen action into high gear. Without even trying, you can become "estrogen dominant".
In overweight men, testosterone converts into estrogen, and then rising estrogen competes with falling testosterone.
Women become estrogen dominant just by virtue of the hormonal changes linked to perimenopause and menopause.
But DIM can also protect against acquired estrogen imbalance (for men and women), which has a lot to do with the influence of your diet andchemicals. "Estrogenic" chemicals are dangerous for alli.
About 20 years ago renowned breast cancer researcher, H. Leon Bradlow, Ph.D., discovered that women with breast and uterine cancer made too little of the "good" estrogen 2-hydroxy and too much of the "bad" 16-hydroxy kindii.
Cancer Defeated Publications
16-hydroxy acts like a "super-estrogen", stirring up mutations and abnormal growthiii,iv. Obese people also overproduce 16-hydroxy estrogenv.
DIM supports estrogen balance. It can steer your body away from 16-hydroxy production and toward beneficial 2-hydroxy metabolites.
But you’d likely have to eat several pounds of broccoli per day to get the DIM needed to support estrogen balance in today’s chemical-ridden world. Stay tuned, there’s a supplement that can help you avoid that fate.
Medicinal Mushrooms have been treasured for their potent health support for almost two millennia. They are some of the most powerful botanicals to put into your natural health arsenal.
Dozens of medicinal mushrooms have been chosen for their ability to boost your immune system on a long-term basis. Three that are especially important for breast support are Coriolus versicolorReishi, and Phellinus linteus.
Mushrooms naturally contain Beta-glucans, and boost macrophage activity.

You could create your own powerful breast botanical,
But you don’t have to
Why buy all eight of these ingredients separately when you can take a convenient 8-in-1 “done-for-you” formulation? Dr. Isaac Eliaz, an integrative physician whom I greatly respect, has done all the hard work.
 He’s created a scientifically researched formulation and sourced all the ingredients, to put together a high level of support for your breast health. So there’s no need to spend your precious time researching and sourcing everything yourself.

Every ingredient in BreastDefend was selected based on scientific research on phytonutrients, antioxidants, and botanically enhanced medicinal mushrooms.
This blend offers dynamic, comprehensive support for breast health at the cellular, genetic, immune, and hormonal levels. And it also promotes overall vitality.
How BreastDefend Supports Your Breast Health
BreastDefend has been shown to:
  • Promote breast health
  • Promote healthy hormone balance
  • Support cellular health
  • Promote healthy immune function

Let’s tackle each one of these one by one…
  1. Promote breast health.
    Three major peer-reviewed studies demonstrate this formula’s protective effects. It was proven to slow cancer growth, suppress genes that promote cancer, and hinder metastases.
    BreastDefend was shown to inhibit breast cancer metastasis to lung
    Researchers found this supplement suppresses cancer invasiveness, modulates the expression of cancer cell cycle genes and decreases metastasis, all without toxic side effects.,vii
  2. Promotes healthy hormonal balance.Proven by scientists, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower are breast-protective. This is attributed to the compound DIM (3,3’-di-Indolylmethane) - which promotes beneficial estrogen metabolism and hormonal balance.
    New in vitro (test-tube) research that was conducted in an estrogenic environment shows that BreastDefend works alone against estrogen-dependent rogue cells that proliferate in such an environment. It also works synergistically with Tamoxifen, if you happen to be taking this prescription drug. This exciting study was just announced October 10-12, 2013, at the 18th World Congress on Advances in Oncology and the 16th International Symposium on Molecular Medicine in Crete, Greece.
  3. Supports cellular healthBreastDefend contains a patented, highly bioavailable form of turmeric (BCM-95®) that’s been shown to promote cellular health. This turmeric was paired with the celebrated antioxidant, quercetin – which synergistically delivers astounding cellular health support.
    Shop for 2013 NFL Breast Cancer Awareness Apparel and Accessories But there’s more…
    The herbs Astragalus and Scutellaria barbata both make contributions, as time-tested herbs with active compounds like saponins. Studies show that saponins and similar compounds support healthy breast cell behavior.
  4. Powerful Immune SupportAs described above, mushrooms contribute to a healthy immune response, and naturally contain beta-glucans.

Whether you favor a conventional, complementary or a holistic medical paradigm, BreastDefend can help support your breast cell health.
It is safe to use with conventional chemotherapy and radiation treatments. And it’s also been shown to work synergistically with PectaSol-C® Modified Citrus Pectinviii, another supplement created by Dr. Eliaz. This combination offers a significant increase in cellular and breast health protection and support.
Want to get BreastDefend for yourself or a loved one? You can click hereif you’d like to order this valuable supplement or call 1-800-308-5518 and mention code LEJV10M.